- permitting the free passage of electromagnetic radiation (同)transparence
- the quality of being clear and transparent (同)transparence, transparentness
- tear or be torn violently; "The curtain ripped from top to bottom"; "pull the cooked chicken into strips" (同)rip, rive, pull
- the syllable naming the second (supertonic) note of any major scale in solmization (同)ray
- 〈U〉透明 / 透明なもの,(特に)スライド[写真]
- …‘を'引き裂く,引きちぎる / (…から)…‘を'もぎ取る《+『名』+『off from』+『名』》 / …‘を'引き裂くように割る(分議させる)
- レ(全音階の第2音)
- roentgen / recto
Wikipedia preview
出典(authority):フリー百科事典『ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』「2015/12/03 22:28:48」(JST)
[Wiki en表示]
Ren or REN may also refer to:
- 1 Abbreviations
- 2 Geography
- 3 People
- 4 Religion
- 5 Fictional characters
- 5.1 Single name
- 5.2 First name
- 5.3 Last name
- 6 Others
- Orenburg Tsentralny Airport, IATA code REN, civil airport in Russia
- Redes Energéticas Nacionais (REN), Portuguese company
- Renanthera, abbreviated as Ren, orchid genus
- Ringer equivalence number (REN), a number which denotes the loading effect of a telephone ringer on a telephone line
- Ren County, in Hebei, China
- Ren, Iran, a village in Kerman Province, Iran
- Ren, Rajasthan, a village in Merta Tehsil of Nagaur district, Rajasthan
- Ren (surname) (任), Chinese surname
- MC Ren, rapper from the group NWA
- Ren Osugi, Japanese actor
- Ren (Confucianism), Confucian concept
- Ren, a part of the soul in Egyptian mythology
Fictional characters
Single name
- Ren (Tsukihime), a character from the game Kagetsu Tohya and Melty Blood: Re-ACT
- Ren, son of Primus, protagonist of the animated series The Pirates of Dark Water
First name
- Ren Akiyama of Kamen Rider
- Ren Gottlieb, a character from the Australian soap Neighbours
- Ren Höek, a fictional Chihuahua from the animated series The Ren & Stimpy Show
- Ren Honjo, a character from the manga, anime, and film NANA
- Ren Mihashi, main character from the manga, anime and game from Big Windup!
- Ren Jinguuji, a character from the anime, game and manga from Uta no Prince-sama
- Ren a character from the (yaoi)game and (not yaoi)anime "DRAMAtical Murder"
- Ren Kosaka, main character from the 2008 Japanese tokusatsu television series, Engine Sentai Go-onger
- Ren Maka, a character from the anime Chibi Vampire
- Ren McCormack, the main character from the film Footloose
- Ren Ren Ren Nagusaran Renshia Rurunnren Nakora, heroine of DearS
- Ren Sohma, the mother of Akito Sohma in the manga Fruits Basket
- Ren Stevens, a character from Even Stevens
- Ren Tsuruga, character in the manga Skip Beat
- Tao Ren (Len Tao), a character in Shaman King
Last name
- Wuying Ren, a character from Shenmue II
- Kylo Ren, a character from "Star Wars Episode Seven: The Force Awakens". The title (Ren) he earned or chose when he joined a group called the Knights of Ren.
- Ren, in anatomy, a kidney
- Ren (command), a shell command
- REN (TV channel), a TV channel in Russia
- Ren - meaning to connect or link in Japanese culture - see also renga / renku
- Ren - meaning lotus
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English Journal
- Does fixed retention prevent overeruption of unopposed mandibular second molars in maxillary first molar extraction cases?
- Livas C1, Halazonetis DJ2, Booij JW3, Katsaros C4, Ren Y5.
- Progress in orthodontics.Prog Orthod.2016 Dec;17(1):6. doi: 10.1186/s40510-016-0119-z. Epub 2016 Jan 21.
- BACKGROUND: The objective of this study was to investigate whether multistranded fixed retainers prevented overeruption of unopposed mandibular second molars in maxillary first molar extraction cases.METHODS: The panoramic radiographs of 65 Class II Division 1 Caucasian Whites (28 females, 37 males)
- PMID 26798065
- Fine Mapping Identifies a New QTL for Brown Rice Rate in Rice (Oryza Sativa L.).
- Ren D1, Rao Y1,2, Huang L1, Leng Y1, Hu J1, Lu M2, Zhang G1, Zhu L1, Gao Z1, Dong G1, Guo L1, Qian Q3, Zeng D4.
- Rice (New York, N.Y.).Rice (N Y).2016 Dec;9(1):4. doi: 10.1186/s12284-016-0076-7. Epub 2016 Feb 4.
- BACKGROUND: High yield and quality determine the commercial potential of rice variety. Brown rice rate (BRR) is a key factor ensuring grain yield and quality in rice. So far, there were few reports about the genes that directly controlled the BRR in rice. Therefore, dissecting the genetic mechanism
- PMID 26847792
- Label-free cascade amplification strategy for sensitive visual detection of thrombin based on target-triggered hybridization chain reaction-mediated in situ generation of DNAzymes and Pt nanochains.
- Zhang Y1, Ren W1, Luo HQ2, Li NB3.
- Biosensors & bioelectronics.Biosens Bioelectron.2016 Jun 15;80:463-70. doi: 10.1016/j.bios.2016.02.016. Epub 2016 Feb 8.
- A new magnetic bead-based cascade amplification strategy for highly sensitive visual detection of proteins (thrombin as a model analyte) was developed by coupling target-triggered hybridization chain reaction (HCR) with the synergistic catalysis of DNA concatemer-mediated hemin/G-quadruplex DNAzymes
- PMID 26878483
Japanese Journal
- Spontaneous activation of visual pigments in relation to openness/closedness of chromophore-binding pocket
- Simultaneous removal of carbon and nitrogen by mycelial pellets of a heterotrophic nitrifying fungus-Penicillium sp. L1
- Journal of bioscience and bioengineering 123(2), 223-229, 2017-02
- NAID 40021112606
- 5G無線アクセスにおける高信頼・低遅延通信に関する屋外伝送実験 (無線通信システム)
- 電子情報通信学会技術研究報告 = IEICE technical report : 信学技報 116(396), 75-80, 2017-01-19
- NAID 40021101345
Related Pictures

- 英
- kidney
- ラ
- ren
- 関
- 腎機能
- 図:N.265(水平断,上部) N.320(背面) N.332(水平断)
- 図:Z.92、M.173(体表解剖)、N.321,322
- 115-170g(PT.461), 160g(♂)/140g(♀)(KL.395)
- 腎臓を内側から見るとき、腹側から静脈、動脈、尿管の順に並んでいる
- 腹腔の後壁で、脊椎の両側にある(PT.461)
- 右腎:T11-L2椎体、左腎:T12-L3椎体 (M.173)。T12-L3椎体。右腎は左腎より約1.5cm低位 (KL.395)
- 両方の腎も幽門平面を貫くが、右腎は腎の上方で貫いている (M.173)
- 尋問は中面より5cm離れた場所にある (M.173)
- 腸骨稜の高いところを通る矢状面を貫く。この面は第12肋骨の先端をかすめる (M.173)
- 腎臓の背側側は上方では横隔膜を挟む。さらにその下層では第11胸神経、肋下神経、腸骨下腹神経、腸骨鼡径神経が下外側に走行している (M.173)
- 上区動脈
- 上前区動脈
- 下前区動脈
- 前区動脈
- 下区動脈
- それぞれから以下の通りに分岐する
機能 (SP.776 2007年度後期生理学授業プリント)
- 尿中酸総排泄量 = 滴定酸(リン酸, 硫酸など) + NH4+ - HCO3-(重炭酸イオンの再吸収)
- 1-2. 尿素・尿酸・クレアチニンの排泄
- 1-3. 異物の排泄
- 肝臓でP450やグルクロン酸抱合された解毒物の排泄
- 活性型ビタミンDの産生(腎小体で濾過したビタミンDを近位尿細管で再吸収し、活性型に転換して血中に戻す)
- pO2↓→近位尿細管近傍の線維芽細胞が分泌~
- 赤血球を作る増殖因子
- 輸入細動脈顆粒細胞から分泌される
- レニン・アンジオテンシン・アルドステロン系の最初に位置する
- 副腎皮質を刺激して鉱質コルチコイド(アルドステロン)を放出させる & 血管の平滑筋を刺激して血圧を上昇させる。
- 糖新生
- バソプレシン[視床下部後葉]により、遠位尿細管で水の再吸収が促進される
- 鉱質コルチコイド(アルドステロン)[副腎皮質]により、遠位尿細管でのNa( H2O)の再吸収が促進される
- 重炭酸イオン(HCO3-)の再吸収[近位尿細管、CO2が細胞内に拡散]
- ナトリウムイオン(Na+)の再吸収[近位尿細管、遠位尿細管]
- アンモニア(NH3)の排出[細胞外に拡散]
- 水素イオンH+の排出[近位尿細管、遠位尿細管のNa+-H+交換輸送体]
神経による調節 (SP.784)
- 交感神経により腎血流が調節されている
- 弱い刺激:輸出細動脈が収縮→RPF↓、濾過圧↑→GFRほぼ不変
- 強い刺激:輸入細動脈も収縮→RPF↓、GFR↓
尿の生成 (生理学実習1 実習テキストp.3)
- 腎を流れる血流量 1L/min = 1440L/day
- 原尿生成 0.1L/min = 160L/day
- 尿生成 0.7-1.0ml/min = 1-1.5L/day
- 関
- blockage、disturb、hinder、interfere、obstruction、thwart
- 関
- chronic kidney failure、chronic renal failure
- 関
- renal osteodystrophy