出典(authority):フリー百科事典『ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』「2015/05/28 03:42:13」(JST)
Intermittent claudication | |
Classification and external resources | |
ICD-10 | I73.9 |
ICD-9 | 440.21 |
MeSH | D007383 |
Intermittent claudication (Latin: claudicatio intermittens) is a symptom that describes muscle pain (ache, cramp, numbness or sense of fatigue),[1] classically in the calf muscle, which occurs during exercise, such as walking, and is relieved by a short period of rest. It is classically associated with early-stage peripheral artery disease, and can progress to critical limb ischemia unless treated or risk factors are modified.
Claudication derives from the Latin verb claudicare, "to limp".
One of the hallmarks of arterial claudication is that it occurs intermittently. It disappears after a brief rest and the patient can start walking again until the pain recurs. The following signs are general signs of atherosclerosis of the lower extremity arteries:
All the "P"s
Intermittent claudication is a symptom and is by definition diagnosed by a patient reporting a history of leg pain with walking relieved by rest. However, as other conditions such as sciatica can mimic intermittent claudication, testing is often performed to confirm the diagnosis of peripheral artery disease.
Magnetic resonance angiography and duplex ultrasonography appear to be slightly more cost-effective in diagnosing peripheral artery disease among people with intermittent claudication than projectional angiography.[2]
Exercise can improve symptoms, as can revascularization.[3] Both together may be better than one intervention of its own.[3]
Pharmacological options exist, as well. Medicines that control lipid profile, diabetes, and hypertension may increase blood flow to the affected muscles and allow for increased activity levels. Angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitors, beta-blockers, antiplatelet agents (aspirin and clopidogrel), pentoxifylline, and cilostazol (selective PDE3 inhibitor) are used for the treatment of intermittent claudication.[4] However, medications will not remove the blockages from the body. Instead, they simply improve blood flow to the affected area.
Catheter-based intervention is also an option. Atherectomy, stenting, and angioplasty to remove or push aside the arterial blockages are the most common procedures for catheter-based intervention. These procedures can be performed by interventional radiologists, interventional cardiologists, vascular surgeons, and thoracic surgeons, among others.
Surgery is the last resort; vascular surgeons can perform either endarterectomies on arterial blockages or perform an arterial bypass. However, open surgery poses a host of risks not present with catheter-based interventions.
Most commonly, intermittent (or vascular or arterial) claudication is due to peripheral arterial disease which implies significant atherosclerotic blockages resulting in arterial insufficiency. It is distinct from neurogenic claudication, which is associated with lumbar spinal stenosis. It is strongly associated with smoking, hypertension, and diabetes.[5]
Atherosclerosis affects up to 10% of the Western population older than 65 years and for intermittent claudication this number is around 5%. Intermittent claudication most commonly manifests in men older than 50 years.
One in five of the middle-aged (65–75 years) population of the United Kingdom have evidence of peripheral arterial disease on clinical examination, although only a quarter of them have symptoms. The most common symptom is muscle pain in the lower limbs on exercise — intermittent claudication.[6]
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リンク元 | 「間歇性跛行」「間欠性跛行」「IMC」 |
拡張検索 | 「arteriosclerotic intermittent claudication」 |
関連記事 | 「intermittent」 |
疾患 | 症状発現部位 | 好発年齢 | 歩行による症状 | 痛みを生じる歩行距離 | 休憩の効果 | 体位の影響 | その他の特徴 |
PAD | 患者ごとに特定の部位 | ASOは中高年以降若年者に好発する疾患もある | 疼痛、だるさ、こむらがえり、しびれを伴うことがある | 一定の距離で発現 | 数分で軽減 | なし | 限局性の腸骨動脈病変では足部動脈の触知が正常なことがある。内腸骨動脈病変では勃起障害を伴うことがある。 |
腰部脊柱管狭窄症(神経根型) | 臀部から下肢後面が多い。片側性が多い | 中高年以降 | 疼痛、しびれ、だるさ(単根性) | 日によって距離に変動がみられる。自転車や前屈(押し車)歩行では症状が出にくい。 | 数分で軽減立っているだけ、座り続けでも痛む。 | 前屈姿勢や座位で休むと改善しやすい。腰を反らせると悪化。 | 腰痛、変形性脊椎症、変性すべり症の既往 |
腰部脊柱管狭窄症(馬尾型) | 臀部から下肢後面が多い。両側性が多い | 中高年以降 | 同上および脱力。神経根型よりも症状が重く広範囲(多根性) | 同上 | 同上 | 同上 | 同上。直腸膀胱障害や会陰部の感覚障害を伴うことがある |
慢性コンパートメント症候群 | 下腿部(とくに前脛骨筋部)が多い。50~70% が両側性 | 若年で筋肉量の多い人(スポーツ選手など) | 疼痛、圧迫感、緊満感、だるさ | 運動開始後に徐々に発現 | 軽減に時間がかかる(10 分以上) | なし | しばしば腫脹や圧痛、感覚・運動麻痺(dropfoot)を伴う |
慢性静脈不全症 | 下肢全体、とくに下腿が多い | 若年では少ない | 疼痛、圧迫感、緊満感、だるさ | ゆっくりと軽減立っているだけ、座り続けでも痛む | 下肢挙上で改善 | 深部静脈血栓症の既往。静脈うっ滞、浮腫 | |
変形性股関節症 | 股関節、臀部、大腿部、膝関節 | 中高年以降の女性に多い | 疼痛、だるさ、鈍痛 | 立ち上がるときや歩行開始時にも痛むことがある | すぐには軽減しない | 体重をかけない姿勢で改善。安静時でも痛むことがある | 先天性股関節脱臼、大腿骨骨折、関節リウマチの既往。関節可動域の制限 |
足部・足関節疾患 | 足関節、足部、足底アーチ | さまざま | 疼痛、だるさ、鈍痛、しびれ | 立ち上がるときや歩行開始時にも痛むことがある | すぐには軽減しない | 体重をかけない姿勢でも改善しないことが多い | しばしば足部の変形を伴う |
ASO | L-SCS | |
発生部位 | 腓腹部 | 大腿後面、下腿外側 |
症状変動 | あまりない | 変動有り |
改善 | 急速で速やかに改善 たったままで治る |
時間がかかる 座位(前屈)で軽減 |
頻度 | 少 | 多 |