- (精神的な)姿勢、態度、感情的な傾向。意見、気持ち。(心)態度
- (靭帯・彫刻・画像などの)身体各部のくばり、姿態。態度、姿勢、身振り。身体の構え、態勢、身構え
- a theatrical pose created for effect; "the actor struck just the right attitude"
- position of aircraft or spacecraft relative to a frame of reference (the horizon or direction of motion)
- a complex mental state involving beliefs and feelings and values and dispositions to act in certain ways; "he had the attitude that work was fun" (同)mental attitude
- relevant relation or interconnection; "those issues have no bearing on our situation"
- (of a structural member) withstanding a weight or strain
- dignified manner or conduct (同)comportment, presence, mien
- a rotating support placed between moving parts to allow them to move easily
- the direction or path along which something moves or along which it lies (同)heading, aim
- how something is done or how it happens; "her dignified manner"; "his rapid manner of talking"; "their nomadic mode of existence"; "in the characteristic New York style"; "a lonely way of life"; "in an abrasive fashion" (同)mode, style, way, fashion
- a way of acting or behaving (同)personal manner
- a kind; "what manner of man are you?"
- standing posture
- cheerful compliance; "he expressed his willingness to help"
- (人・物に対する)『姿勢』,身構え,感じ方,(特に精神的な)傾向,性向《+『toward』(『to』,『on』)+『名』》 / (行為・感情などを示す)姿勢,身構え
- 〈U〉『態度』,ふるまい / 〈C〉〈U〉(…に対する)『関係』,関連《+『on』(『upon』)+『名』》 / 〈U〉忍耐,がまん / 〈C〉《複数形で》『方角』,方位 / 〈U〉子を産むこと,出産;実を結ぶこと / 《複数形で》(機械の)軸受け,ベアリング
- 《単数形で》〈文〉『方法』,仕方 / 《単数形で》(他人に対する)『態度』,様子,挙動 / 《複数形で》『行儀』,『作法』 / 《複数形で》(国民・時代などの)『風習』,慣習 / 《単数形で》(文学・美術上の)『流儀』,様式,…ふう,手法 / 《文》《単数形で》(…の)種類《+『of』+『名』》
- 〈U〉(一般的な)姿勢;〈C〉(特定の)姿勢,(モデルなどのとる)ポーズ / 〈C〉《通例単数形で》態度,身のこなし;気構え,心組み / (不自然に・気どって)ポーズ(姿勢)をとる / (…らしく)気どる,ふるまう《+『as』+『名』》
- 態度,立場 / スタンス(ゴルフ・野球などで打球のときの足の位置)
- 喜んですること;(…喜んで)(…する)気持ち《+to do》
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ウィクショナリーにattitudeの項目があります。 |
- アティテュード (バレエ) - バレエにおけるポーズの一つ。
- attitude (映画) - 2008年公開の日本映画。
- ATTITUDE (黒木メイサのアルバム) - 黒木メイサのミニアルバム。
- ATTITUDE (SOUL'd OUTのアルバム) - 日本のヒップホップグループSOUL'd OUTのアルバム。
- Tour 2008 “ATTITUDE” - SOUL'd OUTのライブDVD.。
- ダッジ・アティテュード - ダッジがメキシコで販売している小型車。当初は現代自動車、後には三菱自動車工業からのOEM供給車種。
- 『アティテュード (雑誌)』 - イギリスのゲイ雑誌。
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Not to be confused with Altitude.
Look up attitude in Wiktionary, the free dictionary. |
Attitude may refer to:
- Attitude (psychology), an individual's predisposed state of mind regarding a value.
- Propositional attitude, a relational mental state connecting a person to a proposition.
- Attitude (TV series), a New Zealand television show
- Attitudes (TV series), an American television talk show on Lifetime Television
- Attitude Records, a record label
- Attitudes (band), a 1970s pop/rock quartet
- Attitude (April Wine album) (1993)
- Attitude (Collette album) (1991)
- Attitude (EP),a 2010 EP by Meisa Kuroki
- Attitudes (Lorie album)
- Attitude (Rip Rig + Panic album) (1983)
- Attitudes (Demis Roussos album) (1982)
- Attitude (Susperia album)
- Attitude (Troop album) (1989)
- Attitudes, a 1982 album by Brass Construction
- "Attitude" (The Kinks song) (1979)
- "Attitude" (Sepultura song) (1996)
- "Attitude / Golden Gun", a 2003 song by Suede
- "Attitude", a song by Alien Ant Farm from Anthology
- "Attitude", a song by Bad Brains from Black Dots
- "Attitude", a song by Nick Cannon from Nick Cannon
- "Attitude", a song by Fireflight from The Healing of Harms
- "Attitude", a song by Information Society from Information Society
- "Attitude", a song by Metallica from ReLoad
- "Attitude", a song by The Misfits from Static Age, covered by Guns N' Roses
Other uses
- Attitude (art), the posture or gesture given to a figure by a painter or sculptor
- Attitude (geometry), a vehicle's orientation in space
- Attitude (heraldry)
- Attitude (obstetrics), an obstetrical term referring to the fetal head flexion at birth
- Attitude (magazine), a British gay lifestyle magazine
- Attitude: The New Subversive Cartoonists, an anthology of editorial cartoons
- WWF Attitude, a 1999 video game
- The Attitude Era, an era in the WWF
- Attitude Status, Get Attitude Status in Hindi
UpToDate Contents
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- 1. 中絶とそれにより生じる可能性のある精神的な諸問題pregnancy termination and potential psychiatric outcomes [show details]
…Baseline ambivalence and negative attitudes toward abortion may be associated with negative emotional responses postabortion. In a retrospective study, adverse attitudes about abortion prior to the procedure …
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…management techniques typically include components of muscular relaxation, a quiet environment, passive attitude, and deep breathing with the repetition of a word or phrase. Skills training is also performed, …
- 3. ライム病の予防prevention of lyme disease [show details]
…tick-borne diseases . The intervention appeared successful at promoting tick checks and positive attitudes about repellent use, but there was no meaningful difference between the two groups in anti-recombinant …
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…important for pregnant patients include : General medical health; Nutrition; Pregnancy complications; Attitude towards the pregnancy; Relationship with partner; Social circumstances ; Employment and finances; …
- 5. 慢性腎疾患における透析開始の適応indications for initiation of dialysis in chronic kidney disease [show details]
…develop uremic symptoms soon after the eGFR falls below 10 mL/min/1.73 m2. Attitude of the nephrologist – The attitude of the nephrologist strongly influences the time of initiation of dialysis, and …
English Journal
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- Koslik HJ1, Meskimen AH1, Golomb BA2.
- Drug safety - case reports.Drug Saf Case Rep.2017 Dec;4(1):3. doi: 10.1007/s40800-017-0045-0.
- PMID 28217821
- Factors associated with professional satisfaction in primary care: Results from EUprimecare project.
- Sanchez-Piedra CA1,2, Jaruseviciene L3, Prado-Galbarro FJ1, Liseckiene I3, Sánchez-Alonso F2, García-Pérez S1, Sarria Santamera A1,4,5.
- The European journal of general practice.Eur J Gen Pract.2017 Dec;23(1):114-120. doi: 10.1080/13814788.2017.1305350.
- PMID 28394192
- "If only had I known": a qualitative study investigating a treatment of patients with a hip fracture with short time stay in hospital.
- Jensen CM1,2,3, Smith AC3,4, Overgaard S1,2, Wiil UK3,5, Clemensen J3.
- International journal of qualitative studies on health and well-being.Int J Qual Stud Health Well-being.2017 Dec;12(1):1307061. doi: 10.1080/17482631.2017.1307061.
- PMID 28367700
- Dentists' and dental students' attitudes, knowledge, preparedness, and willingness related to treatment of people living with HIV/AIDS in China.
- Lee C1, Fan Y1, Starr JR2,3, Dogon IL4.
- Journal of public health dentistry.J Public Health Dent.2017 Dec;77(1):30-38. doi: 10.1111/jphd.12168. Epub 2016 Jul 18.
- PMID 27427861
Japanese Journal
- 金子 弥生
- 學苑 882, 44-53, 2014-04-01
- … She cannot trust him because of his attitude. …
- NAID 110009751719
- Deciding the place of care for the terminally-ill : Pilot Study with UK medical social workers' (MSW) attitude and practice
- KAMISHIRAKI Etsuko,BABA Megumi,MAEDA Shoichi
- 山口県立大学学術情報 7, 55-64, 2014-03-31
- NAID 110009752081
- インシデント・プロセス法による保育カンファレンスが新任保育士の専門的発達に及ぼす効果
- 原 孝成
- 鎌倉女子大学紀要 (21), 43-54, 2014-03-31
- 本研究の目的は、 インシデント・プロセス法による保育カンファレンスが新任保育士の専門的発達に及ぼす効果を明らかにすることであった。 保育カンファレンスの効果を検討するために保育士に対して 3年間に計 3回の PAC 分析によるイメージ分析が実施された。 結果から、 困っていることを話せることと他の保育者の質問から新たな視点を得ることが重要であることが示唆された。 (2013年10月 1日受稿)
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- 廣谷 太佑,豊崎 健太,湯地 敏史,岡村 好美,中林 健一,木之下 広幸,藤元 嘉安
- 宮崎大学教育文化学部紀要. 教育科学 30, 103-114, 2014-03-25
- NAID 110009732874
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- 関
- associate、association、attach、attitude、connection、correlate、correlation、implication、link、manner、pertinent、reference、relate、relation、relationship、relative、relevance、relevant、stance
- 関
- attitude、bearing、fashion、means、method、modal、modality、mode、pattern、procedure、process、stance、way
- 関
- attitude、orthostatic、position、posture
- 関
- attitude、bearing、manner、position、situation、standpoint
- 関
- attitude、volition、will