- the 1st letter of the Roman alphabet (同)a
- the blood group whose red cells carry the A antigen (同)type_A, group A
- answer / ampere
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出典(authority):フリー百科事典『ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』「2017/08/24 04:16:41」(JST)
[Wiki ja表示]
- ain (ISO 639) (アイヌ語)
- アメリカン・インデペンデント・ネットワーク(英語版)(American Independent Network) - アメリカのテレビネットワーク。
- アメリカ合衆国アラスカ州ウェインライト(英語版)にあるウェインライト空港(英語版)(Wainwright Airport)のIATAコード。
- 肛門ガン(Anal Intraepithelial Neoplasia)。
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Ain is a département of France.
Ain or AIN may also refer to:
- 1 Medical
- 2 People
- 2.1 Given name
- 2.2 Surname
- 2.3 Fictional
- 3 Places
- 4 Other
- 5 See also
- Anal intraepithelial neoplasia, a precursor to anal cancer
- Anterior interosseous nerve serving the forearm
- Acute interstitial nephritis, nephritis affecting the interstitium of the kidneys
Given name
- Ain is a common Estonian masculine given name
- Ain Evard (born 1962), Soviet/Estonian high jumper
- Ain Kaalep (born 1926), Estonian poet, playwright, literary critic and translator
- Ain Lutsepp (born 1954), Estonian actor and politician
- Ain Mäeots (born 1971), Estonian actor and director
- Ain-Ervin Mere (1903–1969), Estonian military officer
- Ain Padrik (born 1947), Estonian architect
- Ain Roost (born 1946), Canadian discus thrower of Estonian origin
- Ain Saar (born 1968), Estonian freedom fighter
- Ain Sillak (Alfred Schmidt; 1898–1972), Estonian weightlifter
- Ain Tammus (born 1969), Estonian footballer and coach
- Gregory Ain (1908–1988), American architect
- Kenneth B. Ain, American endocrinologist and author
- Ain (mythology), an Irish mythological figure
- Ain (Bible), a biblical city
- Ain (river), a river in eastern France
- Epsilon Tauri or Ain, an orange giant star
- Al Ain, a city in the United Arab Emirates
- Ain, Iran, a village in Qazvin Province, Iran
- El Ain, a city near Beirut
- Aín, a town in eastern Spain
- El Ain, Beqaa, Lebanon
- Ain (letter) or ʿayin, a letter in Semitic scripts such as Arabic and Hebrew
- Ain (film), a Malayalam-language Indian film
- Al Ain Club, a football club in the United Arab Emirates
- Albany International, an American industrial goods company whose stock trades under the AIN ticker symbol
- Advanced Intelligent Network in mobile telecoms
- Aluminium nitride
- American Independent Network, a TV network
- Aintree railway station, Liverpool, England (code: AIN)
- Autonomous Individuals Network, formerly known as Thee Temple ov Psychick Youth
- Advanced Intelligent Network (AIN) – Variant of Intelligent Network, Telecommunications network architecture
See also
UpToDate Contents
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English Journal
- Effect of extract of Hibiscus on the ultrastructure of the testis in adult mice.
- Mahmoud YI.SourceDepartment of Zoology, Faculty of Science, Ain Shams University, Abbassia Cairo, Egypt. yomna_ia@yahoo.com
- Acta histochemica.Acta Histochem.2012 Jul;114(4):342-8. Epub 2011 Jul 27.
- Hibiscus sabdariffa extract is a popular beverage in many tropical and sub-tropical countries. Although, Hibiscus tea is known for its medicinal effects for thousands of years, scientific evidence of its systemic safety is very limited. The current study aimed to assess the potential adverse effects
- PMID 21798576
- Environmental factors underlying spatial patterns of sand flies (Diptera: Psychodidae) associated with leishmaniasis in southern Sinai, Egypt.
- Kassem HA, Siri J, Kamal HA, Wilson ML.SourceInstitute of Environmental Studies and Research, Ain Shams University, Abbassia, Postal Code 11566 Cairo, Egypt.
- Acta tropica.Acta Trop.2012 Jul;123(1):8-15. Epub 2012 Mar 3.
- Although Leishmania major is endemic in parts of the Sinai of Egypt, the ecology and distribution of Leishmania sand fly vectors in southern Sinai has not been well characterized. Accordingly, additional sand fly samples were obtained at 41 sites in the southern Sinai region during 1996-1997, and an
- PMID 22410540
Japanese Journal
- Novel Pyrazolo[3,4-b]pyridine Derivatives: Synthesis, Characterization, Antimicrobial and Antiproliferative Profile
- Synthesis, Antimicrobial and Anti-inflammatory Activity of Some New Benzoxazinone and Quinazolinone Candidates
- Design and Synthesis of New Phthalazinone Derivatives Containing Benzyl Moiety with Anticipated Antitumor Activity
Related Links
- 製品名/仕様, 製品符号, 小売価格, 包装単位, 単品JAN, セットJAN, カートンJAN. アインブラック消しゴム06, ZEAH06A, 1個¥63 (本体価格¥60), 40個×30箱, 280480, 280527, 280565. アインブラック消しゴム10, ZEAH10A, 1個¥105 (本体 価格¥100) ...
- 調剤薬局(アイン薬局・今川薬局・リジョイス薬局・あさひ調剤薬局・にいがた調剤薬局・ サンウッド薬局等)、ドラッグストア(アインズ・アインズ&トルペ・トルペ・ナイスドラッグ等 )、医薬流通サービスのアイングループのホームページです。グループの概要、 ...
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- 英
- proton pump inhibitor PPI
- 同
- プロトン-カリウムATPアーゼ阻害薬 proton-potassium ATPase inhibitor、H+ポンプ阻害薬
- 胃潰瘍の治癒率を向上する (⇔H2受容体拮抗薬)
H+/K+ ATPase ・・・これはNa+/K+ ATPaseと60%相同性を持つ
αサブユニット10回膜貫通, 120-150kDa, glycoprotein
休止期には小胞体内内腔へのH+,K+,Cl-の移動、分泌期には小胞は管腔の細胞膜と癒合してK+, Cl-を管腔側に排出する一方でH+を排出でしてK+を取り込む。
血中ガストリン↑→ECL cell↑→リバウンドが激しい
week end therapy: 週末3日だけ投与後休薬
ピレンゼピン(Mi R blocker), PG(プロスタグランジン) → ガストリン↑を軽減
- http://www.uptodate.com/contents/overview-and-comparison-of-the-proton-pump-inhibitors-for-the-treatment-of-acid-related-disorders?source=search_result&search=%EF%BC%B0%EF%BC%B0%EF%BC%A9&selectedTitle=1~150#H59974871
- 英
- acute tubulointerstitial nephritis
- 同
- 急性間質性腎炎 acute interstitial nephritis, AIN
- 関
- 尿細管間質性腎炎
- antibiotics (lactams, sulfonamides, quinolones, vancomycin, erythromycin, minocycline, rifampin, ethambutol, acyclovir)
- NSAIDs,COX-2阻害薬
- 利尿薬(thiazides, furosemide, triamterene)
- 抗てんかん薬(フェニトイン、フェノバルビタール、カルバマゼピン、バルプロ酸)
- その他(カプトプリル、H2受容体阻害薬、プロトンポンプ阻害薬、mesalazine、indinavir、アロプリノール)
急性尿細管間質性腎炎 AIN