- 関
- leap、skip、vault
- make a sudden physical attack on; "The muggers jumped the woman in the fur coat"
- increase suddenly and significantly; "Prices jumped overnight"
- the act of jumping; propelling yourself off the ground; "he advanced in a series of jumps"; "the jumping was unexpected" (同)jumping
- descent with a parachute; "he had done a lot of parachuting in the army" (同)parachuting
- a sudden and decisive increase; "a jump in attendance" (同)leap
- (film) an abrupt transition from one scene to another
- cause to jump or leap; "the trainer jumped the tiger through the hoop" (同)leap
- move forward by leaps and bounds; "The horse bounded across the meadow"; "The child leapt across the puddle"; "Can you jump over the fence?" (同)leap, bound, spring
- jump down from an elevated point; "the parachutist didnt want to jump"; "every year, hundreds of people jump off the Golden Gate bridge"; "the widow leapt into the funeral pyre" (同)leap, jump_off
- bypass; "He skipped a row in the text and so the sentence was incomprehensible" (同)pass_over, skip, skip over
- enter eagerly into; "He jumped into the game"
- bound vigorously
- a strongroom or compartment (often made of steel) for safekeeping of valuables (同)bank vault
- a burial chamber (usually underground) (同)burial vault
- the act of jumping over an obstacle (同)hurdle
- an arched brick or stone ceiling or roof
- jump across or leap over (an obstacle) (同)overleap
- bound off one point after another (同)bound off
- a gait in which steps and hops alternate
- pass abruptly from one state or topic to another; "leap into fame"; "jump to a conclusion"; "jump from one thing to another" (同)jump
- a light, self-propelled movement upwards or forwards (同)leaping, spring, saltation, bound, bounce
- the distance leaped (or to be leaped); "a leap of 10 feet"
- an abrupt transition; "a successful leap from college to the major leagues" (同)jump, saltation
- (physics) an abrupt transition of an electron or atom or molecule from one quantum state to another with the emission or absorption of a quantum
- a competition that involves jumping as far as possible from a running start (同)broad_jump
- the act of jumping as far as possible from a running start (同)long_jump
- a folding seat in an automobile
- the act of participating in an athletic competition in which you must jump
- 《副詞[句]を伴って》(地面などから)『跳ぶ』,跳躍する / 急に(さっと)立ち上がる / (驚き・恐怖などで)(…に)ぎくっ(ぎょっ)として跳び上がる《+『at』+『名』》 / 〈金額・数量が〉急増する,急上昇する / …‘を'跳び越える / 〈人・動物〉‘を'跳躍させる,急に動かす / 《話》…‘に'急に襲いかかる / 〈C〉『跳ぶこと』,跳躍,ジャンプ / 〈C〉(跳び越さねばならぬ)障害物 / 〈C〉一跳びの幅(高さ) / 〈C〉(驚き・恐怖などで)ぎくっと(ぎょっと)すること / 《the jumps》《話》神経的な震え,動揺,いらいら / 〈C〉(…の)急増,急上昇《+『in』+『名』》 / 《the ~》ジャンプ競技 / 〈C〉飛行機からの落下傘降下
- 〈C〉(石・コンクリート・れんがなどでできた)『アーチ型天井』,『丸屋根』,丸天井 / 〈U〉《the ~》《詩》丸天井に似たもの,青天井,大空 / 〈C〉(特に貯蔵用に使われる)『地下室』 / 〈C〉(特に銀行などの)金庫宝,貴重品管理室 / 〈C〉(教会・墓地の)地下納骨堂 / 〈建物など〉‘に'丸天井をつける / 〈建物など〉‘を'丸天井様式にする
- 《副詞[句]を伴って》(手で支えたり棒を使って)飛ぶ,飛び越える / …‘を'飛び越える / 手で支えたり棒を使ったりして飛ぶこと
- 《副詞[句]を伴って》『軽く』(ぴょんぴょん)『跳ねる』,ぴょんと跳ぶ / 《英》なわ跳びをする / 《副詞[句]を伴って》(論点などが)飛ぶ,移る / 『省く』,抜かす,飛ばして読む(話す,書く);(…を)省く《+『over』(『through』)+『名』》 / (‥の)表面をはずみながら(かすめて)飛ぶ《+『along』(『over』)+『名』》 / 《話》急いでそっと立ち去る《+『off』(『out』)》 / …‘を'『軽く跳び越える』 / …‘を'『省く』,抜かす,飛ばして読む(話す,書く) / …‘を'休む,…‘に'出席しない / 〈石など〉‘を'水面をはずませながら(かすめて)飛ばす(skim) / 《話》〈ある場所〉‘を'急いでそっと立ち去る / 軽く跳ぶ(はねる)こと / 省略すること,飛ばすこと
- スキップ(鉱石・れんが・木材など重い材料を運ぶ大きな金属容器)
- (curlingまたはbowlsのチームの)主将
- 《しばしば副詞[句]を伴って》『ぴょんと飛ぶ』,はねる,躍る / 《副詞[句]を伴って》(飛ぶように)『急に』(『す早く』)『動く』,ぴょんと動く / 〈人・動物などが〉…‘を'『飛び越える』 / (…を)〈動物など〉‘に'飛び越えさせる《+『名』+『over』(『across』)+『名』》 / 跳ぶこと,跳躍;《比喩(ひゆ)的に》飛躍,急変 / ひと跳びの距離
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ジャンプ (jump) とは跳躍を意味する英語。
- 跳躍。跳びはね。
- 陸上競技の三段跳の三歩目の跳躍。
- スキージャンプ - スキー競技のうち、ノルディックスキー競技のひとつ。
- ジャンプ (フィギュアスケート) - フィギュアスケートの技のひとつ。
- CPUにおける分岐命令、またはプログラミング言語におけるGoto文のこと。
- インターネットのウェブページからハイパーリンクをたどってほかのウェブページに切り換えること。
- 法人や個人が破産ないしは倒産すること。もしくは民事再生法あるいは会社更生法適用を受けること。
- 手形の支払期日を延長すること。
- 集英社の発行する『少年ジャンプ』から派生した少年・青年向け漫画雑誌。
- 少年向け:週刊少年ジャンプ・月刊少年ジャンプ・フレッシュジャンプ・Vジャンプ・ジャンプスクエア等
- 青年向け:週刊ヤングジャンプ・ビジネスジャンプ・スーパージャンプ・ウルトラジャンプ等
- ジャンプ (小説) - 佐藤正午の小説、および左記小説を原作とした2004年に公開された原田泰造主演の日本映画。
- ジャンプ!○○中 - フジテレビ系列で放送されていたバラエティ番組。
- 音楽関連
- ジャンプ・ブルース - ブルースのサブジャンル。
- JUMP! (ラジオ番組) - 茨城放送で放送されていた音楽リクエスト番組。
- jump (Every Little Thingの曲) - Every Little Thingのシングル。
- ジャンプ/白く塗れ - BAZRAの両A面シングル。
- JUMP - 忌野清志郎のシングル。
- JUMP - サザンオールスターズの楽曲。アルバム『キラーストリート』収録。
- Jump - ヴァン・ヘイレンの楽曲。アルバム『1984』収録。
- ジャンプ (マドンナの曲) - マドンナの楽曲。
- JUMP#1/ハカナ - PENICILLINの両A面シングル。
- JUMP! - ALIVE & KICKINGに収録されている水樹奈々の楽曲。
- JUMP - ℃-uteの楽曲。メジャーデビューシングル『桜チラリ』のカップリング。
- JUMP (入野自由の曲) - 入野自由のシングル。
- jump! (加藤英美里のアルバム) - 加藤英美里のアルバム。
- 企業
- ジャンプコーポレーション - テレビ・ラジオ番組の制作会社。『大改造!!劇的ビフォーアフター』の製作会社として知られる。
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[Wiki en表示]
Jump may refer to:
- 1 Miscellaneous
- 2 Places
- 3 Science and engineering
- 4 Media
- 4.1 Film and television
- 4.2 Music
- 4.3 Theater
- 5 Sports
- 6 Science fiction
- 7 Organizations
- 8 Education
- 9 Transportation
- 10 See also
- Jumping, to propel oneself rapidly upward such that momentum causes the body to become airborne
- To get attacked by a group of people e.g. assault
- Jump start (vehicle), a colloquial term for a method of starting an automobile with a dead battery
- The act of having sex
- Jump, South Yorkshire, a village in the metropolitan borough of Barnsley in South Yorkshire, England, Dunedin
Science and engineering
- In mathematics, a jump discontinuity; see Classification of discontinuities
- A step in a jump process or in jump diffusion, in physics and economy
- Hydraulic jump, a phenomenon in fluid dynamics
- A tool redirecting horizontal velocity into vertical, e.g. a quarter pipe
- Jump!, a 1987 computer game for Commodore 64 by Loadstar
- Jump statement (or unconditional branch instruction), altering the control flow
- JumpDrive, a common name for a USB flash drive
- JMP (statistical software)
- Jump (magazine line), a line of manga magazines
Film and television
- Jump (2009 film), a 2009 Hong Kong comedy-drama film
- Jump! (film), a 2007 film featuring Patrick Swayze and Martine McCutcheon
- Jump (1999 film), a 1999 film featuring James LeGros, Mark Rosenthal and Jessica Hecht
- Jumping (1984 film), a 1984 animated cartoon by Osamu Tezuka
- "Jump" (Ugly Betty), the season finale episode of Ugly Betty
- Jump In!, a Disney Channel film
- Jump Records, a record label
- Jump blues, a musical genre
- Jumpstyle, a genre in electronic music
- Jump, Little Children, a band that has at various times gone by the name of "Jump"
- Jump! (album), by Van Dyke Parks
- Jump (Djumbo album)
- Jumping (EP), by Kara
- Jamshid "Jumps" Khadiwhala, turntablist for The Cat Empire
- Jump, a band with members, Scott Thurston, Mark Spiwak, Dennis Tracy, Dan Gorman
- "Jump Around", a 1992 song by House of Pain
- "Jump (for My Love)", a Pointer Sisters song (later covered by the group Girls Aloud)
- "Jump" (Van Halen song)
- "Jump" (Kris Kross song)
- "Jump" (Simple Plan song)
- "Jump" (Every Little Thing song)
- "Jump" (Madonna song)
- "Jump" (Flo Rida song)
- "Jump", a song by Rihanna from her 2012 album "Unapologetic"
- "Jumpin'", a Kara song
- "Jump", a song by The Faders
- "Jump", a song by Loverboy from their 1981 album Get Lucky
- "Jump!", a 1992 song performed by The Movement
- "Jump", a track by Kylie Minogue on her 1997 album Impossible Princess
- "Jump", a song by N*E*R*D from the 2004 album Fly or Die
- "Jumpin", a song by Liberty X
- "Jumpin' Jumpin'", a song by Destiny's Child
- "Jump" a track by Southside Rockers.
- Jump (comic martial-arts performance)
- BASE jumping
- Figure skating jumps
- Jumping (horse)
- Jumping, show jumping, or stadium jumping, the competitive equestrian event
- Track and field
- High Jump
- Long Jump
- Triple Jump
Science fiction
- Jump drive, one of the speculative inventions in science fiction, a method of traveling faster than light
- Jump (Alliance-Union universe), a fictional faster-than-light technology used in C. J. Cherryh's Alliance-Union universe
- J.U.M.P., a fictional weapon in the G.I. Joe universe
- Jump Associates, a design strategy firm based in San Mateo, California
- JUMP (Join Us to Motivate People), an IAESTE seminar
- The Jump, a bus route run by the Regional Transportation District between Boulder, CO and Lafayette, CO
See also
- All pages beginning with "Jump"
- All pages with titles containing "Jump"
UpToDate Contents
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English Journal
- Cooperative behavior in a jump diffusion model for a simple network of spiking neurons.
- Sirovich R, Sacerdote L, Villa AE.SourceDepartment of Mathematics "G. Peano", University of Torino, Via Carlo Alberto 10, 10123 Torino, Italy. roberta.sirovich@unito.it.
- Mathematical biosciences and engineering : MBE.Math Biosci Eng.2014 Apr 1;11(2):385-401. doi: 10.3934/mbe.2014.11.385.
- The distribution of time intervals between successive spikes generated by a neuronal cell --the interspike intervals (ISI)-- may reveal interesting features of the underlying dynamics. In this study we analyze the ISI sequence --the spike train-- generated by a simple network of neurons whose output
- PMID 24245723
- (13)C/(12)C isotope ratios of organic acids, glucose and fructose determined by HPLC-co-IRMS for lemon juices authenticity.
- Guyon F, Auberger P, Gaillard L, Loublanches C, Viateau M, Sabathié N, Salagoïty MH, Médina B.SourceService Commun des Laboratoires, 3 Avenue du Dr A. Schweitzer, 33608 Pessac, France. Electronic address: francois.guyon@scl.finances.gouv.fr.
- Food chemistry.Food Chem.2014 Mar 1;146:36-40. doi: 10.1016/j.foodchem.2013.09.020. Epub 2013 Sep 11.
- High performance liquid chromatography linked to isotope ratio mass spectrometry via an interface allowing the chemical oxidation of organic matter (HPLC-co-IRMS) was used to simultaneously determine carbon 13 isotope ratio (δ(13)C) of organic acids, glucose and fructose in lime and lemon juices. B
- PMID 24176310
- Jump neural network for online short-time prediction of blood glucose from continuous monitoring sensors and meal information.
- Zecchin C, Facchinetti A, Sparacino G, Cobelli C.SourceDepartment of Information Engineering, University of Padova, 35131 Padova, Italy.
- Computer methods and programs in biomedicine.Comput Methods Programs Biomed.2014 Jan;113(1):144-52. doi: 10.1016/j.cmpb.2013.09.016. Epub 2013 Oct 9.
- Several real-time short-term prediction methods, based on time-series modeling of past continuous glucose monitoring (CGM) sensor data have been proposed with the aim of allowing the patient, on the basis of predicted glucose concentration, to anticipate therapeutic decisions and improve therapy of
- PMID 24192453
- Effects of dopamine replacement therapy on lower extremity kinetics and kinematics during a rapid force production task in persons with Parkinson disease.
- Foreman KB, Singer ML, Addison O, Marcus RL, Lastayo PC, Dibble LE.SourceDepartment of Physical Therapy, University of Utah, 520 Wakara Way, Salt Lake City, UT 84108, United States. Electronic address: bo.Foreman@hsc.utah.edu.
- Gait & posture.Gait Posture.2014 Jan;39(1):638-40. doi: 10.1016/j.gaitpost.2013.07.114. Epub 2013 Aug 20.
- Postural instability appears to be a dopamine resistance motor deficit in persons with Parkinson disease (PD); however, little is known about the effects of dopamine replacement on the relative biomechanical contributions of individual lower extremity joints during postural control tasks. To gain in
- PMID 23968974
Japanese Journal
- Exercise Technique ジャンプシュラッグ : ウエイトリフティングの派生エクササイズに向けて
- Suchomel Timothy J.,DeWeese Brad H.,Beckham George K. [他]
- Strength & conditioning journal : 日本ストレングス&コンディショニング協会機関誌 22(3), 36-39, 2015-04
- NAID 40020415188
- リバウンドロングジャンプテストを用いた水平跳躍能力の評価と技術トレーニングへの応用
- Forgetting Curve : Experiments on Intervals and Total Time in Recall
- Zhan Ping,Hanks Jeffrey
- 江戸川大学紀要 = Bulletin of Edogawa University (25), 295-299, 2015-03
- NAID 40020401695
- インタプライズモデル化方法の目溢と対案IMDM-PA1 : 目次的ビジネスモデルからアーキテクチャ要旨へ (ソフトウェアインタプライズモデリング)
- 松本 正雄,高尾 みどり
- 電子情報通信学会技術研究報告 = IEICE technical report : 信学技報 114(468), 37-42, 2015-02-27
- NAID 40020395023
Related Links
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- 最新の「週刊少年ジャンプ」情報を紹介しています。表紙やセンターカラー情報も掲載。 ... 電子版を購入 試し読み 激闘! ドレスローザ最終決戦!! 大白熱巻頭カラー!! ONE PIECE 尾田栄一郎 作品紹介 新章突入!! アニメ&映画情報も超大増 ...
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- (過去-過去分詞leapedまたはleapt) 跳ぶ
- 関
- jump、skip、vault
- 英
- leap、jump、skip、vault
- 関
- 円蓋、ジャンプ、跳ぶ、スキップ、飛び越す
- 関
- jump、leap、vault
- 関
- 円蓋部
- fornix、jump、leap、skip
- 英
- jump、leap
- 関
- 跳躍、ジャンプ