- 同
- 体幹運動失調
- a lack of coordination of movements
- inability to coordinate voluntary muscle movements; unsteady movements and staggering gait (同)ataxy, dyssynergia, motor_ataxia
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English Journal
- The p53-p21(WAF1) checkpoint pathway plays a protective role in preventing DNA rereplication induced by abrogation of FOXF1 function.
- Lo PK, Lee JS, Sukumar S.SourceDepartment of Biological Sciences, University of South Carolina, Columbia, South Carolina, USA.
- Cellular signalling.Cell Signal.2012 Jan;24(1):316-24. Epub 2011 Sep 22.
- We previously identified FOXF1 as a potential tumor suppressor gene with an essential role in preventing DNA rereplication to maintain genomic stability, which is frequently inactivated in breast cancer through the epigenetic mechanism. Here we further addressed the role of the p53-p21(WAF1) checkpo
- PMID 21964066
- Cervical vertebral canal endoscopy in a horse with cervical vertebral stenotic myelopathy.
- Prange T, Carr EA, Stick JA, Garcia-Pereira FL, Patterson JS, Derksen FJ.SourceDepartment of Large Animal Clinical Sciences Department of Small Animal Clinical Sciences Department of Pathobiology and Diagnostic Investigation, College of Veterinary Medicine, Michigan State University, USA.
- Equine veterinary journal.Equine Vet J.2012 Jan;44(1):116-9. doi: 10.1111/j.2042-3306.2011.00395.x. Epub 2011 Jun 23.
- A 3-year-old Thoroughbred gelding presented with a history of neurological signs, including incoordination in his hindlimbs, of about 7 months' duration. On initial examination, the horse exhibited ataxia and paresis in all limbs with more severe deficits in the hindlimbs. Cervical radiographs displ
- PMID 21696435
Japanese Journal
- 緩徐進行性の経過を辿り腫瘍治療と免疫療法が有効であったYo抗体陽性傍腫瘍性小脳変性症の1例
- てんかん性脳波異常を伴う反復発作性運動失調症2型の一家系
- てんかん性脳波異常を伴う反復発作性運動失調症2型の一家系
Related Links
- truncal ataxia a loss of coordinated muscle movements for maintaining normal posture of the trunk. ... We evaluated a 24-year-old Somalian woman who presented with transient right-sided weakness and truncal ataxia with computed ...
- Truncal ataxia: Introduction Truncal ataxia: ataxia may primarily involve the trunk (truncal ataxia) and the patient may not be able to sit or stand unsupported. See detailed information below for a list of 16 causes of Truncal ataxia, Symptom Checker ...
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- 英
- cerebellum
- 運動のタイミング決定と一つの運動から次の運動への急速な切り替え
- ①運動開始に関与
- ②運動学習に関与
- ③多関節にわたる運動に関与
- ④フィードバックモード、フィードフォワードモードに関与
- 熟練した運動で、早く動かさないとき
- 素早い運動を行うとき。学習を行うとき
- 体幹失調=姿勢の制御不良
- 失調性歩行
- 注視方向への眼振(注意方向性眼振=注視眼振)
- Tomberg兆候(-)(両側をそろえて開眼して立つ、その後閉眼しても倒れない)
- 体幹筋失調による歩行障害(体幹歩行失調, 失調性歩行)
- 四肢の運動失調(協調運動障害)
- ①推尺障害
- ②変換運動障害
- ③運動解離
- ④共同運動不能
- ⑤失調性構音障害
- 英
- truncal ataxia
- 関
- 運動失調、協調不能、協調障害、感覚性運動失調、四肢失調、協調不全、運動失調症
- 関
- 体軸筋協働収縮不能、静的立位時運動失調、平衡障害
- 関
- appendicular ataxia、asynergia、asynergy、ataxia、dyssynergic、incoordination、lack of coordination、limb ataxia、motor ataxia、sensory ataxia、truncal ataxia
- 関
- appendicular ataxia、ataxia、dyssynergia、lack of coordination、limb ataxia、motor ataxia、sensory ataxia、truncal ataxia
- 関
- appendicular ataxia、ataxia、dyssynergia、incoordination、limb ataxia、motor ataxia、sensory ataxia、truncal ataxia
- 関
- (n.)trunk