- the 4th letter of the Roman alphabet (同)d
- deuteriumの化学記号
- Delaware
- =debutante
Wikipedia preview
出典(authority):フリー百科事典『ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』「2014/11/20 11:04:13」(JST)
[Wiki en表示]
Deb or DEB may refer to:
- deb (file format), a software package format used by the Debian project
- A débutante
- Deborah, a name
- Eugene Debs, a politician
- Nabakrishna Deb, a nobleman
- Dynamic energy budget
- Drug eluting balloon, a medical tool for angioplasty
- Debrecen International Airport, IATA airport code
- Deb Shops, an American retail clothing chain
- The second album by Souad Massi
- DEB, the abbreviation for Epidermolysis bullosa dystrophica
- D.E.B (Dome Environment Builder)
- The Digital Economy Bill, a bill passing before the UK Parliament.
- DEB, the abbreviation for the German Ice Hockey Federation, Deutscher Eishockey Bund
- Diepoxybutane, an industrial chemical
See also
- Debs (disambiguation)
- Debra (disambiguation)
- Debbie (disambiguation)
- Deborah (disambiguation)
UpToDate Contents
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English Journal
- Microbial surfactants: Fundamentals and applicability in the formulation of nano-sized drug delivery vectors.
- Rodrigues LR1.
- Journal of colloid and interface science.J Colloid Interface Sci.2015 Jul 1;449:304-16. doi: 10.1016/j.jcis.2015.01.022. Epub 2015 Jan 22.
- Microbial surfactants, so-called biosurfactants, comprise a wide variety of structurally distinct amphipathic molecules produced by several microorganisms. Besides exhibiting surface activity at the interfaces, these molecules present powerful characteristics including high biodegradability, low tox
- PMID 25655712
- Bisphenol-A induces expression of HOXC6, an estrogen-regulated homeobox-containing gene associated with breast cancer.
- Hussain I1, Bhan A1, Ansari KI1, Deb P1, Bobzean SA2, Perrotti LI2, Mandal SS3.
- Biochimica et biophysica acta.Biochim Biophys Acta.2015 Jun;1849(6):697-708. doi: 10.1016/j.bbagrm.2015.02.003. Epub 2015 Feb 25.
- HOXC6 is a homeobox-containing gene associated with mammary gland development and is overexpressed in variety of cancers including breast and prostate cancers. Here, we have examined the expression of HOXC6 in breast cancer tissue, investigated its transcriptional regulation via estradiol (E2) and b
- PMID 25725483
- Malignant melanoma: factors affecting the surgical interval from excision biopsy to definitive surgical management.
- Boland MR1, Prichard RS, Bass GA, Al-Hilli Z, Levendale A, Gibbons D, Sheahan K, Kirby B, McDermott EW, Evoy D.
- Irish journal of medical science.Ir J Med Sci.2015 Jun;184(2):511-5. doi: 10.1007/s11845-014-1157-5. Epub 2014 Jun 11.
- INTRODUCTION: Surgery remains the mainstay of treatment for malignant melanoma. Despite previous studies examining the surgical interval (SI) between the diagnostic excision biopsy (DEB) and definitive surgical management there remains few guidelines regarding an optimal time interval. The aim of th
- PMID 24917419
Japanese Journal
- 私はこう使っている:~cTACE? B−TACE? DEB−TACE?
- Conventional TACE不応肝細胞癌症例に対するDEB-TACE
- reference lineに基づくユーザの嗜好方向探索手法の提案
Related Links
- Shop Debs for Junior Clothing & Plus Clothing at Affordable Prices Including Dresses, Tops, Bottoms, Denim, Accessories and Many More. Deb Shops ... USA FREE SHIPPING OVER $50! CLICK FOR DETAILS
- debファイルをご存じでしょうか?ソフトウェアパッケージのフォーマットです。拡張子が.debの物ですね。なじみ深いところ... ... すこーし前に、 gpsphone 6.25(GBAエミュは現在有料。)の.debファイルを入手して、同様の方法でインストール ...
Related Pictures

- 英
- Fanconi anemia Fanconi's anemia FA
- 同
- ファンコニ貧血、ファンコニ貧血症、ファンコーニ貧血症、Fanconi貧血、ファンコニー貧血症、ファンコニー貧血
- ファンコーニ汎血球減少 Fanconi pancytopenia
- 関
- 再生不良性貧血、染色体切断症候群
[show details]
- 先天性再生不良性貧血。
- 進行性の汎血球減少と低身長、小頭症などの多発奇形や、皮膚の色素沈着、性器発育不全、白血病や各種の悪性腫瘍の易罹患傾向
- 橈骨側の異常
- (1)骨髄不全、(2)先天奇形、(3)皮膚の色素沈着、(4)低身長、(5)性腺機能不全を特徴とする常染色体劣性遺伝の疾患(PED.1122)
- 貧血の発症は4-6歳。(医学事典)
- DNAの修復機構の異常により、細胞のアポトーシスが起こりやすくなるため
- 奇形:母指欠損、橈骨の欠損または低形成、側弯症、先天股脱。 第1指奇形など橈側の奇形や腎・泌尿器系の奇形が多い(PED.1122) → 奇形を伴わない症例はtren-Dameshe症候群
- 身体:低身長
- 頭部:小頭症、知能発達遅延(知能障害)、小眼球症、斜視
- 皮膚:色素沈着、
- 心臓:心奇形
- 腎臓:腎の無形成、重複腎盂、馬蹄腎
- 内分泌:下垂体不全
- 血液:汎血球減少
- 悪性腫瘍:骨髄異形成症、急性骨髄性白血病、扁平上皮癌。(PED.1122)
- 染色体の脆弱に基づく
- 染色体の断裂、ギャップ形成、娘染色体変換。(PED.1122)
- 薬物療法に抵抗し、予後は不良
- 半数が16歳までに死亡(医学時点)
- 英
- bullous disease、vesiculobullous skin disease
- 関
- 水疱性皮膚症、角層下膿疱性皮膚症
- Dowling-Meara型(重症型)
- Kobner型(中等症型)
- Weber-Cockayne型(軽症型)
- 筋ジストロフィー合併型
- Herlitz型
- 非Herlitz型
- 幽門閉鎖症合併型
- Hallopeau-Siemens劣性型
- 非Hallopeau-Siemens劣性型
- 優性型
- 自己免疫性水疱症(後天性水疱症) autoimmuno blistering disease
- 英
- epidermolysis bullosa EB
- 同
- 先天性表皮水疱症 epidermolysis bullosa hereditaria
- 関
- 水疱症
- Dowling-Meara型(重症型)
- Kobner型(中等症型)
- Weber-Cockayne型(軽症型)
- 筋ジストロフィー合併型
- Herlitz型
- 非Herlitz型
- 幽門閉鎖症合併型
- Hallopeau-Siemens劣性型
- 非Hallopeau-Siemens劣性型
- 優性型
- 英
- dystrophic epidermolysis bullosa, DEB
- ラ
- epidermolysis bullosa dystrophica
- 関
- ジストロフィー型表皮水疱症、劣性栄養障害型表皮水疱症、優性栄養障害型表皮水疱症、表皮水疱症
[show details]
- 英
- diepoxybutane, DEB
劣性栄養障害型表皮水疱症 recessive dystrophic epidermolysis bullosa
- 同
- dominant dystrophic epidermolysis bullosa
線量当量 dose equivalent