- an impairment of health or a condition of abnormal functioning
- the lowermost portion of a structure partly or wholly below ground level; often used for storage (同)cellar
- the ground floor facade or interior in Renaissance architecture
- not in favor of (an action or proposal etc.)
- a person who is opposed (to an action or policy or practice etc.); "the antis smelled victory after a long battle"
- social insect living in organized colonies; characteristically the males and fertile queen have wings during breeding season; wingless sterile females are the workers (同)emmet, pismire
- a thin pliable sheet of material
- a pliable sheet of tissue that covers or lines or connects the organs or cells of animals or plants (同)tissue layer
- (体の)『病気』,疾患 / (精神・道徳などの)病気,病弊
- 女性の話術芸人 =diseur
- 地階,地下室
- 《話》(特定の慣習・政策・行動などに)反対する人
- 『アリ』
- =ain't
- (生物の)膜,皮膜
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- 英
- acute tubulointerstitial nephritis
- 同
- 急性間質性腎炎 acute interstitial nephritis, AIN
- 関
- 尿細管間質性腎炎
- antibiotics (lactams, sulfonamides, quinolones, vancomycin, erythromycin, minocycline, rifampin, ethambutol, acyclovir)
- NSAIDs,COX-2阻害薬
- 利尿薬(thiazides, furosemide, triamterene)
- 抗てんかん薬(フェニトイン、フェノバルビタール、カルバマゼピン、バルプロ酸)
- その他(カプトプリル、H2受容体阻害薬、プロトンポンプ阻害薬、mesalazine、indinavir、アロプリノール)
- 疾患:illnessより厳密な概念。「ある臓器に明確な障害が確認され、それによって症状が出ているとはっきり説明できる場合」 (PSY.9)
- 特定の原因、病態生理、症状、経過、予後、病理組織所見が全てそろった場合 (PSY.9)
- something that is very wrong with people's attitudes, way of life or with society.
- 関
- ail、ailment、disease entity、disorder、ill、illness、malady、sick、sickness
- disease ≠ illness ≠ disorder
- 関
- canaliculi、canaliculus、kidney tubule、renal tubular、renal tubule、tubular、uriniferous tubule
- 関
- basal、bases、basis、fundus、ground
- 同
- ants, stinging