- 英
- brain stem deafness, deafness due to brain stem lesion
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- 1. 新生児における難聴スクリーニングscreening the newborn for hearing loss [show details]
… that detects hearing loss of ≥35 decibels (dB) in the better ear and is reliable in infants ≤3 months of age . Two electrophysiologic techniques meet these criteria: Automated auditory brainstem responses …
- 2. 浮動性めまい患者へのアプローチapproach to the patient with dizziness [show details]
…of nystagmus suggests that the dizziness is vertigo. Associated hearing loss or tinnitus suggests peripheral vertigo; associated brainstem signs suggest central vertigo. Presyncope is usually experienced …
- 3. 小児の難聴:聴覚検査および評価hearing loss in children screening and evaluation [show details]
… However, auditory brainstem responses are abnormal, implying an abnormality of the inner hair cells of the cochlea or the cochlear branch of cranial nerve VIII. "Retrocochlear" hearing loss – "Retrocochlear" …
- 4. 小児の聴覚障害:病因hearing loss in children etiology [show details]
… from the cochlear nucleus of the brainstem to the primary auditory complex in the temporal lobe of the brain. Patients with cortical deafness may have profound hearing loss despite having normal peripheral …
- 5. 小児の聴覚障害:治療hearing loss in children treatment [show details]
…treatment of hearing loss in children is reviewed here. The etiology and evaluation of hearing loss in children are discussed separately. Ideally, all children with permanent hearing loss should be… improved response at the brainstem and greater expressive language development is noted…
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- 英
- brainstem deafness
- 関
- 脳幹性難聴
- 英
- brain stem
- ラ
- truncus cerebri, truncus encephali
- 英
- hearing loss
- 関
- 聴覚
- ISBN 978-4931400559 p.184より引用