- inflammation of the vermiform appendix
- the 1st letter of the Roman alphabet (同)a
- the blood group whose red cells carry the A antigen (同)type_A, group A
- 虫垂炎
- answer / ampere
- antipersonnel / (またA.P.)Associated Press
Wikipedia preview
出典(authority):フリー百科事典『ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』「2013/08/10 09:29:07」(JST)
[Wiki ja表示]
- Application software(アプリケーションソフトウェア)の略。
- アジアパルプアンドペーパー(APP)の略。
- アラン・パーソンズ・プロジェクトの略。
- 入域管制(アプローチ)のこと。航空交通管制を参照。
- クリーン開発と気候に関するアジア太平洋パートナーシップ (Asia-Pacific Partnership on Clean Development and Climate)の略称。
- Mac OS Xにおける、アプリケーションの拡張子。「.app」
- アミロイド前駆体タンパク質(amyloid precursor protein)の略称。
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[Wiki en表示]
App(s) commonly refers to:
- Application software, also called an app, software for specific purposes
- Mobile app, applications software for mobile devices
App(s) or APP may also refer to:
- 1 Computers
- 2 Education
- 3 Medicine
- 4 Organizations
- 5 Political parties
- 6 Railway codes
- 7 Other
- 8 People with surname App or Apps
- 9 See also
Computers[edit source | edit]
- APP (file format), a filename extension for applications on several platforms
- Adjusted Peak Performance, a metric to measure computing performance in 64-bit processors and above
- Application Portability Profile, NIST standards and specifications for the Open System Environment
- Google Apps, a service from Google providing independently customizable versions of several Google products under a custom domain name
- Mac App Store, a digital distribution platform for Mac OS X applications
- Atom Publishing Protocol (or AtomPub), an Atom (standard) protocol to create and update web resources
Education[edit source | edit]
- Advanced Placement Program
- Appalachian State University, a university in Boone, North Carolina, United States
- Assessing Pupils' Progress, an assessment methodology used in schools in England and Wales
Medicine[edit source | edit]
- Acute-phase protein, a class of proteins whose concentration changes in response to inflammation
- Amyloid precursor protein, a protein fragment associated with some neurological disorders
- Amyloid precursor protein secretase, an enzyme responsible for cleaving the amyloid precursor protein
Organizations[edit source | edit]
- African Prisons Project, a UK based NGO
- Alberta Provincial Police, a Canadian police force from 1917-1932
- Asia Pulp & Paper
- Asia-Pacific Partnership, an international environmental protection alliance
- Associated Press of Pakistan
Political parties[edit source | edit]
- All People's Party (disambiguation)
- Animal Protection Party, a British political party
- Anticlerical Progress Party REASON, a Polish political party
- Australian Protectionist Party, an Australian nationalist, far-right political party
- People's Progressive Alliance (Mauritania) (Alliance populaire progressiste)
Railway codes[edit source | edit]
- Appleby railway station (Cumbria), England, in National Rail's code
- Appleton, Wisconsin, in Amtrak's three-letter code
Other[edit source | edit]
- Appetizers or Hors d'oeuvre
People with surname App or Apps[edit source | edit]
- Apps family, Canadian ice hockey dynasty
- Alfred Apps, Canadian lawyer
- Austin App (1902–1984), a German-American academic and Holocaust denier
- Deon Apps (born 1987), Australian rugby league player
- Geoff Apps (born 1949), English mountain bike pioneer
- Gillian Apps (born 1983), Canadian ice hockey player and daughter of Syl Apps, Jr.
- Roy Apps (born 1951), British screenwriter, dramatist and children’s author
- Syl Apps (1915-1988), Canadian pole-vaulter and ice hockey player
- Syl Apps, Jr (born 1947), Canadian ice hockey player and son of Syl Apps
- Syl Apps III (born 1976), Canadian ice hockey player and son of Syl Apps, Jr.
- Timothy App (born 1948), an American painter
- Urs App (born 1949), a Swiss academic
See also[edit source | edit]
- All pages beginning with "App"
- All pages beginning with "APP"
- All pages with titles containing "app"
- All pages beginning with "Apps"
- All pages with titles containing "apps"
UpToDate Contents
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English Journal
- Metabolic variation and antioxidant potential of Malus prunifolia (wild apple) compared with high flavon-3-ol containing fruits (apple, grapes) and beverage (black tea).
- Maria John KM1, Enkhtaivan G1, Kim JJ1, Kim DH2.
- Food chemistry.Food Chem.2014 Nov 15;163:46-50. doi: 10.1016/j.foodchem.2014.04.074. Epub 2014 Apr 30.
- Secondary metabolic variation of wild apple (Malus prunifolia) was compared with fruits that contained high flavan-3-ol like grapes (GR), apple (App) and the beverage, black tea (BT). The polyphenol contents in wild apple was higher than in GR and App but less than BT. The identified phenolic acids
- PMID 24912694
- Direct electrochemistry of glucose oxidase and glucose biosensing on a hydroxyl fullerenes modified glassy carbon electrode.
- Gao YF1, Yang T1, Yang XL1, Zhang YS1, Xiao BL1, Hong J2, Sheibani N3, Ghourchian H4, Hong T5, Moosavi-Movahedi AA6.
- Biosensors & bioelectronics.Biosens Bioelectron.2014 Oct 15;60:30-4. doi: 10.1016/j.bios.2014.04.005. Epub 2014 Apr 13.
- Direct electrochemistry of glucose oxidase (GOD) was achieved when GOD-hydroxyl fullerenes (HFs) nano-complex was immobilized on a glassy carbon (GC) electrode and protected with a chitosan (Chit) membrane. The ultraviolet-visible absorption spectrometry (UV-vis), transmission electron microscopy (T
- PMID 24768859
- Calcium regulates the interaction of amyloid precursor protein with Homer3 protein.
- Kyratzi E1, Efthimiopoulos S2.
- Neurobiology of aging.Neurobiol Aging.2014 Sep;35(9):2053-63. doi: 10.1016/j.neurobiolaging.2014.03.019. Epub 2014 Mar 27.
- Ca(2+) dysregulation is an important factor implicated in Alzheimer's disease pathogenesis. The mechanisms mediating the reciprocal regulation of Ca(2+) homeostasis and amyloid precursor protein (APP) metabolism, function, and protein interactions are not well known. We have previously shown that AP
- PMID 24792907
Japanese Journal
- おもてなしアプリ推進協を引き継ぐ一般社団法人が発足へ、国内の地域住民も対象に
- 日経ニューメディア (1466), 2-3, 2015-05-25
- … 任意団体「おもてなしアプリ推進協議会」の活動を引き継ぐ団体として、一般社団法人のゲートウェイ・アップ・ジャパン(GAJa:Gateway APP Japan)が、2015年6月上旬に発足、活動を開始する予定である。 …
- NAID 40020463992
- 携帯情報端末用禁煙支援アプリ使用者に対するCOPD認知に関するオンライン調査
- 片山 均,伊東 亮治,山本 千恵 [他]
- 日本呼吸器学会誌 = Annals of the Japanese Respiratory Society 4(3), 216-222, 2015-05-10
- NAID 40020473693
- 動かないコンピュータ 米アップル 「App Store」が全世界で11時間停止 課金・広告に数百億円の損害か
- 日経コンピュータ (884), 50-52, 2015-04-16
- 実際に、アプリベンダーの損失は決して小さくなかったようだ。「被害額は計測できないが、主力ゲームでキャンペーンを展開中だったこともあり、課金に加えてインストールが止まった影響は大きかった」。グループスの担当者はこう語る。
- NAID 40020423076
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- 2015.3.26 4/12 ハイパーミーティングに出店決定 2015.3.13 WEB掲載「みんカラ+ Best Selection」にブレーキ製品の 記事が掲載されました 2013.7.1 APPオリジナル チタンカラーフレアナットレンチ発売 2013.6.10 「雑誌掲載記事 ...
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- 英
- appendicitis, APP
- 関
- 急性虫垂炎、慢性虫垂炎
- YN.A-59
- 治療:開腹手術が原則。妊娠中に使用できる抗菌薬は限定されており、重症化しやすく、また腹膜炎が子宮に及ぶと流早産を惹起するためである。
- 重症化しやすい理由:診断の遅れ。妊娠時には盲腸が子宮により押し上げられ、マックバーニー点が上方に移動しかつ腹壁から遠ざかる結果、圧痛点が分かりづらくなり腹壁症状が目立たなくなる。また、妊娠時には便秘、食思不振、悪心・嘔吐、白血球増多がみられるため、虫垂炎の症状がマスクされる。さらに、虫垂が移動することにより大網による被包化が起こりにくくなり、汎発性腹膜炎になりやすい。
- 英
- interleukin-6
- 同
- B細胞刺激因子2 B cell stimulating factor 2 BSF-2
- 関
- サイトカイン
- 英
- acute phase reactant, APR
- 同
- 急性期反応物質、急性期蛋白 急性期蛋白質 急性相蛋白質 acute phase reactant、急性期タンパク質 acute phase protein acute phase proteins APP
- 炎症(感染、悪性腫瘍、熱傷など)により短時間に血中で変動する蛋白質
- ポジティブAPR, positive acute phase reactant
- ネガティブAPR, negative acute phase reactant ← 産生が抑制される
- 英
- amyloid precursor protein, amyloid precursor proteins, APP
- 同
- アミロイドβ蛋白質前駆体 amyloid β-protein precursor β-APP
[show details]
アミロイド前駆体蛋白質 APP
- 関
- BACE、beta-secretase
- 同
- vaccine-associated paralytic poliomyelitis