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- 1. 新生児や乳児に生じる胆汁うっ滞の原因causes of cholestasis in neonates and young infants [show details]
…familial intrahepatic cholestasis types 1 and 2 (PFIC1 and PFIC2), or arthrogryposis-renal dysfunction-cholestasis (ARC) syndrome . In some cases, no etiology is apparent, in which case the disorder is …
- 2. 進行性核上性麻痺(PSP):マネージメントおよび予後progressive supranuclear palsy psp management and prognosis [show details]
…for postural instability and falls, such as gait and balance training, in addition to advice on walking aides, such as weighted walkers and low-heel nonstick shoes . The combination of frontal-lobe disturbance … Freezing of gait can be improved by the use of walkers with lasers, visual cues, rhythmic cues, and arc turns. Palliative care needs may be present from the time of diagnosis. Advance care planning should…
- 3. 肩部の身体診察physical examination of the shoulder [show details]
…integrity of the supraspinatus tendon can be assessed with the active painful arc test and the "drop arm" test. The active painful arc test (not to be confused with the Neer test, an impingement test performed …
- 4. 成人に現れる多発性硬化症の症状と徴候manifestations of multiple sclerosis in adults [show details]
… deep tendon reflexes are decreased due to lesions interrupting the reflex arc at a segmental level,… and in the head; tremor affects 45 percent of patients with MS, with severe tremor in 6 percent . Walking is impaired by truncal ataxia. Ocular findings of nystagmus, ocular dysmetria, and failure of fixation…
- 5. 高齢者におけるリハビリテーションの概要:リハビリテーションのプログラム構成および環境overview of geriatric rehabilitation program components and settings for rehabilitation [show details]
… the work of walking . While some newer prosthetic limbs come close to the efficiency of a normal leg, in general the higher the amputation the greater the increase in the work of walking.… instability may be prescribed a hinged knee brace that can be set to limit range of motion to a particular arc; however, such braces should only be prescribed under the direction of a rehabilitation or orthopedic…
Related Links
- 痙性片麻痺歩行(スパスティックヘミプレジックゲイト)・ぶん回し歩行(円弧歩行) 痙性片麻痺で麻痺側の関節は十分動かず下肢が伸展、つま先は垂れている事が多い 錐体外路障害 血管障害、頸椎症性脊髄症、多発性硬化症にみ ...
- ぶん回し歩行とは ぶん回し歩行とは、痙性片麻痺歩行、あるいは円弧歩行とも呼ばれる歩き方で、歩行障害の一種とされています。「片麻痺」とは、一側の上肢と下肢が麻痺し、対側は正常である麻痺の様式です。「痙性」とは、中枢 ...
- この記事では、リハビリ(理学療法・作業療法)と関連のある『跛行(歩行障害・異常歩行)』について分類した記事である。一口に「跛行(歩行障害・異常歩行)」と言っても、その種類は無限に存在するが、そんな異常歩行の中で ...
Related Pictures

- 英
- spastic hemiplegic gait
- 同
- ぶん回し歩行 circumduction gait、円弧歩行
- 関
- 歩行、痙性歩行
異常な歩行と疾患 手技みえ.188改変
<youtube v=VTkwv-Izb-E></youtube>
<youtube v=cm7mcECe9xU></youtube>
<youtube v=kTzJwRkgdTI></youtube>
- 英
- gait, walking
- 関
- 股関節の運動に関与する筋、歩行運動
- 12ヶ月:上肢の挙上(high guard)
- 15ヶ月:上肢の中等度の挙上(medium guard)
- 18ヶ月:上肢が下がっている(no guard) → 腕ふりの出現
異常な歩行と疾患 手技みえ.188改変