- 関
- abdominal epilepsy、focal epilepsy、partial epilepsy、partial seizure disorder、simple partial seizure、subclinical seizure
- have or establish a relationship to; "She relates well to her peers"
- be in a relationship with; "How are these two observations related?" (同)interrelate
- give an account of; "The witness related the events"
- connected by kinship, common origin, or marriage
- being connected either logically or causally or by shared characteristics ; "painting and the related arts"; "school-related activities"; "related to micelle formation is the...ability of detergent actives to congregate at oil-water interfaces" (同)related to
- a determination of the place where something is; "he got a good fix on the target" (同)localisation, location, locating, fix
- a disorder of the central nervous system characterized by loss of consciousness and convulsions
- (…に)〈事件・事情など〉‘を'『物語る』《+『名』+『to』+『名』》 / (…と)…‘を'『関係させる』,結びつける《+『名』+『to(with)』+『名』》 / 〈物・事が〉(…に)関係がある,かかわる《+『to(with)』+『名(wh・節・句)』》 / (…に)〈人が〉なじむ,順応する《+『to』+『名』》
- 関係のある
- てんかん
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English Journal
- Epidermoid tumors of the temporal lobe as epileptogenic foci.
- Hanft SJ, Komotar RJ, Raper DM, Sisti MB, McKhann GM 2nd.SourceDepartment of Neurological Surgery, Columbia University, New York, NY, USA.
- Journal of clinical neuroscience : official journal of the Neurosurgical Society of Australasia.J Clin Neurosci.2011 Oct;18(10):1396-9. Epub 2011 Jul 28.
- Intracerebral epidermoid tumors of the temporal lobe are exceedingly rare. The vast majority of these slow-growing tumors remain clinically silent while only a select few are associated with overt symptomatology. We report two patients with epidermoid tumors whose unique location in the temporal lob
- PMID 21802304
- Reproducibility of BOLD localization of interictal activity in patients with focal epilepsy: intrasession and intersession comparisons.
- Pesaresi I, Cosottini M, Belmonte G, Maritato P, Mascalchi M, Puglioli M, Sartucci F, Bartolozzi C, Murri L.SourceUnit of Neuroradiology, AOUP Pisa, S. Chiara Hospital, via Roma 67, 56100, Pisa, Italy, ilariapesaresi@gmail.com.
- Magma (New York, N.Y.).MAGMA.2011 Oct;24(5):285-96. Epub 2011 Jun 28.
- OBJECT: Simultaneous EEG-fMRI recordings allow the identification of haemodynamic changes induced by neuronal activity during ictal or interictal epileptiform events (IEDs). We evaluated the reproducibility of continuous EEG-fMRI (cEEG-fMRI) in patients with focal epilepsy.MATERIALS AND METHODS: We
- PMID 21710328
Japanese Journal
- Valproate sodium により発作と脳波の悪化を認めた潜因性局在関連性てんかん
- MEG time-frequency analyses for pre- and post-surgical evaluation of patients with epileptic rhythmic fast activity
- Sueda Keitaro,Takeuchi Fumiya,Shiraishi Hideaki,Nakane Shingo,Asahina Naoko,Kohsaka Shinobu,Nakama Hideyuki,Otsuki Taisuke,Sawamura Yutaka,Saitoh Shinji
- Epilepsy
- … Purpose: To evaluate the effectiveness of surgery for epilepsy, we analyzed rhythmic fast activity by magnetoencephalography (MEG) before and after surgery using time-frequency analysis. … Methods: Four children with symptomatic localization-related epilepsy caused by circumscribed cortical lesion were examined in the present study using 204 channel helmet-shaped MEG with a sampling rate of 600 Hz. …
- NAID 120002015023
Related Links
- 6 Jun 2011 ... Epilepsy is a group of heterogeneous conditions. An epileptic syndrome is a constellation of symptoms, including seizures, signs, and other findings that tend to occur together and define a phenotype. The International ...
- 関
- abdominal epilepsy、focal epilepsy、localization-related epilepsy、partial epilepsy、partial seizure disorder、simple partial seizure
- 関
- abdominal epilepsy、localization-related epilepsy、partial epilepsy、partial seizure disorder、simple partial seizure、subclinical seizure
- 英
- localization-related epilepsy
- 関
- 焦点てんかん、単純部分発作、部分てんかん、潜在性発作、腹部てんかん、局在関連てんかん、部分発作性疾患
- 関
- abdominal epilepsy、focal epilepsy、localization-related epilepsy、partial seizure disorder、simple partial seizure、subclinical seizure
- 関
- focal epilepsy、localization-related epilepsy、partial epilepsy、partial seizure disorder、simple partial seizure、subclinical seizure
- 関
- associate、association、attach、bearing、concern、connect、connection、correlate、correlation、germane、implicate、implication、interplay、link、pertain、pertinent、referable、reference、relation、relationship、relative、relevance、relevant、respect
- 関
- local、localisation、localise、localize、localized、sort
てんかん epilepsy
- 関
- てんかん発作 seizure