- 関
- median follow-up period、median follow-up time
- used up; "time is up"
- raise; "up the ante"
- extending or moving toward a higher place; "the up staircase"; "a general upward movement of fish" (同)upward
- to a later time; "they moved the meeting date up"; "from childhood upward" (同)upwards, upward
- spatially or metaphorically from a lower to a higher position; "look up!"; "the music surged up"; "the fragments flew upwards"; "prices soared upwards"; "upwardly mobile" (同)upwards, upward, upwardly
- (used of computers) operating properly; "how soon will the computers be up?"
- (usually followed by `on or `for'
- being or moving higher in position or greater in some value; being above a former position or level; "the anchor is up"; "the sun is up"; "he lay face up"; "he is up by a pawn"; "the market is up"; "the corn is up"
- nearer to the speaker; "he walked up and grabbed my lapels"
- open; "the windows are up"
- to a higher intensity; "he turned up the volume"
- to a more central or a more northerly place; "was transferred up to headquarters"; "up to Canada for a vacation"
- to travel behind, go after, come after; "The ducklings followed their mother around the pond"; "Please follow the guide through the museum"
- behave in accordance or in agreement with; "Follow a pattern"; "Follow my example" (同)conform_to
- come after in time, as a result; "A terrible tsunami followed the earthquake" (同)come after
- come as a logical consequence; follow logically; "It follows that your assertion is false"; "the theorem falls out nicely" (同)fall_out
- travel along a certain course; "follow the road"; "follow the trail" (同)travel along
- accept and follow the leadership or command or guidance of; "Lets follow our great helmsman!"; "She followed a guru for years"
- adhere to or practice; "These people still follow the laws of their ancient religion"
- be next; "Mary plays best, with John and Sue following"
- grasp the meaning; "Can you follow her argument?"; "When he lectures, I cannot follow"
- to bring something about at a later time than; "She followed dinner with a brandy"; "He followed his lecture with a question and answer period"
- in the desired direction; "a following wind"
- a group of followers or enthusiasts (同)followers
- immediately following in time or order; "the following day"; "next in line"; "the next president"; "the next item on the list" (同)next
- about to be mentioned or specified; "the following items" (同)undermentioned
- going or proceeding or coming after in the same direction; "the crowd of following cars made the occasion seem like a parade"; "tried to outrun the following footsteps"
- relating to or situated in or extending toward the middle (同)medial
- the value below which 50% of the cases fall (同)median value
- relating to or constituting the middle value of an ordered set of values (or the average of the middle two in a set with an even number of values); "the median value of 17, 20, and 36 is 20"; "the median income for the year was $15,000" (同)average
- 《上への動作》『上へ』,上のほうへ / 《上の位置》『上に』,上のほうで / 『起こして』,立てて,直立して / (地図・紙面などの)『上へ(に)』,北のほうへ(に) / (遠くから)『近くへ,中心へ』;(周辺から)中心へ;(川下から)川上へ;(地方から)都会へ / (大きさ・量・価値・地位などが)『上のほうへ』,高く / (話者,話題の場所へ)『近づいて』,追いついて / 『活動して』,活動状態に / (物事・人が)現れて・起こって / 『すっかり』,完全に,終わって,…し尽くして / 保管(貯蔵)して;くるんだ(閉ざした)状態に / 《動詞を省略した命令文で》 / (野球・クリケットで)打席へ / (競技で)勝ち越して / (対抗の競技で)おのおの / 《移動・位置》『…の高いほうへ』,をのぼって;…の上のほうに / (川の)『上流へ』;(流れ・風)に逆らって;…の内陸(奥地)のほうへ / (自分が今いる所,またはある地点から前方へ)『…に沿って』 / 『上へ向かう』,(列車などが)上りの;上り坂の,(情勢などが)上向きの / 上り,上昇,上り坂 / 上昇気運,向上,幸運 / 上りの列車(バス・エレボーターなど) / 値上がり / …‘を'持ち上げる / …‘を'増大する,〈賃金・物価など〉‘を'引き上げる / 〈人〉‘を'昇進させる / 立ち上がる,起き上がる / 《and を伴って》急に(突然)…する
- …‘の'『後について行く』;…‘の'後に続く(来る) / 〈道など〉‘を'『たどる』,‘に'沿って行く / 〈規則など〉‘に'『従う』 / 〈動きなど〉‘を'じっと見詰める,観察する / …‘を'理解する(understand) / …‘を'まねる,模範とする / 〈職業〉‘に'従事する / …‘から'起こる(result from) / 〈人・動物など〉‘を'追跡する,追う / 『後について行く』(『来る』) / 『続いて起こる』,次に来る / (論理的に)…という結論になる,当然の結果として…となる
- 《the following》(時間・順序において)『次の』,次に来る / 《the following》次に述べる,下記の / 同じ方向に動く / 崇拝者,支持者,門下 / 《the following》《単数・複数扱い》『次に述べるもの』(人・事項),下記のもの
- 中央の,中間の / 中間数の,中央値の / (統計・数学で)中間数,中央値;中点
- mediumの複数形
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出典(authority):フリー百科事典『ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』「2015/09/15 13:59:52」(JST)
[Wiki en表示]
In statistics, median follow-up is the median time between a specified event and the time when data on outcomes are gathered. The concept is used in cancer survival analyses.
Many cancer studies aim to assess the time between two events of interest, such as from treatment to remission, treatment to relapse, or diagnosis to death. This duration is generically called survival time, even if the end point is not death.[1]
Time-to-event studies must have sufficiently long follow-up durations to capture enough events to reveal meaningful patterns in the data. A short follow-up duration is appropriate for studying very severe cancers with poor prognoses, whereas a long follow-up duration is better suited to studying less-severe disease, or participants with good prognoses.[1]
Median follow-up time is included in about half the survival analyses published in cancer journals, but of those, only 31% specify the method used to compute it.[2]
- ^ a b Clark, M. J. Bradburn, S. B. Love and D. G. Altman (15 July 2003). "Survival Analysis Part I: Basic concepts and first analyses". British Journal of Cancer. PMID PMC2394262.
- ^ Schemper and Terry L. Smith (1996). "A Note on Quantifying Follow-up in Studies of Failure Time". Elsevier (Department of Medical Computer Sciences, Vienna University, Austria).
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English Journal
- Association between lectin complement pathway initiators, C-reactive protein and left ventricular remodeling in myocardial infarction-A magnetic resonance study.
- Schoos MM, Munthe-Fog L, Skjoedt MO, Ripa RS, Lønborg J, Kastrup J, Kelbæk H, Clemmensen P, Garred P.SourceDepartment of Cardiology, Rigshospitalet, Copenhagen University Hospital, Denmark. Electronic address: mikkel.schoos@gmail.com.
- Molecular immunology.Mol Immunol.2013 Jul;54(3-4):408-14. doi: 10.1016/j.molimm.2013.01.008. Epub 2013 Feb 11.
- BACKGROUND: Lectin complement pathway (LP) activation is an important mechanism in myocardial ischemia reperfusion injury (IRI). LP is activated via the recognition molecules mannose-binding lectin (MBL), ficolins-2 and-3 and is regulated by MBL/Ficolin-associated Protein-1 (MAP-1). Also, C-reactive
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- Genetic sequence variants in vitamin D metabolism pathway genes, serum vitamin D level and outcome in head and neck cancer patients.
- Azad AK, Bairati I, Qiu X, Huang H, Cheng D, Liu G, Meyer F, Adjei A, Xu W.SourceOntario Cancer Institute, Princess Margaret Hospital, University Health Network, University of Toronto, Toronto, ON, Canada.
- International journal of cancer. Journal international du cancer.Int J Cancer.2013 Jun 1;132(11):2520-7. doi: 10.1002/ijc.27946. Epub 2012 Dec 14.
- Although some studies have reported associations between serum vitamin D level and prognosis in several cancers, others have found associations between genetic sequence variants (GSVs) in the vitamin D metabolism pathway genes and outcomes in various cancers including head and neck cancer (HNC). We
- PMID 23169318
Japanese Journal
- Body Mass Index and Weight Change During Adulthood Are Associated With Increased Mortality From Liver Cancer: The JACC Study
- Li Yuanying,Yatsuya Hiroshi,Yamagishi Kazumasa,Wakai Kenji,Tamakoshi Akiko,Iso Hiroyasu,山岸 良匡
- Journal of epidemiology 23(3), 219-226, 2013-05-00
- … A total of 31 018 Japanese men and 41 455 Japanese women aged 40 to 79 years who had no history of cancer were followed from 1988 through 2009.Results: During a median 19-year follow-up, 527 deaths from liver cancer (338 men, 189 women) were documented. …
- NAID 120005298584
- 当院における上部尿路上皮内癌に対するBCG療法の短期治療成績の検討
- 阿南 剛,巣山 貴仁,竹内 信善,仲村 和芳,坂本 信一,二瓶 直樹,市川 智彦
- 泌尿器科紀要 59(5), 261-264, 2013-05-00
- … The mean follow-up period was32.7 months (range 4-75 months). … 9%) remained disease-free for a median follow-up of 35.1 months. … In conclusion, although longer follow up and further experience with treatment for CIS of the upper urinary tract are required, this treatment is considered to be effective and safe. …
- NAID 120005245091
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- 東京女子医科大学雑誌 83(E2), E556-E562, 2013-03-31
- 2002年10月から2012年10月までの10年間に当科で診断、治療した成人急性リンパ性白血病 (Acute lymphoblastic leukemia : ALL) 35例 (B-ALL 27例、T-ALL 8例) を対象とし、臨床経過と治療成績を後方視的に解析した.追跡期間中央値は930日、年齢中央値は43歳 (16歳-90歳) で、男性16人 (45.7%)、女性19人 (54.3%) で …
- NAID 110009575065
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- 英
- 関
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- 関
- median follow-up、median follow-up time
- 関
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- 関
- accompany、comply、conform、continue、entail、fraught、keep、obey、succeed
- 関
- chase、follow-up、follow-up study、followup、pursue、pursuit、trace、tracing
- 関
- culture、culture media、culture medium、culture solution、medium