- 日
- 関
- a long-playing phonograph record; designed to be played at 33.3 rpm (同)L-P
- the 12th letter of the Roman alphabet (同)l
- エルピーレコード(1分間331/3回転のレコード;商標名)
- lira(イタリアの貨幣単位リラ)
Wikipedia preview
出典(authority):フリー百科事典『ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』「2016/02/13 14:19:11」(JST)
[Wiki en表示]
LPV is an acronym that may refer to:
- Leaders Party of Vanuatu, a political party in Vanuatu
- Limiting pressure velocity, a term relating to tribology (the study of friction and wear)
- Localizer performance with vertical guidance, aviation
- Logopedics Phoniatrics Vocology, a British Voice Association journal
- Long-period variable, astronomy
- Low-pressure valve, plumbing
- Lunar piloted vehicle, space exploration
- Linear parametric varying, systems and control
- Light Propagation Volumes, a method for computing Global Illumination in Computer graphics
- Lycée Paul Valéry (disambiguation), which may refer to several French schools
LPV/r refers to the HIV drug, Lopinavir/Ritonavir (trade names: Kaletra / Aluvia)
UpToDate Contents
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English Journal
- Population pharmacokinetics and dosing regimen optimisation of lopinavir in Chinese adults infected with HIV.
- Niu WJ, Sun T, Liu L, Liu XQ, Zhang RF, Yin L, Wang JR, Jia XF, Lu HZ, Zhong MK, Jiao Z, Zhang LJ.
- Basic & clinical pharmacology & toxicology. 2019 Apr;124(4)456-465.
- Lopinavir (LPV) is a protease inhibitor (PI) for the treatment of human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infections. Current studies on LPV are mainly focused on Caucasians, and none have investigated the population pharmacokinetics (PPK) of LPV in Chinese population. The present study aimed to develop
- PMID 30346663
- Treatment outcomes of initial differential antiretroviral regimens among HIV patients in Southwest China: comparison from an observational cohort study.
- Kang R, Luo L, Chen H, Zhu Q, Liao L, Xing H, Zhu J, Shen Z, Lan G, Tang Z, Shao Y, Yang W, Ruan Y.
- BMJ open. 2019 Mar;9(3)e025666.
- China has continued to expand antiretroviral therapy (ART) services and optimise ART guidelines in an effort to significantly reduce and prevent mortality and transmission rates among HIV patients. However, no study to date has compared treatment outcomes of initial differential antiretroviral regim
- PMID 30928945
- An observational study in an urban Ugandan clinic comparing virological outcomes of patients switched from first-line antiretroviral regimens to second-line regimens containing ritonavir-boosted atazanavir or ritonavir-boosted lopinavir.
- Laker EAO, Nabaggala MS, Kaimal A, Nalwanga D, Castelnuovo B, Musubire A, Kiragga A, Lamorde M, Ratanshi RP.
- BMC infectious diseases. 2019 Mar;19(1)280.
- The World Health Organisation approved boosted atazanavir as a preferred second line protease inhibitor in 2010. This is as an alternative to the current boosted lopinavir. Atazanavir has a lower genetic barrier than lopinavir. We compared the virological outcomes of patients during the roll out of
- PMID 30909871
Japanese Journal
- ジブクレーンに対するディスクリプタ表現を用いたゲインスケジューリング制御
- 第一原理モデルと同定モデルの状態に基づくツインロータMIMOシステムのモデリング
- 田中 秀幸,太田 快人,沖村 祐亮
- 計測自動制御学会論文集 = Transactions of the Society of Instrument and Control Engineers 47(6), 253-261, 2011-06-30
- NAID 10029250825
Related Links
- 【ソフト紹介】 本ソフトはLPVユーティリティVer.1.07です。 自己解凍後、ファイルをフロッピーディスク等にコピーしインストールを行ってください。 インストール方法はマニュアルをご参照ください。 なお一部の機能はLPV-TXファームウェア ...
- LPV(エルピーヴィ)コーポレーションは省エネ製品、LED道路照明、太陽光発電など取り扱っております。 ... LPV(エルピーヴィ)コーポレーションの主要事業 長期にわたるデフレ、多様化する消費ニーズ、海外企業の台頭と益々経済は ...
- LPVマネージャによりGUI環境で設定可能。※2 NetBEUI、TCP/IP、IPX/SPX、AppleTalkのプロトコルに対応(マルチプロトコル対応)。 ファームウェアはマネージャで簡単アップデート。 ※ 1: プリンタの背面スペースにより接続できない ※ ...
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- 英
- ascites, abdominal dropsy, hydroperitonia
- 同
- 腹腔内貯留液 intraperitoneal fluid
- 関
- 波動
- 血清蛋白質濃度は6.5-8.0g/dLが正常範囲
- 1. 門脈圧・静脈圧亢進
- 2. 膠質浸透圧の低下
- 3. リンパ液のうっ滞
- 4. 血管透過性の亢進
肝硬変における腹水 HIM.1978
- 1. →内臓の血管内圧の上昇→腹水
- 2. →動脈血の減少→血管収縮機構と抗ナトリウム利尿機構の亢進→ナトリウム保持→血漿量の増加→腹水
- 500ml以上の貯留があれば、腹部超音波検査、腹部CT、腹部MRIで検出できる。