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出典(authority):フリー百科事典『ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』「2014/11/10 16:15:32」(JST)
[Wiki ja表示]
- パワーテイクオフ(Power take-off、動力取り出し装置)の略。
- アメリカ合衆国特許商標庁(United States Patent and Trademark Office)の略。
- Please Turn Overの略。「裏面に続く」の意。
- Paid Time Offの略。有給休暇。
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[Wiki en表示]
Look up PTO in Wiktionary, the free dictionary. |
PTO may stand for:
- United States Patent and Trademark Office or any other Patent and Trademark Office
- Parent Teacher Organization, organization that consists of parents, teachers and school staff
- Pacific Theater of Operations, World War II
- Power take-off, a splined driveshaft, usually on a tractor or truck, that can be used to provide power to an attachment or separate machine
- Paid time off, time an employee can draw from to take time off from work, without having to specify a reason
- Public Telecommunications Operator, a service provider of telecommunications services such as telephony and data communications access
- Peeled tail-on shrimp
- Peace Train Organisation, a campaign group set up in response to the repeated bombing of the Dublin to Belfast railway line
- Permission to officiate, a limited form of license to undertake ecclesiastical duties within the Church of England
- Phoenix Thunderbirds Open, a golf tournament on the LPGA Tour from 1962 to 1965
- Please Turn Over, an acronym commonly found on notes and letters. It is used when finding insufficient writing space on the current page, and refers the reader to material on the verso or the next page. Sometimes rearranged to "TPO", or "Turn Page Over".
- A professional try-out agreement, a type of employment contract.
- PTO: Pacific Theater of Operations, a war strategy simulation series by Koei based on the World War II events
- "P:T:O:", a track from the 1977 Klaus Schulze album Body Love
- The Phantom of the Opera (adaptations), The Phantom of the Opera— the original novel or an adaptation (movie/musical/literature) or the Phantom character from any of these
- Please Turn Over, a 1959 British comedy film
- Promenade Theatre Orchestra, an English quartet founded in 1969
- PTO Nottingham based six piece rock band
See also
- All pages with titles containing "PTO"
- All pages beginning with "PTO"
English Journal
- PTO-modified CpG oligodeoxynucleotides mimic autoantigens and reveal a potential role for TLR9 in receptor revision.
- Doster A, Ziegler S, Foermer S, Rieker RJ, Heeg K, Bekeredjian-Ding I.SourceDepartment of Infectious Diseases, Med. Microbiology and Hygiene, UniversityHospital Heidelberg, Im Neuenheimer Feld 324 1, OG, D-69120, Heidelberg, Germany.
- Immunology.Immunology.2013 Jan 5. doi: 10.1111/imm.12063. [Epub ahead of print]
- Re-expression of RAG in mature B cells may support autoreactivity by enabling revision of the B cell receptor (BCR). Recent reports suggest that administration of Toll-like receptor (TLR)-9-stimulating CpG oligodeoxynucleotides (ODN) could trigger manifestation of autoimmune disease and that TLR are
- PMID 23289794
- Recognition of CpG oligodeoxynucleotides by human Toll-like receptor 9 and subsequent cytokine induction.
- Suwarti S, Yamazaki T, Svetlana C, Hanagata N.SourceGraduate School of Life Science, Hokkaido University, N10W8, Kita-ku, Sapporo 060-0810, Japan.
- Biochemical and biophysical research communications.Biochem Biophys Res Commun.2012 Dec 22. pii: S0006-291X(12)02416-3. doi: 10.1016/j.bbrc.2012.12.068. [Epub ahead of print]
- Toll-like receptor 9 (TLR9) recognizes a synthetic ligand, oligodeoxynucleotide (ODN) containing cytosine-phosphate-guanine (CpG). Activation of TLR9 by CpG ODN induces a signal transduction cascade that plays a pivotal role in first-line immune defense in the human body. The three-dimensional struc
- PMID 23266611
Japanese Journal
- Nuclease-resistant immunostimulatory phosphodiester CpG oligodeoxynucleotides as human Toll-like receptor 9 agonists
- Meng Wenjun,Yamazaki Tomohiko,Nishida Yuuki,Hanagata Nobutaka
- BMC Biotechnology 11, 88, 2011-09-26
- … ODNs with a phosphorothioate (PTO) backbone have been studied as TLR9 agonists since natural ODNs with a phosphodiester (PD) backbone are easily degraded by a serum nuclease, which makes them problematic for therapeutic applications. … However, ODNs with a PTO backbone have been shown to have undesirable side effects. … Conclusions: This study showed that PD-ODN2006-2006 and PD-ODN-2006-2006-2006 can be used as potentially safe agonists for hTLR9 activation instead of CpG ODNs with a PTO backbone. …
- NAID 120003444328
- Oxidization Characteristics of Standard Platinum Resistance Thermometers
- Sakurai Hirohisa,Tamura Osamu
- Jpn J Appl Phys 50(3), 036601-036601-7, 2011-03-25
- … A platinum sensing wire is oxidized by oxygen in a thermometer sheath, such as PtO2 or PtO, depending on temperature below 500 °C. … The platinum oxide PtO2 is confirmed to be formed spontaneously in the sensing wire in a temperature range below 300 °C. …
- NAID 150000055419
- PTO(経皮経肝的塞栓術)・BRTO(バルーン閉塞下逆行性経静脈的塞栓術) (特集 1ページイラストでわかる!看護がわかる! 消化器外科ナースのための手術以外の治療と検査)
Related Links
- いすゞ自動車のホームページ。 ... ではPTOをカンタンに説明しましょう。PTOとは、一言でいうと、「さまざまな作業をするための動力をトラックのエンジンから取り出す装置」のこと。
- いすゞ自動車のホームページ。 ... あきら 「なるほど、それならミキサー車も走りながらドラム部分を回せるね。いやー、PTOっていろいろ工夫されているんだねー」
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- 英
- esophageal varix, esophageal varices
- 関
- 胃静脈瘤、variceal bleeding、門脈圧
- 門脈圧亢進を背景として粘膜下層~粘膜固有層の静脈叢に静脈瘤が形成される。
- 好発部位:下部食道
- 静脈瘤の形成には左胃静脈、短胃静脈、後胃静脈が関与している。
- 日本では形態(form, F)F2以上や発赤所見(red color sign, RC)RC2以上が危険な静脈瘤として予防的治療の適応となっている(SSUR.645)
- 青色静脈瘤、連珠状静脈瘤(F2)以上、red color sign陽性は治療対象(QB.A-341)
- 参考3
F:form 形態
F0 静脈瘤として認められないもの F1 直線的な細いもの F2 連珠状、中等度 F3 結節状、腫瘤状
C: color 色調
Cw (白色静脈) Cb (青色静脈)
RC:red color sign 発赤所見
Red color sign(RC) ミミズ腫れ所見 red wale marking (RWM) サクランボ様発赤 cherry red spot様所見 (CRS) 血マメ所見 hematocystic spot (HCS)
- F3, red color sign [show details]
- SSUR.649-
- (緊急出血)バソプレシン・ソマトスタチン:門脈の流入血流を減少させ、門脈圧を減少させる。肝機能悪化リスクあり。
- (予防)プロプラノロール・ナドロール:非選択的βブロッカーを使うことで、β2受容体を介した血管拡張がblockされα1受容体を介した血管収縮が優位となり、腸管の細動脈の収縮により門脈の血流が減少、門脈圧が低下する。さらに多く用いれば、β1受容体を介した心拍出量の低下により脾動脈血流量が減少し、門脈圧がより低下する。(参考2)
- interventional radiology, IVR
- 適応:内視鏡的硬化薬注入量法(EIS)、内視鏡的静脈瘤結紮術(EVL)で止血不可能な例、再発・出血を繰り返す例
- 血小板減少:止血が困難となるため
- 肝硬変:総ビリルビン4mg/dl以上では硬化療法が選択できないため
- フリーPDF有り
- 1. 食道静脈瘤内視鏡所見記載基準 (日本門脈圧亢進症研究会)
- 2. [charged] Primary prophylaxis against variceal hemorrhage in patients with cirrhosis - uptodate [1]
- 3. 消化器基本画像集
- 大変勉強になる資料です!!
- http://www.pariet.jp/alimentary/picture.html