- 英
- indication for operation
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- 1. 胸部に行う低侵襲手術の概要overview of minimally invasive thoracic surgery [show details]
…lateral decubitus position with the operative side up, though positioning is influenced by the surgical indication (eg, supine for some mediastinal operations). For the lateral decubitus position, padding …
- 2. 婦人科外科手術の術前評価および準備の概要overview of preoperative evaluation and preparation for gynecologic surgery [show details]
… should include a medical and surgical history, medications, and allergies, as well as a detailed history regarding the indication for the procedure and risk factors for surgical or anesthetic complications …
- 3. 直腸脱の概要overview of rectal procidentia rectal prolapse [show details]
… outcomes vary, depending upon the surgical approach, which is also dependent upon the patient clinical status. The primary indications for a surgical repair include the sensation of a mass from the prolapsed …
- 4. 胸部大動脈瘤・胸部大動脈解離への開胸手術の概要overview of open surgical repair of the thoracic aorta [show details]
… diameter) Patients with genetically mediated syndromes (syndromic TAAD) and indications for repair should undergo open surgical repair rather than endovascular repair. For patients with nonsyndromic conditions …
- 5. 機械的大腸閉塞の概要overview of mechanical colorectal obstruction [show details]
… obstruction (benign or malignant etiology) is an urgent surgical problem that accounts for up to 4 percent of surgical admissions for urgent abdominal indication. The toughest decision facing the surgeon is whether …
Japanese Journal
- 高齢者肝切除に対する周術期対策 (特集 高齢者に対する消化器外科治療)
- 糖尿病網膜症・網膜静脈閉塞症の手術適応 (特集 眼科手術の適応を考える)
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※国試ナビ4※ [110C031]←[国試_110]→[110D002]
- 英
- operation、surgery、operate
- 関
- 機能、外科、外科学、作動、操作、オペ、外科術、運用、操縦、術、外科手術、施行
- 英
- adjustment, adaptation