- 英
- cerebrovascular disease headache
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- 1. 脳卒中評価の概要overview of the evaluation of stroke [show details]
… subtypes of brain ischemia: Thrombosis; Embolism; Systemic hypoperfusion; Thrombotic strokes are those in which the pathologic process giving rise to thrombus formation in an artery produces a stroke either …
- 2. 脳卒中:病因、分類、疫学stroke etiology classification and epidemiology [show details]
… Study showed that small vessel strokes and strokes of undetermined origin were nearly twice as common, and large vessel strokes were 40 percent more common, among Black compared with White patients . The incidence …
- 3. 虚血性脳卒中の二次予防の概要overview of secondary prevention of ischemic stroke [show details]
… treatable risk factors and common mechanisms of brain ischemia is important for reducing the risk of ischemic stroke. This topic will review the risk factors for stroke, with a focus on secondary prevention in …
- 4. 虚血性脳卒中の病態生理pathophysiology of ischemic stroke [show details]
… Determination of the type of stroke can influence treatment to be used. The main causes of ischemia are thrombosis, embolization, and lacunar infarction from small vessel disease. Ischemic strokes represent about 80 …
- 5. 急性脳卒中の初期評価およびマネージメントinitial assessment and management of acute stroke [show details]
… feature of the onset of ischemic stroke. However, patients with conditions other than brain ischemia may present in a similar fashion In addition, patients suffering a stroke may present with other serious …
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- 英
- blood vessel, blood vessels
- 内皮細胞(単層扁平上皮細胞)
- 基底板
- 内皮下結合組織(内皮下層 subendothelial layer):疎性結合組織、縦走平滑筋
- 内弾性板
- 同
- 脳血管疾患 cerebrovascular disease CVD, cerebral artery disease, cerebro-vascular disease, cerebral arterial disease
- 脳血管障害 cerebrovascular disorder
- 脳血管性疾患
- cerebrovascular accident CVA
- 関
- ≠脳卒中
- SCN.204
- a) 機序
- (1) 血栓性
- (2) 塞栓性
- (3) 血行力学性
- b) 臨床的カテゴリー
- (1) アテローム血栓性
- (2) 心原性
- (3) ラクナ梗塞
- (4) そのほか
- 英
- disorder、impairment、dysfunction、damage、difficulty、(妨げ)barrier、impediment、obstacle、disturbance、foe、(化学)hindrance、disorder、impair、lesion
- 関
- 妨げ、撹乱、関門、機能障害、機能不全、困難、傷害、障壁、損なう、損傷、ダメージ、破壊、破損、バリヤー、病変、不安、妨害、乱れ、無秩序、機能異常症、敵、疾患、バリア、バリアー、機能異常、機能不全症
- 英
- angiopathy, vascular disorder
- 同?
- 脈管障害、血管障害性、脈管症、血管症
- 英
- pain
- 関
- 痛み、疼痛