- 関
- resistance、resistant、stand、withstand
- withstand the force of something; "The trees resisted her"; "stand the test of time"; "The mountain climbers had to fend against the ice and snow" (同)stand, fend
- refuse to comply (同)balk, baulk, jib
- stand up or offer resistance to somebody or something (同)hold_out, withstand, stand firm
- resist immunologically the introduction of some foreign tissue or organ; "His body rejected the liver of the donor" (同)reject, refuse
- any mechanical force that tends to retard or oppose motion
- the capacity of an organism to defend itself against harmful environmental agents; "these trees are widely planted because of their resistance to salt and smog"
- the action of opposing something that you disapprove or disagree with; "he encountered a general feeling of resistance from many citizens"; "despite opposition from the newspapers he went ahead" (同)opposition
- (psychiatry) an unwillingness to bring repressed feelings into conscious awareness
- group action in opposition to those in power
- the military action of resisting the enemys advance; "the enemy offered little resistance"
- the degree of unresponsiveness of a disease-causing microorganism to antibiotics or other drugs (as in penicillin-resistant bacteria)
- remain inactive or immobile; "standing water"
- a defensive effort; "the army made a final stand at the Rhone"
- a small table for holding articles of various kinds; "a bedside stand"
- a stop made by a touring musical or theatrical group to give a performance; "a one-night stand"
- tiered seats consisting of a structure (often made of wood) where people can sit to watch an event (game or parade)
- an interruption of normal activity (同)standstill, tie-up
- a growth of similar plants (usually trees) in a particular area; "they cut down a stand of trees"
- the position where a thing or person stands
- hold ones ground; maintain a position; be steadfast or upright; "I am standing my ground and wont give in!" (同)remain firm
- be standing; be upright; "We had to stand for the entire performance!" (同)stand_up
- put into an upright position; "Can you stand the bookshelf up?" (同)stand_up, place upright
- be available for stud services; "male domestic animals such as stallions serve selected females"
- be in effect; be or remain in force; "The law stands!"
- be in some specified state or condition; "I stand corrected"
- be tall; have a height of; copula; "She stands 6 feet tall"
- have or maintain a position or stand on an issue; "Where do you stand on the War?"
- occupy a place or location, also metaphorically; "We stand on common ground"
- impervious to being affected; "resistant to the effects of heat"; "resistant to persuasion"
- offering no resistance
- 《通例否定文で》…‘を'『こらうる』,『がまんする』 / …‘に'『抵抗する』,反抗する / …‘の'作用に耐える,‘に'影響されない・抵抗する,耐える・何かの作用を食い止める物;防腐剤,防染剤・絶縁塗料
- 〈U〉〈C〉(…に)『抵抗』(『反抗』)『すること』;(…を)『こらえること』《+『to』(『against』)+『名』(do『ing』)》 / 〈U〉(病気などに対する)『抵抗力』《+『against』(『to』)+『名』》 / 〈U〉〈C〉(またresistance movement)(権力・圧制に対する)抵抗運動,レジスタンス / 〈U〉(空気の)抵抗;(電気の)抵抗
- 〈人・動物が〉『立つ』,立っている / (すわっていたのが)『立ち上がる』,起立する《+『up』》 / 〈物が〉(ある場所に)『立っている』,立てかけてある,置かれている / 《副詞[句]を伴って》『位置する』ある(進行形にできない) / 〈人物が〉状態(関係)にある / 〈人が〉(…に)(賛成・反対の)態度をとる,主張をする《+『for』(『against』)+『名』》 / 《『stand』+『名』(『形』)〈補〉》〈身長・得点・温度・順位などが〉(…で)ある / 立ち止まる;〈車・機械などが〉停止している / 〈主張などが〉変わらないでいる,ぐらつかない;〈規則などが〉有効である(進行形にできない) / 〈水などが〉よどむ;〈涙・汗などが〉たまる / 《副詞[句]を伴って》(船が)針路をとる / …‘を'『立てる』,立たせる,立てかける;…‘を'置く,すえる / …‘に'『立ち向かう』;…‘に'ひるまない;…‘を'守り通す / 《追例否定文で》…‘に'『耐える』,‘を'がまんする(進行形にできない) / 〈検査など〉‘を'受ける;〈運命など〉‘に'従う / 《話》…‘を'おごる / 〈任務など〉‘を'務める / 『立つこと;立ち止まること』,停止 / 防御,抵抗 / 立場,(明確な)態度,意見 / 位置,場所 / 《しばしば複合語を作って》『台』,…立て,…掛け / 《米》=witness stand / 『屋台店』,売店 / (タクシー・バスなどの)駐車場・乗り場 / 《通例the stands》『観覧席』,さじき,スタンド / (同一の地域・種類・樹齢の)立ち木,樹木,草木,作物 / (巡業興行団の)巡業[先],巡回[地]
- 抵抗力のある;(…に)抵抗する《+『to』+『名』》
- …‘に'『抵抗して耐える』,持ちこたえる,‘を'がまんする
Wikipedia preview
出典(authority):フリー百科事典『ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』「2014/10/04 10:48:52」(JST)
[Wiki ja表示]
『Resist』 |
Janne Da Arc の EP |
リリース |
1998年12月5日 |
録音 |
- |
ジャンル |
ロック |
時間 |
- |
Janne Da Arc 年表 |
(1998年) |
(1998年) |
(1999年) |
テンプレートを表示 |
『Resist』(レジスト)は、日本のロックバンド、Janne Da Arcのインディーズ2ndミニアルバム。1998年12月5日発売。また、1997年7月に発売された同名のデモテープのことでもある。
- 1998年12月5日に発売されたミニアルバム。1997年に発表された同タイトルのデモテープに収録されていた4曲を再録、新たに2曲追加したもの。
- 2000年に発表したメジャー1stアルバム『D・N・A』発売時、『Dearly』と共に再発売された。再発売時、kiyoは「収録されている曲もアレンジを変えてあって、まるっきり一緒ではないし、1年間で成長した音をみんなに聴いてほしい」と語っている。shujiも「あの時は精一杯頑張ったけど、1年経って振り返ったら『コレはいただけない』っていう部分が見えてきた」と発言している。
- 映画『ゴースト ニューヨークの幻』が元ネタ。『ゴースト ニューヨークの幻』はyasuの好きな映画の1つ。
- デモテープでは、歌詞が三番まで存在する。
- Resistance
(作詞:YASU 作曲:KIYO)
- 元々はもっと長かったらしいが短縮された曲。それでもEメロまである。
- Misty Land
(作詞:YASU 作曲:YOU)
- yasuが「本気でプロを目指すんなら真剣に作ろうや」と言って作られた曲。
- メンバー曰く「ライブではやらないし、やりたくない曲」
- Hunting
- インディーズ時代はライブの最後に演奏するのがお決まりだった曲。
- Lady
- ジャズミュージシャンを目指したくて脱退しようとしていたkiyoの為、yasuが作った楽曲。
- ライブでは本曲の演奏中、youが観客に向かいなぞなぞを出す時がある。
- Stare
(作詞:YASU 作曲:KA-YU)
- ka-yuが「(歌詞を) 全部サビみたいにしてくれ」とyasuに頼んだ曲。結果的に本当に全部サビみたいな曲になったのでka-yuも満足だった。
- メジャーデビュー後は大事なライブの最後を飾るのがお決まりの曲。
- インディーズ時代は「Hunting」の前に演奏することが多かった。
- 後にyouの教則DVD、『ジャンヌダルク you テクニカルギターメソッド』に「アコースティックインストver.」が収録された。
- ファンに対して向けられたメッセージソング。『SINGLES 2』の初回生産限定盤にPVが収録された。内容はインディーズ時代から2006年の10周年記念ライブ『DEAD or ALIVE』までのライブ映像を編集したもの。
Janne Da Arc |
yasu (Vocal) - you (Guitar) - ka-yu (Bass) - kiyo (Keyboard) - shuji (Drums) |
シングル |
1.RED ZONE - 2.Lunatic Gate - 3.EDEN 〜君がいない〜 - 4.Heaven's Place/Vanity - 5.will 〜地図にない場所〜 - 6.Mysterious - 7.Dry? - 8.NEO VENUS - 9.seed - 10.シルビア - 11.feel the wind - 12.Shining ray - 13.マリアの爪痕 - 14.霞ゆく空背にして - 15.Rainy 〜愛の調べ〜 - 16.餓えた太陽 - 17.FREEDOM - 18.Kiss Me - 19.DOLLS - 20.ROMANC∃ - 21.BLACK JACK - 22.Love is Here - 23.月光花 - 24.ダイヤモンドヴァージン - 25.振り向けば…/Destination - 26.HEAVEN/メビウス
アルバム |
オリジナル |
mini1.Dearly - mini2.Resist - mini3.CHAOS MODE - 1.D・N・A - 2.Z-HARD - 3.GAIA - 4.ANOTHER STORY - 5.ARCADIA - 6.JOKER
ベスト |
ボックス |
映像作品 |
1.1999 TOUR "CHAOS MODE" - 2.5 STORIES <CLIPS & MORE> - 3.FATE or FORTUNE Live at BUDOKAN - 4.6 CLIPS - 5.100th Memorial Live LIVE INFINITY 2002 at 武道館 - 6.ANOTHER STORY CLIPS - 7.SINGLE CLIPS - 8.男尻Night - 9.ARCADIA CLIPS - 10.Live 2005 "Dearly" at Osaka-jo Hall 03.27 - 11.Live 2006 DEAD or ALIVE -SAITAMA SUPER ARENA 05.20- - 12.10th Anniversary Special Live -OSAKA NANBA ROCKETS 2006.5.9- - 13.tour 2005 "JOKER"
関連項目 |
cutting edge - Acid Black Cherry - DAMIJAW
[Wiki en表示]
For other uses, see Resist (disambiguation).
In semiconductor fabrication, a resist is a thin layer used to transfer a circuit pattern to the semiconductor substrate which it is deposited upon. A resist can be patterned via lithography to form a (sub)micrometer-scale, temporary mask that protects selected areas of the underlying substrate during subsequent processing steps. The material used to prepare said thin layer is typically a viscous solution. Resists are generally proprietary mixtures of a polymer or its precursor and other small molecules (e.g. photoacid generators) that have been specially formulated for a given lithography technology. Resists used during photolithography are called photoresists.
- 1 Background
- 2 Typical process
- 3 See also
- 4 External links
Semiconductor devices (as of 2005) are built by depositing and patterning many thin layers. The patterning steps, or lithography, define the function of the device and the density of its components.
For example, in the interconnect layers of a modern microprocessor, a conductive material (copper or aluminum) is inlaid in an electrically insulating matrix (typically fluorinated silicon dioxide or another low-k dielectric). The metal patterns define multiple electrical circuits that are used to connect the microchip's transistors to one another and ultimately to external devices via the chip's pins.
The most common patterning method used by the semiconductor device industry is photolithography -- patterning using light. In this process, the substrate of interest is coated with photosensitive resist and irradiated with short-wavelength light projected through a photomask, which is a specially prepared stencil formed of opaque and transparent regions - usually a quartz substrate with a patterned chromium layer. The shadow of opaque regions in the photomask forms a submicrometer-scale pattern of dark and illuminated regions in the resist layer -- the areal image. Chemical and physical changes occur in the exposed areas of the resist layer. For example, chemical bonds may be formed or destroyed, inducing a change in solubility. This latent image is then developed for example by rinsing with an appropriate solvent. Selected regions of the resist remain, which after a post-exposure bake step form a stable polymeric pattern on the substrate. This pattern can be used as a stencil in the next process step. For example, areas of the underlying substrate that are not protected by the resist pattern may be etched or doped. Material may be selectively deposited on the substrate. After processing, the remaining resist may be stripped. Sometimes (esp. during Microelectromechanical systems fabrication), the patterned resist layer may be incorporated in the final product. Many photolithography and processing cycles may be performed to create complex devices.
Resists may also be formulated to be sensitive to charged particles, such as the electron beams produced in scanning electron microscopes. This is the basis of electron-beam direct-write lithography.
A resist is not always necessary. Several materials may be deposited or patterned directly using techniques like soft lithography, Dip-Pen Nanolithography, evaporation through a shadow mask or stencil.
Typical process
- Resist Deposition: The precursor solution is spin-coated on a clean (semiconductor) substrate, such as a silicon wafer, to form a very thin, uniform layer.
- Soft Bake: The layer is baked at a low temperature to evaporate residual solvent.
- Exposure: A latent image is formed in the resist e.g. (a) via exposure to ultraviolet light through a photomask with opaque and transparent regions or (b) by direct writing using a laser beam or electron beam.
- Development: Areas of the resist that have (or have not) been exposed are removed by rinsing with an appropriate solvent.
- Post-Exposure Bake
- Processing through the resist pattern: wet or dry etching, lift-off, doping...
- Resist Stripping
See also
- Electron beam lithography
- Nanolithography
- Photolithography
External links
- MicroChem
- Shipley (now Rohm and Haas Electronic Materials)
- Clariant
UpToDate Contents
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English Journal
- Aptamer-functionalized nanoparticles for surface immobilization-free electrochemical detection of cortisol in a microfluidic device.
- Sanghavi BJ1, Moore JA1, Chávez JL2, Hagen JA2, Kelley-Loughnane N2, Chou CF3, Swami NS4.
- Biosensors & bioelectronics.Biosens Bioelectron.2016 Apr 15;78:244-52. doi: 10.1016/j.bios.2015.11.044. Epub 2015 Nov 28.
- Monitoring the periodic diurnal variations in cortisol from small volume samples of serum or saliva is of great interest, due to the regulatory role of cortisol within various physiological functions and stress symptoms. Current detection assays are immunologically based and require cumbersome antib
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- Whole exome sequencing of relapsed/refractory patients expands the repertoire of somatic mutations in diffuse large B-cell lymphoma.
- Mareschal S1, Dubois S1, Viailly PJ1,2, Bertrand P1, Bohers E1, Maingonnat C1, Jaïs JP3, Tesson B4, Ruminy P1, Peyrouze P5, Copie-Bergman C6, Fest T7, Jo Molina T8, Haioun C9, Salles G10, Tilly H1, Lecroq T2, Leroy K6, Jardin F1.
- Genes, chromosomes & cancer.Genes Chromosomes Cancer.2016 Mar;55(3):251-67. doi: 10.1002/gcc.22328. Epub 2015 Nov 26.
- Despite the many efforts already spent to enumerate somatic mutations in diffuse large B-cell lymphoma (DLBCL), previous whole-genome and whole-exome studies conducted on patients of mixed outcomes failed at characterizing the 30% of patients who will relapse or resist current immunochemotherapies.
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- Does drinking refusal self-efficacy mediate the impulsivity-problematic alcohol use relation?
- Stevens AK1, Littlefield AK2, Blanchard BE2, Talley AE2, Brown JL3.
- Addictive behaviors.Addict Behav.2016 Feb;53:181-6. doi: 10.1016/j.addbeh.2015.10.019. Epub 2015 Oct 28.
- There is consistent evidence that impulsivity-like traits relate to problematic alcohol involvement; however, identifying mechanisms that account for this relation remains an important area of research. Drinking refusal self-efficacy (or a person's ability to resist alcohol; DRSE) has been shown to
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- Wang K1, Yang Y1, Wang L1, Ma T1, Shang H1, Ding L1, Han J1, Qiu Q1.
- Animal genetics.Anim Genet.2016 Feb;47(1):28-35. doi: 10.1111/age.12377. Epub 2015 Nov 5.
- DNA sequence variation has been widely reported as the genetic basis for adaptation, in both humans and other animals, to the hypoxic environment experienced at high altitudes. However, little is known about the patterns of gene expression underlying such hypoxic adaptations. In this study, we exami
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Japanese Journal
- マウストラッキングを用いた CAPTCHA 方式の検討
- Excluded volume effects caused by high concentration addition of acid generators in chemically amplified resists used for extreme ultraviolet lithography
- Theoretical study on relationship between exposure pattern width and chemical gradient of 16 nm half-pitch line-and-space patterns in electron beam lithography used for photomask and nanoimprint mold production
- Ecofriendly ethanol-developable processes for electron beam lithography using positive-tone dextrin resist material
Related Links
- RESIST-レジスト-公式ECサイト。TADY&KINGやDELAY by win&sons・OVERDESIGNなどの人気ブランドを取り扱う原宿のセレクトショップです ... WOOL Gown shirts Reverb denim 3rd JK(IND-A) CPO JK(BLACK) Serious Vinteage Denim ...
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- さらにパワーアップしたレジスト原宿店より、最強アイテムをお届けします!! もちろん、著名人も多々訪れるSHOPにもぜひお越しください!! ... お支払方法 送料・手数料 ※10,000円以上お買い上げの方、送料無料!! ※佐川急便eコレクト ...
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- 立つ、起立する。
- 立ち止まる。(自動車などが)静止したままである、動かない
- もとのままである、持ちこたえる、耐える。一致する、合う。
- it stands to reason that ~ それは~という理由と一致する
- 関
- bear、canopy、community、endure、lie、locate、location、loci、locus、map、position、rank、resist、resistance、resistant、sit、situated、situation、standing、tolerate、topo、withstand
- 英
- resistance、resist、stand、withstand、resistant
- 関
- 位置、群落、静置、耐性、耐える、立つ、抵抗性、スタンド、抵抗力、台
- 関
- recalcitrance、refractory、resist、resistance、resistive、stand、tolerance、tolerant、withstand
- (過去-過去分詞withstood)抵抗する、耐える
- 関
- bear、endure、resist、resistance、resistant、stand、tolerate
- 関
- heat tolerance、heat-resistant、thermostability、thermostable
- 関
- heat resistance、heat tolerance、thermostability、thermostable
- 関
- resistant bacteria、resistant bacterium
- 関
- F factor、F plasmid、RTF
- 関
- resistant bacteria、resistant cell