- the 1st letter of the Roman alphabet (同)a
- the blood group whose red cells carry the A antigen (同)type_A, group A
- the blood group whose red cells carry both the A and B antigens (同)type_AB, group AB
- answer / ampere
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出典(authority):フリー百科事典『ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』「2016/06/26 16:52:26」(JST)
[Wiki ja表示]
- 動産担保融資 (Asset-based lending) - 動産・債権等の活用による資金調達手段
- ブラジル文学学会 (Academia Brasileira de Letras)
- ABL遺伝子
- 無β・リポタンパク血症 (Abetalipoproteinemia)
- 大気境界層 (Atmospheric Boundary Layer)
- 奪格 (Ablative case) → 格
- 自動輝度制限回路 (Automatic Brightness Limiter)
- 空中発射レーザー (Airborne Laser)
- 装甲ボックスランチャー (Armored Box Launcher)
- オーストラリアン・ベースボールリーグ (Australian Baseball League)
- アメリカン・バスケットボール・リーグ (1925-1955年) (American Basketball League)
- アメリカン・バスケットボール・リーグ (1961-1963年) (American Basketball League)
- アメリカン・バスケットボール・リーグ (女子) (American Basketball League)
- アメリカン・バスケットボール・アソシエーション (American Basketball League)
- アメリカン・バスケットボール・アソシエーション (1967-1976年)
- ASEANバスケットボールリーグ (ASEAN Basketball League)
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[Wiki en表示]
ABL may refer to:
- 1 In medicine
- 2 In software
- 3 In sports
- 4 Other
In medicine
- ABL (gene), a proto-oncogene associated with chronic myelogenous leukemia
- Abetalipoproteinemia, a rare genetic disorder
In software
- OpenEdge Advanced Business Language, a business application development language created and maintained by Progress Software Corporation
In sports
- African Basketball League
- Alaska Baseball League
- American Basketball League, a name that has been used by three defunct basketball leagues in the United States:
- American Basketball League (1925–55), an early professional basketball league
- American Basketball League (1961–63), a league that only played a single full season
- American Basketball League (1996–98), a women's basketball league
- American Basketball League (2013), a semi-professional men's basketball league.
- ASEAN Basketball League, a professional basketball league for ASEAN nations.
- Australian Baseball League
- Australian Baseball League (1989–99) (defunct)
- Australian Baseball League
- AL-Bank Ligaen
- Activity-based learning, a range of pedagogical approaches to teaching based on doing some hands on experiment and activities
- Ablative case
- A Beautiful Lie, 30 Seconds to Mars's second studio album
- A Bug's Life, a 1998 film
- A Bug's Life (video game), the video game based on the film
- A Block diagram Language, a hardware description language
- Advanced Business Language, the new name for Progress 4GL
- Airborne Laser, a weapons system designed for use by the United States military
- Alameda Belt Line railroad
- Allegany Ballistics Laboratory
- Asset-based lending
- Air Busan of South Korea (ICAO airline code)
- Ambler Airport in Alaska (IATA airport code)
- Armored Box Launcher, a launch container for the BGM-109 Tomahawk cruise missile
- Atmospheric boundary layer, the region where the atmosphere interacts with the surface of the earth
- Australian bat lyssavirus, a rabies like virus found in Australian bats
- Lampung Nyo language, an Austronesian language of Indonesia, by ISO 639-3 language code
- NSW Business Chamber, formerly Australian Business Limited, a business organisation
- Academia Brasileira de Letras (Brazilian Academy of Letters)
UpToDate Contents
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English Journal
- Selective sensitization of tumors to chemotherapy by marine-derived lipids: A review.
- Hajjaji N, Bougnoux P.SourceCancer Research Laboratory, University Hospital of Tours, France; Henry S. Kaplan Cancer Center, University Hospital of Tours, France; Inserm U921, Tours, France. Electronic address: nawaleh@hotmail.com.
- Cancer treatment reviews.Cancer Treat Rev.2013 Aug;39(5):473-88. doi: 10.1016/j.ctrv.2012.07.001. Epub 2012 Jul 31.
- Despite great improvements, a significant proportion of cancer patients still die, mainly because of the development of metastases. At this stage, current treatments still rely heavily on conventional chemotherapy for most cancers. The efficacy of chemotherapy is dose-dependent, which is limited by
- PMID 22850619
- Tyrosine kinase signaling in fibrotic disorders: Translation of basic research to human disease.
- Beyer C, Distler JH.SourceDepartment of Internal Medicine 3 and Institute for Clinical Immunology, University of Erlangen-Nuremberg, Germany. Electronic address: christian.beyer@uk-erlangen.de.
- Biochimica et biophysica acta.Biochim Biophys Acta.2013 Jul;1832(7):897-904. doi: 10.1016/j.bbadis.2012.06.008. Epub 2012 Jun 19.
- Tyrosine kinases regulate a broad variety of physiological cell processes, including metabolism, growth, differentiation and apoptosis. Abnormal tyrosine kinase activity disturbs the physiological cell homeostasis and can lead to cancer, vascular disease, and fibrosis. In regard to fibrosis, differe
- PMID 22728287
Japanese Journal
- 追加融資を得る2つの方法 : DDS,ABLの活用 (特集 金融円滑化法終了まであと3カ月! 会社を立て直す再生手法)
Related Links
- ABL. 以下の語の略語。 動産担保融資 (Asset-based lending) - 動産・債権等の活用 による資金調達手段; ブラジル文学学会 (Academia Brasileira de Letras); ABL 遺伝子 · 無β・リポタンパク血症 (Abetalipoproteinemia); 大気境界層 (Atmospheric ...
- 2007年9月17日 ... ABL(動産債権担保融資)は事業のライフサイクルに着目し、企業の事業に基づく資産 価値を見極めて行う融資です。売掛金などの債権や動産(商品在庫、原材料、機械設備 等)を担保に行われます。
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- 英
- imatinib
- 化
- imatinib mesylate
- 商
- グリベック
- 関
- nib
- 分子標的薬剤
- ABLや、活性複合体であるv-ABL, BCR-ABL, [EVT6]-ABLを阻害する (GOO.1367)
- (そのほかに)PDGFRとKITに対しても競合阻害作用を持つ (GOO.1367)
- KITはgastrointestinal stromal tumor(GIST)と関連
- ETV6-PDGFRはchronic myelomonocytic leukemia(CMML)と関連
- FIP1L1-PDGFRAはhypereosinophilic syndrome(HES)と関連
- 1. 慢性骨髄性白血病
- 2. KIT陽性消化管間質腫瘍
- 3. フィラデルフィア染色体陽性急性リンパ性白血病
- http://www.info.pmda.go.jp/go/pack/4291011F1028_1_11/4291011F1028_1_11?view=body
- 英
- Philadelphia chromosome, Ph
- 同
- Ph染色体, Ph chromosome
- 関
- 転座によりサイズの小さくなった22番染色体
- t(9;22)(q34;q11)
- 融合遺伝子:BCR-ABL → 強力なチロシンキナーゼ活性 → 細胞の腫瘍性増殖
- 関
- フィラデルフィア染色体
- 英
- chromosome 22
- 同
- 第22番染色体、第22染色体
- 英
- chromosome 9
- 同
- 第9番染色体、第9染色体
- 同
- asthmatic bronchitis, 喘息性気管支炎