- 関
- chase、follow-up、follow-up study、followup、pursue、pursuit、trace、tracing
- make ones course or travel along a path; travel or pass over, around, or along; "The children traced along the edge of the dark forest"; "The women traced the pasture"
- a just detectable amount; "he speaks French with a trace of an accent" (同)hint, suggestion
- either of two lines that connect a horses harness to a wagon or other vehicle or to a whiffletree
- an indication that something has been present; "there wasnt a trace of evidence for the claim"; "a tincture of condescension" (同)vestige, tincture, shadow
- a visible mark (as a footprint) left by the passage of person or animal or vehicle
- make a mark or lines on a surface; "draw a line"; "trace the outline of a figure in the sand" (同)draw, line, describe, delineate
- follow, discover, or ascertain the course of development of something; "We must follow closely the economic development is Cuba" ; "trace the students progress" (同)follow
- to go back over again; "we retraced the route we took last summer"; "trace your path" (同)retrace
- copy by following the lines of the original drawing on a transparent sheet placed upon it; make a tracing of; "trace a design"; "trace a pattern"
- discover traces of; "She traced the circumstances of her birth"
- cut a groove into; "chase silver"
- a rectangular metal frame used in letterpress printing to hold together the pages or columns of composed type that are printed at one time
- pursue someone sexually or romantically (同)chase after
- go after with the intent to catch; "The policeman chased the mugger down the alley"; "the dog chased the rabbit" (同)chase after, trail, tail, tag, give chase, dog, go after, track
- the act of pursuing in an effort to overtake or capture; "the culprit started to run and the cop took off in pursuit" (同)chase, pursual, following
- a search for an alternative that meets cognitive criteria; "the pursuit of love"; "life is more than the pursuance of fame"; "a quest for wealth" (同)pursuance, quest
- carry further or advance; "Can you act on this matter soon?" (同)follow up on, act_on
- follow in or as if in pursuit; "The police car pursued the suspected attacker"; "Her bad deed followed her and haunted her dreams all her life" (同)follow
- a drawing created by superimposing a semitransparent sheet of paper on the original image and copying on it the lines of the original image (同)trace
- the act of drawing a plan or diagram or outline
- the discovery and description of the course of development of something; "the tracing of genealogies"
- a piece of work that exploits or builds on earlier work; "his new software is a follow-up to the programs they started with" (同)followup
- an activity that continues something that has already begun or that repeats something that has already been done (同)followup
- a subsequent examination of a patient for the purpose of monitoring earlier treatment (同)followup, reexamination, review
- to travel behind, go after, come after; "The ducklings followed their mother around the pond"; "Please follow the guide through the museum"
- behave in accordance or in agreement with; "Follow a pattern"; "Follow my example" (同)conform_to
- come after in time, as a result; "A terrible tsunami followed the earthquake" (同)come after
- come as a logical consequence; follow logically; "It follows that your assertion is false"; "the theorem falls out nicely" (同)fall_out
- travel along a certain course; "follow the road"; "follow the trail" (同)travel along
- accept and follow the leadership or command or guidance of; "Lets follow our great helmsman!"; "She followed a guru for years"
- adhere to or practice; "These people still follow the laws of their ancient religion"
- be next; "Mary plays best, with John and Sue following"
- grasp the meaning; "Can you follow her argument?"; "When he lectures, I cannot follow"
- to bring something about at a later time than; "She followed dinner with a brandy"; "He followed his lecture with a question and answer period"
- in the desired direction; "a following wind"
- a group of followers or enthusiasts (同)followers
- immediately following in time or order; "the following day"; "next in line"; "the next president"; "the next item on the list" (同)next
- about to be mentioned or specified; "the following items" (同)undermentioned
- going or proceeding or coming after in the same direction; "the crowd of following cars made the occasion seem like a parade"; "tried to outrun the following footsteps"
- 〈C〉〈U〉(過去に存在した人・物・事件などの)『跡』,形跡,痕跡;(人・動物・車などの通った)跡,足跡《+of+名》 / 〈C〉(…の)かすかなきざし,気味,微量《+of+名》 / 〈C〉(記録計器の描く)線 / …‘の'『跡をつける』,‘を'追跡する,〈足跡など〉‘を'たどる / (…まで)…‘の'由来(起源,原因など)をさかのぼる《+名+back(+back+名)+to+名》 / (複写紙などを使って)…‘を'『[線をたどって]書き写す』 / 〈線・図形〉‘を'『描く』《+out+名,+名+out》 / 〈文字〉‘を'ていねいに書く / '‘を'捜しあてる,見つけ出す / (…に)『さかのぼる』《+back to+名》
- (馬車や荷車などに馬や牛などをつなぐための)引き革,核き綱
- 〈C〉『追跡』,追撃;追求 / 《the ~》狩猟 / 〈C〉追われる人(動物,船,飛行機) / 〈人・動物など〉'を'『追いかける』,追跡する / (…から)〈人・動物など〉'を'『追い払う』,追い出す《+『名』+『from』(『out of』)+『名』》 / (…を)追う,追跡する《+『after』+『名』》 / 《話》走り回る《+『about』》,(…を)走り回る《+『about』+『名』》
- 〈金属・木〉‘に'浮き彫りする
- (壁・床にある)電線用みぞ
- 〈U〉(…を)『追うこと』,(…の)追跡《+『of』+『名』》 / 〈U〉(目的・快楽などの)『追求』《+『of』+『名』》 / 〈C〉(一般に)仕事,趣味
- 〈獲物・犯人など〉‘を'『迫う』,追跡する / 〈計画・勧告など〉‘に'『従う』 / 〈目的・快楽など〉‘を'追求する / 〈仕事・研究・趣味など〉‘を'続ける / 追う,続ける
- 跡を追うこと,追跡;透写,複写 / 〈C〉 / 透写(複写)によってできたもの(地図・図案など),透写図
- 追求;追跡調査;(新聞などの)追いかけ記事 / 後を追う,重ねて行う
- …‘の'『後について行く』;…‘の'後に続く(来る) / 〈道など〉‘を'『たどる』,‘に'沿って行く / 〈規則など〉‘に'『従う』 / 〈動きなど〉‘を'じっと見詰める,観察する / …‘を'理解する(understand) / …‘を'まねる,模範とする / 〈職業〉‘に'従事する / …‘から'起こる(result from) / 〈人・動物など〉‘を'追跡する,追う / 『後について行く』(『来る』) / 『続いて起こる』,次に来る / (論理的に)…という結論になる,当然の結果として…となる
- 《the following》(時間・順序において)『次の』,次に来る / 《the following》次に述べる,下記の / 同じ方向に動く / 崇拝者,支持者,門下 / 《the following》《単数・複数扱い》『次に述べるもの』(人・事項),下記のもの
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Look up follow-up or follow up in Wiktionary, the free dictionary. |
Follow-up may refer to:
- Sequel, the continuation of a work of literature, film, theatre or music
- Spin-off
- Followup-To, a special kind of Crossposting in the internet
- A patient's revisit in ambulatory care
- The revisit of participants in a clinical trial
- A participant not coming to such a revisit is called "lost to follow-up"
- Kepler Follow-up Program
- Follow-Up and Arrangement Committee, a former alliance of Iraqi opposition groups
UpToDate Contents
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English Journal
- Predictors of clinical outcomes of flexible ureterorenoscopy with holmium laser for renal stone greater than 2?cm.
- Al-Qahtani SM, Gil-Deiz-de-Medina S, Traxer O.SourceDepartment of Urology, Tenon University Hospital, Pierre and Marie Curie University, 4 rue de la Chine, 75020 Paris, France.
- Advances in urology.Adv Urol.2012;2012:543537. Epub 2011 Jun 9.
- Objective. To evaluate the clinical outcome of flexible ureterorenoscopy (F-URS) with holmium laser in managing renal stone greater than 2?cm. Patients and Methods. Records of 120 patients (123 renal units) with renal stone greater than 2?cm who underwent F-URS with holmium laser iwere evaluated
- PMID 21738531
- Evaluation of the implementation fidelity of an ergonomic training program designed to prevent back pain.
- Berthelette D, Leduc N, Bilodeau H, Durand MJ, Faye C.SourceDepartment of Organization and Human Resources, Universite du Quebec a Montreal, P.O. Box 8888, Downtown Postal Station, Montreal, Quebec, Canada H3C 3P8.
- Applied ergonomics.Appl Ergon.2012 Jan;43(1):239-45. Epub 2011 Jun 29.
- The aim of this study was to evaluate the implementation fidelity of a multidimensional ergonomic program designed to prevent back pain injuries among healthcare personnel. The program, provided by peer trainers included training intended to modify patient handling and transfer behaviour, trainee fo
- PMID 21714954
Japanese Journal
- Riluzole and Prognostic Factors in Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis Long-term and Short-term Survival: A Population-Based Study of 1149 Cases in Taiwan
- Lee Charles Tzu-Chi,Chiu Yi-Wen,Wang Kai-Chen,Hwang Chi-Shin,Lin Kuan-Hsiang,Lee I-Ta,Tsai Ching-Piao
- Journal of Epidemiology 2013(0), 2013
- … Follow-up information was available for all patients; … mean (SD) duration of follow-up was 2.91 (2.62) years. … Medical interventions, including noninvasive positive pressure ventilation (NIPPV), tracheotomy, gastrostomy, and riluzole, were included in time-dependent survival analysis.<BR>Results: Of the 1149 ALS patients, 438 (38.12%) died during follow-up. …
- NAID 130001913531
- 長命高齢者が果物・野菜から摂取した総ポリフェノール量
- 堀江 祥允,堀江 和代,谷 洋子,佐藤 真実
- 仁愛大学研究紀要. 人間生活学部篇 3, 9-12, 2012-12-30
- … Intakes of total polyphenols from vegetables and fruit in the survivors and deceased older peopleaged 70 years and over obtained from up to seven years follow-up were compared. …
- NAID 110009468873
- CKDのフォローアップ : 小児 (第1土曜特集 CKD診療ガイド2012 ガイドブック) -- (アプローチから紹介・フォローアップ)
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- 全国で配布しているフリーペーパー、FOLLOW-UPのWEBマガジン版です。 ... 佐川急便(宅配便) 安心、確実、信頼の佐川急便にてお届けします。 以下の配達希望時間帯をご指定可能です。
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- (人・動物の通った)跡、足跡、わだち、すき跡。(犯人の)足取り
- (踏み固められてできた)小道
- (事件などの)形跡、証跡、跡形。(経験・境遇などの)痕跡、影響
- 僅少、気味(of)。(化)痕跡
- 関
- chase、follow up、follow-up、minor、pursue、pursuit、rudimentary、trace amount、tracing、vestige、vestigial
- 英
- 関
- 痕跡、探究、トレース、微量、経過観察、フォローアップ
- 英
- 関
- 追跡、追跡調査、フォローアップ、フォローアップ研究
- 関
- chase、explore、follow up、follow-up、pursuit、seek、trace、tracing
- 関
- chase、explore、follow up、follow-up、pursue、seek、trace、tracing
- 関
- chase、follow up、follow-up study、followup、pursue、pursuit、trace、tracing
- 関
- follow up、follow-up、followup
- 関
- median follow-up period、median follow-up time
- 関
- median follow-up、median follow-up period
- 関
- after、afterward、afterwards、behind、below-mentioned、late、mentioned below、next、post、posterior、subsequent
- 関
- accompany、comply、conform、continue、entail、fraught、keep、obey、succeed