経頚静脈肝内門脈大循環短絡術、経皮的肝内門脈静脈短絡術、経頸静脈的肝内門脈体循環シャント、transjugular intrahepatic portosystemic shunt
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出典(authority):フリー百科事典『ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』「2015/07/14 15:57:37」(JST)
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Look up tips in Wiktionary, the free dictionary. |
Tips may refer to:
- Tip (gratuity), extra payment left by guests
- Tips Industries, an Indian film production company
- Gambling suggestions made by a Tipster
- A landfill site can also be known as a "tip" or "rubbish tip"
- Ernest Oscar Tips, a Belgian aviation designer and entrepreneur
TIPS as an acronym may refer to:
- Operation TIPS, Terrorism Information and Prevention System
- Tether Physics and Survivability Experiment, a satellite to experiment with space tether
- Theory of Inventive Problem Solving, see TRIZ
- Thermally Induced Phase Separation, a common method used in scaffold design for tissue engineering
- Training for Intervention ProcedureS, Alcohol server training
- Transjugular intrahepatic portosystemic shunt, an artificial channel within the liver
- Treasury Inflation-Protected Securities, a set of Bonds issued by the U.S. Treasury.
- Trends in Pharmacological Sciences or Trends (journals), a series of scientific journals
- Triisopropylsilyl, a type of silyl ether
- Turkish Institute for Police Studies, University of North Texas
See also
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English Journal
- Development of bimetal-grown multi-scale carbon micro-nanofibers as an immobilizing matrix for enzymes in biosensor applications.
- Hood AR, Saurakhiya N, Deva D, Sharma A, Verma N.SourceDepartment of Chemical Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology, Kanpur, India.
- Materials science & engineering. C, Materials for biological applications.Mater Sci Eng C Mater Biol Appl.2013 Oct;33(7):4313-22. doi: 10.1016/j.msec.2013.06.030. Epub 2013 Jun 28.
- This study describes the development of a novel bimetal (Fe and Cu)-grown hierarchical web of carbon micro-nanofiber-based electrode for biosensor applications, in particular to detect glucose in liquids. Carbon nanofibers (CNFs) are grown on activated carbon microfibers (ACFs) by chemical vapor dep
- PMID 23910348
- In vivo characterization of protein uptake by yeast cell envelope: single cell AFM imaging and μ-tip-enhanced Raman scattering study.
- Naumenko D, Snitka V, Serviene E, Bruzaite I, Snopok B.SourceThe Research Centre for Microsystems and Nanotechnology, Kaunas University of Technology, Studentu 65, 51369, Kaunas, Lithuania. vsnitka@ktu.lt b_snopok@yahoo.com.
- The Analyst.Analyst.2013 Sep 21;138(18):5371-83. doi: 10.1039/c3an00362k. Epub 2013 Jul 23.
- Direct detection of biological transformations of single living cells in vivo has been performed by the advanced combination of local topographic imaging by Atomic Force Microscopy (AFM) and label-free sub-surface chemical characterization using new μ-Tip-Enhanced Raman Spectroscopy (μ-TERS). The
- PMID 23877230
- Single molecular dissection of the ligand binding property of epidermal growth factor receptor.
- Zhang J, Liu H, Zhu R, Hinterdorfer P, Zhang B, Tang J.SourceState Key Laboratory of Electroanalytical Chemistry, Changchun Institute of Applied Chemistry, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Changchun, 130022, P. R. China. jltang@ciac.ac.cn blzhang@ciac.ac.cn.
- The Analyst.Analyst.2013 Sep 21;138(18):5325-31. doi: 10.1039/c3an00778b. Epub 2013 Jul 19.
- The understanding of ligand binding interactions is an important component of understanding the fundamental mechanism of receptor function. In this study, the binding abilities of EGF and TGF-α to EGFR on human bladder cancer (T24) cells were investigated by single molecular force spectroscopy (SMF
- PMID 23869380
Japanese Journal
- Light-Exposure Effects on Electrical Characteristics of 6,13-Bis(triisopropylsilylethynyl)Pentacene/CdTe Composite Thin-Film Transistors
- Park Jaehoon,Kim Dong Wook,Lee Bong Kuk,Jeong Ye-Sul,Petty Michael,Choi Jong Sun,Do Lee-Mi
- Jpn J Appl Phys 52(5), 05DC12-05DC12-4, 2013-05-25
- … We report the light-exposure effects on solution-processed organic thin-film transistors (TFTs) based on a 6,13-bis(triisopropylsilylethynyl)pentacene (TIPS-pentacene) semiconductor. … Under light exposure, the increase in drain current and the positive shift of threshold voltage are observed, which are more remarkable for the TIPS-pentacene/cadmium telluride composite TFT. …
- NAID 150000106916
- Fabrication of 6,13-Bis(triisopropylsilylethynyl) Pentacene Films by Electrostatic Spray Deposition for Bottom-Contact Organic Field-Effect Transistors
- Onojima Norio,Nishio Naomichi,Kato Takamasa
- Jpn J Appl Phys 52(5), 05DB06-05DB06-4, 2013-05-25
- … In this study, 6,13-bis(triisopropylsilylethynyl) pentacene (TIPS pentacene) films were prepared by electrostatic spray deposition (ESD) for fabrication of bottom-contact organic field-effect transistors (OFETs) having the channel length of 5 μm. … Since the crystalline quality of TIPS pentacene film strongly depends on the nature of the spray droplets, we investigated preparation condition of TIPS pentacene solution with mixed organic solvents. …
- NAID 150000106889
- 書評『日本語教師のためのTIPS 77② ICTの活用』(山田智久著 くろしお出版)
- 高橋 美奈子,Takahashi Minako
- 留学生教育 : 琉球大学留学生センター紀要 (10), 51-57, 2013-03-00
- NAID 120005294281
Related Links
- TIPSとは - ハードウェアやソフトウェアを使う上で、役に立つコツ、豆知識、小技を集めた もの。 転じて、料理や生活の知恵などの「コツ」に関しても広く用いる。
Related Pictures

- 英
- esophageal varix, esophageal varices
- 関
- 胃静脈瘤、variceal bleeding、門脈圧
- 門脈圧亢進を背景として粘膜下層~粘膜固有層の静脈叢に静脈瘤が形成される。
- 好発部位:下部食道
- 静脈瘤の形成には左胃静脈、短胃静脈、後胃静脈が関与している。
- 日本では形態(form, F)F2以上や発赤所見(red color sign, RC)RC2以上が危険な静脈瘤として予防的治療の適応となっている(SSUR.645)
- 青色静脈瘤、連珠状静脈瘤(F2)以上、red color sign陽性は治療対象(QB.A-341)
- 参考3
F:form 形態
F0 静脈瘤として認められないもの F1 直線的な細いもの F2 連珠状、中等度 F3 結節状、腫瘤状
C: color 色調
Cw (白色静脈) Cb (青色静脈)
RC:red color sign 発赤所見
Red color sign(RC) ミミズ腫れ所見 red wale marking (RWM) サクランボ様発赤 cherry red spot様所見 (CRS) 血マメ所見 hematocystic spot (HCS)
- F3, red color sign [show details]
- SSUR.649-
- (緊急出血)バソプレシン・ソマトスタチン:門脈の流入血流を減少させ、門脈圧を減少させる。肝機能悪化リスクあり。
- (予防)プロプラノロール・ナドロール:非選択的βブロッカーを使うことで、β2受容体を介した血管拡張がblockされα1受容体を介した血管収縮が優位となり、腸管の細動脈の収縮により門脈の血流が減少、門脈圧が低下する。さらに多く用いれば、β1受容体を介した心拍出量の低下により脾動脈血流量が減少し、門脈圧がより低下する。(参考2)
- interventional radiology, IVR
- 適応:内視鏡的硬化薬注入量法(EIS)、内視鏡的静脈瘤結紮術(EVL)で止血不可能な例、再発・出血を繰り返す例
- 血小板減少:止血が困難となるため
- 肝硬変:総ビリルビン4mg/dl以上では硬化療法が選択できないため
- フリーPDF有り
- 1. 食道静脈瘤内視鏡所見記載基準 (日本門脈圧亢進症研究会)
- 2. [charged] Primary prophylaxis against variceal hemorrhage in patients with cirrhosis - uptodate [1]
- 3. 消化器基本画像集
- 大変勉強になる資料です!!
- http://www.pariet.jp/alimentary/picture.html
- 英
- ascites, abdominal dropsy, hydroperitonia
- 同
- 腹腔内貯留液 intraperitoneal fluid
- 関
- 波動
- 血清蛋白質濃度は6.5-8.0g/dLが正常範囲
- 1. 門脈圧・静脈圧亢進
- 2. 膠質浸透圧の低下
- 3. リンパ液のうっ滞
- 4. 血管透過性の亢進
肝硬変における腹水 HIM.1978
- 1. →内臓の血管内圧の上昇→腹水
- 2. →動脈血の減少→血管収縮機構と抗ナトリウム利尿機構の亢進→ナトリウム保持→血漿量の増加→腹水
- 500ml以上の貯留があれば、腹部超音波検査、腹部CT、腹部MRIで検出できる。
- 英
- transjugular intrahepatic portosystemic shunt TIPS, transjugular intrahepatic portasystemic shunt
- 同
- ティップス、経頚静脈性肝内門脈大循環短絡術、経頸静脈的肝内門脈大循環短絡術、経頸静脈肝内門脈大循環短絡術、経頚静脈肝内門脈大循環短絡術、経頚静脈的肝内門脈大循環短絡術、経皮的肝内門脈静脈短絡術、経頚静脈性肝内門脈大循環シャント、経頸静脈的肝内門脈大循環シャント、経頸静脈肝内門脈大循環シャント、経頚静脈肝内門脈大循環シャント、経頚静脈的肝内門脈大循環シャント、経皮的肝内門脈静脈シャント
[show details]
経頚静脈肝内門脈大循環短絡術 TIPS