- of things that make you feel sad; "sad news"; "she doesnt like sad movies"; "it was a very sad story"; "When I am dead, my dearest, / Sing no sad songs for me"- Christina Rossetti
- experiencing or showing sorrow or unhappiness; "feeling sad because his dog had died"; "Better by far that you should forget and smile / Than that you should remember and be sad"- Christina Rossetti
- Nazi militia created by Hitler in 1921 that helped him to power but was eclipsed by the SS after 1943 (同)Sturmabteilung, Storm Troops
- the 19th letter of the Roman alphabet (同)s
- (人が)『悲しい』 / (表情などが)『悲しそうな』;(物事が)『悲しむ』 / 『べき』,残念な / 《名試の前にのみ用いて》ひどい,みじめな,貧習な / (色が)くすんだ
- sulfurの化学記号 / {略}South[ern]
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出典(authority):フリー百科事典『ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』「2017/06/11 15:13:47」(JST)
[Wiki ja表示]
sad, Sad , SAD
- 英語で「悲しい、残念な」という意味の形容詞
- 社交不安障害(social anxiety disorder)
- 分離不安障害(separation anxiety disorder)
- 季節性情動障害(seasonal affective disorder)
- スロバキアバス交通(スロバキア語 : Slovenská autobusová doprava)の略称。
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[Wiki en表示]
Look up SAD or sad in Wiktionary, the free dictionary. |
SAD or sad may refer to:
- Sad, an emotional condition
- 1 Arts and entertainment
- 2 Language
- 3 Organisations
- 4 Places
- 5 Science and technology
- 6 Other uses
- 7 See also
Arts and entertainment
- "Sad", a song by Bo Burnham from the comedy album what.
- "Sad" (Maroon 5 song), ninth track on the album Overexposed
- "Sad", a short song by Linkin Park on the album LP Underground 9: Demos
- "S.A.D.", a song by Man Overboard on the album Heart Attack
- "Sad", a song by Pearl Jam on the album Lost Dogs
- SAD, a planned film, abandoned after actor Corey Haim died
- Ṣād (ﺹ), a letter of the Arabic alphabet
- Sandawe language (ISO 639 language code:
), spoken in Tanzania
- Shiromani Akali Dal, a political party in India
- Sociedad Anónima Deportiva, a type of incorporated sports club in Spain
- Sociedade Anónima Desportiva, a type of incorporated sports club in Portugal
- Special Activities Division, the Central Intelligence Agency's special operations force in the US
- Sad, Oman, a village in Oman
- Sad, Podlaskie Voivodeship, a village in Poland
- Safford Regional Airport (IATA airport code: SAD), in Safford, Arizona, US
Science and technology
- Selected area diffraction, a crystallographic experimental technique that can be performed inside a transmission electron microscope
- Single-wavelength anomalous dispersion, a technique used in X-ray crystallography to determine the structure of proteins
- Source axis distance, in external beam radiotherapy, the distance from the source of photons to the isocentre
- Sum of absolute differences, a simple metric for motion estimation in video compression
- Sum of absolute deviations (or least absolute deviations), a mathematical optimization technique
- Sagittal abdominal diameter, one's "front-to-back" body diameter at the waistline
- Schizoaffective disorder, a psychiatric diagnosis with symptoms of a mood disorder and schizophrenia
- Seasonal affective disorder, a mood disorder with depressive symptoms peaking annually, commonly in winter
- Separation anxiety disorder, a psychological condition related to anxiety of separation from home or from people
- Sexual arousal disorder, the inability to attain or maintain typical responses to sexual arousal
- Social anxiety disorder, a diagnosis referring to excessive anxiety in social situations
- Standard American Diet, a phrase associated with diet-related obesity in the US
- Specific antibody deficiency, a kind of primary immunodeficiency
- Syncope, angina, and dyspnea, classic symptoms of severe aortic stenosis
Other uses
- Sad (surah), the thirty-eighth sura of the Qur'an
- Single administrative document, basis for customs declarations in the EU, Switzerland, Norway and Iceland
- Singles Awareness Day, a humorous holiday celebrated on February 14
- Suicide Attack Database, a database of all known suicide attacks from 1982 to 2013
- Sociedad Anónima Deportiva, translation from Spanish of Public Limited Sports Society
See also
- Systems analysis and design (disambiguation)
- Sad Song (disambiguation)
UpToDate Contents
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English Journal
- Comparative study of biological activities and phytochemical composition of two rose hips and their preserves: Rosa canina L. and Rosa arvensis Huds.
- Nađpal JD1, Lesjak MM1, Šibul FS1, Anačkov GT2, Četojević-Simin DD3, Mimica-Dukić NM1, Beara IN4.
- Food chemistry.Food Chem.2016 Feb 1;192:907-14. doi: 10.1016/j.foodchem.2015.07.089. Epub 2015 Jul 23.
- The aim of this study was to compare phenolic profile, vitamin C content, antioxidant, anti-inflammatory and cytotoxic activity of rose hips and the preserves (purée and jam) of two Rosa species: renowned Rosa canina L. and unexplored Rosa arvensis Huds. The liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectr
- PMID 26304428
- Soaking Hexammine Cations into RNA Crystals to Obtain Derivatives for Phasing Diffraction Data.
- Batey RT1, Kieft JS.
- Methods in molecular biology (Clifton, N.J.).Methods Mol Biol.2016;1320:219-32. doi: 10.1007/978-1-4939-2763-0_14.
- Solving a novel RNA structure by x-ray crystallography requires a means to obtain initial phase estimates. This is a challenge because many of the tools available for solving protein structures are not available for RNA. We have developed a reliable means to use hexammine cations to address this cha
- PMID 26227046
- Nucleic Acid Crystallography via Direct Selenium Derivatization: RNAs Modified with Se-Nucleobases.
- Sun H1, Jiang S, Huang Z.
- Methods in molecular biology (Clifton, N.J.).Methods Mol Biol.2016;1320:193-204. doi: 10.1007/978-1-4939-2763-0_12.
- Selenium-derivatized RNAs are powerful tools for structure and function studies of RNAs and their protein complexes. By taking the advantage of selenium modifications, researchers can determine novel RNA structures via convenient SAD and MAD phasing. As one of the naturally occurring tRNA modificati
- PMID 26227044
Japanese Journal
- さいたま赤十字病院救命救急センター (特集 自殺対策) -- (精神科・救急医療施設における自殺未遂者ケアの実際と問題点)
- Multiple γ-secretase product peptides are coordinately increased in concentration in the cerebrospinal fluid of a subpopulation of sporadic Alzheimer's disease subjects
- Hata Saori,Taniguchi Miyako,Piao Yi,Ikeuchi Takeshi,Fagan Anne M.,Holtzman David M.,Bateman Randall,Sohrabi Hamid R.,Martins Ralph N.,Gandy Sam,Urakami Katsuya,Suzuki Toshiharu
- Molecular Neurodegeneration 7, 16, 2012-04-25
- … We have previously reported alternative processing of APP and Alcα in the CSF of some patients with sporadic mild cognitive impairment (MCI) and AD (SAD). … Results: Using the sandwich enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) system that detects total p3-Alcα, we determined levels of total p3-Alcα in CSF from subjects in one of four diagnostic categories (elderly controls, MCI, SAD, or other neurological disease) derived from three independent cohorts. …
- NAID 120004710987
Related Links
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- 社会不安障害(SAD)という病気をご存知でしょうか?他人の目を気にしすぎて、過度の緊張や不安を感じてしまう病気です。私はこれが病気とは知らず、長い間、人前で声や体が震えてしまう症状で悩み、苦しみました。同じ様に ...
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- 英
- depression
- 関
- 抗うつ薬、抑うつ症、メランコリー melancholia
[show details]
鬱病 : 約 5,160,000 件
うつ病 : 約 23,500,000 件
- 大うつ病性障害(単極性障害)
- 双極性障害
- 気分変調性障害
- 気分循環性障害
- 特別な気分障害
- 世界的に有病率が高い(十ヵ国を対象とした研究では生涯有病率は平均8-12%、日本では3%、米国では17%であった(参考2)) 097G008(うつ病は世界的に主要な健康問題になっている。)
- 脳のノルエピネフリン神経、セロトニン神経の働きに異常
- レセルピンと鬱病の関係
- レセルピン
- 血圧低下作用が臨床応用されていた
- 1931年に鎮静作用を示すことが明らかにされていた。
- ノルエピネフリン神経におけるシナプス小胞への取り込みを阻害することによって
- 血圧↓→脳内モノアミン枯渇→うつ病発症→使われなくなる
- also see DSM-IV
- 気分の落ち込みや何をしても癒されない気分や空虚感など
- KPS.973 ← あまり整理されていない印象
- 抑うつ気分を伴う適応障害
- 気分変調性障害
- 失調感情障害
- 統合失調症
- 大うつ病性障害
- 双極I型障害
- 境界性人格障害
- 低カリウム血症
- 短期精神病性障害
- 気分循環性障害
- 抗高血圧性毒性
- ステロイド精神病性障害
- 甲状腺機能低下症
- 脳腫瘍
- 全身不全麻痺
- アンフェタミン使用障害
- コカイン使用障害
- 膵癌
- 肝炎
- ウイルス感染後症候群
- アルツハイマー型認知症
- 血管性認知症
- 晩発性アルツハイマー型認知症
- 早発性アルツハイマー型認知症
- 肝硬変
- 動脈硬化症
- 伝染性単核球症
- 甲状腺機能亢進症
- 潜在性悪性腫瘍
- エイズ
- シゾイド人格障害/統合失調質人格障害
- 失調型人格障害/統合失調型人格障害
- IMD.1077 PSY.284
- 統合失調症:病初期にうつ状態。疎通性障害、幻覚・妄想の出現で鑑別される。
- 神経症
- 脳血管障害:脳梗塞、脳出血など:CT、MRI、神経学的所見などから鑑別する
- 脳変性疾患:パーキンソン病、アルツハイマー病:CT、MRI、神経学的所見などから鑑別する
- 昏迷、不安焦燥、精神活動抑制、微小思考
- 気分の憂うつだったり、寂しくなったりという抑うつ気分
- 将来に希望を持てなくて悲観的になり、考ええばかりおそってくる抑うつ気分
- 意欲、興味、関心の低下をきたす
- 朝に抑うつ気分がひどい
- 症状がひどいと自殺を試みる
- 1. うつ病であることを説明
- 2. 休息
- 3. 治癒の見通しを明らかにする
- 4. 重要決定は延期させる
- 5. 自殺しない約束
- 効果の発現は服用開開始から1-2週間後で即効性はない。鬱症状が改善した後も4ヶ月継続すべき。(PSY.288)
- 軽症~中等症:SSRI, SNRI
- 重症:三環系抗うつ薬
- MAOとうつ病
- MAO inhibitorは脳モノアミン神経伝達物質の量を増やす
- MAO inhibitor
- モノアミン神経伝達物質が蓄積される
- パーキンソン病やうつ病の病状をよくする
- 1. [charged] うつ病の疫学、病因、および神経生物学 - uptodate [1]
- 英
- social phobia, social phobia
- 同
- (アメリカ精神医学会)社会不安障害, social anxiety disorder, SAD
- 関
- 社会恐怖。(ICD-10 F40)恐怖症性不安障害、神経症性障害
- 生涯有病率 0.36-10.8%
- 女性が男性の2倍以上らしい
- 20歳代後半で好発
- 羞恥恐怖性
- 状況依存性
- 不安喚起性
- 身体表出性
- 性格起因性
- 現実回避性
- 105F004:「人前では緊張して思うように話ができない」
- 101G003
- 100D021:10歳ころから、人前で食事をしたり、話をしたりするのが極端に苦手になった。就職してからは、周囲から見られているようで、電車での通勤が辛かったと言う。
- 英
- separation anxiety disorder, SAD
- 関
- 分離不安症、separation anxiety
- 英
- seasonal affective disorder, SAD
- 関
- 季節性気分障害、季節性情動障害、反復性うつ病性障害
季節性感情障害 SAD