- 英
- end、side、extremity、corner、brink
- 関
- 終わる、終わり、角、きわみ、四肢、終了、隅、側、側面、末端、面、目標、コーナー、サイド
- put an end to; "The terrible news ended our hopes that he had survived"
- a final state; "he came to a bad end"; "the so-called glorious experiment came to an inglorious end" (同)destruction, death
- the point in time at which something ends; "the end of the year"; "the ending of warranty period" (同)ending
- bring to an end or halt; "She ended their friendship when she found out that he had once been convicted of a crime"; "The attack on Poland terminated the relatively peaceful period after WW I" (同)terminate
- a piece of cloth that is left over after the rest has been used or sold (同)remainder, remnant, oddment
- (American football) a position on the line of scrimmage; "no one wanted to play end"
- the part you are expected to play; "he held up his end"
- the concluding parts of an event or occurrence; "the end was exciting"; "I had to miss the last of the movie" (同)last, final_stage
- either extremity of something that has length; "the end of the pier"; "she knotted the end of the thread"; "they rode to the end of the line"; "the terminals of the anterior arches of the fornix" (同)terminal
- (football) the person who plays at one end of the line of scrimmage; "the end managed to hold onto the pass"
- a boundary marking the extremities of something; "the end of town"
- a final part or section; "we have given it at the end of the section since it involves the calculus"; "Start at the beginning and go on until you come to the end"
- one of two places from which people are communicating to each other; "the phone rang at the other end"; "both ends wrote at the same time"
- the surface at either extremity of a three-dimensional object; "one end of the box was marked `This side up"
- have an end, in a temporal, spatial, or quantitative sense; either spatial or metaphorical; "the bronchioles terminate in a capillary bed"; "Your rights stop where you infringe upon the rights of other"; "My property ends by the bushes"; "The symphony ends in a pianissimo" (同)stop, finish, terminate, cease
- be the end of; be the last or concluding part of; "This sad scene ended the movie" (同)terminate
- take sides for or against; "Who are you widing with?"; "I"m siding against the current candidate"
- an extended outer surface of an object; "he turned the box over to examine the bottom side"; "they painted all four sides of the house"
- a surface forming part of the outside of an object; "he examined all sides of the crystal"; "dew dripped from the face of the leaf" (同)face
- an opinion that is held in opposition to another in an argument or dispute; "there are two sides to every question" (同)position
- a lengthwise dressed half of an animals carcass used for food (同)side of meat
- a family line of descent; "he gets his brains from his fathers side"
- a line segment forming part of the perimeter of a plane figure; "the hypotenuse of a right triangle is always the longest side"
- a place within a region identified relative to a center or reference location; "they always sat on the right side of the church"; "he never left my side"
- an aspect of something (as contrasted with some other implied aspect); "he was on the heavy side"; "he is on the purchasing side of the business"; "it brought out his better side"
- either the left or right half of a body; "he had a pain in his side"
- one of two or more contesting groups; "the Confederate side was prepared to attack"
- located on a side; "side fences"; "the side porch"
- turn a corner; "the car corners"
- a predicament from which a skillful or graceful escape is impossible; "his lying got him into a tight corner" (同)box
- a temporary monopoly on a kind of commercial trade; "a corner on the silver market"
- an interior angle formed by two meeting walls; "a piano was in one corner of the room" (同)nook
- (architecture) solid exterior angle of a building; especially one formed by a cornerstone (同)quoin
- the intersection of two streets; "standing on the corner watching all the girls go by" (同)street corner, turning_point
- a place off to the side of an area; "he tripled to the rightfield corner"; "the southeastern corner of the Mediterranean"
- a projecting part where two sides or edges meet; "he knocked off the corners"
- a remote area; "in many corners of the world they still practice slavery"
- the point where three areas or surfaces meet or intersect; "the corners of a cube"
- the point where two lines meet or intersect; "the corners of a rectangle"
- force a person or an animal into a position from which he cannot escape (同)tree
- gain control over; "corner the gold market"
- an extreme condition or state (especially of adversity or disease)
- the greatest or utmost degree; "the extremity of despair"
- an external body part that projects from the body; "it is important to keep the extremities warm" (同)appendage, member
- that part of a limb that is farthest from the torso
- the outermost or farthest region or point
- a region marking a boundary (同)threshold, verge
- the edge of a steep place
- (細いものの)『端』,先端《+『of』+『名』》 / (物語などの)『終り』,終結部《+『of』+『名』》 / (物事・期間の)『最後』《+『of』+『名』》;(…に)結末をつけるもの《+『to』+『名』》 / (…の)端の部分,末端部《『of』+『名』》 / 《しばしば複数形で》『目的』(purpose),目標(aim) / 《遠回しに》死,滅亡 / 《しばしば複数形で》切れ端,くず,残りもの / (事業などの)部門(part) / (フットボールで)エンド)前衛両端の選手または位置) / …‘を'『終わらせる』,終える / 〈物事が〉…‘の'終りとなる,‘を'締めくくる / 『終わる』,終了する(come to an end)
- (物体)『面』 / (物体の)『側面』,わき / (紙・レコードなど平らな物の)『面』 / (中心線・分離線から見た)『片側』 / (中心部分から見て)…『側』 / (人間・動物の体の右または左の)『側面』,(特に)横腹,わき腹 / 《単随形で》(人の)『そば』,わき / (物の)端,へり;(図形の)辺 / (競技・争いなどの一方の)『側』,味方 / (事柄の持っている)一面,局面 / (父方または母方の)血統,…方(かた) / 側部の,側面の,わきの / 側部(側面)からの(への) / 二次的な,従の / 〈建物など〉‘に'側面を付ける / (…に賛成の(反対の))側につく《+『with(against)』+『名』》
- 『かど,すみ』 / 『町かど』 / 人目につかない片すみ,へんぴな所 / 苦しい立場,窮地 / (株・商品などの)買い占め《+『on』+『名』》 / かどにある,かどの近くの / すみに置くための,すみ用の / 〈人・動物〉'を'追いつめる / 〈株・商品など〉'を'買い占める / 〈車などが〉かどを(きれいに,すばやく)曲がる
- 〈C〉(…の)端,先端《+『of』+『名』》 / 〈U〉窮地,窮状 / 〈U〉《時に『an~』》(特に悩み・苦痛などの)極度,極み《+『of』+『名』》 / 《文》《復数形で》手足
- (がけ・河岸などの)『緑』 / まぎわ
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出典(authority):フリー百科事典『ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』「2016/11/16 21:34:08」(JST)
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- はし
- 空間的な広がりを持つような物体、図形において、その広がりの最も外側を規定する境界付近のこと。
- たん
- 布の長さの単位(「反」)。
- 古代中国の長さの単位(「反」の由来)。
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Japanese Journal
- 次世代車の覇権 欧州ではクリーンディーゼル車 VWの牙城を崩すのは困難 (世界経済総予測2016) -- (混迷する欧州)
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- 関
- aim、brink、cease、complete、conclude、corner、distal、eventuate、extremity、goal、object、objective、side、terminal、terminally、terminate、termination
- 英
- aim、goal、end、objective、object
- 関
- 終わる、終わり、客観的、ゴール、終了、対象、対物、対物レンズ、端、反対、物体、末端、目的、目標にする、目指す、オブジェクト、目的とする
- 関
- aspect、brink、chamfer、corner、end、extremity、face、facet、lateral、plane、profile、sided、sidedness、surface
- 英
- end、terminal、extremity、distal、terminally
- 関
- 終わる、終わり、遠位、遠位性、遠心性、きわみ、最後、四肢、終端、終末、終了、ターミナル、端、末期、目標、末端側
- 英
- surface、aspect、side、face、plane、facet、(面取りされた角)chamfer
- 関
- 顔、局面、小面、状況、側、側面、平ら、直面、端、表面、平面、個眼、向かう、サイド
- 英
- type III procollagen-N-peptide, PIIIP
- 関
- 肝線維化マーカー
- 英
- acroanesthesia
- 関
- 痛覚鈍麻、手袋靴下型感覚消失
- 英
- syphilitic metaphysitis
- 関
- 梅毒性骨軟骨炎
- 英
- acromegaloid facial appearance syndrome