- 関
- cease、conclude、end、result、terminate
- come out in the end
- put an end to; "The terrible news ended our hopes that he had survived"
- a final state; "he came to a bad end"; "the so-called glorious experiment came to an inglorious end" (同)destruction, death
- the point in time at which something ends; "the end of the year"; "the ending of warranty period" (同)ending
- bring to an end or halt; "She ended their friendship when she found out that he had once been convicted of a crime"; "The attack on Poland terminated the relatively peaceful period after WW I" (同)terminate
- a piece of cloth that is left over after the rest has been used or sold (同)remainder, remnant, oddment
- (American football) a position on the line of scrimmage; "no one wanted to play end"
- the part you are expected to play; "he held up his end"
- the concluding parts of an event or occurrence; "the end was exciting"; "I had to miss the last of the movie" (同)last, final_stage
- either extremity of something that has length; "the end of the pier"; "she knotted the end of the thread"; "they rode to the end of the line"; "the terminals of the anterior arches of the fornix" (同)terminal
- (football) the person who plays at one end of the line of scrimmage; "the end managed to hold onto the pass"
- a boundary marking the extremities of something; "the end of town"
- a final part or section; "we have given it at the end of the section since it involves the calculus"; "Start at the beginning and go on until you come to the end"
- one of two places from which people are communicating to each other; "the phone rang at the other end"; "both ends wrote at the same time"
- the surface at either extremity of a three-dimensional object; "one end of the box was marked `This side up"
- have an end, in a temporal, spatial, or quantitative sense; either spatial or metaphorical; "the bronchioles terminate in a capillary bed"; "Your rights stop where you infringe upon the rights of other"; "My property ends by the bushes"; "The symphony ends in a pianissimo" (同)stop, finish, terminate, cease
- be the end of; be the last or concluding part of; "This sad scene ended the movie" (同)terminate
- issue or terminate (in a specified way, state, etc.); end; "result in tragedy" (同)ensue
- come about or follow as a consequence; "nothing will result from this meeting"
- something that results; "he listened for the results on the radio" (同)resultant, final result, outcome, termination
- reach agreement on; "They concluded an economic agreement"; "We concluded a cease-fire"
- come to a close; "The concert closed with a nocturne by Chopin" (同)close
- reach a conclusion after a discussion or deliberation (同)resolve
- bring to a close; "The committee concluded the meeting"
- (`cease is a noun only in the phrase `without cease'
- (…の)結果になる,結局(…に)なる《+『in』+『名』》
- (細いものの)『端』,先端《+『of』+『名』》 / (物語などの)『終り』,終結部《+『of』+『名』》 / (物事・期間の)『最後』《+『of』+『名』》;(…に)結末をつけるもの《+『to』+『名』》 / (…の)端の部分,末端部《『of』+『名』》 / 《しばしば複数形で》『目的』(purpose),目標(aim) / 《遠回しに》死,滅亡 / 《しばしば複数形で》切れ端,くず,残りもの / (事業などの)部門(part) / (フットボールで)エンド)前衛両端の選手または位置) / …‘を'『終わらせる』,終える / 〈物事が〉…‘の'終りとなる,‘を'締めくくる / 『終わる』,終了する(come to an end)
- 〈C〉〈U〉『結果』,結末;成果,効果 / 《複数形で》(試験・競技などの)『成績』 / (…の)『結果起こる』(『生じる』)《+『from』+『名』(do『ing』)》 / (…という)『結果になる』,(…に)終わる(end)《+『in』+『名』(do『ing』)》
- 《文》〈演説・論文・会合〉'を'『終わりにする』,終える / 〈事柄など〉'を'『結論する』,〈行動・意見など〉'を'決定する / 〈条約など〉'を'締結する,結ぶ / (…で)〈話・文などが〉『終わる』,結論になる,〈人が〉話を結ぶ《+『with』+『名』(do『ing』)》
- (…で)…‘を'終わらせる《+名+with+名》 / …‘の'終りにくる,結びとなる / …‘の'境界となる / 『終わる』,終結する
- 『やむ』,終わる / …'を'『やめる』,中止する / 終止
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English Journal
- MicroRNA Pathways: an Emerging Role in Identification of Therapeutic Strategies.
- Vijayarathna S, Oon CE, Jothy SL, Chen Y, Kanwar JR, Sasidharan S1.Author information 1Institute for Research in Molecular Medicine (INFORMM), Universiti Sains Malaysia, 11800 USM, Pulau Pinang, Malaysia. srisasidharan@yahoo.com.AbstractFor years researchers have exerted every effort to improve the influential roles of microRNA (miRNA) in regulating genes that direct mammalian cell development and function. In spite of numerous advancements, many facets of miRNA generation remain unresolved due to the perplexing regulatory networks. The biogenesis of miRNA, eminently endures as a mystery as no universal pathway defines or explicates the variegation in the rise of miRNAs. Early evidence in biogenesis ignited specific steps of being omitted or replaced that eventuate in the individual miRNAs of different mechanisms. Understanding the basic foundation concerning how miRNAs are generated and function will help with diagnostic tools and therapeutic strategies. This review encompasses the canonical and the non-canonical pathways involved in miRNA biogenesis, while elucidating how miRNAs regulate genes at the nuclear level and also the mechanism that lies behind circulating miRNAs.
- Current gene therapy.Curr Gene Ther.2014 Mar 2. [Epub ahead of print]
- For years researchers have exerted every effort to improve the influential roles of microRNA (miRNA) in regulating genes that direct mammalian cell development and function. In spite of numerous advancements, many facets of miRNA generation remain unresolved due to the perplexing regulatory networks
- PMID 24588707
- Platelet-rich plasma for patent ductus arteriosus: an orthopaedic surgeon's perspective.
- Ali Engür M1, Engür D2.Author information 11 Clinic of Orthopaedics, Isparta State Hospital, Isparta, Turkey.22 Neonatal Intensive Care Unit, Isparta Maternity and Children's Hospital, Isparta, Turkey.AbstractAlthough closure of ductus arteriosus requires multiple intriguing cell signalling pathways, current treatment options merely act through cyclooxygenase inhibition. Expectedly, medical management of ductus arteriosus is quite far away from optimum and there is an ongoing debate on its efficiency and safety. The ideal therapeutic agent for patent ductus arteriosus should target vascular remodelling and support the arrested molecular steps that should completely eventuate during anatomical closure. Platelet-rich plasma injection, which has been used as a treatment alternative for many musculoskeletal conditions, can be a promising solution in this context by compensating the relative platelet dysfunction in preterms and providing a convenient microenvironment for proper cellular communication for ductal closure. First, by inducing hyaluronan synthase, platelet-rich plasma can induce mount formation in the intima, which is the significant defective milestone in preterms. Second, by providing platelet-derived growth factor, it can further stimulate platelet agregation and occlusion of the lumen. Finally, it can provide an increment in local vascular endothelial growth factor and transforming growth factor-β levels, which cannot be achieved because of insufficient intramural hypoxia. Migration of the vascular smooth muscles would further be triggered by transforming growth factor-β and vascular endothelial growth factor, aiding a major contribution to ductal closure. Above and beyond all other considerations, opportunity of local application would render maximum effectiveness and minimum side effects.
- Cardiology in the young.Cardiol Young.2014 Feb 19:1-3. [Epub ahead of print]
- Although closure of ductus arteriosus requires multiple intriguing cell signalling pathways, current treatment options merely act through cyclooxygenase inhibition. Expectedly, medical management of ductus arteriosus is quite far away from optimum and there is an ongoing debate on its efficiency and
- PMID 24552664
- Chronic health conditions, labour market participation and resource consumption among immigrant and native-born residents of Canada.
- Beiser M1, Hou F.Author information 1Ryerson University, Toronto, ON, Canada, mail@mortonbeiser.com.AbstractOBJECTIVES: To compare chronic illnesses, economic dependence and health-care use by immigrants and native-born Canadians.
- International journal of public health.Int J Public Health.2014 Feb 7. [Epub ahead of print]
- OBJECTIVES: To compare chronic illnesses, economic dependence and health-care use by immigrants and native-born Canadians.METHODS: A secondary analysis of the Canada Community Health Survey national data (2009-2010) was conducted.RESULTS: Recent and established immigrants were healthier than native-
- PMID 24504154
Japanese Journal
- Should Indonesia Suffer from More Reduction of the Subsidy to the Petroleum Sector?
- The Impact of Marginal Tax Reforms on the Supply of Health Related Services in Japan
- Anesthetic management in coronary artery bypass grafting
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- (SV from O)(物・事が)から結果として生ずる。~に起因する、由来する。
- (SV in O / SV doing)(物・事が)~に終わる。~という結果になる、帰着する。
- 関
- accomplishment, achievement, ascribable, ascribe, attribute, consequence, corollary, eventuate, outcome, output, performance, product, reside, resultant, sequence
- 関
- aim、brink、cease、complete、conclude、corner、distal、eventuate、extremity、goal、object、objective、side、terminal、terminally、terminate、termination
- 英
- end、cease、terminate、conclude、eventuate
- 関
- 終わり、帰着、結論、終結、終止、終了、端、末端、目標、終える、止む
- 関
- cease、close、complete、conclude、end、eventuate、termination
- 関
- bisphenol A-glycidyl methacrylate、cease、concise、conclusion、end、eventuate、terminate