- anything that belongs to a set or class; "snakes are members of the class Reptilia"; "members of the opposite sex"
- one of the persons who compose a social group (especially individuals who have joined and participate in a group organization); "only members will be admitted"; "a member of the faculty"; "she was introduced to all the members of his family" (同)fellow member
- an organization that is a member of another organization (especially a state that belongs to a group of nations); "the library was a member of the interlibrary loan association"; "Canada is a member of the United Nations"
- an employee who is a member of a staff of workers (especially a member of the staff that works for the President of the United States) (同)staffer
- support that is a constituent part of any structure or building
- a member of a committee
- having members; normally used in chemistry in combination with a number
- (集団の)『一員』,会員,メンバー《+『of』+『名』》 / 《またM-》国会議員 / (数式の)項,辺 / 《文》身体の一部;(特に)手,足 / 《遠回しに》男根
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出典(authority):フリー百科事典『ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』「2014/03/03 09:12:19」(JST)
[Wiki en表示]
A member is a person who belongs to a social group or an entity such as a company or nation. By extension it can refer to any part of a whole.
Member may also refer to:
- Elected official
- Element (mathematics), an object that belongs to a mathematical set
- Object-oriented programming term
- Field (computer science)
- Method (computer science)
- Member variable
- Limb (anatomy), an appendage of the human or animal body
- Structural component of a bridge
- Member (local church), person belonging to a local church
- Person belonging to a club
- Person belonging to a Board of Directors
- The Members, a British punk-rock band
- Military jury, referred to as Members in military jargon
- User (computing), person making use of a computing service, especially on the Internet
- Member (geology), a component of a geologic formation
See also[edit]
- All pages beginning with "Member"
- All pages with titles containing "Member"
- Dismember (disambiguation)
- Part (disambiguation)
- Remember (disambiguation)
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English Journal
- Rational screening of peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor-γ agonists from natural products: potential therapeutics for heart failure.
- Chen R1, Wan J1, Song J1, Qian Y1, Liu Y1, Gu S2.
- Pharmaceutical biology.Pharm Biol.2017 Dec;55(1):503-509.
- CONTEXT: Peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor-γ (PPARγ) is a member of the nuclear hormone receptor superfamily of ligand-activated transcription factors. Activation of PPARγ pathway has been shown to enhance fatty acid oxidation, improve endothelial cell function, and decrease myocardial f
- PMID 27937122
- Actin proteolysis during ripening of dry fermented sausages at different pH values.
- Berardo A1, Devreese B2, De Maere H3, Stavropoulou DA4, Van Royen G5, Leroy F4, De Smet S6.
- Food chemistry.Food Chem.2017 Apr 15;221:1322-1332. doi: 10.1016/j.foodchem.2016.11.023. Epub 2016 Nov 5.
- In dry fermented sausages, myofibrillar proteins undergo intense proteolysis generating small peptides and free amino acids that play a role in flavour generation. This study aimed to identify small peptides arising from actin proteolysis, as influenced by the type of processing. Two acidification p
- PMID 27979096
- Taggiasca extra virgin olive oil colonization by yeasts during the extraction process.
- Ciafardini G1, Cioccia G1, Zullo BA2.
- Food microbiology.Food Microbiol.2017 Apr;62:58-61. doi: 10.1016/j.fm.2016.09.014. Epub 2016 Sep 22.
- The opalescent appearance of the newly produced olive oil is due to the presence of solid particles and microdrops of vegetation water in which the microorganisms from the olives' carposphere are trapped. Present research has demonstrated that the microbiota of the fresh extracted olive oil, produce
- PMID 27889166
- New Insights on the Regulation of Ca2+ -Activated Chloride Channel TMEM16A.
- Ma K1, Wang H1, Yu J1, Wei M2, Xiao Q1.
- Journal of cellular physiology.J Cell Physiol.2017 Apr;232(4):707-716. doi: 10.1002/jcp.25621. Epub 2016 Oct 7.
- TMEM16A, also known as anoctamin 1, is a recently identified Ca2+ -activated chloride channel and the first member of a 10-member TMEM16 family. TMEM16A dysfunction is implicated in many diseases such as cancer, hypertension, and cystic fibrosis. TMEM16A channels are well known to be dually regulate
- PMID 27682822
Japanese Journal
- 甲原 定房
- 山口県立大学学術情報 6, 39-45, 2013-03-31
- … The main characteristics of these tasks are: the correct answer can not be derived singlehandedly by an individual member of the group; …
- NAID 110009557049
- Web中の文章とリスト構造体を用いたバンドメンバー自動収集手法に関する研究
- 澤田 真吾,浜中 雅俊
- 情報処理学会研究報告. [音楽情報科学] 2013-MUS-98(9), 1-6, 2013-03-08
- 本論文ではWeb中にある文章とリスト構造体から音楽のバンドやグループに関連するメンバーを自動的に収集する手法を述べる.音楽のバンドやグループには,ボーカルやギタリスト,ベーシストなど,多くのミュージシャンがメンバーとして参加している.これらの情報を収集する手段として,従来提案されていた手法では特定のパターンとWebテキストとのパターンマッチングによりバンドのメンバーを抽出していた.しかし特定のパタ …
- NAID 110009551897
- Web中の文章とリスト構造体を用いたバンドメンバー自動収集手法に関する研究
- 澤田 真吾,浜中 雅俊
- 情報処理学会研究報告. EC, エンタテインメントコンピューティング 2013-EC-27(9), 1-6, 2013-03-08
- 本論文ではWeb中にある文章とリスト構造体から音楽のバンドやグループに関連するメンバーを自動的に収集する手法を述べる.音楽のバンドやグループには,ボーカルやギタリスト,ベーシストなど,多くのミュージシャンがメンバーとして参加している.これらの情報を収集する手段として,従来提案されていた手法では特定のパターンとWebテキストとのパターンマッチングによりバンドのメンバーを抽出していた.しかし特定のパタ …
- NAID 110009551870
- カナダ文学をめぐるカナダ事情 : 'Canadian dilemmas'の背景
- 長尾 知子
- 大阪樟蔭女子大学研究紀要 3, 15-27, 2013-01-31
- 1920年代まで存在を疑われたカナダ文学が世界文学の仲間入りを果たしたのは、20世紀も末に近い。本稿は、そのような後発ぶりを示すカナダ文学の背景となる事情を探ると同時に、展開のプロセスに伴う、カナダとカナダ文学が抱えるジレンマの背景を浮き彫りにしたい。まず、英系カナダ文学の発展に寄与したフライとアトウッドの足跡に言及した上で、カナダ文学の後進性を物語る、日加両国の事情を確認した。日本でのカナダ文学 …
- NAID 110009535959
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