ドラッグチャレンジテスト DCT
- issue a challenge to; "Fischer challenged Spassky to a match"
- a demanding or stimulating situation; "they reacted irrationally to the challenge of Russian power"
- a call to engage in a contest or fight
- a demand by a sentry for a password or identification
- a formal objection to the selection of a particular person as a juror
- questioning a statement and demanding an explanation; "his challenge of the assumption that Japan is still our enemy"
- take exception to; "She challenged his claims" (同)dispute, gainsay
- raise a formal objection in a court of law (同)take exception
- ask for identification; "The illegal immigrant was challenged by the border guard"
- undergo a test; "She doesnt test well"
- any standardized procedure for measuring sensitivity or memory or intelligence or aptitude or personality etc; "the test was standardized on a large sample of students" (同)mental test, mental testing, psychometric test
- the act of undergoing testing; "he survived the great test of battle"; "candidates must compete in a trial of skill" (同)trial
- the act of testing something; "in the experimental trials the amount of carbon was measured separately"; "he called each flip of the coin a new trial" (同)trial, run
- a hard outer covering as of some amoebas and sea urchins
- put to the test, as for its quality, or give experimental use to; "This approach has been tried with good results"; "Test this recipe" (同)prove, try, try out, examine, essay
- achieve a certain score or rating on a test; "She tested high on the LSAT and was admitted to all the good law schools"
- determine the presence or properties of (a substance)
- show a certain characteristic when tested; "He tested positive for HIV"
- an examination of the characteristics of something; "there are laboratories for commercial testing"; "it involved testing thousands of children for smallpox"
- the act of subjecting to experimental test in order to determine how well something works; "they agreed to end the testing of atomic weapons"
- stimulating interest or thought; "a challenging hypothesis"; "a thought-provoking book" (同)thought-provoking
- disturbingly provocative; "an intriguing smile" (同)intriguing
- use recreational drugs (同)do drugs
- administer a drug to; "They drugged the kidnapped tourist" (同)dose
- a substance that is used as a medicine or narcotic
- 〈U〉〈C〉『挑戦』,試合の申し込み;〈C〉挑戦状 / 〈U〉(番兵などが怪しい者に)“だれか"と呼び掛けること / 〈C〉手ごたえのある事(物) / 〈U〉〈C〉(…への)異議申し立て抗議《+『to』+『名』》 / 〈U〉〈C〉(陪審員に対する)忌避 / (競技・決闘などを)〈人〉‘に'『挑む』,挑戦する / …‘に'『異議を申し立てる』 / 〈物事が〉〈人〉'を'奮起させる,〈興味など〉'を'呼び起こす / 〈番兵・守衛などが〉…‘に'“だれか"と呼び掛ける / 〈陪審員・裁判官〉'を'忌避する
- (人の能力などの)『試験』,考査,テスト / (物事の)『試験』,検済,試錬,実験《+of+名》 / 化学分析;試薬 / =test match / …‘を'『試験する』,検査する / …‘を'化学分析する / (…の)試験を受ける,試験をする《+for+名》
- 挑戦的な / 興味をそそる,魅力的な
- 『薬』,薬品,薬剤 / 『麻薬』,麻酔剤 / 〈人〉‘に'薬(特に麻酔剤)を与える / 〈飲食物〉‘に'(麻酔薬・毒薬などの)薬を混ぜる
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English Journal
- Identification of genetic variants associated with capecitabine-induced hand-foot syndrome through integration of patient and cell line genomic analyses.
- Wheeler HE1, González-Neira A, Pita G, de la Torre-Montero JC, Alonso R, Lopez-Fernandez LA, Alba E, Martín M, Dolan ME.Author information 1aSection of Hematology/Oncology, Department of Medicine, University of Chicago, Chicago, Illinois, USA bHuman Genotyping Unit-CeGen, Human Cancer Genetics Programme, Spanish National Cancer Research Center cSan Carlos University Hospital dInstitute for Health Research, University Hospital Gregorio Marañón, Madrid eUniversity Hospital Virgen de la Victoria, Malaga, Spain.AbstractOBJECTIVE: A primary challenge in identifying replicable pharmacogenomic markers from clinical genomewide association study (GWAS) trials in oncology is the difficulty in performing a second large clinical trial with the same drugs and dosage regimen. We sought to overcome this challenge by incorporating GWAS results from cell-based studies using the same chemotherapy as a clinical cohort.
- Pharmacogenetics and genomics.Pharmacogenet Genomics.2014 May;24(5):231-7. doi: 10.1097/FPC.0000000000000037.
- OBJECTIVE: A primary challenge in identifying replicable pharmacogenomic markers from clinical genomewide association study (GWAS) trials in oncology is the difficulty in performing a second large clinical trial with the same drugs and dosage regimen. We sought to overcome this challenge by incorpor
- PMID 24595012
- Challenges in Modelling the Cost Effectiveness of Various Interventions for Cardiovascular Disease.
- Burgers LT1, Redekop WK, Severens JL.Author information 1Institute of Health Policy and Management, Erasmus University Rotterdam, Rotterdam, The Netherlands, burgers@bmg.eur.nl.AbstractOBJECTIVES: Decision analytic modelling is essential in performing cost-effectiveness analyses (CEAs) of interventions in cardiovascular disease (CVD). However, modelling inherently poses challenges that need to be dealt with since models always represent a simplification of reality. The aim of this study was to identify and explore the challenges in modelling CVD interventions.
- PharmacoEconomics.Pharmacoeconomics.2014 Apr 20. [Epub ahead of print]
- OBJECTIVES: Decision analytic modelling is essential in performing cost-effectiveness analyses (CEAs) of interventions in cardiovascular disease (CVD). However, modelling inherently poses challenges that need to be dealt with since models always represent a simplification of reality. The aim of this
- PMID 24748448
- Re-visiting Hypersensitivity Reactions to Taxanes: A Comprehensive Review.
- Picard M1, Castells MC.Author information 1Division of Rheumatology, Immunology and Allergy, Department of Medicine, Brigham and Women's Hospital, Harvard Medical School, 1 Jimmy Fund Way, Smith Building, Boston, MA, 02115, USA.AbstractTaxanes (a class of chemotherapeutic agents) are an important cause of hypersensitivity reactions (HSRs) in cancer patients. During the last decade, the development of rapid drug desensitization has been key to allow patients with HSRs to taxanes to be safely re-treated although the mechanisms of these HSRs are not fully understood. Earlier studies suggested that solvents, such as Cremophor EL used to solubilize paclitaxel, were responsible for HSRs through complement activation, but recent findings have raised the possibility that some of these HSRs are IgE-mediated. Taxane skin testing, which identifies patients with an IgE-mediated sensitivity, appears as a promising diagnostic and risk stratification tool in the management of patients with HSRs to taxanes. The management of patients following a HSR involves risk stratification and re-exposure could be performed either through rapid drug desensitization or graded challenge based on the severity of the initial HSR and the skin test result. Rapid drug desensitization has been shown to be an effective and safe method to re-introduce taxanes in hundreds of patients, including those with life-threatening HSRs. Patients with non-severe delayed skin HSRs may benefit from rapid drug desensitization since they may be at increased risk for an immediate HSR upon re-exposure. This review focuses on the clinical presentation, diagnosis, and novel mechanisms of immediate HSRs to taxanes. A new management strategy for HSRs to taxanes based on skin testing and rapid drug desensitization is proposed.
- Clinical reviews in allergy & immunology.Clin Rev Allergy Immunol.2014 Apr 17. [Epub ahead of print]
- Taxanes (a class of chemotherapeutic agents) are an important cause of hypersensitivity reactions (HSRs) in cancer patients. During the last decade, the development of rapid drug desensitization has been key to allow patients with HSRs to taxanes to be safely re-treated although the mechanisms of th
- PMID 24740483
Japanese Journal
- 症例 総合感冒薬の偶然の再投与でアセトアミノフェンによる薬剤性肺炎と診断した1例
- 日本呼吸器学会誌 = Annals of the Japanese Respiratory Society 3(6), 813-817, 2014-11-10
- NAID 40020264646
- プリックテスト陰性,皮内テスト陽性のエリスリトールによるアナフィラキシーの5歳男児例
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- 英
- drug challenge test, DCT
- 同
- 薬理学的疼痛機序判別試験
- 挑戦、チャレンジ。挑戦状(to)。(決闘・試合の)申し込み
- 説明の要求。とがめ、難詰。(狩)(臭い跡を見つけての)猟犬の叫び声
- 異議申し立て
- やりがいのある仕事、努力目標、難題。野心作
- (医)攻撃
- 挑戦する。(論戦・試合などを)申し込む。(人)に~するように挑む/要求する
- (称賛・注意などを)促し求める、(関心を)喚起する。刺激する、(難題などが人)の能力を試す。
- 誰何する
- (正当性を)疑う、調べる、吟味する。(医)~の免疫性をテストする、攻撃する
- Approximately 50% of persons challenged with Norwalk virus become ill and acquire short-term immunity against the infecting strain.
- 関
- assessment、data quality、exam、examination、examine、experimental design、matched group、measurement、research design、scoring method、test、trial
- (言葉・態度など)挑戦的な。能力を試すような、難しい。意欲をかき立てる、ヒトの機をそそる、嗜好を刺激する、興味深い。魅力的な
- 関
- load test、provocation test、tolerance test