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- 1. 肺気腫への肺容量減量術bronchoscopic treatment of emphysema [show details]
…other lung. After one year, the group receiving coils experienced a small increase in their six-minute walk test distance and a small increase in FEV1; both changes were below the level considered …
- 2. 慢性閉塞性肺疾患(COPD)における呼吸筋のトレーニングおよび安静respiratory muscle training and resting in copd [show details]
… lasting from six weeks up to one year. In total, the review documented a small but significant improvement in the six-minute walk distance (mean difference [MD] 29.6 meters, 95% CI 10.5-48.8 meters) and …
- 3. 特発性肺線維症の治療treatment of idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis [show details]
… in the primary end-point of at least a 20 percent improvement in the six-minute walk distance compared with baseline. Small differences were noted between the groups in dyspnea and quality of life, favoring …
- 4. 成人における肺高血圧症の治療treatment of pulmonary hypertension in adults [show details]
…treprostinil or placebo . After 12 weeks, the treprostinil group experienced a small but statistically significant increase in six minute walk distance. No significant effect was noted on the incidence of clinical …
- 5. 小児の肺高血圧症:マネージメントおよび予後pulmonary hypertension in children management and prognosis [show details]
…in 2014 for treatment of PAH in adults, primarily on the basis of a small but statistically significant increase in six-minute walk distance . There are limited data on the use of this agent in children …
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- 英
- short-stepped gait, small stepped gait
- 同
- 小股歩行 brachybasia、小幅歩行 gait with little steps、小歩症
- 関
- 加速歩行、パーキンソニズム、歩行
- 英
- gait, walking
- 関
- 股関節の運動に関与する筋、歩行運動
- 12ヶ月:上肢の挙上(high guard)
- 15ヶ月:上肢の中等度の挙上(medium guard)
- 18ヶ月:上肢が下がっている(no guard) → 腕ふりの出現
異常な歩行と疾患 手技みえ.188改変