- the 19th letter of the Roman alphabet (同)s
- sulfurの化学記号 / {略}South[ern]
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出典(authority):フリー百科事典『ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』「2013/04/25 12:31:18」(JST)
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SMI may refer to:
- Supplier Managed Inventory, a business model
- Swiss Market Index, Switzerland's blue-chip index
- Shepardson Microsystems, which produced OSs and programming languages for the Atari 8-bit and Apple II
- Speedway Motorsports, Inc., which owns and operates numerous American NASCAR racetracks
- Sun Microsystems, Inc., pioneer computer manufacturer acquired by Oracle Corporation in 2010
Computer industry:
- The file extension for SAMI, for subtitles and captions
- Self mounting image, a disc image encapsulated in an application that mounts it as a file system
- Structure of Management Information, a subset of Abstract Syntax Notation One used in Simple Network Management Protocol
- The three letter (Microsoft) file extension for Synchronized Multimedia Integration Language, used in multimedia presentation delivery
- SMI – system management interrupt, see System Management Mode
- Serial Management Interface, an interface to configure an Ethernet PHY.
- Spatially Modulated Illumination, a super resolution microscopy method Vertico SMI
- Serious Mental Illness
- Swedish Institute for Infectious Disease Control
- SMI 049, a drug resistant type of tuberculosis named after SMI
- The Secret of Monkey Island, a computer game
- Seneca Meadows, Inc., New York State's largest landfill
- Sergeant Major Instructor, a warrant officer appointment in the British Army
- Sports Management International, a fictional sports agency in the film Jerry Maguire
- St. Michael's Institution, a prominent school in Malaysia
- Storage Management Initiative - Specification (SMI-S), developed by the Storage Networking Industry Association
- SMI, the IATA airport code for Samos International Airport in Greece
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English Journal
- Syndromic surveillance for local outbreak detection and awareness: evaluating outbreak signals of acute gastroenteritis in telephone triage, web-based queries and over-the-counter pharmacy sales.
- Andersson T1, Bjelkmar P1, Hulth A1, Lindh J1, Stenmark S2, Widerström M3.Author information 1Swedish Institute for Communicable Disease Control (SMI), Solna, Sweden.2County Medical Officer, Västerbotten, Sweden.3Department of Clinical Microbiology, Umeå University, Sweden.AbstractSUMMARY For the purpose of developing a national system for outbreak surveillance, local outbreak signals were compared in three sources of syndromic data - telephone triage of acute gastroenteritis, web queries about symptoms of gastrointestinal illness, and over-the-counter (OTC) pharmacy sales of antidiarrhoeal medication. The data sources were compared against nine known waterborne and foodborne outbreaks in Sweden in 2007-2011. Outbreak signals were identified for the four largest outbreaks in the telephone triage data and the two largest outbreaks in the data on OTC sales of antidiarrhoeal medication. No signals could be identified in the data on web queries. The signal magnitude for the fourth largest outbreak indicated a tenfold larger outbreak than officially reported, supporting the use of telephone triage data for situational awareness. For the two largest outbreaks, telephone triage data on adult diarrhoea provided outbreak signals at an early stage, weeks and months in advance, respectively, potentially serving the purpose of early event detection. In conclusion, telephone triage data provided the most promising source for surveillance of point-source outbreaks.
- Epidemiology and infection.Epidemiol Infect.2014 Feb;142(2):303-13. doi: 10.1017/S0950268813001088. Epub 2013 May 15.
- SUMMARY For the purpose of developing a national system for outbreak surveillance, local outbreak signals were compared in three sources of syndromic data - telephone triage of acute gastroenteritis, web queries about symptoms of gastrointestinal illness, and over-the-counter (OTC) pharmacy sales
- PMID 23672877
- Targeted inhibition of ATR or CHEK1 reverses radioresistance in oral squamous cell carcinoma cells with distal chromosome arm 11q loss.
- Sankunny M, Parikh RA, Lewis DW, Gooding WE, Saunders WS, Gollin SM.Author information Department of Human Genetics, University of Pittsburgh Graduate School of Public Health, Pittsburgh, PA; University of Pittsburgh Cancer Institute, Pittsburgh, PA.AbstractOral squamous cell carcinoma (OSCC), a subset of head and neck squamous cell carcinoma (HNSCC), is the eighth most common cancer in the U.S.. Amplification of chromosomal band 11q13 and its association with poor prognosis has been well established in OSCC. The first step in the breakage-fusion-bridge (BFB) cycle leading to 11q13 amplification involves breakage and loss of distal 11q. Distal 11q loss marked by copy number loss of the ATM gene is observed in 25% of all Cancer Genome Atlas (TCGA) tumors, including 48% of HNSCC. We showed previously that copy number loss of distal 11q is associated with decreased sensitivity (increased resistance) to ionizing radiation (IR) in OSCC cell lines. We hypothesized that this radioresistance phenotype associated with ATM copy number loss results from upregulation of the compensatory ATR-CHEK1 pathway, and that knocking down the ATR-CHEK1 pathway increases the sensitivity to IR of OSCC cells with distal 11q loss. Clonogenic survival assays confirmed the association between reduced sensitivity to IR in OSCC cell lines and distal 11q loss. Gene and protein expression studies revealed upregulation of the ATR-CHEK1 pathway and flow cytometry showed G2 M checkpoint arrest after IR treatment of cell lines with distal 11q loss. Targeted knockdown of the ATR-CHEK1 pathway using CHEK1 or ATR siRNA or a CHEK1 small molecule inhibitor (SMI, PF-00477736) resulted in increased sensitivity of the tumor cells to IR. Our results suggest that distal 11q loss is a useful biomarker in OSCC for radioresistance that can be reversed by ATR-CHEK1 pathway inhibition. © 2013 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.
- Genes, chromosomes & cancer.Genes Chromosomes Cancer.2014 Feb;53(2):129-43. doi: 10.1002/gcc.22125. Epub 2013 Nov 25.
- Oral squamous cell carcinoma (OSCC), a subset of head and neck squamous cell carcinoma (HNSCC), is the eighth most common cancer in the U.S.. Amplification of chromosomal band 11q13 and its association with poor prognosis has been well established in OSCC. The first step in the breakage-fusion-bridg
- PMID 24327542
- A systematic review of nurse physical healthcare for consumers utilizing mental health services.
- Happell B, Platania-Phung C, Scott D.Author information Centre for Mental Health Nursing Innovation, Institute for Health and Social Science Research, Rockhampton, Qld, Australia; School of Nursing and Midwifery, Central Queensland University, Rockhampton, Qld, Australia.AbstractACCESSIBLE SUMMARY: The poor physical health of people with serious mental illness presents a long-term public health issue that mental healthcare services, and their most representative group (nurses), can help address. For purposes of long-term planning in increasing the role of nurses in physical healthcare within mental healthcare services a systematic review was conducted of services and programmes where nurses conduct physical healthcare (such as physical health checks and health education). The most common types of physical healthcare represented in the literature were health education, screening, lifestyle programme delivery and co-ordination of care. Although evaluation of the programmes reviewed were all at a preliminary stage, they consistently demonstrated health benefits for consumers.
- Journal of psychiatric and mental health nursing.J Psychiatr Ment Health Nurs.2014 Feb;21(1):11-22. doi: 10.1111/jpm.12041. Epub 2013 Feb 18.
- ACCESSIBLE SUMMARY: The poor physical health of people with serious mental illness presents a long-term public health issue that mental healthcare services, and their most representative group (nurses), can help address. For purposes of long-term planning in increasing the role of nurses in physical
- PMID 23419025
Japanese Journal
- 25pGZ-11 カスプトラップ中での陽電子温度測定(25pGZ プラズマ基礎(乱流・非線形現象・非中性プラズマ),領域2(プラズマ基礎・プラズマ科学・核融合プラズマ・プラズマ宇宙物理))
- 田中 香津生,毛利 明博,榎本 嘉範,黒田 直史,永田 祐吾,満汐 孝治,金 燦鉉,檜垣 浩之,金井 保之,鳥居 寛之,Corradini M.,Leali M.,Lodi-Rizzini E.,Mascagna V.,Venturelli V.,Zurlo N.,藤居 甲基,大塚 未来,今尾 浩士,長嶋 泰之,松田 恭幸,Juhasz B.,山崎 泰規
- 日本物理学会講演概要集 66(1-2), 246, 2011-03-03
- NAID 110008610597
- 27pRA-6 反水素合成に向けた前段陽電子蓄積装置での陽電子の準備(27pRA 原子分子(エキゾチックアトム・陽電子),領域1(原子・分子,量子エレクトロニクス,放射線物理))
- 藤居 甲基,榎本 嘉範,金 燦鉉,満汐 孝治,桧垣 浩之,黒田 直史,鳥居 寛之,田中 香津生,金井 保之,今尾 浩士,永田 祐吾,吉良 健太郎,Corradini M.,Leali M.,Rizzini E. Lodi,Mascagna V.,Venturelli L.,Zurlo N.,大塚 未来,長嶋 泰之,松田 恭幸,Juhasz B.,毛利 明博,山崎 泰規
- 日本物理学会講演概要集 66(1-2), 211, 2011-03-03
- NAID 110008610461
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- SMIとは、独立した代理店によって構成され、創業者であるポール J. マイヤーが開拓した、目標設定による自己実現の達成に貢献する組織である。
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- 英
- climacteric disturbance, climacteric disturbance disorder
- 同
- 更年期症候群 menopausal syndrome
- 関
- 閉経症候群
- 閉経の2年前からエストロゲンの分泌低下、FSH・LHの分泌亢進
- 甲状腺機能低下症
- 精神疾患:うつ病
- 耳鼻科:メニエール病
2. 自覚的評価法
- a. ホルモン補充療法
- b. ホルモン補充療法 + 漢方薬
- c. 漢方薬:
- d. 精神安定薬
- e. 心理療法、カウンセリング、運動療法
1. 薬物療法
- 卵胞ホルモン:結合型エストロゲン、17βエストラジオール(17β-E2)、エストリオール(E3)(萎縮性膣炎)
- 黄体ホルモン:酢酸メドロキシプロゲステロン(MPA)
- 絶対禁忌:エスロトゲン依存性悪性腫瘍(糸球体癌、乳癌)またその疑いのあるもの、重症肝機能障害、血栓疾患
- 相対禁忌:エスロトゲン依存性良性腫瘍(子宮筋腫、子宮内膜症、良性乳腺疾患)、下垂体腫瘍、高血圧、糖尿病、不正性器出血
2. 心理療法 カウンセリング
- 抗鬱症状に自律神経失調症状を伴う場合:SSRI, SNRI
- 同
- Wechsler Preschool and Primary Scale of Intellligence-revised