単純部分発作 SPS
- unornamented; "a simple country schoolhouse"; "her black dress--simple to austerity"
- any herbaceous plant having medicinal properties
- (botany) of leaf shapes; of leaves having no divisions or subdivisions (同)unsubdivided
- having few parts; not complex or complicated or involved; "a simple problem"; "simple mechanisms"; "a simple design"; "a simple substance"
- showing favoritism
- being or affecting only a part; not total; "a partial description of the suspect"; "partial collapse"; "a partial eclipse"; "a partial monopoly"; "partial immunity"
- a sudden occurrence (or recurrence) of a disease; "he suffered an epileptic seizure" (同)ictus, raptus
- the taking possession of something by legal process
- 『簡単な』容易な,分かりやすい / (複合に対して)単一の / 『単純な』,込み入っていない / 『純然たる』,全くの / 『飾り気のない』,簡素な,地味な,質素な / 『もったいぶらない』;誠実な,実直な / お人よしの,だまされやすい / 《文》地位のない,普通の,平(ひら)の
- 薬草,薬用植物
- (また『part』)『一部分の』,部分的な;不完全な / 不公平な,偏った / 《補語にのみ用いて》(…が)特に好きで《+『to』+『名』》
- 〈U〉〈C〉つかむ(つかまれる)こと / 〈U〉〈C〉強奪;差し押さえ;逮捕 / 〈C〉(病気・恐怖などが)襲うこと,発作
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出典(authority):フリー百科事典『ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』「2013/12/19 22:20:25」(JST)
[Wiki en表示]
Simple partial seizure |
Classification and external resources |
ICD-10 |
G40.1 |
ICD-9 |
345.5 |
eMedicine |
neuro/342 |
MeSH |
D004828 |
Simple partial seizures are seizures which affect only a small region of the brain, often the temporal lobes or hippocampi. People who have simple partial seizures retain consciousness.[1] Simple partial seizures are often precursors to larger seizures, where the abnormal electrical activity spreads to a larger area of (or all of) the brain, usually resulting in a complex partial seizure or a tonic-clonic seizure.[2] In this case they are often known as an aura.
Simple partial seizures are a very subjective experience, and the symptoms of a simple partial seizure vary greatly between people. This is due to the varying locations of the brain the seizures originate in e.g.: Rolandic. A simple partial seizure may go unnoticed by others or shrugged off by the sufferer as merely a "funny turn". Simple partial seizures usually start suddenly and are very brief, typically lasting 60 to 120 seconds.[3]
While awake some common symptoms of simple partial seizures are:[1]
- preserved consciousness
- sudden and inexplicable feelings of fear, anger, sadness, happiness or nausea
- sensations of falling or movement
- experiencing of unusual feelings or sensations
- altered sense of hearing, smelling, tasting, seeing, and tactile perception (sensory illusions or hallucinations), or feeling as though the environment is not real (derealization) or dissociation from the environment or self (depersonalization)
- a sense of spatial distortion—things close by may appear to be at a distance.
- déjà vu (familiarity) or jamais vu (unfamiliarity)
- laboured speech or inability to speak at all
- usually the event is remembered in detail
When the seizure occurs during sleep, the person will often become semi-conscious and act out a dream while engaging with the environment as normal, and objects and people usually appear normal or only slightly distorted, being able to communicate with them on an otherwise normal level. However, since the person is acting in a dream-like state, they will assimilate any hallucinations or delusions into their communication, often speaking to a hallucinatory person or speaking of events or thoughts normally pertaining to a dream or other hallucination.
While asleep symptoms include:
- onset usually in REM sleep
- dream like state
- appearance of full consciousness
- hallucinations or delusions
- behavior or visions typical in dreams
- ability to engage with the environment and other people as in full consciousness, though often behaving abnormally, erratically, or failing to be coherent
- complete amnesia or assimilating the memory as though it was a normal dream on regaining full consciousness
Although hallucinations may occur during simple partial seizures they are differentiated from psychotic symptoms by the fact that the person is usually aware that the hallucinations are not real.[3]
- ^ a b "Simple Partial Seizures". Epilepsy Foundation. April 30 1, 2013.
- ^ "Partial (focal) seizure". MedlinePlus. April 30 1, 2013.
- ^ a b Hart, YM (2007). Epilepsy Questions and Answers. Merit Publishing. ISBN 1873413874.
Seizures and epilepsy (G40–G41, 345)
Basics |
- Seizure types
- Seizure trigger
- Breakthrough seizure
- Postictal state
- Epileptogenesis
- Seizure prediction
- Aura (warning sign)
Treatments |
- Antiepileptics
- Template:Anticonvulsants (for list)
- Electroencephalography (diagnosis method)
- Epileptologist
Related disorders |
- Todd's paresis
- Landau-Kleffner syndrome
- Epilepsy in animals
Epilepsy organizations |
- Citizens United for Research in Epilepsy
- Epilepsy Action
- Epilepsy Action Australia
- Epilepsy Foundation (USA)
- Epilepsy Outlook (UK)
- Epilepsy Research UK
- Epilepsy Toronto
- International Dravet Epilepsy Action League
- Epilepsy Society
Issues for epileptics |
- Epilepsy and driving
- Epilepsy and employment
- Epilepsy in children
Seizure types
Epilepsy types |
Partial/focal |
- Seizures
- Simple partial
- Complex partial
- Gelastic seizure
- Jacksonian seizure
- Epilepsy
- Temporal lobe epilepsy
- Frontal lobe epilepsy
- Rolandic epilepsy
- Nocturnal epilepsy
- Panayiotopoulos syndrome
Generalised |
- Tonic-clonic
- Absence seizure
- Atonic seizure
- Automatism
- Benign familial neonatal epilepsy
- Lennox-Gastaut
- West
Status epilepticus |
- Epilepsia partialis continua
- Complex partial status epilepticus
Myoclonic epilepsy |
- Progressive myoclonus epilepsies
- Dentatorubral-pallidoluysian atrophy
- Unverricht-Lundborg disease
- MERRF syndrome
- Lafora disease
- Juvenile myoclonic epilepsy
Non-epileptic seizures |
- Febrile seizure
- Psychogenic non-epileptic seizures
anat (n/s/m/p/4/e/b/d/c/a/f/l/g)/phys/devp
noco (m/d/e/h/v/s)/cong/tumr, sysi/epon, injr
proc, drug (N1A/2AB/C/3/4/7A/B/C/D)
UpToDate Contents
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English Journal
- Localizing seizure-susceptible brain regions associated with low-grade gliomas using voxel-based lesion-symptom mapping.
- Wang Y1, Qian T1, You G1, Peng X1, Chen C1, You Y1, Yao K1, Wu C1, Ma J1, Sha Z1, Wang S1, Jiang T1.
- Neuro-oncology.Neuro Oncol.2015 Feb;17(2):282-8. doi: 10.1093/neuonc/nou130. Epub 2014 Jul 16.
- BACKGROUND: Patients afflicted with low-grade glioma (LGG) frequently suffer from seizures. The mechanisms of seizure initiation in these patients remain poorly understood. Tumor location has been correlated with seizure initiation. However, these correlative studies relied on dichotomized data anal
- PMID 25031032
- Seizure and anticonvulsant outcomes following stereotactic radiosurgery for intracranial arteriovenous malformations.
- Przybylowski CJ1, Ding D, Starke RM, Yen CP, Quigg M, Dodson B, Ball BZ, Sheehan JP.
- Journal of neurosurgery.J Neurosurg.2015 Jan 23:1-7. [Epub ahead of print]
- OBJECT Epilepsy associated with arteriovenous malformations (AVMs) has an unclear course after stereotactic radiosurgery (SRS). Neither the risks of persistent seizures nor the requirement for postoperative antiepileptic drugs (AEDs) are well defined. METHODS The authors performed a retrospective re
- PMID 25614948
- High-resolution EEG (HR-EEG) and magnetoencephalography (MEG).
- Gavaret M1, Maillard L2, Jung J3.
- Neurophysiologie clinique = Clinical neurophysiology.Neurophysiol Clin.2015 Jan 14. pii: S0987-7053(14)00209-3. doi: 10.1016/j.neucli.2014.11.011. [Epub ahead of print]
- High-resolution EEG (HR-EEG) and magnetoencephalography (MEG) allow the recording of spontaneous or evoked electromagnetic brain activity with excellent temporal resolution. Data must be recorded with high temporal resolution (sampling rate) and high spatial resolution (number of channels). Data ana
- PMID 25648821
Japanese Journal
- Transient Cytotoxic Edema in the Splenium of the Corpus Callosum
- Kikuchi Akio,Takeda Atsushi,Itoyama Yasuto
- Internal Medicine 49(24), 2711-2711, 2010
- NAID 130000413433
Related Links
- Simple Partial Seizures. All partial seizures are characterized by onset in a limited area, or focus, of one cerebral hemisphere. ... The risk for seizure recurrence after a single seizure has been reported to be higher in ...
- What is a simple partial seizure? Simple partial seizures are usually divided into categories depending on the type of symptoms the person experiences: ... These seizures can be motor seizures that cause change in muscle activity.
- seizure involve right side of body,first episode.child is conscious. ... Autoplay When autoplay is enabled, a suggested video will automatically play next. Up Next Complex Partial Epileptic Seizure - What ...
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- 英
- epilepsy
- ラ
- epilepsia
- 同
- 癲癇
- 関
- 抗てんかん薬、てんかん発作 seizure
091009 III
- 大脳灰白質神経細胞の過剰で無秩序な電気的発射による
- さまざまな原因で起こる慢性の脳疾患で、大脳神経細胞の過剰な放電からくる繰り返す発作(てんかん発作)を主な徴候とし、多種多様な臨床及び検査所見を伴う
- 1. 運動徴候を有するもの
- 2. 知覚症状を有するもの
- 3. 自律神経症状ないし徴候を有するもの
- 4. 精神症状を有するもの
- a. 単純部分発作で発症し、意識障害が次に続く
- b. 自動症を伴う
- 1. 単純部分発作で全身発作に進展
- 2. 複雑郡分発作で全身発作に進展
- 3. 単純部分発作で複雑部分発作、全身発作へと進展
- 全般発作 primarily generalized seizure
- 未分類てんかん発作 unclassified seizure
てんかん、てんかん症候群および発作性関連疾患の分類(1989) (PED.1424)
- 3. 焦点性か全般性かを決定できないてんかん及び症候群
- 特発性全般性てんかん
- 特発性局所関連性てんかん:大脳の特定の位置に焦点がある
- 症候性全般性てんかん
- 症候性局所関連性てんかん:大脳の特定の位置に焦点がある
- 200人に1人 (0.5%)
- 人口1000対3-10(0.3-1.0%) (PSY.376)
- 出産障害(酸素不足)、先天性異常、熱性血栓症
- 外傷、腫瘍
- GABA作動性ニューロンなどの抑制性のニューロンは損傷を受けやすい→ニューロンの過剰興奮につながる
- post ictal state:もうろうとした状態。
- postictal psychosis:発作後精神病はてんかんの発作後に幻覚妄想状態が出現するものであり、数時間から数日の経過で消退する。
- 慢性経過のてんかんで幻覚妄想状態が出現しうる、らしい。
- てんかん発作→バイタルサインの確認→医療面接→身体所見・神経学的所見
- てんかん治療ガイドライン2010
- 発作の頻度
- 発作の状況と誘因(光過敏性など)
- 発作の前および発作中の症状(身体的,精神的症候および意識障害)
- 症状の持続
- 発作に引き続く症状
- 外傷,咬舌,尿失禁の有無
- 発作後の頭痛と筋肉痛
- 複数回の発作のある患者では初発年齢
- 発作および発作型の変化・推移
- 最終発作
- 発作と覚醒・睡眠との関係
- 1. 外傷、咬舌の有無
- 2. 尿失禁の有無
- 3. 意識レベル:発作時の意識の有無、post ictal state(発作後のもうろう状態)
- 4. 眼位:眼球偏倚(皮質注視中枢が興奮することにより、病側と反対側を見つめる)
- 5. 局所神経症状の有無
- 関
- abdominal epilepsy、focal epilepsy、localization-related epilepsy、partial epilepsy、partial seizure disorder、simple partial seizure
- 英
- simple partial seizure, SPS
- 関
- 焦点発作
- 関
- 焦点てんかん、部分てんかん、潜在性発作、腹部てんかん、局在関連性てんかん、部分発作性疾患
- 関
- abdominal epilepsy、localization-related epilepsy、partial epilepsy、partial seizure disorder、simple partial seizure、subclinical seizure
- 関
- abdominal epilepsy、focal epilepsy、partial epilepsy、partial seizure disorder、simple partial seizure、subclinical seizure
- (比較級simpler-最上級simplest)単純な、簡便な、シンプルな、簡素な、単一の、単一性の、単純性の
- 関
- convenient、mono、parsimonious、plain、simplex、simplicity、simply、single、unity
- 関
- division、in part、moiety、part、partially、partly、piece、portion、region