- grow out of, have roots in, originate in; "The increase in the national debt stems from the last war"
- stop the flow of a liquid; "staunch the blood flow"; "stem the tide" (同)stanch, staunch, halt
- remove the stem from; "for automatic natural language processing, the words must be stemmed"
- the tube of a tobacco pipe
- cause to point inward; "stem your skis"
- kill by smashing someones skull
- mental ability; "hes got plenty of brains but no common sense" (同)brainpower, learning_ability, mental capacity, mentality, wit
- that part of the central nervous system that includes all the higher nervous centers; enclosed within the skull; continuous with the spinal cord (同)encephalon
- the brain of certain animals used as meat
- hit on the head
- partial or complete loss of hearing (同)hearing_loss
- (草の)『茎』,(木の)『幹』 / 葉柄,花梗(かこう) / 『茎状のもの』;(杯・グラスの)『脚』,(パイプ・さじの)柄,(時計の)りゅうず / (単語の)語幹,語根 / 船首;船首材 / …‘の'茎(軸)を取り去る,へたをとる / (…から)生じる,(…に)由来する《+『from』+『名』(do『ing』)》
- 〈流れなど〉‘を'止める / 〈風・水流など〉‘に'逆らって進む,抵抗する / 〈攻撃・反対など〉‘を'くい止める,押さえる
- 『脳』,脳髄 / 《しばしば複数形で》『頭脳』,『知力』 / 《話》秀才,知的指導者 / …‘の'頭を打ち砕く
- =brassiere, brassiere
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English Journal
- Mutations in apoptosis-inducing factor cause X-linked recessive auditory neuropathy spectrum disorder.
- Zong L1, Guan J1, Ealy M2, Zhang Q1, Wang D1, Wang H1, Zhao Y3, Shen Z4, Campbell CA5, Wang F4, Yang J1, Sun W6, Lan L1, Ding D6, Xie L1, Qi Y1, Lou X7, Huang X8, Shi Q8, Chang S9, Xiong W1, Yin Z1, Yu N1, Zhao H1, Wang J10, Wang J9, Salvi RJ6, Petit C11, Smith RJ5, Wang Q1.
- Journal of medical genetics.J Med Genet.2015 Aug;52(8):523-31. doi: 10.1136/jmedgenet-2014-102961. Epub 2015 May 18.
- BACKGROUND: Auditory neuropathy spectrum disorder (ANSD) is a form of hearing loss in which auditory signal transmission from the inner ear to the auditory nerve and brain stem is distorted, giving rise to speech perception difficulties beyond that expected for the observed degree of hearing loss. F
- PMID 25986071
- Pannexin 1 deficiency can induce hearing loss.
- Zhao HB1, Zhu Y2, Liang C2, Chen J2.
- Biochemical and biophysical research communications.Biochem Biophys Res Commun.2015 Jul 17-24;463(1-2):143-7. doi: 10.1016/j.bbrc.2015.05.049. Epub 2015 May 20.
- Gap junctions play a critical role in hearing. Connexin gap junction gene mutations can induce a high incidence of hearing loss. Pannexin (Panx) gene also encodes gap junction proteins in vertebrates. Panx1 is a predominant pannexin isoform and has extensive expression in the cochlea. Here, we repor
- PMID 26002464
- R705H mutation of MYH9 is associated with MYH9-related disease and not only with non-syndromic deafness DFNA17.
- Verver E1, Pecci A2, De Rocco D3, Ryhänen S4, Barozzi S2, Kunst H5, Topsakal V1, Savoia A3,6.
- Clinical genetics.Clin Genet.2015 Jul;88(1):85-9. doi: 10.1111/cge.12438. Epub 2014 Jul 26.
- MYH9-related disease (MYH9-RD) is a rare autosomal dominant disease caused by mutation of MYH9, the gene encoding for the heavy chain of non-muscle myosin IIA (NMMHC-IIA). MYH9-RD patients have macrothrombocytopenia and granulocyte inclusions (pathognomonic sign of the disease) containing wild-type
- PMID 24890873
Japanese Journal
- ミトコンドリアDNA 8729 G>A変異をみとめたneurogenic muscle weakness, ataxia, and retinitis pigmentosa(NARP)の1例
- 宮脇 統子,古東 秀介,石原 広之,後藤 雄一,西野 一三,苅田 典生,戸田 達史
- 臨床神経学 55(2), 91-95, 2015
- 症例は31歳の女性である.小児期より長距離走が不得意で,23歳より易転倒,31歳より歩行時のふらつきが増悪し受診した.神経学的に小脳失調,下肢優位の四肢筋力低下,腱反射低下,振動覚低下,ミオクローヌス,感音性難聴,網膜色素変性症をみとめた.MRIで小脳脳幹の萎縮があり,血清・髄液中の乳酸・ピルビン酸が高値,針筋電図検査で慢性神経原性変化をみとめた.生検筋の組織検査ではragged-red fibe …
- NAID 130004921307
- 増田 理佐,加藤 明子,大淵 豊明 [他],寳地 信介,橋田 光一,武永 芙美子,鈴木 秀明
- 耳鼻咽喉科臨床 106(6), 509-513, 2013-06-01
- … Analysis of the auditory brain stem response indicated deafness on the affected side. …
- NAID 10031174674
- A Case of Endolymphatic Sac Tumor
- Masuda Risa,Katoh Akiko,Ohbuchi Toyoaki,Hohchi Nobusuke,Hashida Koichi,Takenaga Fumiko,Suzuki Hideaki
- 耳鼻咽喉科臨床 補冊 137(0), 14-15, 2013
- … Analysis of the auditory brain stem response indicated deafness on the affected side. …
- NAID 130004558685
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- 英
- brain stem deafness, deafness due to brain stem lesion
- 生じる、起こる、由来する(from,in,out of)
- In volvement in such disparate conditions stems from the widespread influences of GSK3 on many cellular functions.
- 関
- accrue、arise、basilar、basilaris、borne、come from、derive、descend、give rise to、happen、occur、plant stem、produce、proximal、proximal region、raise、scanning transmission electron microscopy
- 関
- scanning transmission electron microscope、scanning transmission electron microscopy