- the 16th letter of the Roman alphabet (同)p
- the 20th letter of the Roman alphabet (同)t
- a river in western Thailand; a major tributary of the Chao Phraya (同)Ping River
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"Turp" redirects here. For the village in Iran, see Turp, Iran.
Transurethral resection of the prostate |
Intervention |
Micrograph of a transurethral resection of the prostate (TURP) specimen, showing BPH (nodular hyperplasia of the prostate) - left-of-center in image. H&E stain.
ICD-9-CM |
60.29 |
MeSH |
D020728 |
MedlinePlus |
002996 |
Transurethral resection of the prostate (commonly known as a TURP, plural TURPs, and rarely as a transurethral prostatic resection, TUPR) is a urological operation. It is used to treat benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH). As the name indicates, it is performed by visualising the prostate through the urethra and removing tissue by electrocautery or sharp dissection. This is considered the most effective treatment for BPH. This procedure is done with spinal or general anaesthetic. A triple lumen catheter is inserted through the urethra to irrigate and drain the bladder after the surgical procedure is complete. Outcome is considered excellent for 80-90% of BPH patients.
- 1 Indications
- 2 Types of TURP
- 3 Risks
- 4 See also
- 5 References
- 6 External links
BPH is normally initially treated medically. This is done through alpha antagonists such as Flomax or 5-alpha-reductase inhibitors such as Proscar and Avodart. If medical treatment does not reduce a patient's urinary symptoms, a TURP may be considered following a careful examination of the prostate/bladder through a cystoscope. If TURP is contraindicated a Urologist may consider: a simple prostatectomy, in and out catheters, or a supra-pubic catheter to help a patient void urine effectively.[1] As medical management of BPH improves, the numbers of TURPs have been decreasing.
Types of TURP[edit]
See also: Prostatectomy#Transurethral_resection_of_the_prostate_(TURP)
Because of bleeding risks associated with the surgery, TURP is not considered safe for many patients with cardiac problems.
Postoperative complications include [2]
- Bleeding (most common). Bleeding may be reduced by pre-treatment with an anti-androgen such as finasteride[3][4][5] or flutamide.[citation needed]
- Clot retention and clot colic
- Bladder wall injury such as perforation (rare)
- TURP Syndrome: Hyponatremia and water intoxication (symptoms resembling brain stroke in an elderly presenting patient) caused by an overload of fluid absorption (e.g. 3 to 4 Litres) from the open prostatic sinusiods during the procedure. This complication can lead to confusion, changes in mental status, vomiting, nausea, and even coma. To prevent TURP syndrome the 1) length of the procedure is limited to less than one hour in many centers, and 2) the height of the container of irrigating solution above the surgical table determining the hydrostatic pressure driving fluid into the prostatic veins and sinuses is kept to a minimum.[6]
- Bladder neck stenosis
- Urinary incontinence due to injury of external sphincter system which may be prevented by taking the Verumontanum of the prostate as a distal limiting boundary during TURP
- Retrograde ejaculation due to injury of preprostatic (internal) sphincter system
Additionally, transurethral resection of the prostate is associated with a low risk of mortality.
See also[edit]
- Transurethral needle ablation of the prostate
- Transurethral incision of the prostate
- Prostatectomy, describes monopolar and bipolar [electrocautery] TURP
- Prostatic stent
- ^ Collins, MD; Chief Editor: Edward David Kim, MD Transurethral Resection of the Prostate Medscape:
- ^ Rassweiler J, Teber D, Kuntz R, Hofmann R (November 2006). "Complications of transurethral resection of the prostate (TURP)--incidence, management, and prevention". Eur. Urol. 50 (5): 969–79; discussion 980. doi:10.1016/j.eururo.2005.12.042. PMID 16469429.
- ^ Ö L Özdal, C Özden, K Benli, S Gökkaya, S Bulut and A Memis cedil Effect of short-term finasteride therapy on peroperative bleeding in patients who were candidates for transurethral resection of the prostate (TUR-P): a randomized controlled study Prostate Cancer and Prostatic Diseases (2005) 8, 215–218. doi:10.1038/sj.pcan.4500818; published online 5 July 2005 pubmed 15999118 http://www.nature.com/pcan/journal/v8/n3/full/4500818a.html
- ^ LI Ming-xiong,TANG Zheng-yan,SU Jian,et al. Effect of Finasteride on Perioperative and Postoperative Bleeding Following Transurethral Resection of Prostate http://en.cnki.com.cn/Article_en/CJFDTOTAL-SYYY200903092.htm DOI CNKI:SUN:SYYY.0.2009-03-092
- ^ Complications of Transurethral Resection of the Prostate (TURP)—Incidence, Management, and Prevention
- ^ Imiak et al. (1 Jan 1999). "TURP Syndrome".
External links[edit]
- Medscape: Transurethral Resection of the Prostate
Male genital surgical and other procedures: reproductive system (ICD-9-CM V3 60–64, ICD-10-PCS 0V)
Internal |
Transurethral incision of the prostate · Prostate biopsy (Transrectal biopsy, Transurethral biopsy) · Prostatectomy (Transurethral resection of the prostate, Radical retropubic prostatectomy) · Transurethral microwave thermotherapy · Transurethral needle ablation of the prostate · Brachytherapy (Prostate brachytherapy) · Prostate massage
seminal vesicles: Spermatocelectomy
Vas deferens
Vasectomy · Vasectomy reversal (Vasovasostomy, Vasoepididymostomy)
Castration (Inguinal orchiectomy) · Orchiopexy
External |
Circumcision · Penectomy · Penile prosthesis · Preputioplasty
Penile plethysmograph · Postage stamp test · Frenuloplasty of prepuce of penis
Tests |
Semen analysis
Medical imaging: Transscrotal ultrasound
noco/cong/tumr, sysi/epon
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English Journal
- Marked infiltration of eosinophils in necrotizing granulomas in the resected hepatic bed after cholecystectomy resulting from gallbladder cancer and metastatic liver cancer is associated with peculiar peripheral eosinophilia.
- Ohtsuki Y, Kimura M, Watanabe R, Okada Y, Teratani Y, Kurabayashi A, Takeuchi T, Lee GH, Furihata M.SourceDivision of Pathology, Matsuyama-Shimin Hospital, Matsuyama, Ehime, 790-0067, Japan. y.ohtsuki@matsuyama-shimin-hsp.or.jp
- Medical molecular morphology.Med Mol Morphol.2012 Dec;45(1):53-7. Epub 2012 Mar 20.
- It is known that after transurethral resection of the prostate (TUR-P) or a bladder tumor (TUR-BT), necrotizing granuloma formation associated with massive eosinophil accumulation can be detected at the site of the scar, revealing marked eosinophilia. This condition is called post-TUR prostatitis or
- PMID 22431184
- Impact of asymptomatic prostatitis on re-operations due to urethral stricture or bladder neck contracture developed after TUR-P.
- Doluoglu OG, Gokkaya CS, Aktas BK, Oztekin CV, Bulut S, Memis A, Cetinkaya M.SourceDepartment of Urology, Ankara Numune Education and Research Hospital, Ulku Mahallesi, Talatpasa Bulvari, Nr: 5, 06100 Altindag, Ankara, Turkey.
- International urology and nephrology.Int Urol Nephrol.2012 Aug;44(4):1085-90. Epub 2012 Jan 18.
- PURPOSE: To evaluate the relationship between pathologically proven prostatic inflammation (PI) and re-operation rates due to urethral stricture (US) or bladder neck contracture (BNC) after transurethral resection of prostate (TUR-P).MATERIALS AND METHODS: We have retrospectively reviewed the data o
- PMID 22252218
Japanese Journal
- PP-897 TUR-P前に投与するDutasterideの効果(発表・討論,一般演題ポスター,第99回日本泌尿器科学会総会)
- 財津 將嘉,山ノ井 万里子,三上 耕治,竹島 雄太,岡本 直彦,今尾 貞夫,武内 巧
- 日本泌尿器科學會雜誌 102(2), 554, 2011-03-20
- NAID 110008613270
- PP-850 TUR-PとHoLEPにおける術後尿路感染症発症率の比較検討(発表・討論,一般演題ポスター,第99回日本泌尿器科学会総会)
- 三浦 徹也,桃園 宏之,桑原 元,玉田 博,山田 裕二,濱見 学
- 日本泌尿器科學會雜誌 102(2), 546, 2011-03-20
- NAID 110008613223
Related Links
- 前立腺肥大症の代表的手術法『TURP』とは?について、わかりやすく解説しています。
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- (1) 術中用いる灌流液は生理食塩液が適している。
- (2) 術中合併症として外科的皮膜の穿孔がある
- (3) 術中合併症として低ナトリウム血症がある。
- (4) 晩期合併症として尿道狭窄がある
- (5) 切除組織では病理診断はできない。
- 英
- benign prostatic hyperplasia BPH, benign prostatic hypertrophy, prostatic hyperplasia
- 同
- 前立腺肥大
- 関
- 前立腺
- 加齢に従い、前立腺の内腺が腫大し、尿路を圧迫して排尿障害を呈する疾患。
- 前立腺の肥大(内腺)は30-40歳代から始まり、50歳代には顕著となり、70歳代以降ではほぼ全例に認められるが、臨床症状を呈するのはこの一部である(10-20%)。
- 肥大した前立腺により尿路を刺激し、さらには閉塞して、ついには完全尿閉に至る。
- 前立腺体積が20ml以下では軽症、前立腺体積が20-50ml以下では中等症、前立腺体積が50ml以上では重症
- YN.E-86 SURO.258
- 病期は3つに分けられる:(1)第1病期 刺激期、(2)第2病期 残尿発生期、(3)第3病期 慢性尿閉期
[show details]
- 参考1
- 病歴、理学的検査、尿検査、血清クレアチニン測定、PSA測定、尿流測定、残尿測定、排尿時における排尿筋圧、尿流率同時測定法、内視鏡検査、画像診断(超音波検査法、静脈性腎盂造影法、排尿時膀胱尿道造影法、逆行性尿道造影法など)などにより行う。
- 診断のステップ
- 1. 病歴、理学的検査(直腸診)、尿検査、血清クレアチニン測定、PSA測定 → 排尿障害の症状が前立腺肥大症によるものと考えられるか判断
- 2. 国際前立腺症状スコアの評価:(≦7点)経過観察。(≧8点)尿流測定、残尿測定、PFSを施行 → 尿道閉塞の程度を把握し治療
- 3. (治療する場合)QOLスコアを考慮して治療方法を選択。
- 4. (追加検査)内視鏡検査、画像診断法:ルーチン検査法ではない。外科的治療の準備や合併疾患の疑診例に対して実施する。
- SURO.258 参考1 参考3
- α1ブロッカー:プラゾシン(副:起立性低血圧)、タムスロシン(副:血圧を下げないが、射精障害がある) ← 肥大した前立腺の圧迫の他に膀胱頚部、尿道、前立腺の平滑筋(α1受容体)の過剰収縮によっても排尿困難が起きているため、尿道内圧を下げ症状緩和しうる。
- 抗アンドロゲン薬:クロルマジノン、アリルエストレノール。前立腺の縮小作用。(副:性器脳障害、肝機能障害)
- 5α還元酵素阻害薬:前立腺の縮小作用。
- その他:漢方製剤(猪苓湯、八味地黄丸)、花粉製剤、アミノ酸製剤 ← 自覚症状の改善にとどまる
- 加熱療法:ハイパーサーミア(前立腺内加熱温度45℃以下)と高温度療法(前立腺内加熱温度45℃以上)がある。熱源はマイクロ波、RF波、レーザー波などがある。レーザー療法、温熱療法の長期成績は未確立。
- 出典不明
- 第1期:薬物療法:α遮断薬、抗アンドロゲン薬、漢方薬
- 第2期:手術療法:経尿道的前立腺切除術、前立腺被膜下摘出術
- 1. 2001年 前立腺肥大症 ガイドライン
- 2. 日本Endourology・ESWL学会によるBPHガイドライン
- http://jsee.umin.ac.jp/images/guideline.pdf
- 3. [信頼度不明]前立腺肥大症の漢方治療【百花園漢方薬局】
- http://www.est.hi-ho.ne.jp/abes/hyakkaen21/tokusiyu26.htm
- 同
- TUR反応
- 関
- 低ナトリウム血症
[show details]
- TUR 症候群は発生頻度が2%程度といわれるが、発症が手術時間の長さと関係し,ひとたび発症すれば生命に危険が及
- 本態は低ナトリウム血症
- あくび、不穏、冷汗、悪心、嘔吐、徐脈、低血圧、ショック、意識消失など(SURO.316)
- 手術中止、浸透圧利尿薬、糖質ステロイド、昇圧薬、生理食塩水投与(SURO.316)
- 1. 灌流液圧を低くする(SURO.316)
- 2. 穿孔しない(SURO.316)
- 3. 手術を1時間以内とする(SURO.316)
- 4. TURisの採用
- 1. TURis(TUR in saline:生理食塩水を灌流液に用いたTUR)技術解説
- http://www.me-hon.ne.jp/meb/bin/downloadfile_sample.asp?sku=2000003211869600200P
- TURis(TUR in saline)開発の動機は、TUR で問題になる閉鎖神経反射とTUR 症候群を解決すべきと考えたからである。TURではループ先端部に気泡ができて放電を起こすとすぐに切れ始めるが,TURisではループ全体が気泡に包まれないと切れ始まらないという両者の違いを解説した。それに起因するTURis での切れ始めのタイムラグの改良目的で、放電起動性を迅速にすべく出力時波形を間欠波にした。これによりタイムラグも解消し、大きなループも使用できるように改良できた。
- http://www.medicaltown.net/urostation/tech_info/pdf/turis.pdf
- http://shutoku.fc2web.com/digital_textbook/urology/urology_general.html
- 10の-12乗
- 関
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パラジウム palladium