- the 3rd letter of the Roman alphabet (同)c
- (music) the keynote of the scale of C major
- a general-purpose programing language closely associated with the UNIX operating system
- the 22nd letter of the Roman alphabet (同)v
- carbonの化学記号
- V1号[ロケット爆弾](第二次世界大戦中,ドイツ軍が英国攻撃用に使った)
- vanadium の化学記号
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- 1. 化学テロ:早急な認識および初回薬物治療マネージメントchemical terrorism rapid recognition and initial medical management [show details]
…reference . Most patients who have been exposed to crowd-control agents such as OC (oleoresin capsicum, pepper spray), CS (o-chlorobenzylidene malononitrile), and CN (mace) have mild effects and do well with removal …
- 2. 成人の顔面外傷の初回評価とマネージメントinitial evaluation and management of facial trauma in adults [show details]
…tenderness, step-off, crepitus, and abnormal motion. Both facial nerve motor function (CN VII) and sensation (CN V1, V2, V3) should be assessed carefully. Acute facial paralysis suggests possible transection …
- 3. 局所の化学熱傷:初期評価およびマネージメントtopical chemical burns initial assessment and management [show details]
…applied to all nonsuperficial burns. The management of thermal burns is reviewed elsewhere. Riot control agents can cause not only topical burns but also direct trauma, ocular damage, and pulmonary complications…
- 4. 新生児の神経学的検査neurologic examination of the newborn [show details]
…arhinencephaly, which is a disorder of failure of development of the olfactory bulbs and tracts. Cranial nerve (CN) XI is also rarely tested because it is difficult to assess the function of the sternocleidomastoid …
- 5. 成人における詳細な神経学的検査the detailed neurologic examination in adults [show details]
…hemiparesis and weakness of head rotation toward the side of the hemiparesis. The hypoglossal nerve (CN XII) receives descending cortical input from both hemispheres equally, except for fibers destined for…
English Journal
- Neuronal projections from v1 to v2 in amblyopia.
- Sincich LC, Jocson CM, Horton JC.SourceDepartment of Vision Sciences, University of Alabama at Birmingham, Birmingham, Alabama 35294, and Beckman Vision Center, University of California, San Francisco, San Francisco, California 94143.
- The Journal of neuroscience : the official journal of the Society for Neuroscience.J Neurosci.2012 Feb 22;32(8):2648-56.
- The mechanism of amblyopia in children with congenital cataract is not understood fully, but studies in macaques have shown that geniculate synapses are lost in striate cortex (V1). To search for other projection abnormalities in amblyopia, the pathway from V1 to V2 was examined using a triple-label
- PMID 22357849
- Detection of inferolateral trunk syndrome by neuromonitoring during catheter angiography with provocative testing.
- Le S, Dodd R, López J, Nguyen V, Cho SC, Lee L.SourceDepartment of Neurology and Intraoperative Neuromonitoring, Stanford University Medical Center, Stanford, California, USA.
- Journal of neurointerventional surgery.J Neurointerv Surg.2012 Feb 19. [Epub ahead of print]
- Background and importanceIt is not uncommon that endovascular balloon test occlusion (BTO) is performed to assess collateral blood flow and risk of injury of permanent occlusion of the internal carotid artery (ICA). This case is the first reported of detection and reversal of the inferolateral trunk
- PMID 22345146
Japanese Journal
- 谷岡 利朗,岡田 邦明,益子 博幸,山上 英樹,石津 寛之,高橋 昌宏
- 日本臨床外科学会雑誌 72(3), 746-750, 2011
- … はtub2,pSI(膀胱),ly1,v1,pN0,P0,H0,M0,pStageIIであった.退院後UFTを内服し経過観察としていたが,術後2年目のCTで膵尾部に腫瘤を認め精査となった.腫瘍は5cm大で造影効果を認めなかった.腫瘍により脾静脈は閉塞しており,周囲への浸潤を認め,典型的な膵癌の像を呈していた.HbA1c 12.4%と耐糖能の悪化を認め,CEAは6.5ng/mlと上昇していた.膵尾部癌cT4(PV(+)),cN0,cM0,cStage IVaの術前診断 …
- NAID 130004900435
- 胃切除および補助化学療法により術後2年以上生存した胃小細胞癌の2例
- 中山 洋,石田 康彦,宗友 良憲,向井 晃太,大山 直雄,平山 隆則,岡島 邦雄
- 日本消化器外科学会雑誌 41(1), 70-75, 2008-01-01
- … まれな胃小細胞癌2例を報告する.症例1は63歳の男性で,MU,post,cType3,cT3 (SE),cN0,cH0,cP0,cM0,cStage IIにてD2胃全摘術,Rouxen-Y再建を施行し,pT3 (SE),pN1 {No.3 (2/10)},INFβ,int,ly0,v0,fStage IIIAであった.症例2は64歳の男性で,L,post,cType2,cT3 (SE),cN0,cH0,cP0,cM0,cStage IIにて幽門側胃切除術,D2リンパ節郭清,Roux-en-Y再建を施行し,pT3(SE),INFα,med,ly1,v1,PN2,fStage IIIBであった.症例1は術後2年2か月目で再発死,症例2はTS-1の3年長 …
- NAID 110006546714
- 胃切除および補助化学療法により術後2年以上生存した胃小細胞癌の2例
- 中山 洋,石田 康彦,宗友 良憲,向井 晃太,大山 直雄,平山 隆則,岡島 邦雄
- 日本消化器外科学会雑誌 41(1), 70-75, 2008
- … 症例1は63歳の男性で, MU, post, cType 3, cT3 (SE), cN0, cH0, cP0, cM0, cStage IIにてD2胃全摘術, Roux-en-Y再建を施行し, pT3 (SE), pN1 {No.3 (2/10)}, INFβ, int, ly0, v0, fStage IIIAであった. … 症例2は64歳の男性で, L, post, cType 2, cT3 (SE), cN0, cH0, cP0, cM0, cStage IIにて幽門側胃切除術, D2リンパ節郭清, Roux-en-Y再建を施行し, pT3 (SE), INFα, med, ly1, v1, PN2, fStage IIIBであった. …
- NAID 130004344748
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- The trigeminal nerve, CN V, is the fifth paired cranial nerve. It is also the largest cranial nerve. In this article, we shall look at the anatomical course of the nerve, and the motor, sensory and parasympathetic functions of its terminal branches. The trigeminal nerve is associated with derivatives of the 1st pharyngeal arch.
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- 英
- orbit (N)
- ラ
- orbita
上眼窩裂、下眼窩裂を通るもの SOP.181 N.79
- 英
- Sturge-Weber syndrome
- 同
- (国試)Sturge-Weber症候群、パルケス・ウェーバー・ディミトリ病 Parkes-Weber-Dimitri disease、nevoid amentia、三叉神経脳血管腫症 trigeminal encephaloangiomatosis encephalo-trigeminal angiomatosis
- 関
- (使われない傾向にある)母斑症 phacomatosis、神経皮膚症候群
- 母斑症の一つ
- 顔面の血管腫、神経症状、眼症状
- 顔面片側性の単純血管腫(三叉神経第1枝に沿う(CN V1))、眼の脈絡膜血管腫、脳軟膜の血管腫(NDE.349)
- 皮膚症状:顔面片側性の単純血管腫(三叉神経第1枝に沿う(CN V1))
- 中枢神経症状:顔面血管腫が存在する側の特に後頭葉に脳軟膜の血管腫が発生 (NDE.349)。乳幼児期からの血管発作。大脳半球萎縮、石灰化、知能障害
- 眼症状:緑内障(牛眼)
- 皮膚症状:レーザー療法
- 中枢神経症状:(痙攣発作)薬物療法、脳切除
- 眼症状:眼圧の調整
- 英
- superior orbital fissure syndrome
- 同
- orbital apex syndrome、間欠性有痛性眼筋麻痺 intermittent painful ophthalmoplegia、トロサ・ハント症候群 Tolosa-Hunt症候群 Tolosa-Hunt syndrome
- 関
- 上眼窩裂、動眼神経麻痺
[show details]
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- 英
- superior orbital fissure
- ラ
- fissura orbitalis superior
- 関
- 眼窩
Henry Gray (1825-1861). Anatomy of the Human Body. 1918.
- 英
- nasociliary nerve
- ラ
- nervus nasociliaris
- →毛様体神経節
- →長毛様体神経
- →後篩骨神経
- →前篩骨神経
- →滑車下神経