単純部分発作 simple partial seizures
- the 19th letter of the Roman alphabet (同)s
- Shore Patrol / Specialist
- sulfurの化学記号 / {略}South[ern]
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出典(authority):フリー百科事典『ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』「2014/03/27 21:48:18」(JST)
[Wiki ja表示]
- ハードコーラル(造礁サンゴ)を環境への適応力などで二つに分類するとき、そのうちの一つ Small-polyped scleractinian (stony) で総称されるサンゴ種を表す略語。これに対して LPS Large-Polyped Scleractinian がある。
- 小学館フォトサービス SPS 小学館の画像貸出しサービス
- エス・ピー・エスは日本のソフトハウス
- ソフトバンクプリペイドサービス
- ジェイアール東海パッセンジャーズの前身、パッセンジャーズサービスの略称。頭に新幹線のSを冠して「新幹線パッセンジャーズサービス」 (Shinkansen Passengers Service) としていた。
- 太陽発電衛星(en:Solar power satellite)の略
- 衛生植物検疫規則変更の通知
- サントリーパブリシティサービスの略
- シンジオタクチックポリスチレンの略
- 放電プラズマ焼結
- スティッフパーソン症候群(Stiff person syndrome)の略
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[Wiki en表示]
In Wikipedia, SPS stands for a self-published source. For Wikipedia's policy on such sources, see WP:SPS.
The abbreviation SPS stands for items in the following categories:
- 1 City
- 2 Computer and gaming hardware and software
- 3 Educational, scholarly, and professional institutions
- 4 Medicine and psychology
- 5 Politics, treaties, political parties, and government uses
- 6 Science and engineering
- 7 Other uses
Computer and gaming hardware and software[edit]
- Shell Processing Support, a standard file format to exchange Seismic data
- Symbolic Programming System, a code assembler developed by IBM
- Site Preview System, a content bundling and scheduling system for the Drupal website content management system
Educational, scholarly, and professional institutions[edit]
- St Paul's School, London
- St. Paul's School (Concord, New Hampshire), a boarding school in the United States
- St. Patrick's School, Asansol, an old school in Asansol, India
- Sigma Pi Sigma, an honor society in the United States
- Social and Political Sciences, of the University of Cambridge in the United Kingdom
- Society for Pentecostal Studies, an association of biblical scholars
- Society of Physics Students, an international professional association
- Swiss Society of Proteomics, see Life Sciences Switzerland
- Software Preservation Society, a society dedicated to preserving obsolete software
- Seattle Public Schools, the school district serving the city of Seattle
Medicine and psychology[edit]
- Stiff person syndrome, a rare neurologic disorder
- P600/SPS (short for syntactic positive shift), an event-related potential in brain imaging
Politics, treaties, political parties, and government uses[edit]
- Socialist Party of Serbia (Социјалистичка Партија Србије), a political party in Serbia
- Union of Rightist Forces (Soyuz Pravykh Sil), a political party in Russia
- Sahara Press Service, the press agency of the Sahrawi Arab Democratic Republic
- Single Payment Scheme, a European Union Common Agricultural Policy subsidy payment system
- Scottish Prison Service
- Singapore Prison Service
- Somali Postal Service
- State Police Services, number of police services in India
- Sanitary and Phytosanitary Agreement, an international treaty of the World Trade Organization
- The Standard Procurement System for the US Department of Defense
- Staff and Personnel Support Branch of the British Army Adjutant General's Corps
Science and engineering[edit]
- Samples per second, the sampling rate in converting a continuous signal to a discrete one
- Service propulsion system, the rocket engine on the United States Apollo Program Service Module
- Side protection system, another term for a torpedo belt, a part of armoured warship design
- Small polyp stony, term for a class of Scleractinia corals
- Solanapyrone synthase, an alternative name for the enzyme Prosolanapyrone-III cycloisomerase
- Solar power satellite, an orbital satellite designed to beam solar power down to Earth
- Spark plasma sintering, a sintering technique
- SAME code SPS, used for weather statement and alerts
- Stand-alone power system (SPS or SAPS)
- Standard positioning service, a GPS feature
- Strobes per second, a metric in the machine vision lights industry
- Super Proton Synchrotron, a particle accelerator at CERN
Other uses[edit]
- Wichita Falls Municipal Airport (IATA airport code)
- Spokane, Portland and Seattle Railway, a defunct railroad in the United States
- Station police sergeant, or station sergeant, a defunct British police rank
- Sussex Piscatorial Society, a fishing club in the United Kingdom
- St. Patrick's Missionary Society, a society of missionary secular priests of Ireland (or S.P.S.)
UpToDate Contents
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English Journal
- Cloning and in silico characterization of two signal peptides from Pediococcus pentosaceus and their function for the secretion of heterologous protein in Lactococcus lactis.
- Baradaran A, Sieo CC, Foo HL, Illias RM, Yusoff K, Rahim RA.SourceDepartment of Cell and Molecular Biology, Faculty of Biotechnology and Biomolecular Sciences, Universiti Putra Malaysia, 43400, Serdang, Selangor, Malaysia.
- Biotechnology letters.Biotechnol Lett.2013 Feb;35(2):233-8. doi: 10.1007/s10529-012-1059-4. Epub 2012 Oct 18.
- Fifty signal peptides of Pediococcus pentosaceus were characterized by in silico analysis and, based on the physicochemical analysis, (two potential signal peptides Spk1 and Spk3 were identified). The coding sequences of SP were amplified and fused to the gene coding for green fluorescent protein (G
- PMID 23076361
- Differential effect of baclofen on cortical and spinal inhibitory circuits.
- Stetkarova I, Kofler M.SourceDepartment of Neurology, 3rd Medical Faculty, Charles University, Prague, Czech Republic; Department of Neurology, Na Homolce Hospital, Prague, Czech Republic. Electronic address: ivana.stetkarova@fnkv.cz.
- Clinical neurophysiology : official journal of the International Federation of Clinical Neurophysiology.Clin Neurophysiol.2013 Feb;124(2):339-45. doi: 10.1016/j.clinph.2012.07.005. Epub 2012 Aug 9.
- OBJECTIVE: The cutaneous silent period (SP) is a spinal inhibitory reflex, which suppresses activity in spinal motor nuclei. Transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) elicits a cortical SP, which represents GABA(B) receptor-mediated inhibition of cortical excitability. Baclofen as a strong GABA(B) ago
- PMID 22877625
- Direct and indirect effects of religiosity on valuation of life through forgiveness and social provisions among older incarcerated males.
- Randall GK, Bishop AJ.SourceFamily and Consumer Sciences, C. C. Wheeler Institute, Bradley University, 1501 W. Bradley Avenue, Peoria, IL 61625. krandall@bradley.edu.
- The Gerontologist.Gerontologist.2013 Feb;53(1):51-9. doi: 10.1093/geront/gns070. Epub 2012 May 20.
- Purpose of the study: Few studies have investigated the influence of religiosity (REL), forgiveness, and social resources on incarcerated individuals' attachment to their lives, or valuation of life (VOL). We tested a model linking REL to VOL through 3 subscales of the Heartland Forgiveness Scale (
- PMID 22613941
Japanese Journal
- 滋賀県東北部工業技術センターにおける研究開発の取り組み (特集 関西地方における公的研究機関が取り組む技術開発)
- Galactic Centre hypershell model for the North Polar Spurs
- Monthly notices of the royal astronomical society 459(1), 108-120, 2016-06-12
- NAID 120005773974
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- 英
- stiff person syndrome, stiff-person syndrome, SPS
- 同
- stiffman症候群、スティッフマン症候群, stiff man syndrome stiffman syndrome
[show details]
- https://sites.google.com/site/spsnet2/2
- 英
- simple partial seizure, SPS
- 関
- 焦点発作
- 関
- 焦点てんかん、部分てんかん、潜在性発作、腹部てんかん、局在関連性てんかん、部分発作性疾患
- 同
- US Preventive Services Task Force
- http://www.uspreventiveservicestaskforce.org/
- 同
- statistical package for social sciences
- 関
- 統計
- 同
- musculoskeletal pain syndrome
- 同
- delayed sleep phase syndrome