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出典(authority):フリー百科事典『ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』「2015/09/07 18:52:40」(JST)
[Wiki ja表示]
- 血球貪食症候群(Hemophagocytic syndrome)の略。
- ハンタウイルス肺症候群(Hantavirus Pulmonary Syndrome)の略。
- ヘルマンスキー・プドラック症候群(Hermansky-Pudlak Syndrome)の略。アルビノの項を参照のこと。
- 静岡県立大学などで行われている教育プロジェクトの一つ(Hospital play specialist)の略。
- ハッチポッチステーション(HOTCH POTCH STATION)の略。
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[Wiki en表示]
HPS may stand for:
- Health Physics Society, a professional society to promote radiation safety
- Hantavirus pulmonary syndrome, a deadly disease transmitted by infected rodents through urine, droppings, or saliva
- Heart Protection Study, a large randomized controlled trial run in the United Kingdom
- Heartland Payment Systems, a payment processor company
- Hermansky-Pudlak syndrome, a rare autosomal recessive disorder which results in oculocutaneous albinism
- High Performance Switch, technology used in some IBM Scalable POWERparallel models
- High-pressure sodium, a type of sodium-vapor lamp
- History and philosophy of science, an academic discipline that encompasses the philosophy of science and the history of science
- Croatian Mountaineering Association (from Hrvatski planinarski savez), an association covering both mountaineering and a broad range of related activities
- Hyderabad Public School, one of the oldest and most prestigious public schools in Hyderabad in India
- Hamtramck Public Schools, a school district serving Hamtramck, Michigan in the Metro Detroit area
- Helsingin Palloseura (HPS), a sports club from Helsinki, Finland
- Hydraulic power steering, a power steering system in automobiles
- Hollanders Printing Systems, a manufacturer of a digital textile printing production platform
- 3-hexulose-6-phosphate synthase, an enzyme
- hematoxylin phloxine saffron stain, a way of marking tissues
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English Journal
- Epidemiology of Hantavirus infections in humans: a comprehensive, global overview.
- Watson DC1, Sargianou M, Papa A, Chra P, Starakis I, Panos G.Author information 1Division of Infectious Diseases, Department of Internal Medicine, Patras University General Hospital , Patras , Greece .AbstractHantaviruses comprise an emerging global threat for public health, affecting about 30,000 humans annually. Infection may lead to Hantavirus pulmonary syndrome (HPS) in the Americas and hemorrhagic fever with renal syndrome (HFRS) in the Europe and Asia. Humans are spillover hosts, acquiring infection primarily through the inhalation of aerosolized excreta from infected rodents and insectivores. Risk factors for infection include involvement in outdoor activities, such as rural- and forest-related activities, peridomestic rodent presence, exposure to potentially infected dust and outdoor military training; prolonged, intimate contact with infected individuals promotes transmission of Andes virus, the only Hantavirus known to be transmitted from human-to-human. The total number of Hantavirus case reports is generally on the rise, as is the number of affected countries. Knowledge of the geographical distribution, regional incidence and associated risk factors of the disease are crucial for clinicians to suspect and diagnose infected individuals early on. Climatic, ecological and environmental changes are related to fluctuations in rodent populations, and subsequently to human epidemics. Thus, prevention may be enhanced by host-reservoir control and human exposure prophylaxis interventions, which likely have led to a dramatic reduction of human cases in China over the past decades; vaccination may also play a role in the future.
- Critical reviews in microbiology.Crit Rev Microbiol.2014 Aug;40(3):261-72. doi: 10.3109/1040841X.2013.783555. Epub 2013 Apr 22.
- Hantaviruses comprise an emerging global threat for public health, affecting about 30,000 humans annually. Infection may lead to Hantavirus pulmonary syndrome (HPS) in the Americas and hemorrhagic fever with renal syndrome (HFRS) in the Europe and Asia. Humans are spillover hosts, acquiring infectio
- PMID 23607444
- Dual amplified and ultrasensitive electrochemical detection of mutant DNA Biomarkers based on nuclease-assisted target recycling and rolling circle amplifications.
- Wang Q1, Yang C1, Xiang Y2, Yuan R1, Chai Y1.Author information 1Key Laboratory on Luminescence and Real-Time Analysis, Ministry of Education, School of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, Southwest University, Chongqing 400715, PR China.2Key Laboratory on Luminescence and Real-Time Analysis, Ministry of Education, School of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, Southwest University, Chongqing 400715, PR China. Electronic address: yunatswu@swu.edu.cn.AbstractBased on nicking endonuclease (NEase)-assisted target recycling and rolling circle amplification (RCA) for in situ generation of numerous G-quadruplex/hemin complexes, we developed a new, dual amplified and ultrasensitive electrochemical biosensor for mutant human p53 gene. The target mutant DNA hybridizes with the loop portion of a dithiol-modified hairpin probe (HP) self-assembled on a gold sensing electrode and forms nicking site for the NEase, which cleaves the HP and releases the target DNA. The released target DNA again hybridizes with the intact HP and initiates the DNA recycling process with the assistance of the NEase, leading to the cleavage of a large number of the HPs and the generation of numerous primers for RCA. With rationally designed, G-quadruplex complementary sequence-encoded RCA circular template, subsequent RCA results in the formation of long DNA sequences with massive tandem-repeat G-quadruplex sequences, which further associate with hemin and generate significantly amplified current response for highly sensitive DNA detection down to 0.25 fM. The developed method also exhibits high specificity for the target DNA against single-base mismatched sequence. With the ultrahigh sensitivity feature induced by the dual signal amplification, the proposed method can thus offer new opportunities for the detection of trace amounts of DNA.
- Biosensors & bioelectronics.Biosens Bioelectron.2014 May 15;55:266-71. doi: 10.1016/j.bios.2013.12.034. Epub 2013 Dec 21.
- Based on nicking endonuclease (NEase)-assisted target recycling and rolling circle amplification (RCA) for in situ generation of numerous G-quadruplex/hemin complexes, we developed a new, dual amplified and ultrasensitive electrochemical biosensor for mutant human p53 gene. The target mutant DNA hyb
- PMID 24393655
- Using public health scenarios to predict the utility of a national syndromic surveillance programme during the 2012 London Olympic and Paralympic Games.
- Morbey RA1, Elliot AJ1, Charlett A2, Ibbotson S3, Verlander NQ2, Leach S4, Hall I4, Barrass I4, Catchpole M5, McCloskey B6, Said B7, Walsh A7, Pebody R8, Smith GE1.Author information 1Health Protection Agency (HPA), Real-time Syndromic Surveillance Team, Health Protection Services, Birmingham, UK.2HPA, Statistics, Modelling and Economics Department, London, UK.3HPA, West Midlands Regional Director's Office, Birmingham, UK.4HPA, Emergency Response Department, Porton Down, UK.5HPA, Health Protection Services, London, UK.6HPA, London Regional Director's Office, Head, WHO Collaborating Centre on Mass Gatherings and High Consequence, High Visibility Events, London, UK.7HPA, Gastrointestinal, Emerging and Zoonotic Infections Department, HPS Colindale, London, UK.8HPA, Respiratory Diseases Department, HPS Colindale, London, UK.AbstractSUMMARY During 2012 real-time syndromic surveillance formed a key part of the daily public health surveillance for the London Olympic and Paralympic Games. It was vital that these systems were evaluated prior to the Games; in particular what types and scales of incidents could and could not be detected. Different public health scenarios were created covering a range of potential incidents that the Health Protection Agency would require syndromic surveillance to rapidly detect and monitor. For the scenarios considered it is now possible to determine what is likely to be detectable and how incidents are likely to present using the different syndromic systems. Small localized incidents involving food poisoning are most likely to be detected the next day via emergency department surveillance, while a new strain of influenza is more likely to be detected via GP or telephone helpline surveillance, several weeks after the first seed case is introduced.
- Epidemiology and infection.Epidemiol Infect.2014 May;142(5):984-93. doi: 10.1017/S095026881300188X. Epub 2013 Aug 1.
- SUMMARY During 2012 real-time syndromic surveillance formed a key part of the daily public health surveillance for the London Olympic and Paralympic Games. It was vital that these systems were evaluated prior to the Games; in particular what types and scales of incidents could and could not be detec
- PMID 23902949
Japanese Journal
- 膠原病患者における汎血球減少 (特集 汎血球減少症)
- 看護基礎教育におけるシミュレーション教育プログラム導入の試み
- 日本シミュレーション医療教育学会雑誌 = Journal of Japan Association for Simulation-based Education in Healthcare Professionals 4, 54-63, 2016
- NAID 40020895763
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- 英
- hantavirus, genus hantavirus
- 関
- ウイルス
Sin Nombre
nephropathia epidermica
- 英
- hemophagocytic syndrome, HPS
- 関
- 血球貪食性リンパ組織球症, HLH、感染関連血球貪食症候群、家族性血球貪食性リンパ組織球症
- 参考1 YN.G-67
- 頻度:悪性リンパ腫50%、ウイルス30%、細菌・真菌10%、数%膠原病
- 血球を貪食した活性化マクロファージが骨髄、肝臓、脾臓、リンパ節で増殖。
- 発熱、全身倦怠感、汎血球減少(少なくとも2系統)、DIC、肝脾腫、肝不全
[show details]
- 参考1
- HLH-2004 protocolに基づく治療を
- デキサメタゾン、エトポシド、メトトレキサート
- 造血細胞移植
- 1. [charged] 血球貪食性リンパ組織球症(HLH) - uptodate [1]
- 2. wiki ja
- http://ja.wikipedia.org/wiki/%E8%A1%80%E7%90%83%E8%B2%AA%E9%A3%9F%E7%97%87%E5%80%99%E7%BE%A4
- http://www.nanbyou.or.jp/entry/722
- 英
- hepatopulmonary syndrome HPS
- 明らかな心肺疾患がないにもかかわらず、肝疾患・門脈亢進症の患者において、肺内血管拡張をきたし低酸素血症を呈する病態。治療は確立されておらず、重症例を除いて肝移植が唯一有効。(SSUR.594)
- 英
- hantavirus pulmonary syndrome, HPS
- 関
- ハンタウイルス、シンノンブルウイルス
- 英
- Hermansky-Pudlak syndrome、HPS
- 同
- 出血型白皮症候群 albinism-hemorrhagic diathesis syndrome
- 関
- Hermansky-Pudlak症候群、ヘルマンスキー・パドラック症候群