- 英
- magnocellular basal forebrain nuclei
- 関
- マイネルト基底核
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- 1. 母斑性基底細胞癌症候群(ゴーリン症候群)nevoid basal cell carcinoma syndrome gorlin syndrome [show details]
… until the age of five; Because of the large number of lesions, treatment of basal cell carcinomas (BCCs) in patients with NBCCS may be extremely difficult.… Histopathologic features of BCC include nodules and/or strands of atypical basaloid cells that show nuclear palisading,…
- 2. 基底細胞癌の疫学、発症機序、臨床的特徴epidemiology pathogenesis and clinical features of basal cell carcinoma [show details]
… early age include: Nevoid basal cell carcinoma syndrome – Nevoid basal cell carcinoma syndrome (NBCCS), also known as basal cell nevus syndrome or Gorlin syndrome,… common findings of BCC are nodules and/or strands of atypical basaloid cells that show nuclear palisading,…
- 3. びまん性大細胞型B細胞性リンパ腫および原発性縦隔大細胞型B細胞リンパ腫の病理学pathobiology of diffuse large b cell lymphoma and primary mediastinal large b cell lymphoma [show details]
… (EBV) positive large B cell lymphoma, often occurring at extranodal sites such as the lung, in which the EBV-positive B cells are scarce and the host response in the form of T cells and macrophages… activated B cell (ABC) of extrafollicular/marginal zone origin; two distinct subsets of germinal center B cell (GCB) with different outcomes and targetable alterations; and an ABC/GCB-independent group with biallelic… The B cell lymphoma 6 (BCL6) gene, located at band 3q27, encodes a 95 kD nuclear phosphoprotein of the BTB-POZ transcription factor family .…
- 4. 髄芽腫の組織病理的特徴、遺伝学的特徴、分子的サブグループhistopathology genetics and molecular subgroups of medulloblastoma [show details]
… They are enriched for the large cell/anaplastic (LCA) histologic variant and are frequently metastatic at the time of diagnosis. Up to 2 percent of group 3 tumors are associated… Nevoid basal cell carcinoma syndrome (NBCCS; also called Gorlin syndrome)… cerebellar granule cell progenitors; others express markers suggesting that they arise from multipotential progenitor cells from earlier stages of neural development. Nuclear beta-catenin…
- 5. 前立腺生検の解釈interpretation of prostate biopsy [show details]
… a nuclear protein present in prostatic basal cells and absent in prostatic adenocarcinomas, has also been shown to be a more reliable marker than 34bE12 because of its prominent nuclear staining… IDCP is defined as malignant epithelial cells filling large prostatic acini ducts, with preservation of basal cells forming either (1) solid or dense…
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- 前脳基底部アセチルコリン神経の再認記憶における役割の解明: アルツハイマー型認知症の記憶障害メカニズムに関する新発見 前脳基底部には、記憶に関与すると考えられている2種類のアセチルコリン作動性神経細胞が存在し、中隔とマイネルト基底核と呼ばれ
- マイネルト基底核は前脳底部に存在する神経核であり、そのコリン作動性神経細胞は淡蒼球と内包との境界に散在する [1] [2]。求心性の軸索を大脳皮質の広範囲へ投射する [3]。マイネルト基底核はコリン作動性の神経核として知られてきたが、アセチルコリン(acetylcholine, ACh)を含む神経細胞 ...
- 前脳はヒトの脳のもっとも大きな部分であり、中枢神経系の再前端領域に位置する。 大脳(扁桃体、海馬などの辺縁皮質を含む)、中隔核、乳頭体、視床前核、嗅球といった大脳皮質外の構造、視床、視床上部、視床下部などからなる領域である。
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- pros 前方に
- 英
- forebrain, prosencephalon
- 同
- 前脳胞
- 関
- 一次脳胞
- 英
- basement、ground、basis、bases、fundus、basal
- 関
- アース、胃底、眼底、基礎、基本、根拠、素因、底、基盤、地階、轢く
- 英
- group
- 関
- グループ、集団、分類、群れ、基、グループ化
- 英
- cellularity、cellular、cell-mediated
- 関
- 細胞
- 英
- cell
- ラ
- cellula
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