- 関
- compulsorily、compulsory、essential、imperative、inescapable、inevitable、mandatory、obligately、obligatorily、prerequisite、unavoidable
- required by obligation or compulsion or convention; "he made all the obligatory apologies"
- morally or legally constraining or binding; "attendance is obligatory"; "an obligatory contribution"
- requiring attention or action; "as nuclear weapons proliferate, preventing war becomes imperative"; "requests that grew more and more imperative"
- some duty that is essential and urgent
- relating to verbs in the imperative mood
- being or relating to or containing the essence of a plant etc; "essential oil"
- absolutely necessary; vitally necessary; "essential tools and materials"; "funds essential to the completion of the project"; "an indispensable worker" (同)indispensable
- basic and fundamental; "the essential feature"
- required as a prior condition or course of study
- something that is required in advance; "Latin was a prerequisite for admission" (同)requirement
- invariably occurring or appearing; "the inevitable changes of the seasons"
- an unavoidable event; "dont argue with the inevitable"
- incapable of being avoided or prevented; "the inevitable result"
- in a manner that cannot be evaded; "the ministry considers that contributions to such a fund should be met from voluntary donations rather than from rates compulsorily levied." (同)obligatorily, mandatorily
- (道徳上・法律上)義務のある,強制的な;(課目など)必修の;(・・・に)必須の《+『on』(『upon』)+『 / 名』》
- 『命令的な』,断固とした / (行動などが)‐避けられない』,のっぴきならない / (文法で動詞が)命令法の / (文法で)命令法;〈C〉命令文
- 『絶対必要な』,欠くことのできない / 『本質の』,本質的な / (植物・薬剤などの)エキスの,精の / (…に)不可欠の要素;(…の)主眼点,要点《+『of』+『名』》
- 必須の,あらかじめ必要な,条件として必要な;(…に)必須の《+『for』(『to』)+『名』》 / (…の)前提条件,前もって必要なもの《+『for』(『to』,『of』)+『名』(do『ing』)》
- 『避けがたい』,免れられない,必然的な
- 強制的に,義務的に
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This article does not cite any references or sources. Please help improve this article by adding citations to reliable sources. Unsourced material may be challenged and removed. (December 2007) |
An obligation is a requirement to take some course of action, whether legal or moral. There are also obligations in other normative contexts, such as obligations of etiquette, social obligations, and possibly in terms of politics, where obligations are requirements which must be fulfilled. These are generally legal obligations, which can incur a penalty for unfulfilment, although certain people are obliged to carry out certain actions for other reasons as well, whether as a tradition or for social reasons. Obligations vary from person to person: for example, a person holding a political office will generally have far more obligations than an average adult citizen, who themselves will have more obligations than a child.[citation needed] Obligations are generally granted in return for an increase in an individual’s rights or power.
The word "obligation" can also designate a written obligation, or such things as bank notes, coins, checks, bonds, stamps, or securities.
Other uses
The term obligate can also be used in a biological context, in reference to species which must occupy a certain niche or behave in a certain way in order to survive. In biology, the opposite of obligate is facultative, meaning that a species is able to behave in a certain way and may do so under certain circumstances, but that it can also survive without having to behave this way. For example, species of salamanders in the family Proteidae are obligate paedomorphs, whereas species belonging to the Ambystomatidae are facultative paedomorphs.
In the Catholic Church, Holy Days of Obligation or Holidays of Obligation, less commonly called Feasts of Precept, are the days on which, as canon 1247 of the Code of Canon Law states, the faithful are obliged to participate in the Mass.
See also
- Convention
- Law of obligations
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- van der Molen L, Kornman AF, Latenstein MN, van den Brekel MW, Hilgers FJ.SourceaThe Netherlands Cancer Institute, Antoni van Leeuwenhoek bAmsterdam Centre for Language and Communication, University of Amsterdam cAcademic Medical Centre, University of Amsterdam, Amsterdam, the Netherlands.
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- Metzger A, Ferris K.SourceDepartment of Psychology, West Virginia University, 53 Campus Drive, PO Box 6040, Morgantown, WV 26505, USA. Electronic address: Aaron.Metzger@mail.wvu.edu.
- Journal of adolescence.J Adolesc.2013 Jun;36(3):529-38. doi: 10.1016/j.adolescence.2013.03.003. Epub 2013 Mar 27.
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- Garbin LE, Mattiucci S, Paoletti M, Diaz JI, Nascetti G, Navone GT.SourceCentro de Estudios Parasitológicos y de Vectores (CEPAVE) (CCT La Plata, CONICET-UNLP), Calle 2 #584, 1900 La Plata, Argentina. Electronic address: lucasegarbin@gmail.com.
- Parasitology international.Parasitol Int.2013 Jun;62(3):309-19. doi: 10.1016/j.parint.2013.03.001. Epub 2013 Mar 14.
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- required as a matter of obligation; mandatory: A reply is desirable but not obligatory. 2. incumbent or compulsory (usually followed by on or upon ): duties obligatory on all. 3. imposing moral or legal obligation; binding: an obligatory promise. 4.
- Definition of obligatory : Obligatory describes something you do because you have to, not because you want to. When you buy a car, you have to fill out the obligatory forms. In many homes, saying please and thank you is obligatory .
- [形]1 ((形式))(…にとって)義務的な, 強制的な;必須の((for, on, upon ...)) requirements obligatory for allすべての人が満たすべき用件an obligatory subject 必修科目It is obligatory on [upon] us to he... - goo辞書は国語、英和、和英、中国語 、百科事典等 ...
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- 必須の、急を要する、肝要の、避けられない、厳然たる、やむを得ない、緊急の、絶対に必要な、欠かせない
- it is imperative for clinicians to appreciate the pathophysiology, etiologic classification, diagnostic strategies, and principles of management of diarrhea and constipation.(HIM.246)
- 命令的な、威圧的な、強制的な、高圧的な、有無を言わさぬ
- (文法)命令法の
- 緊急になすべきこと、命令、要請、規則、規範、義務、責務
- (文法)命令法
- 関
- compulsorily、compulsory、forced、forcedly、inescapable、inevitable、obligatory、unavoidable
- 必須の、必要な、重要な、基本的な、本質的な、必要不可欠な、(病名)本態性の
- 関
- basic、basically、cardinal、elemental、essentially、fundamental、fundamentally、important、inherently、intimate、intimately、intrinsically、key、mandatory、necessary、necessity、need、obligatory、prerequisite、requirement、significant、vital
- 前もって必要な、欠くことのできない(to, for)
- 前もって必要なもの、先行条件/必要条件(to, for, of)。基礎必須科目
- 関
- essential、fundamental、mandatory、necessary、necessity、need、obligatory、requirement
- 関
- causal、causally、consequential、imperative、inescapable、inevitably、necessarily、necessary、obligatory、unavoidable
- 英
- 関
- 基本的、義務、義務的、重要、必要、不可避、本質的、本態性、必要条件、必要不可欠