- 関
- complete、end、terminate
- a coming to an end of a contract period; "the expiry of his drivers license" (同)expiration, expiry
- the act of ending something; "the termination of the agreement" (同)ending, conclusion
- put an end to; "The terrible news ended our hopes that he had survived"
- a final state; "he came to a bad end"; "the so-called glorious experiment came to an inglorious end" (同)destruction, death
- the point in time at which something ends; "the end of the year"; "the ending of warranty period" (同)ending
- bring to an end or halt; "She ended their friendship when she found out that he had once been convicted of a crime"; "The attack on Poland terminated the relatively peaceful period after WW I" (同)terminate
- a piece of cloth that is left over after the rest has been used or sold (同)remainder, remnant, oddment
- (American football) a position on the line of scrimmage; "no one wanted to play end"
- the part you are expected to play; "he held up his end"
- the concluding parts of an event or occurrence; "the end was exciting"; "I had to miss the last of the movie" (同)last, final_stage
- either extremity of something that has length; "the end of the pier"; "she knotted the end of the thread"; "they rode to the end of the line"; "the terminals of the anterior arches of the fornix" (同)terminal
- (football) the person who plays at one end of the line of scrimmage; "the end managed to hold onto the pass"
- a boundary marking the extremities of something; "the end of town"
- a final part or section; "we have given it at the end of the section since it involves the calculus"; "Start at the beginning and go on until you come to the end"
- one of two places from which people are communicating to each other; "the phone rang at the other end"; "both ends wrote at the same time"
- the surface at either extremity of a three-dimensional object; "one end of the box was marked `This side up"
- have an end, in a temporal, spatial, or quantitative sense; either spatial or metaphorical; "the bronchioles terminate in a capillary bed"; "Your rights stop where you infringe upon the rights of other"; "My property ends by the bushes"; "The symphony ends in a pianissimo" (同)stop, finish, terminate, cease
- be the end of; be the last or concluding part of; "This sad scene ended the movie" (同)terminate
- having every necessary or normal part or component or step; "a complete meal"; "a complete wardrobe"; "a complete set of the Britannica"; "a complete set of china"; "a complete defeat"; "a complete accounting"
- having come or been brought to a conclusion; "the harvesting was complete"; "the affair is over, ended, finished"; "the abruptly terminated interview" (同)concluded, ended, over, all_over, terminated
- perfect and complete in every respect; having all necessary qualities; "a complete gentleman"; "consummate happiness"; "a consummate performance" (同)consummate
- write all the required information onto a form; "fill out this questionnaire, please!"; "make out a form" (同)fill out, fill_in, make_out
- come or bring to a finish or an end; "He finished the dishes"; "She completed the requirements for her Masters Degree"; "The fastest runner finished the race in just over 2 hours; others finished in over 4 hours" (同)finish
- complete a pass (同)nail
- bring to a whole, with all the necessary parts or elements; "A child would complete the family"
- 〈C〉〈U〉(…を)終わること,(…の)終了《+of+名》 / 〈C〉(言葉の)語尾
- (細いものの)『端』,先端《+『of』+『名』》 / (物語などの)『終り』,終結部《+『of』+『名』》 / (物事・期間の)『最後』《+『of』+『名』》;(…に)結末をつけるもの《+『to』+『名』》 / (…の)端の部分,末端部《『of』+『名』》 / 《しばしば複数形で》『目的』(purpose),目標(aim) / 《遠回しに》死,滅亡 / 《しばしば複数形で》切れ端,くず,残りもの / (事業などの)部門(part) / (フットボールで)エンド)前衛両端の選手または位置) / …‘を'『終わらせる』,終える / 〈物事が〉…‘の'終りとなる,‘を'締めくくる / 『終わる』,終了する(come to an end)
- (比較変化なし)『全部の』,完備した / 《名詞の前にのみ用いて》『完全な』,全くの / (比較変化なし)『完成した』,完結した / …'を'『仕上げる』,終える / …'を'完全なものにする,完成する
- (…で)…‘を'終わらせる《+名+with+名》 / …‘の'終りにくる,結びとなる / …‘の'境界となる / 『終わる』,終結する
- 不確定 / 不決断
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[Wiki ja表示]
『Termination』 |
9mm Parabellum Bullet の スタジオ・アルバム |
リリース |
2007年11月14日 |
ジャンル |
ロック |
レーベル |
EMIミュージック・ジャパン |
プロデュース |
いしわたり淳治 |
チャート最高順位 |
9mm Parabellum Bullet 年表 |
The World e.p.
(2007年) |
(2007年) |
(2008年) |
テンプレートを表示 |
『Termination』(ターミネーション)は、9mm Parabellum Bulletのアルバム。2007年11月14日発売。
初のフルアルバム。通常盤は2500円だが、2008年2月までの期間限定で1999円の9mm PRICE盤が発売された。
- Psychopolis
- (作詞:菅原卓郎 作曲:滝善充)
- Discommunication
- (作詞:菅原卓郎 作曲:9mm Parabellum Bullet)
- デビューEP『Discommunication e.p.』から。
- Heat-Island (Album ver.)
- (作詞:菅原卓郎 作曲:9mm Parabellum Bullet)
- ミニアルバム『The World e.p.』収録曲をアルバム用に再録。ミュージッククリップが存在し、ライブの映像が使われている。
- Sleepwalk
- (作詞:菅原卓郎 作曲:滝善充)
- EP『Discommunication e.p.』の2曲目に収録されているライブ音源にも入っている。
- 砂の惑星
- (作詞:菅原卓郎 作曲:滝善充)
- アルバムの中でも、パーカッションのタンバリンが唯一使われている曲。
- Heart-Shaped Gear
- (作詞:菅原卓郎 作曲:滝善充)
- Sundome
- (作詞:菅原卓郎 作曲:滝善充)
- 曲名の「Sundome」とは、暗に原爆ドームを意味しており、歌詞もそれに即して書かれていると考えられる。
- Battle March
- (作詞:菅原卓郎 作曲:滝善充)
- Butterfly Effect
- (作詞:菅原卓郎 作曲:滝善充)
- 曲名はバタフライ効果から来ている。
- Termination
- (作詞:菅原卓郎 作曲:滝善充)
- アルバムの表題曲。ミュージッククリップが作られ、演奏しているバックには観覧車が映っている。
- The World (Album ver.)
- (作詞:菅原卓郎 作曲:9mm Parabellum Bullet)
- ミニアルバム『The World e.p.』表題曲をアルバム用に再録。ミュージッククリップも存在する。
- Punishment
- (作詞:菅原卓郎 作曲:9mm Parabellum Bullet)
- 後にコンピレーションアルバム『ASIAN KUNG-FU GENERATION presents NANO-MUGEN COMPILATION 2008』、アーケードゲーム『太鼓の達人12 ドーンと!増量版』に収録された。
- 歌詞は全10行でそれぞれ順に「あかさたなはまやらわ」で始まるように構成されている。
9mm Parabellum Bullet |
菅原卓郎(ボーカル・ギター) - 滝善充(ギター) - 中村和彦(ベース) - かみじょうちひろ(ドラム) |
シングル |
Supernova/Wanderland - 命ノゼンマイ - 新しい光 - ハートに火をつけて - Answer And Answer
e.p. |
Discommunication e.p. - Black Market Blues e.p. - Cold Edge e.p. - カモメ e.p.
アルバム |
Termination - VAMPIRE - Revolutionary - Movement - Dawning
ミニアルバム |
Gjallarhorn - Phantomime - The World e.p.
act I - act II - act III - act II+act III(合併号)
デモテープ |
Talking Machine e.p.
その他の作品 |
参加作品 |
ASIAN KUNG-FU GENERATION presents NANO-MUGEN COMPILATION 2008 - 残響record Compilation - RD洗脳調査室 オリジナルサウンドトラック - METAL-IKKA 〜メタル一家〜 - くるり鶏びゅ〜と - THIS IS FOR YOU〜THE YELLOW MONKEY TRIBUTE ALBUM - 残響record Compilation vol.2
関連項目 |
残響record - Capitol Music - EMIミュージック・ジャパン - ESP
この項目は、アルバムに関連した書きかけの項目です。この項目を加筆・訂正などしてくださる協力者を求めています(P:音楽/PJアルバム)。 |
[Wiki en表示]
Look up termination in Wiktionary, the free dictionary. |
Termination may refer to:
- 1 Science
- 2 Technology
- 3 Other
- 4 See also
- Termination codon, in molecular biology
- Termination factor, in genetics, part of the process of transcribing RNA
- Termination type, in lithic reduction, a characteristic indicating the manner in which the distal end of a lithic flake detaches from a core
- Chain termination, in chemistry, a chemical reaction which halts polymerization
- Termination shock, in solar studies, a feature of the heliosphere
- Terminating computation, in computer science
- Termination analysis, a form of program analysis in computer science
- Termination proof, a mathematical proof concerning the termination of a program
- Termination (term rewriting), in particular for term rewriting systems
- Electrical termination, ending a wire or cable properly to prevent interference
- Termination of wires to a
- Crimp connection
- Electrical connector
- Solder joint
- Call termination, the handing off of calls from one telephone company to another
- Termination (album), by Japanese band 9mm Parabellum Bullet
- Termination of employment, the end of an employee's duration with an employer
- Indian termination policy, U.S. government policy affecting status of Native Americans, implemented in 1953
- Terminate with extreme prejudice, a euphemism for assassination
- Abortion, as the termination of a pregnancy
- "Termination", a song by Iron Butterfly on their 1968 album In-A-Gadda-Da-Vida
See also
- Terminate (disambiguation)
- Terminator (disambiguation)
- Terminal (disambiguation)
- Terminus (disambiguation)
UpToDate Contents
全文を閲覧するには購読必要です。 To read the full text you will need to subscribe.
- 1. 妊娠中絶の概要 overview of pregnancy termination
- 2. 妊娠中期の中絶:陣痛誘発(薬剤)による中絶 second trimester pregnancy termination induction medication termination
- 3. 妊娠初期における薬物による中絶 first trimester medication abortion termination of pregnancy
- 4. 妊娠中絶の精神医学的側面 psychiatric aspects of pregnancy termination
- 5. 多胎妊娠における減数手術 multifetal pregnancy reduction and selective termination
English Journal
- Three novel mutations in Iranian patients with tay-sachs disease.
- Jamali S, Eskandari N, Aryani O, Salehpour S, Zaman T, Kamalidehghan B, Houshmand M.Author information Dept. of Genetics, Special Medical Center, Tehran, Iran. massoudh@nigeb.ac.ir.AbstractBackground: Tay-Sachs disease (TSD), or GM2 gangliosidosis, is a lethal autosomal recessive neurodegenerative disorder, which is caused by a deficiency of beta-hexosaminidase A (HEXA), resulting in lysosomal accumulation of GM2 ganglioside. The aim of this study was to identify the TSD-causing mutations in an Iranian population. Methods: In this study, we examined 31 patients for TSD-causing mutations using PCR, followed by restriction enzyme digestion. Results: Molecular genetics analysis of DNA from 23 patients of TSD revealed mutations that has been previously reported, including four-base duplications c.1274_1277dupTATC in exon 11 and IVS2+1G>A, deletion TTAGGCAAGGGC in exon 10 as well as a few novel mutations, including C331G, which altered Gln>Glu in HEXB, A>G, T>C, and p.R510X in exon 14, which predicted a termination codon or nonsense mutation. Conclusion: In conclusion, with the discovery of these novel mutations, the genotypic spectrum of Iranian patients with TSD disease has been extended and could facilitate definition of disease-related mutations.
- Iranian biomedical journal.Iran Biomed J.2014 Apr;18(2):114-9.
- Background: Tay-Sachs disease (TSD), or GM2 gangliosidosis, is a lethal autosomal recessive neurodegenerative disorder, which is caused by a deficiency of beta-hexosaminidase A (HEXA), resulting in lysosomal accumulation of GM2 ganglioside. The aim of this study was to identify the TSD-causing mutat
- PMID 24518553
- Effectiveness of red light running camera enforcement program in reducing crashes: Evaluation using "before the installation", "after the installation", and "after the termination" data.
- Pulugurtha SS1, Otturu R2.Author information 1The University of North Carolina at Charlotte, 9201 University City Boulevard, Charlotte, NC 28223-0001, USA. Electronic address: sspulugurtha@uncc.edu.2The University of North Carolina at Charlotte, 9201 University City Boulevard, Charlotte, NC 28223-0001, USA. Electronic address: rotturu@student.uncc.edu.AbstractThe focus of this manuscript is to evaluate and assess the effectiveness of red light running camera (RLC) enforcement program in reducing crashes at signalized intersections. Data from January 1997 to December 2010 for thirty-two signalized intersections in the city of Charlotte, North Carolina, where RLCs were installed between August 1998 and August 2000 and terminated in fall 2006, were gathered, analyzed, and compared for "before the installation", "after the installation", and "after the termination" periods. Descriptive analysis and paired t-tests were performed using rear-end, sideswipe, left-turn, angle, and right-turn crashes as well as the number of total crashes. The expected number of total crashes, had RLC enforcement program not been implemented, was computed using the empirical bayes (EB) method and compared to the actual number of total crashes for "after the installation" and "after the termination" periods. Results obtained indicate that RLC enforcement program leads to an increase in sideswipe and rear-end crashes at ≥50% of the signalized intersections. It is effective in reducing total crashes at 50% and 16% of the thirty-two signalized intersections when analyzed considering "before the installation - after the installation" and "before the installation - after the termination" scenarios, respectively. Benefits due to reduction in the number of total crashes may be higher if RLC enforcement program is implemented at signalized intersections with (1) total entering vehicles per day less than 40,000, (2) fewer than 20 rear-end crashes per year, or (3) fewer than 5 sideswipe crashes per year.
- Accident; analysis and prevention.Accid Anal Prev.2014 Mar;64:9-17. doi: 10.1016/j.aap.2013.10.035. Epub 2013 Nov 13.
- The focus of this manuscript is to evaluate and assess the effectiveness of red light running camera (RLC) enforcement program in reducing crashes at signalized intersections. Data from January 1997 to December 2010 for thirty-two signalized intersections in the city of Charlotte, North Carolina, wh
- PMID 24316502
- A8.35 Long-lived plasma cell dynamics in autoimmunity: from the homeostasis of the immunological memory to new therapeutic challenges.
- Taddeo A, Alexander T, Khodadadi L, Cheng Q, Radbruch A, Hiepe F, Hoyer BF.Author information Clinic for Internal Medicine, Rheumatology and Clinical Immunology, Charité University Hospital Berlin, Berlin, Germany.AbstractBACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVES: Long-lived plasma cells (LLPC) contribute significantly to the production of pathogenic autoantibodies in Systemic Lupus Erythematosus (SLE), the prototype of systemic autoimmune diseases. These cells are refractory to conventional immunosuppressive therapies and thus represent an unmet therapeutic challenge. In the current view, LLPC are generated early in ontogeny and no longer formed later in disease pathogenesis, when constant generation of short-lived plasma cells is supposed to be a hallmark of pathology. However, the homeostasis of autoreactive LLPC-compartment has not been characterised so far. Therefore, in this study we rigorously analysed the dynamics of generation, maintenance and replacement of LLPC in NZB/W mice, a murine model of SLE.
- Annals of the rheumatic diseases.Ann Rheum Dis.2014 Mar 1;73 Suppl 1:A90. doi: 10.1136/annrheumdis-2013-205124.209.
- BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVES: Long-lived plasma cells (LLPC) contribute significantly to the production of pathogenic autoantibodies in Systemic Lupus Erythematosus (SLE), the prototype of systemic autoimmune diseases. These cells are refractory to conventional immunosuppressive therapies and thus repr
- PMID 24489343
- Bortezomib and IL-12 produce synergetic anti-multiple myeloma effects with reduced toxicity to natural killer cells.
- Wang X, Feng X, Wang J, Shao N, Ji C, Ma D, Henter JI, Fadeel B, Zheng C.Author information Departments of aOncology bHematology, Qilu Hospital, Shandong University cDepartment of Hematology, The Second Hospital of Shandong University, Jinan, People's Republic of China dChildhood Cancer Research Unit, Department of Women's and Children's Health, Karolinska University Hospital eDivision of Molecular Toxicology, Institute of Environmental Medicine, Karolinska Institutet, Stockholm, Sweden.AbstractThe aim of this study was to examine the hypothesis that a combination of proteasome inhibition by bortezomib and immune therapy with interleukin-12 (IL-12) can produce enhanced antitumor efficacy relative to the effects of either of these agents alone. A mouse xenograft model of myeloma was developed. The mice were randomly divided into saline control (NS), IL-12 (0.4 µg/animal; intraperitoneal), bortezomib (0.75 mg/kg; intravenous), and bortezomib+IL-12 groups. Effects of treatments on tumor growth were assessed by before and after treatment comparisons and group comparisons. The effects of various treatments on the number of peripheral blood lymphocytes and natural killer (NK) cells were assessed by complete blood count and flow cytometry analysis. The cell-killing function of NK cells in splenocytes was evaluated using the lactate dehydrogenase release assay. IL-12 treatment alone produced a mild decrease in tumor volume compared with control (P>0.05). Bortezomib alone resulted in substantial inhibition of tumor growth at varying time points, reaching ∼65 and ∼60% reduction in tumor volume after 15 and 21 days of therapy, respectively. At the same time points, the combination therapy produced ∼75 and ∼84% decreases in tumor growth, respectively, which were significantly greater than the reduction produced by bortezomib monotherapy. Tumors resumed growth upon termination of bortezomib treatment at 2 weeks, although the tumor volume was still significantly smaller than that in the time-matched NS and IL-12 animals. This rebound of tumor growth was completely prevented with the combination therapy, and tumor volume continued to decrease throughout the time course. The percentage and total number of NK cells were significantly decreased after bortezomib monotherapy and combination therapy; however, they remained unaltered after IL-12 treatment compared with no treatment. Further, combination therapy significantly restored the bortezomib-induced functional impairment of the cell-killing capability of NK cells, relative to bortezomib alone. We conclude that the bortezomib-IL-12 combination therapy offers superior antitumor efficacy over monotherapy with either bortezomib or IL-12 in a mouse model of myeloma. Restoration of bortezomib-induced functional impairment of NK cells by IL-12 may be a mechanism for the synergetic effects of the two agents. Therefore, a combination of the two agents may represent a more rational therapeutic approach for myeloma.
- Anti-cancer drugs.Anticancer Drugs.2014 Mar;25(3):282-8. doi: 10.1097/CAD.0000000000000058.
- The aim of this study was to examine the hypothesis that a combination of proteasome inhibition by bortezomib and immune therapy with interleukin-12 (IL-12) can produce enhanced antitumor efficacy relative to the effects of either of these agents alone. A mouse xenograft model of myeloma was develop
- PMID 24300915
Japanese Journal
- ビジネス・パートナー契約解約におけるユーザーのリスク-ソフトウェア・ライセンス契約を例に-
- Effectiveness of Iodine Termination for Ultrahigh Efficiency Solar Cells as a Means of Chemical Surface Passivation (Special Issue : Advanced Electromaterials)
- Ju Minkyu,Lee Youn-jung,Lee Kyungsoo [他]
- Japanese journal of applied physics : JJAP 51(9), 09MA03-1-4, 2012-09
- NAID 40019425622
- 外被把持型波長選択ターミネーションの高遮断化 (光ファイバ応用技術)
- 真保 誠,荒木 則幸,硲 茂樹
- 電子情報通信学会技術研究報告 : 信学技報 112(194), 61-64, 2012-08-30
- NAID 40019409385
Related Links
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- 関
- completely、completion、drastic、drastically、end、entirely、execution、exhaustive、exhaustively、finish、fulfillment、full、fully、in depth、integral、perfect、perfectly、radically、terminate、termination、thorough、thoroughly
- 関
- aim、brink、cease、complete、conclude、corner、distal、eventuate、extremity、goal、object、objective、side、terminal、terminally、terminate、termination
- 英
- termination、end、complete、terminate
- 関
- 終わる、終わり、完全、完了、終結、終止、徹底的、端、末端、目標、終える、完成
- 関
- cease、close、complete、conclude、end、eventuate、termination
- 英
- termination、terminate
- 関
- 終わる、終止、終了、終える
- 関
- abortion、pregnancy termination