- It is not a rare disease; in one series it accounted for between 5 and 24 admissions per year at a pediatric hospital.(HIM.2128)
- 関
- a line of、a sequence of、a series of、barrage、consecutive、continually、continue、continuous、lineage、paradigmatic、sequence、sequential、serial、strain、system
- (electronics) connection of components in such a manner that current flows first through one and then through the other; "the voltage divider consisted of a series of fixed resistors"
- a periodical that appears at scheduled times (同)serial, serial publication
- (mathematics) the sum of a finite or infinite sequence of expressions
- (sports) several contests played successively by the same teams; "the visiting team swept the series"
- a group of postage stamps having a common theme or a group of coins or currency selected as a group for study or collection; "the Post Office issued a series commemorating famous American entertainers"; "his coin collection included the complete series of
- similar things placed in order or happening one after another; "they were investigating a series of bank robberies"
- the act of admitting someone to enter; "the surgery was performed on his second admission to the clinic" (同)admittance
- an acknowledgment of the truth of something
- (physical chemistry) a sample of matter in which substances in different phases are in equilibrium; "in a static system oil cannot be replaced by water on a surface"; "a system generating hydrogen peroxide"
- instrumentality that combines interrelated interacting artifacts designed to work as a coherent entity; "he bought a new stereo system"; "the system consists of a motor and a small computer"
- a group of independent but interrelated elements comprising a unified whole; "a vast system of production and distribution and consumption keep the country going" (同)scheme
- a complex of methods or rules governing behavior; "they have to operate under a system they oppose"; "that language has a complex system for indicating gender" (同)system of rules
- a group of physiologically or anatomically related organs or parts; "the body has a system of organs for digestion"
- a procedure or process for obtaining an objective; "they had to devise a system that did not depend on cooperation"
- the living body considered as made up of interdependent components forming a unified whole; "exercise helped him get the alcohol out of his system"
- continue after an interruption; "The demonstration continued after a break for lunch"
- exist over a prolonged period of time; "The bad weather continued for two more weeks"
- continue talking; "I know its hard," he continued, "but there is no choice"; "carry on--pretend we are not in the room" (同)go_on, carry on, proceed
- continue a certain state, condition, or activity; "Keep on working!"; "We continued to work into the night"; "Keep smiling"; "We went on working until well past midnight" (同)go_on, proceed, go along, keep
- do something repeatedly and showing no intention to stop; "We continued our research into the cause of the illness"; "The landlord persists in asking us to move" (同)persist in
- keep or maintain in unaltered condition; cause to remain or last; "preserve the peace in the family"; "continue the family tradition"; "Carry on the old traditions" (同)uphold, carry on, bear on, preserve
- determine the order of constituents in; "They sequenced the human genome"
- a following of one thing after another in time; "the doctor saw a sequence of patients" (同)chronological sequence, succession, successiveness, chronological succession
- film consisting of a succession of related shots that develop a given subject in a movie (同)episode
- serial arrangement in which things follow in logical order or a recurrent pattern; "the sequence of names was alphabetical"; "he invented a technique to determine the sequence of base pairs in DNA"
- several repetitions of a melodic phrase in different keys
- arrange in a sequence
- of a function or curve; extending without break or irregularity
- continuing in time or space without interruption; "a continuous rearrangement of electrons in the solar atoms results in the emission of light"- James Jeans; "a continuous bout of illness lasting six months"; "lived in continuous fear"; "a continuous row of warehouses"; "a continuous line has no gaps or breaks in it"; "moving midweek holidays to the nearest Monday or Friday allows uninterrupted work weeks" (同)uninterrupted
- pertaining to or occurring in or producing a series; "serial monogamy"; "serial killing"; "a serial killer"; "serial publication"
- a serialized set of programs; "a comedy series"; "the Masterworks concert series" (同)series
- of or relating to the sequential performance of multiple operations; "serial processing" (同)in series, nonparallel
- pertaining to or composed in serial technique; "serial music"
- the rare-earth elements with atomic numbers 57 through 71; having properties similar to lanthanum
- (関連のあるもの・同種のものの)(規則的な)『連続』,一続き《+『of』+『名』》 / (同種の貨幣・切手などの)一組(set)《+『of』+『名』》 / (テレビ番組などの)連続物;(出版物の)双書,シリーズ / (電気の)直列 / (電気が)直列の
- 〈U〉(場所・学校・会などへ)『入ることを許すこと』,入場(入学,入会)許可,(…へ)入る権利《+『to』+『名』》 / 〈U〉(…への)入場料,入学(入会)金《+『to』+『名』》 / 〈C〉(事実・誤りなどを)認めること,白状,容器
- 〈C〉(関連した部分から成る)『体系』,系統,組織[網],装置 / 〈C〉(教育・政治などの)『制度』,機構;《the~》体制 / 〈C〉(思想・学問などの)『体系』,学説 / 〈C〉(…の)『方法』,方式,やり方《+of doing》 / 〈U〉正しい方針(筋道,順序) / 〈U〉《the~》(身体の)組織,系統 / 〈U〉《the~,one's~》身体,全身
- 〈物事〉'を'『続ける』,持続する;(中断後)…'を'また始める,継続する / 《しばしば受動態で》《副詞[句]を伴って》(ある位置・状態に)〈人〉'を'とどませる / 『続く』,継続する / 《副詞[句]を伴って》(ある地位・状態などに)『とどまる』 / (話を一度中断してまた)続ける
- 〈U〉〈C〉(時間の上の,また因果関係のつながりによる)『連続』,続き / 〈C〉《a~》(…の)一連のもの《+『of』+『名』》 / 〈U〉(起こる)『順序』(order),筋道 / 〈C〉(…に対する)結果《+『to』+『名』》
- (時間的・空間的に)『切り目なく続く』;続けざまの,途切れない
- (雑誌などの)連載物;定期刊行物;(テレビ・ラジオなどの)続き物,連続物 / 続き物の,連続物の / 連続している,順次の
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Not to be confused with Ceres (disambiguation).
For the sets of articles used to cover broad topics on Wikipedia, see Wikipedia:Article series.
Look up series in Wiktionary, the free dictionary. |
Series (singular) may refer to anything of a serial form:
- 1 Mathematics and science
- 2 Media
- 3 Music
- 4 Other uses
Mathematics and science
- Series (botany), a taxonomic rank between genus and species
- Series (mathematics), the sum of a sequence of terms
- Series circuits, a kind of electrical network
- Seriation (archaeology), a method of dating objects
- Seriation (semiotics), a concept in interpreting phenomena
- Series (stratigraphy), a stratigraphic unit deposited during a certain interval of geologic time
- Book series
- Comic book series
- Film series
- Podcast series
- Radio series
- Television series
- Video game series
- Web series
- Serialism including the twelve-tone technique
- The ordered sets used in serialism including tone rows
- The harmonic series (music)
See also: sequence
Other uses
- Series (United States currency), referring to the year that a bill's design was adopted
- A sequence of competitive sports events, sometimes to decide a championship
- See also World Series (disambiguation)
- Serial (radio and television), series of television or radio programs that rely on a continuing plot
- "Television series", the Australian, British, and a number of others countries' equivalent term for the North American "television season", a set of episodes produced by a television serial.
- Land Rover Series, early Land Rover workhorses (forerunners to the Defender)
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English Journal
- Analysis of oestrogenic compounds in dairy products by hollow-fibre liquid-phase microextraction coupled to liquid chromatography.
- Socas-Rodríguez B, Asensio-Ramos M, Hernández-Borges J, Rodríguez-Delgado MÁ.SourceDepartamento de Química Analítica, Nutrición y Bromatología, Facultad de Química, Universidad de La Laguna (ULL), Avenida Astrofísico Francisco Sánchez s/n°, 38206 La Laguna, Tenerife, Spain.
- Food chemistry.Food Chem.2014 Apr 15;149:319-25. doi: 10.1016/j.foodchem.2013.10.066. Epub 2013 Oct 25.
- In this work, the potential of a hollow-fibre liquid-phase microextraction (LPME)-based method has been studied and validated for the extraction of a group of nine oestrogenic compounds four of them being natural (oestriol, 17β-oestradiol, 17α-oestradiol and oestrone), four being synthetic (17α-e
- PMID 24295713
- Preface for the special issue of Mathematical Biosciences and Engineering, BIOCOMP 2012.
- Buonocore A, Crescenzo AD, Hastings A.SourceDipartimento di Matematica e Applicazioni, Universita di Napoli Federico II, Via Cintia, Napoli, Italy. aniello.buonocore@unina.it.
- Mathematical biosciences and engineering : MBE.Math Biosci Eng.2014 Apr 1;11(2):i-ii. doi: 10.3934/mbe.2014.11.2i.
- The International Conference "BIOCOMP2012 - Mathematical Modeling and Computational Topics in Biosciences, was held in Vietri sul Mare (Italy), June 4-8, 2012. It was dedicated to the Memory of Professor Luigi M. Ricciardi (1942-2011), who was a visionary and tireless promoter of the 3 previous ed
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- Fabrication of 2D ordered mesoporous carbon nitride and its use as electrochemical sensing platform for H2O2, nitrobenzene, and NADH detection.
- Zhang Y, Bo X, Nsabimana A, Luhana C, Wang G, Wang H, Li M, Guo L.SourceFaculty of Chemistry, Northeast Normal University, 130024 Changchun, PR China.
- Biosensors & bioelectronics.Biosens Bioelectron.2014 Mar 15;53:250-6. doi: 10.1016/j.bios.2013.10.001. Epub 2013 Oct 9.
- Two-dimensional ordered mesoporous carbon nitride (OMCN) has been successfully prepared for the first time using SBA-15 mesoporous silica and melamine as template and precursor respectively, by a nano hard-templating approach. A series of OMCN-x samples with different pyrolysis temperatures have bee
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- Role of non-covalent interactions in the production of visco-elastic material from zein.
- Smith BM, Bean SR, Selling G, Sessa D, Aramouni FM.SourceUSDA-ARS Center for Grain and Animal Health Research, 1515 College Ave., Manhattan, KS 66502, USA. Electronic address: bmsmith10@alaska.edu.
- Food chemistry.Food Chem.2014 Mar 15;147:230-8. doi: 10.1016/j.foodchem.2013.09.152. Epub 2013 Oct 9.
- The role of non-covalent interactions in the formation of visco-elastic material from zein was investigated. Hydrophobic interactions were evaluated through the addition of various salts from the Hofmeister series. Urea, ethanol, and beta mercaptoethanol (β-ME) were used to evaluate the effects of
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Japanese Journal
- 高齢者の口腔内セネストパチー : 20症例の後方視的調査
- Statistical approach for solid-state NMR spectra of cellulose derived from a series of variable parameters (Special Issue : NMR of Polymers : Recent advances and innovations)
- Okushita Keiko,Komatsu Takanori,Chikayama Eisuke [他]
- Polymer journal 44(8), 895-900, 2012-08
- NAID 40019360982
- ICIC express letters. an international journal of research and surveys. Part B, Applications : 3(4), 983-990, 2012-08
- NAID 40019356675
- ICIC express letters. an international journal of research and surveys. Part B, Applications : 3(4), 853-859, 2012-08
- NAID 40019356290
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- 連続的な、連続する、連続性の、持続的な、持続性の、持続型の、継続的な、稽留の
- 関
- a sequence of、barrage、consecutive、consecutively、continual、continually、continue、continued、continuity、continuously、insurmountable、long-lasting、permanent、permanently、persistent、persistently、persisting、plateau、progressively、repository、sequence、sequential、serial、serially、series、successive、successively、sustained、tonic、tonically
- 連続的な、系列の、経時的な、時系列の、逐次の、配列の、順次の、結果としての
- 関
- arrange、arrangement、array、chronologic、chronological、chronologically、consequent、consequential、constellation、continual、continuous、continuously、lineage、paradigmatic、progressively、sequence、sequentially、serial、serially、series、successive、successively、time-dependent
- 英
- 関
- 一連、系、継続、継続性、継続的、稽留、系列、結果、シークエンス、シーケンス、シリーズ、持続性、持続的、順序、筋道、存続、続く、続ける、配列、配列決定、頻繁、連続性、連続的、絶えず、持続型、連発
- 関
- a sequence of、arrange、arrangement、array、barrage、consecutive、consequence、constellation、continually、continue、continuous、order、ordinal、outcome、output、product、result、resultant、sequencing、sequential、serial、series、thread
- Fifty-two consecutive patients treated with oral nilotinib, 400 mg twice daily, within the nilotinib compassionate use programme in 12 European cancer centres, were included in this retrospective analysis.
- 関
- a sequence of、barrage、consecutively、continually、continue、continuous、sequence、serial、series
- 関
- a line of、a sequence of、series
- 関
- プセウドニッチア属