- border on; come close to; "His behavior verges on the criminal"
- the limit beyond which something happens or changes; "on the verge of tears"; "on the brink of bankruptcy" (同)brink
- a grass border along a road
- move or draw together at a certain location; "The crowd converged on the movie star"
- come together so as to form a single product; "Social forces converged to bring the Fascists back to power"
- be adjacent or come together; "The lines converge at this point" (同)meet
- approach a limit as the number of terms increases without limit
- tending to come together from different directions
- 縁,へり,端 / (…に)接する,近づく《+on(upon)+名》
- (…に)傾く,向かう《+to(toward)+名》
- (同一点・同一場所に)集まる,集中する《+『on』+『名』》 / (物理・数学で)収れんする / …'を'1点に集める
- 1点に集まる / (物理・数学で)収れん性の
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出典(authority):フリー百科事典『ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』「2015/06/11 21:34:43」(JST)
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この記事の主題はウィキペディアにおける独立記事作成の目安を満たしていないおそれがあります。目安に適合することを証明するために、記事の主題についての信頼できる二次資料を求めています。なお、適合することが証明できない場合には、記事は統合されるか、リダイレクトに置き換えられるか、さもなくば削除される可能性があります。(2012年3月) |
『verge』 |
I've の スタジオ・アルバム |
リリース |
2000年7月14日 |
ジャンル |
レーベル |
ファクトリーレコーズ |
プロデュース |
I've |
I've 年表 |
(1999年) |
(2000年) |
(2002年) |
テンプレートを表示 |
I've Girls Compilationシリーズ第2弾。今回は2枚組での発売。品番はICD-66002。前回同様BEST版的な位置づけだが、カラオケボックスでオーディションを行ったりインストを入れたりと実験的なことを多々行っている。また,鳥の詩のショート版が先行収録されている。タイトルのVergeの意味は「境界」でタイトル通り2枚組のCDは白と黒に分けられている。前作同様ソフトウェアを取り扱っている店舗のみでの発売となった。
- bite on the bullet -under mellow style-/MAKO
- Grow me/AKI
- Take me high/R.I.E
- Fall in Love/MELL
- Take on your will/AKI
- Dreamer/島宮えい子
- Now and heaven/島宮えい子
- Pure Heart 〜世界で一番アナタが好き〜/AKI
- 作詞:KOTOKO/作曲:高瀬一矢/編曲:中沢伴行
- Treating2U -wrap up style-/MAKO
- 鳥の詩 -Short Ver.-/Lia
- Never forget this time/MAKO
- 空より近い夢/MELL & MIKI
- freak of nature : start/彩菜
- 氷結の夜/島宮えい子
- Two face/AKI
- freak of nature : end/彩菜
- Around the mind/島宮えい子
- Days of promise/SHIHO
- 作詞:SAYUMI/作曲:高瀬一矢/編曲:中沢伴行
- uneasy/彩菜
- Discrimination/彩菜
- ガラスの月/島宮えい子
- verge/島宮えい子
- I've Official Web Site「LOW TRANCE ASSEMBLY」
クリエイター |
高瀬一矢 - 中沢伴行 - C.G mix - 井内舞子 - 尾崎武士 - (中坪淳彦) - (wata)
歌手 |
ソロボーカル |
川田まみ - 桐島愛里 - 柚子乃 - C.G mix - (島みやえい子) - (KOTOKO) - (MELL) - (詩月カオリ) - (舞崎なみ) - (朝見凛) - (MOMO) - (SHIHO) - (AKI) - (怜奈)
ユニット |
Love Planet Five - Larval Stage Planning
アルバム |
Girls Compilation |
regret - verge - disintegration - LAMENT - OUT FLOW - COLLECTIVE - EXTRACT - LEVEL OCTAVE - Evidence nine
Girls Compilation以外 |
SHORT CIRCUIT - SHORT CIRCUIT II - master groove circle - I've Sound 10th Anniversary 「Departed to the future」Special CD BOX - SHORT CIRCUIT III - TRIBAL LINK
ライブ |
I've in BUDOKAN 2005 〜Open the Birth Gate〜 - I'VE in BUDOKAN 2009 〜Departed to the future〜
関連人物 |
Lia - 彩菜 - 佐藤ひろ美 - IKU - Ray - 黒崎真音 - 折戸伸治 - 麻枝准 - 一色由比 - Eric Mouquet - Marty Friedman - 森岡賢 - 元長柾木 - 都築真紀
[Wiki en表示]
Look up verge in Wiktionary, the free dictionary. |
Verge and similar uses may refer to:
- Verge (Honorverse), area of space in David Weber's Honorverse
- The Verge, a live videogame news and review TV programme on Vuzu in South Africa
- The Verge (shopping mall), a shopping mall in Singapore
- The Verge (website), a technology news network
- The Verge (XM), a Canadian satellite radio station
- The jurisdiction of the Marshalsea Court
- 1 People
- 2 Music
- 3 Other uses
- 4 See also
- Jack Verge (died 1915), rugby union player who represented Australia and a medical practitioner who died on active service during WWI
- John Verge (1782–1861), English architect, builder, pioneer settler of New South Wales, who migrated to Australia and pursued his career there
- Lynn Verge, Canadian lawyer and politician
- Marianne Le Verge (born 1979), French former swimmer who competed in the 1996 Summer Olympics
- Wade Verge, Canadian politician
- William E. Verge (1901–1973), officer in the United States Navy and commanded the Amphibious Flotilla 7 forces that invaded the Philippine islands during World War II, and later was one of the officers responsible for the mooring and arrangement of the target ships at Bikini Atoll
- The Verge (album), a 2011 album by the band There for Tomorrow
- Verge (album), musical compilation album by I've Sound
- Verge music festival
Other uses
- Road verge, a strip of grass or other vegetation beside a road
- Verge escapement, a clock escapement mechanism
See also
- Verges (disambiguation)
- On the Verge (disambiguation)
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English Journal
- Long-Term Functional Outcomes of Total Mesorectal Excision Following Chemoradiotherapy for Lower Rectal Cancer: Stapled Anastomosis versus Intersphincteric Resection.
- Beppu N1, Kimura H, Matsubara N, Tomita N, Yanagi H, Yamanaka N.
- Digestive surgery.Dig Surg.2016;33(1):33-42. doi: 10.1159/000441571. Epub 2015 Nov 17.
- AIMS: To compare the long-term functional outcomes of total mesorectal excision following chemoradiotherapy for lower rectal cancer between stapled anastomosis and intersphincteric resection (ISR).METHODS: A total of 105 of 170 sphincter-preserving patients found to be disease-free and anal function
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- Phylogeography of the European sturgeon (Acipenser sturio): A critically endangered species.
- Chassaing O1, Desse-Berset N2, Hänni C3, Hughes S3, Berrebi P4.
- Molecular phylogenetics and evolution.Mol Phylogenet Evol.2016 Jan;94(Pt A):346-57. doi: 10.1016/j.ympev.2015.09.020. Epub 2015 Sep 28.
- The European sturgeon (Acipenser sturio) was once a common species throughout Europe, but the sole remaining natural population presently inhabits the Gironde Estuary in France (Atlantic coast). The species was classified as 'Critically Endangered' in 1996, and the Gironde population is now on the v
- PMID 26424382
- PAH dynamics in roadside environments: Influence on the consistency of diagnostic ratio values and ecosystem contamination assessments.
- Clément N1, Muresan B2, Hedde M3, François D4.
- The Science of the total environment.Sci Total Environ.2015 Dec 15;538:997-1009. doi: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2015.08.072. Epub 2015 Sep 28.
- Roadside contamination (of air, soils and organisms) by polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) was examined in an arable field and a mature forest (central France). Measured contents accounted for minute fractions of the cumulative vehicular exhaust emissions. The fate of vehicular PAHs was affecte
- PMID 26367069
- Transient Neonatal Diabetes Mellitus followed by recurrent asymptomatic hypoglycaemia: a case report.
- Priyadarshi A1, Verge CF2,3, Vandervliet L4, Mackay DJ5, Bolisetty S6,7.
- BMC pediatrics.BMC Pediatr.2015 Dec 2;15(1):200. doi: 10.1186/s12887-015-0512-7.
- BACKGROUND: Transient Neonatal Diabetes Mellitus is the commonest cause of diabetes presenting in the first week of life. Majority of infants recover by 3 months of age but are predisposed to developing type 2 diabetes later on in life. This condition is usually due to genetic aberrations at the 6q
- PMID 26631065
Japanese Journal
- 3.早期直腸癌に対する局所切除術(<特集>直腸癌治療の最近の動向)
- 巨大直腸静脈瘤出血に対し開腹下の下腸間膜静脈塞栓術が奏功した1例
- 松本 俊彦,高谷 昌宏,八木 洋輔,三浦 公,杉原 雄策,高木 慎二郎,平松 靖史,北野 元子,森井 和彦,森下 博文,奥新 浩晃,上坂 好一,兵頭 剛
- 日本消化器内視鏡学会雑誌 = Gastroenterological endoscopy 53(4), 1295-1302, 2011-04-20
- 症例は72歳女性.C型肝硬変にて当院通院中であった.2007年4月に鮮血便を認め,直腸内視鏡検査にてRSから肛門輪に直腸静脈瘤が観察された.直腸静脈瘤出血と考えinterventional radiology施行.全身麻酔下に小開腹し,上直腸静脈を塞栓した.止血後肝不全にて永眠するまで出血は認めなかった.今回われわれは血管内治療にて良好にコントロールし得た巨大直腸静脈瘤出血の1例を経験したので報告 …
- NAID 10029092385
- Living on the verge : are roads a more suitable refuge for small mammals than streams in Mediterranean pastureland?
- Ecological research 26(2), 277-287, 2011-03-01
- NAID 10028194322
Related Links
- 「Verge」(ヴァージ)オフィシャルウェブサイト。新曲視聴、PV、ラジオ、イベント&ライブ情報など。 ... 2015年3月31日をもってVergeオフィシャルサイトを閉鎖致します。 皆様のご声援、誠にありがとうございました。 関係者一同
- The Verge was founded in 2011 in partnership with Vox Media, and covers the intersection of technology, science, art, and culture. Its mission is to offer in-depth reporting and long-form feature stories, breaking news coverage, product ...
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