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- TK式診断的新親子関係検査
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- 1. 十代の子供の身体的および性的デート・バイオレンスを含む思春期の関係虐待adolescent relationship abuse including physical and sexual teen dating violence [show details]
… ARA prevention as youth are just starting to explore relationships, sexuality, intimacy, and their identity. Prevention strategies for school-age children and early adolescents… prescription drugs; Frequent requests for pregnancy testing, testing for sexually transmitted infections,… Making a report to child protective services without considering the adolescent safety may increase the risk of harm to the adolescent. In a patient-centered evaluation,…
- 2. 青年の物質使用障害:疫学、発症機序、臨床症状と臨床的帰結、経過、評価、診断substance use disorder in adolescents epidemiology pathogenesis clinical manifestations and consequences course assessment and diagnosis [show details]
… Poor parenting – Rejection, lack of parental warmth, parent-child conflict, parental hostility/low attachment, harsh discipline, lack of or inconsistent discipline, permissive parenting,… with a strong relationship reported between cannabis use between ages 15 to 18 and eventual emergence of psychosis . The relationship between cannabis use,… as the Alcohol Use Disorders Identification Test or Drug Abuse Screening Test .…
- 3. 12歳未満の小児における慢性喘息:初回評価および診断asthma in children younger than 12 years initial evaluation and diagnosis [show details]
… Control Test may provide additional useful information. The evaluation of a child who presents with an acute asthma exacerbation is discussed separately. Approximately 80 percent of children with asthma… likelihood that a child with a compatible history has asthma. Children with one asthmatic parent are 2.6 times more likely to have asthma; with two asthmatic parents,… prompt evaluation for cystic fibrosis in children of any age) An increased anterior-posterior diameter of the chest due to air trapping; Results are conflicting regarding the relationship between…
- 4. アナフィラキシーの臨床診断を裏付ける臨床検査laboratory tests to support the clinical diagnosis of anaphylaxis [show details]
… baseline levels greatly improves the diagnostic value of total tryptase measurements. If total tryptase is the only test available,… adults and children. These tests are different from those that identify sensitization to the inciting allergen,… Humans normally have four functional tryptase genes (two from each parent).…
- 5. 小児における末梢のリンパ節腫脹:評価および診断的アプローチperipheral lymphadenopathy in children evaluation and diagnostic approach [show details]
… more deliberate if the child looks well. Sometimes the lymphadenopathy resolves without explanation before invasive diagnostic testing is undertaken. Our approach to the evaluation of peripheral lymphadenopathy …
Japanese Journal
- 気管支喘息児に対する発作場面の視覚・聴覚刺激が肺機能および呼気ガスに与える影響と心理テストに関する研究
- 永山 友子
- 東邦醫學會雜誌 = Journal of the Medical Society of Toho University 45(1), 91-104, 1998-01-01
- NAID 10012221470
- 心身障害児の歯科治療における母親の行動に関する研究 : 第4報 母子関係との関連性
- 柳瀬 博,福田 理,渥美 信子,黒須 一夫
- 小児歯科学雑誌 33(3), 463-469, 1995-06-25
- … 本学小児歯科外来を母親同伴で訪れた心身障害児37名を対象とし,田研式親子関係診断テストを用い,母親の養育態度と子供の歯科治療時に母親が治療室へ「入室する」「入室しない」という行動との関連性について分析を行い,以下の結果を得た.<BR>1)親子関係診断テストにおいて「入室する群」,「入室しない群」ともに『消極的拒否型』『積極的拒否型』『厳格型』『溺愛型』『矛盾型』の5型が危険地帯または準危 …
- NAID 10016344859
- 10.小児心身症74例に対して実施した心理テスト : FRIと田研式親子関係診断テスト(第26回日本心身医学会中部地方会演題抄録)
- 小崎 武,北條 泰男,子安 春樹,加藤 剛二,渡辺 俊彦,米田 奈保子,鈴木 栄,小嶋 秀夫
- 心身医学 31(7), 603, 1991
- NAID 110001118136
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Related Pictures

- 英
- Taken form Parent-Children Relationship Test
- 関
- 田研式親子関係診断テスト
- 関
- 徴候
- = Finkelstein test フィンケルシュタインテスト
- 棘上筋テスト
- 外旋筋力テスト
- lift-offテスト
- belly pressテスト
- 英
- 関
- 関わる、関心、関する、観点、関連、関連性、敬意、結合、結線、心配、相関、相関性、相互関係、相互作用、属する、妥当、適切、結びつける、連結、連絡、適した、意味づける、懸念、接続、関係性、相関関係
- 英
- diagnosis, Dx, diagnoses
- 英
- parent-child relationship