- the 5th letter of the Roman alphabet (同)e
- European Community欧州共同体
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[Wiki ja表示]
- 電気けいれん療法 - 頭部に通電する精神疾患の治療法の一つ。電撃療法とも。
- 江戸川ケーブルテレビ - 東京都に存在するケーブルテレビ局
- (Electoronic Controlled Transmission) - トヨタ自動車の電子制御式オートマチックトランスミッション
- イクト - 名古屋鉄道名鉄岐阜駅に隣接する商業施設
このページは曖昧さ回避のためのページです。一つの語句が複数の意味・職能を有する場合の水先案内のために、異なる用法を一覧にしてあります。お探しの用語に一番近い記事を選んで下さい。このページへリンクしているページを見つけたら、リンクを適切な項目に張り替えて下さい。 |
[Wiki en表示]
Not to be confused with etc. or et cetera.
ECT may be an abbreviation for:
- 1 Automotive
- 2 Industry & Technology
- 3 Medicine
- 4 Organizations
- 5 Science
- 6 Time
- 7 Other
- Electronically controlled transmission, found in premium automobiles
- Engine coolant temperature
Industry & Technology[edit]
- Eddy-current testing, a nondestructive testing technique for metal objects
- Edge crush test, a standard test of the strength of cardboard boxes
- Electrical capacitance tomography, an industrial process imaging technique
- ECN-capable transport, a transport layer capable of using Explicit Congestion Notification
- Electrochemotherapy a therapeutic approach providing delivery into cell interior of nonpermeant drugs with intracellular targets
- Electroconvulsive therapy, also known as electroshock therapy, a medical treatment
- Elementary cognitive task a simple task used in intelligence testing
- Ecarin clotting time
- Ealing Community Transport, a social enterprise in England
- Eau Claire Transit, the transit in Eau Claire, Wisconsin
- (Empresa Brasileira de Correios e Telégrafos) Correios, the Brazilian postal service and postal administration
- (Esquerra Català dels Treballadors) Catalan Workers' Left, a Catalan leftwing nationalist group
- European Centre for Theoretical Studies in Nuclear Physics and Related Areas, in Trento, Italy
- Einstein-Cartan theory, an extension of the theory of General Relativity
- Emission Computed Tomography, see Single Photon Emission Computed Tomography
- Extended Column Test, a snow stability test used to determine fracture initiation and snow propagation for avalanche study
- Eastern Caribbean Time zone
- European Central Time zone, a misnomer for Central European Time
- Evening Civil Twilight, from sunset to when the center of the Sun is more than 6° below the horizon
- Electronic Card Transactions, a statistical series published by the New Zealand Government statistical agency, Statistics New Zealand, and measuring spending through cards processed electronically at the point of sale
- Energy Charter Treaty
- European Credit Transfer, from the European Credit Transfer and Accumulation System, to guarantee academic recognition of studies abroad
- Evangelicals and Catholics Together
UpToDate Contents
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English Journal
- Repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation versus electroconvulsive therapy for major depression: A systematic review and meta-analysis.
- Ren J1, Li H2, Palaniyappan L3, Liu H1, Wang J4, Li C5, Rossini PM6.Author information 1Shanghai Key Laboratory of Psychotic Disorders, Shanghai Mental Health Center, Shanghai Jiao Tong University School of Medicine, Shanghai 200030, China.2Shanghai Key Laboratory of Psychotic Disorders, Shanghai Mental Health Center, Shanghai Jiao Tong University School of Medicine, Shanghai 200030, China; Department of EEG Source Imaging, Shanghai Mental Health Center, Shanghai Jiao Tong University School of Medicine, Shanghai 200030, China.3Centre for Translational Neuroimaging in Mental Health, Institute of Mental Health, Nottingham, UK; Division of Psychiatry & Applied Psychology, University of Nottingham, UK.4Shanghai Key Laboratory of Psychotic Disorders, Shanghai Mental Health Center, Shanghai Jiao Tong University School of Medicine, Shanghai 200030, China; Department of EEG Source Imaging, Shanghai Mental Health Center, Shanghai Jiao Tong University School of Medicine, Shanghai 200030, China. Electronic address: jijunwang27@163.com.5Shanghai Key Laboratory of Psychotic Disorders, Shanghai Mental Health Center, Shanghai Jiao Tong University School of Medicine, Shanghai 200030, China. Electronic address: chunbo_li@163.com.6Department of Geriatrics, Neuroscience and Orthopedics, Catholic University of the Sacred Heart, Rome, Italy.AbstractElectroconvulsive therapy (ECT) is the most effective treatment of depression. During the last decades repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation (rTMS), an alternative method using electric stimulation of the brain, has revealed possible alternative to ECT in the treatment of depression. There are some clinical trials comparing their efficacies and safeties but without clear conclusions, mainly due to their small sample sizes. In the present study, a meta-analysis had been carried out to gain statistical power. Outcomes were response, remission, acceptability and cognitive effects in depression. Following a comprehensive literature search that included both English and Chinese language databases, we identified all randomized controlled trials that directly compared rTMS and ECT for major depression. 10 articles (9 trials) with a total of 425 patients were identified. Methodological quality, heterogeneity, sensitivity and publication bias were systematically evaluated. ECT was superior to high frequency rTMS in terms of response (64.4% vs. 48.7%, RR=1.41, p=0.03), remission (52.9% vs. 33.6%, RR=1.38, p=0.006) while discontinuation was not significantly different between the two treatments (8.3% vs. 9.4%, RR=1.11, p=0.80). According to the subgroup analysis, the superiority of ECT was more apparent in those with psychotic depression, while high frequency rTMS was as effective as ECT in those with non-psychotic depression. The same results were obtained in the comparison of ECT with low frequency rTMS. ECT had a non-significant advantage over high frequency rTMS on the overall improvement in HAMD scores (p=0.11). There was insufficient data on medium or long term efficacy. Both rTMS and ECT were well tolerated with only minor side effects reported. Results based on 3 studies suggested that specific cognitive domains such as visual memory and verbal fluency were more impaired in patients receiving ECT. In conclusion, ECT seemed more effective than and at least as acceptable as rTMS in the short term, especially in the presence of psychotic depression. This review identified the lack of good quality trials comparing the long-term outcome and cognitive effects of rTMS and ECT, especially using approaches to optimize stimulus delivery and reduce clinical heterogeneity.
- Progress in neuro-psychopharmacology & biological psychiatry.Prog Neuropsychopharmacol Biol Psychiatry.2014 Jun 3;51C:181-189. doi: 10.1016/j.pnpbp.2014.02.004. Epub 2014 Feb 18.
- Electroconvulsive therapy (ECT) is the most effective treatment of depression. During the last decades repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation (rTMS), an alternative method using electric stimulation of the brain, has revealed possible alternative to ECT in the treatment of depression. There ar
- PMID 24556538
- A new method to model electroconvulsive therapy in rats with increased construct validity and enhanced translational value.
- Theilmann W1, Löscher W1, Socala K2, Frieling H3, Bleich S3, Brandt C4.Author information 1Department of Pharmacology, Toxicology, and Pharmacy, University of Veterinary Medicine, Hannover, Germany; Center for Systems Neuroscience, Hannover, Germany.2Department of Pharmacology, Toxicology, and Pharmacy, University of Veterinary Medicine, Hannover, Germany.3Department of Psychiatry, Social Psychiatry and Psychotherapy, Medical School Hannover, Germany; Center for Systems Neuroscience, Hannover, Germany.4Department of Pharmacology, Toxicology, and Pharmacy, University of Veterinary Medicine, Hannover, Germany; Center for Systems Neuroscience, Hannover, Germany. Electronic address: claudia.brandt@tiho-hannover.de.AbstractElectroconvulsive therapy is the most effective therapy for major depressive disorder (MDD). The remission rate is above 50% in previously pharmacoresistant patients but the mechanisms of action are not fully understood. Electroconvulsive stimulation (ECS) in rodents mimics antidepressant electroconvulsive therapy (ECT) in humans and is widely used to investigate the underlying mechanisms of ECT. For the translational value of findings in animal models it is essential to establish models with the highest construct, face and predictive validity possible. The commonly used model for ECT in rodents does not meet the demand for high construct validity. For ECT, cortical surface electrodes are used to induce therapeutic seizures whereas ECS in rodents is exclusively performed by auricular or corneal electrodes. However, the stimulation site has a major impact on the type and spread of the induced seizure activity and its antidepressant effect. We propose a method in which ECS is performed by screw electrodes placed above the motor cortex of rats to closely simulate the clinical situation and thereby increase the construct validity of the model. Cortical ECS in rats induced reliably seizures comparable to human ECT. Cortical ECS was more effective than auricular ECS to reduce immobility in the forced swim test. Importantly, auricular stimulation had a negative influence on the general health condition of the rats with signs of fear during the stimulation sessions. These results suggest that auricular ECS in rats is not a suitable ECT model. Cortical ECS in rats promises to be a valid method to mimic ECT.
- Journal of psychiatric research.J Psychiatr Res.2014 Jun;53:94-8. doi: 10.1016/j.jpsychires.2014.02.007. Epub 2014 Feb 19.
- Electroconvulsive therapy is the most effective therapy for major depressive disorder (MDD). The remission rate is above 50% in previously pharmacoresistant patients but the mechanisms of action are not fully understood. Electroconvulsive stimulation (ECS) in rodents mimics antidepressant electrocon
- PMID 24607291
- Electroconvulsive therapy pre-treatment with low dose propofol: Comparison with unmodified treatment.
- Tripathi A1, Winek NC2, Goel K1, D'Agati D2, Gallegos J2, Jayaram G2, Nguyen T3, Vaidya P2, Zandi P4, Trivedi JK1, Reti IM5.Author information 1Department of Psychiatry, The King George's Medical University, Lucknow, India.2Department of Psychiatry, The Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, Baltimore, MD, USA.3Department of Anesthesiology, The Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, Baltimore, MD, USA.4The Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health, Baltimore, MD, USA.5Department of Psychiatry, The Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, Baltimore, MD, USA. Electronic address: imreti@jhmi.edu.AbstractBACKGROUND: Whilst electroconvulsive therapy (ECT) is routinely administered under anesthesia in developed nations, in many developing countries, ECT is still administered unmodified. This practice has attracted considerable scrutiny with calls to ban unmodified ECT. However, there are no affordable alternatives for many poor, acutely ill psychiatric patients. We evaluated whether administration of intravenous propofol 0.5 mg/kg for sedation by the ECT psychiatrist just prior to otherwise unmodified treatment improved acceptance of and reduced anxiety surrounding the treatment.
- Journal of psychiatric research.J Psychiatr Res.2014 Jun;53:173-9. doi: 10.1016/j.jpsychires.2014.02.004. Epub 2014 Feb 20.
- BACKGROUND: Whilst electroconvulsive therapy (ECT) is routinely administered under anesthesia in developed nations, in many developing countries, ECT is still administered unmodified. This practice has attracted considerable scrutiny with calls to ban unmodified ECT. However, there are no affordable
- PMID 24602447
Japanese Journal
- 作品制作意欲と校外活動との関連 : 作品展「ぬくもり」を通して
- Ect2, an ortholog of Drosophila Pebble, regulates formation of growth cones in primary cortical neurons
- Tsuji Takahiro,Higashida Chiharu,Aoki Yoshihiko,Saharul Islam Mohammad,Dohmoto Mitsuko,Higashida Haruhiro
- Neurochemistry International 61(6), 854-858, 2012-11
- … We have also reported that depletion of Ect2, a mammalian ortholog of Pebble, induces differentiation in NG108-15 neuronal cells. … However, the precise role of Ect2 in neuronal development has yet to be studied. …
- NAID 120004966610
Related Links
- ECTについて 1 ECTの歴史 ECTは、精神分裂病とてんかんは合併しないとの説に基づいて1935年に発表されたカルジアゾールけいれん療法に端を発する。その後1938年には電気けいれん療法が発表され、その後麻酔をかけ ...
- イーシーティー ECTとは、Electronic Controlled Transmissionの略で、トヨタの電子制御式ATのこと。 従来の油圧制御式に比べてきめ細やかな制御ができ、乗り心地や燃費に優れている。 またこのATには、パワフルな運転や峠道での ...
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- 英
- depression
- 関
- 抗うつ薬、抑うつ症、メランコリー melancholia
[show details]
鬱病 : 約 5,160,000 件
うつ病 : 約 23,500,000 件
- 大うつ病性障害(単極性障害)
- 双極性障害
- 気分変調性障害
- 気分循環性障害
- 特別な気分障害
- 世界的に有病率が高い(十ヵ国を対象とした研究では生涯有病率は平均8-12%、日本では3%、米国では17%であった(参考2)) 097G008(うつ病は世界的に主要な健康問題になっている。)
- 脳のノルエピネフリン神経、セロトニン神経の働きに異常
- レセルピンと鬱病の関係
- レセルピン
- 血圧低下作用が臨床応用されていた
- 1931年に鎮静作用を示すことが明らかにされていた。
- ノルエピネフリン神経におけるシナプス小胞への取り込みを阻害することによって
- 血圧↓→脳内モノアミン枯渇→うつ病発症→使われなくなる
- also see DSM-IV
- 気分の落ち込みや何をしても癒されない気分や空虚感など
- KPS.973 ← あまり整理されていない印象
- 抑うつ気分を伴う適応障害
- 気分変調性障害
- 失調感情障害
- 統合失調症
- 大うつ病性障害
- 双極I型障害
- 境界性人格障害
- 低カリウム血症
- 短期精神病性障害
- 気分循環性障害
- 抗高血圧性毒性
- ステロイド精神病性障害
- 甲状腺機能低下症
- 脳腫瘍
- 全身不全麻痺
- アンフェタミン使用障害
- コカイン使用障害
- 膵癌
- 肝炎
- ウイルス感染後症候群
- アルツハイマー型認知症
- 血管性認知症
- 晩発性アルツハイマー型認知症
- 早発性アルツハイマー型認知症
- 肝硬変
- 動脈硬化症
- 伝染性単核球症
- 甲状腺機能亢進症
- 潜在性悪性腫瘍
- エイズ
- シゾイド人格障害/統合失調質人格障害
- 失調型人格障害/統合失調型人格障害
- IMD.1077 PSY.284
- 統合失調症:病初期にうつ状態。疎通性障害、幻覚・妄想の出現で鑑別される。
- 神経症
- 脳血管障害:脳梗塞、脳出血など:CT、MRI、神経学的所見などから鑑別する
- 脳変性疾患:パーキンソン病、アルツハイマー病:CT、MRI、神経学的所見などから鑑別する
- 昏迷、不安焦燥、精神活動抑制、微小思考
- 気分の憂うつだったり、寂しくなったりという抑うつ気分
- 将来に希望を持てなくて悲観的になり、考ええばかりおそってくる抑うつ気分
- 意欲、興味、関心の低下をきたす
- 朝に抑うつ気分がひどい
- 症状がひどいと自殺を試みる
- 1. うつ病であることを説明
- 2. 休息
- 3. 治癒の見通しを明らかにする
- 4. 重要決定は延期させる
- 5. 自殺しない約束
- 効果の発現は服用開開始から1-2週間後で即効性はない。鬱症状が改善した後も4ヶ月継続すべき。(PSY.288)
- 軽症~中等症:SSRI, SNRI
- 重症:三環系抗うつ薬
- MAOとうつ病
- MAO inhibitorは脳モノアミン神経伝達物質の量を増やす
- MAO inhibitor
- モノアミン神経伝達物質が蓄積される
- パーキンソン病やうつ病の病状をよくする
- 1. [charged] うつ病の疫学、病因、および神経生物学 - uptodate [1]
- 英
- atropine
- ラ
- atropinum
- 化
- 硫酸アトロピン アトロピン硫酸塩 atropine sulfate、臭化メチルアトロピン
- 商
- アトワゴリバース、オピアト、ストメリンD、パビナール・アトロピン、パンアト、モヒアト、リュウアト
- 関
- ムスカリン性受容体、アセチルコリン受容体
- 鎮けい剤
- ムスカリン受容体をアセチルコリンやコリン作動薬と競合的に奪い合う→競合的拮抗薬
- 大量投与で神経節、骨格筋のニコチン性受容体の遮断
- 迷走神経中枢の興奮
- 洞房結節に分泌する副交感神経の遮断
- 唾液腺抑制→口渇、嚥下困難
- 胃酸分泌抑制、胃腸管の緊張と運動抑制
- 小腸、大腸、胆嚢、胆管の平滑筋の緊張をとり弛緩させる
- 膀胱底の平滑筋が弛緩し、括約筋が収縮して、排尿困難、尿閉
- 汗腺は交換神経支配であるが、コリン作動性であるので、発汗が抑制される
- 中毒量で興奮作用が現れ、運動失調、不穏、興奮、幻覚、せん妄、錯乱、狂躁状態となる
- アトロピン注0.05%シリンジ「テルモ」(1mL)
- 胃・十二指腸潰瘍における分泌並びに運動亢進
- 胃腸の痙攣性疼痛
- 痙攣性便秘
- 胆管・尿管の疝痛
- 有機燐系殺虫剤・副交感神経興奮剤の中毒
- 迷走神経性徐脈及び迷走神経性房室伝導障害
- 麻酔前投薬
- その他の徐脈及び房室伝導障害
- ECTの前投与
- Advanced Cardiovascular Life Support Provider manual ISBN 978-1-61669-010-6 p.166
- (ACLSにおける)徐脈:0.5mg静注を3-5分置きに行う。total 0.04mg/kg(3mg)を超えないこと。
- 有機リン中毒:2-4mgあるいはそれ以上
- アトロピン注0.05%シリンジ「テルモ」(1mL)
- 1. 緑内障の患者[抗コリン作用により房水通路が狭くなり眼圧が上昇し,緑内障を悪化させるおそれがある.]
- 2. 前立腺肥大による排尿障害のある患者[抗コリン作用による膀胱平滑筋の弛緩,膀胱括約筋の緊張により,排尿困難を悪化させるおそれがある.]
- 3. 麻痺性イレウスの患者[抗コリン作用により消化管運動を抑制し,症状を悪化させるおそれがある.]
- 4. 本剤の成分に対し過敏症の既往歴のある患者
- Advanced Cardiovascular Life Support Provider manual ISBN 978-1-61669-010-6 p.166)
- 心筋虚血や低酸素血症の場合、心筋酸素需要を増大させるので注意する。
- 低体温による徐脈では使用を避ける
- Morbit II型のII度房室ブロック(intranodal block)やIII度房室ブロックでは有効でないであろう(paradoxical slowing) ← カテコラミンを使う
- (ACLSにおいて)<0.5mgの用量で静注した場合、paradoxical slowingが起こるかもしれない。
- アトロピン注0.05%シリンジ「テルモ」(1mL)
- http://www.info.pmda.go.jp/go/pack/1242406G1035_1_06/1242406G1035_1_06?view=body
- 英
- single-photon emission computed tomography single photon emission CT SPECT
- 同
- シングルフォトンエミッションCT、シングルフォトンECT
- 関
- PET、エミッションCT ECT
- 体内に放射性同位元素を取り込ませておき、コンピューターを用いて体内放射能分布を構成する方法(emission computed tomography ECT/radionuclide computed tomography RCT)のうち、γ線放射核種を用いるもの
- ガンマカメラを、エックス線CTと同様に被写体の周囲に回転させて断層像を撮影
- 英
- emission CT ECT
- 同
- 放射型コンピュータ断層撮影法
- 関
- 体内に投与された放射性同位元素を体軸の周囲から計測し、コンピュータを用いて体内放射能分布像を構成する方法
- 英
- electric convulsive therapy, ECT, electroconvulsive treatment
- 同
- 電撃療法、電気ショック療法 electroshock therapy、電気けいれん療法、痙攣療法