- 関
- above-mentioned、foregoing、precede、precedence、preliminary
- existing or coming before
- furnish with a preface or introduction; "She always precedes her lectures with a joke"; "He prefaced his lecture with a critical remark about the institution" (同)preface, premise, introduce
- be the predecessor of; "Bill preceded John in the long line of Susans husbands" (同)come before
- move ahead (of others) in time or space (同)lead
- come before; "Most English adjectives precede the noun they modify" (同)predate
- denoting an action or event preceding or in preparation for something more important; designed to orient or acquaint with a situation before proceeding; "a preliminary investigation"
- something that serves as a preceding event or introduces what follows; "training is a necessary preliminary to employment"; "drinks were the overture to dinner" (同)overture, prelude
- a minor match preceding the main event (同)prelim
- status established in order of importance or urgency; "...its precedence as the worlds leading manufacturer of pharmaceuticals"; "national independence takes priority over class struggle" (同)precedency, priority
- especially of writing or speech; going before
- mentioned or named earlier in the same text (同)above-named
- (時間・順位などが)『先の』,前の(previous)
- …‘より'『先に来る』(『行く』) / …‘の'上位である,より重要である / …‘に'先だつ,‘の'先に起こる / (…で)…‘に'前置をする《+『名』+『with』+『名』》 / 先行する,先に(前に)来る
- 『準備する』,『予備の』;前置きの / 《通例複数形で》準備の処置,予備行動,下準備 / 予備試験;前座試合;予選
- (時間・順位などが)先に来ること / (地位・重要性などが)上であること / (公式の席などでの)上席
- 前述の,上記の
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English Journal
- Directed endothelial cell morphogenesis in micropatterned gelatin methacrylate hydrogels.
- Nikkhah M, Eshak N, Zorlutuna P, Annabi N, Castello M, Kim K, Dolatshahi-Pirouz A, Edalat F, Bae H, Yang Y, Khademhosseini A.SourceCenter for Biomedical Engineering, Department of Medicine, Brigham and Women's Hospital, Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA 02139, USA; Harvard-MIT Division of Health Sciences and Technology, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
- Biomaterials.Biomaterials.2012 Dec;33(35):9009-18. doi: 10.1016/j.biomaterials.2012.08.068. Epub 2012 Sep 24.
- Engineering of organized vasculature is a crucial step in the development of functional and clinically relevant tissue constructs. A number of previous techniques have been proposed to spatially regulate the distribution of angiogenic biomolecules and vascular cells within biomaterial matrices to pr
- PMID 23018132
- Fast determination of N-phenylpropenoyl-l-amino acids (NPA) in cocoa samples from different origins by ultra-performance liquid chromatography and capillary electrophoresis.
- Lechtenberg M, Henschel K, Liefländer-Wulf U, Quandt B, Hensel A.SourceInstitute of Pharmaceutical Biology and Phytochemistry (IPBP), University of Münster, Hittorfstraße 56, 48149 Münster, Germany.
- Food chemistry.Food Chem.2012 Dec 1;135(3):1676-84. Epub 2012 Jun 19.
- N-Phenylpropenoyl-l-amino acids (NPA) are among the key contributors to the astringent taste of cocoa. Two fast and easy to use methods (CE and UPLC®, both with PDA detection) for routine determination of the main NPA were developed. Crude extracts of defatted seeds were analysed by means of capill
- PMID 22953909
Japanese Journal
- 芝原 優真,中野 幹生,Eric Nichols,山本 一公
- 情報処理学会研究報告. SLP, 音声言語情報処理 2015-SLP-106(8), 1-7, 2015-05-18
- Project Next NLP の対話タスクで収集された雑談対話データを対象に,システムの発話が対話の破綻,すなわち不適当なシステムの発話かどうかを検出する手法の検討を行った.検出は,各システム発話が破綻か破綻でないかの 2 値分類をデータから学習された分類器を用いることで行った.分類に用いる特徴量として,当該システム発話に現れる単語の集合に加え,当該システム発話と,その直前のシステム発話やユー …
- NAID 110009899878
- 軽石培地を用いた養液栽培における前作栽培作物の種類がトマト青枯病発病に及ぼす影響
- コラージュ作品とストレス・コーピングおよび対人ストレスの関連について
- 臼杵 亜衣,市来 百合子,石田 弓
- 広島大学心理学研究 (14), 173-181, 2015-03-31
- … Based on preceding research and space symbolism, this study examined the relationship among collage work (pasting up point/pasting up contents), stress coping, and interpersonal stress. …
- NAID 120005611447
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- precedingとは。意味や和訳。[形]((the 〜))((限定))(時間的に)先行する, 先立つ, これまでの, (空間的に)前の, 先の(⇔following). ⇒PREVIOUS[類語]the preceding chapter前章. - goo辞書は国語、英和、和英、中国語、百科事典等 ...
- preceding:先行する、前の...英語からも日本語からも検索できて、解説、文例、コロケーションまで掲載した実用的な内容です。 ... 上のフォームに単語(英和・和英対応)を入力して、[検索]ボタンをクリックしてください。 ※この辞書に追加 ...
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- (案内者が)~の先に立つ(⇔ follow)。~に先んずる。~より先に起こる
- routine laboratory and serologic screening should precede node biopsy(HIM.1308)(ルーチンの臨床検査と血清学的スクリーニングはリンパ節生検に先行するべき)
- ~の上席に着く、~に勝る
- ~の前に置く、~の先を生かせる、~に序文を付ける、(~の)緒言で始まる(by, with)
- 関
- precedence, preceding, preliminary
- 関
- precede, precedence, preceding, preliminarily, preparatory, reserve, spare
- 関
- aforementioned、foregoing、mentioned above、preceding
- 英
- precedence、precede、preceding、preliminary
- 関
- 前述、予備、予備的、準備中
- 英
- above-mentioned、preceding、foregoing
- 関
- 上記、上述、先行、先