尿細管アシドーシス renal tubular acidosis
- the 18th letter of the Roman alphabet (同)r
- resistance / 17歳以下父兄同伴映画の表示 / rook
- radio telephone無線電話
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- 尿細管性アシドーシス (Renal Tubular Acidosis)
- コンピュータゲームにおけるやり込みの一種、「リアルタイムアタック」 (Real Time Attack)
- アボンリーへの道 (Road to Avonlea)
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RTA may refer to:
- Transit
- Regional Transportation Authority (Illinois), serving Chicago, United States
- Regional Transportation Authority (Tennessee), serving Nashville, United States
- Greater Cleveland Regional Transit Authority, Ohio, United States
- Greater Dayton Regional Transit Authority, Ohio, United States
- Roads and Transport Authority, serving Dubai, UAE
- Road Traffic Authority, a former authority in Victoria, Australia
- Roads and Traffic Authority, a former authority in New South Wales, Australia
- Riverside Transit Agency in Riverside County, California, United States
- New Orleans Regional Transit Authority, United States
- Central Puget Sound Regional Transit Authority, United States
- South Florida Regional Transportation Authority, United States
- Regional Transit Authorities in the Mass Transit Division of the Massachusetts Department of Transportation
- Road Traffic Accident, a term for traffic collision.
- Science and technology
- Real Time Analyzer for audio applications, such as analyzing sound
- Rapid thermal anneal - thermal process in semiconductor technology
- Road traffic accident, see Road traffic collision
- Restricted to Adults
- Retrospective Think Aloud
- Round-trip average, see Round-trip delay time
- Medicine
- Renal tubular acidosis, the inability of the kidney to properly acidfy the urine
- Road Traffic Accident
- Tenancy
- Residential Tenancies Authority, Queensland, Australia
- Other
- Radio and Television Arts, the undergraduate broadcasting program at Ryerson University in Toronto
- Radio Television Afghanistan, the state-owned broadcasting corporation of Afghanistan
- RTA TV, a main Afghan TV channel
- Regional trade agreement
- Rewriting Techniques and Applications, the main international academic conference on rewriting, currently held annually
- Right to Acquire, which enables Housing Association tenants to purchase their homes
- Rio Tinto Aluminium
- Royal Thai Army, the land branch of Thailand's armed forces
UpToDate Contents
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English Journal
- Dysregulation of cannabinoid CB1 receptor and associated signaling networks in brains of cocaine addicts and cocaine-treated rodents.
- Alvaro-Bartolomé M, García-Sevilla JA.SourceLaboratori de Neurofarmacologia, Institut Universitari d'Investigació en Ciències de la Salut (IUNICS), Universitat de les Illes Balears (UIB) and Redes Temáticas de Investigación Cooperativa en Salud (RETICS-RTA), Cra. Valldemossa km 7.5, E-07122 Palma de Mallorca, Spain.
- Neuroscience.Neuroscience.2013 Sep 5;247:294-308. doi: 10.1016/j.neuroscience.2013.05.035. Epub 2013 May 29.
- The endocannabinoid system is implicated in the neurobiology of cocaine addiction. This study evaluated the status of cannabinoid (CB) CB1 and CB2 receptors, the endocytic cycle of CB1 receptors, G protein-coupled receptor regulatory kinases (GRK), and associated signaling (mammalian target of rapam
- PMID 23727505
- Mouse gammaherpesvirus-68 infection acts as a rheostat to set the level of type I interferon signaling in primary macrophages.
- Wood BM, Mboko WP, Mounce BC, Tarakanova VL.SourceDepartment of Microbiology and Molecular Genetics, Cancer Center, Medical College of Wisconsin, USA.
- Virology.Virology.2013 Aug 15;443(1):123-33. doi: 10.1016/j.virol.2013.04.036. Epub 2013 May 23.
- Type I interferon (IFN) is a critical antiviral response of the host. We found that Interferon Regulatory Factor 3 (IRF-3) was responsible for induction of type I IFN following mouse gammaherpesvirus-68 (MHV68) infection of primary macrophages. Intriguingly, type I IFN signaling was maintained throu
- PMID 23706314
- The proteasome cap RPT5/Rpt5p subunit prevents aggregation of unfolded ricin A chain.
- Pietroni P, Vasisht N, Cook JP, Roberts DM, Lord JM, Hartmann-Petersen R, Roberts LM, Spooner RA.Source*School of Life Sciences, University of Warwick, Coventry CV4 7AL, U.K.
- The Biochemical journal.Biochem J.2013 Aug 1;453(3):435-45. doi: 10.1042/BJ20130133.
- The plant cytotoxin ricin enters mammalian cells by receptor-mediated endocytosis, undergoing retrograde transport to the ER (endoplasmic reticulum) where its catalytic A chain (RTA) is reductively separated from the holotoxin to enter the cytosol and inactivate ribosomes. The currently accepted mod
- PMID 23617410
Japanese Journal
- 以西 雅章,山本 貴弘,鳥井 琢磨
- 電子情報通信学会技術研究報告 : 信学技報 112(32), 39-42, 2012-05-17
- NAID 40019307042
- 以西 雅章,山本 貴弘,鳥井 琢磨
- 電子情報通信学会技術研究報告 : 信学技報 112(33), 39-42, 2012-05-17
- NAID 40019306823
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- 英
- urolithiasis
- 関
- 尿路結石症、尿管結石症 尿管結石
- CBT QB vol2 p.382改
pKa1=2.12 pKa2=7.21 pKa3=12.67
pKa1=1.27 pKa2=4.27
pKCOOH<1 pKCOOH<2.1 pKNH3+=8.02 pKNH3+=8.71 pI=5.03
pK1=5.8 pK2=10.3
- 頻度を%で示す。
- c. 尿停滞と濃縮 ← 長期臥床・尿路通過障害・海綿腎
- ⇒閉経前の女性は男性より尿中クエン酸量が3倍ほど多い
- 5-6mm程度の大きさの場合、自己での排石は不能らしい。
- 英
- renal tubular acidosis, RTA
- 関
- 尿細管アシドーシス 、尿細管性アシドーシス
- 代謝性アシドーシス
- 遠位尿細管性アシドーシス、近位尿細管性アシドーシス、1型尿細管性アシドーシス、尿細管性アシドーシスI型
[show details]
- 遠位尿細管性アシドーシス RTA I :H+の排泄障害。代わりにK+が排泄。高度の血清K低下。尿pH≧5.5(酸性化できない)。尿路結石を生じやすい。
- 近位尿細管性アシドーシス RTA II:近位尿細管でのHCO3-再吸収障害による。遠位尿細管でK+が排泄され、低カリウム血症を生じる。尿pH≦5.5(酸性化ok)。
- 低アルドステロン症 RTA IV:アルドステロン欠乏やアルドステロン抵抗性と関連した病態。高カリウム血症を呈し代謝性アルカローシスとなる。HCO3-≧17mEq/L, pH≦5.3 (参考)
- 1. [charged] Pathophysiology of renal tubular acidosis and the effect on potassium balance - uptodate [1]
腎尿細管性アシドーシス RTA
低アルドステロン症。腎尿細管性アシドーシスIV型, renal tubular acidosis type IV
- 関
- trihexyphenidyl hydrochloride