- remove; "Empty the water"
- a container that has been emptied; "return all empties to the store"
- become empty or void of its content; "The room emptied" (同)discharge
- needing nourishment; "after skipped lunch the men were empty by suppertime"; "empty-bellied children" (同)empty-bellied
- devoid of significance or point; "empty promises"; "a hollow victory"; "vacuous comments" (同)hollow, vacuous
- emptied of emotion; "after the violent argument he felt empty"
- holding or containing nothing; "an empty glass"; "an empty room"; "full of empty seats"; "empty hours"
- make void or empty of contents; "Empty the box"; "The alarm emptied the building"
- persuade somebody to accept something; "The French try to sell us their image as great lovers"
- the activity of persuading someone to buy; "it was a hard sell"
- be approved of or gain acceptance; "The new idea sold well in certain circles"
- be responsible for the sale of; "All her publicity sold the products"
- be sold at a certain price or in a certain way; "These books sell like hot cakes"
- exchange or deliver for money or its equivalent; "He sold his house in January"; "She sells her body to survive and support her drug habit"
- give up for a price or reward; "She sold her principles for a successful career"
- the exchange of goods for an agreed sum of money (同)merchandising, marketing
- the act of removing the contents of something (同)voidance, evacuation
- 『からの』,中に何もない(だれも居ない) / 『空虚な』,なんの意味もない / 《話》腹ぺこの / 〈容器など〉‘を'『空にする』 / (容器などから)〈中身〉‘を'出して空にする《+『名』+『out of』+『名』》;(…に)〈中身〉‘を'全部出す《+『名』+『into』(『onto』)+『名』》 / 『空になる』;(…に)全部出て空になる《+『into』+『名』》 / 空き箱,空きびん
- …‘を'『売る』,売却する / …‘を'『販売する』,商う / 〈品質・値段・宣伝などが〉〈商品など〉‘の'売り行きをよくする / 《話》(…を)〈人〉‘に'売り込む,受け入させる《+『名』〈人〉+『on』+『名』》 / 《話》〈計画・孝え・自分自身など〉‘を'売り込む / (…に)〈国家・名誉・良心など〉‘を'売る,売り渡す《+『名』+『to』+『名』》 / 《話》《通例受動態で》…‘を'だます,‘に'偽物を売りつける / 〈商店・人が〉売る,販売する / 〈商品が〉(…の値段で)売られている《+『at』(『for』)+『名』》 / 〈考えなどが〉(…に)受け入れられる《+with(to)+名》 / 《単数形で》《話》ぺてん,ごまかし / 売り込み
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Empty sella syndrome |
Classification and external resources |
ICD-9 |
253.8 |
DiseasesDB |
31523 |
MedlinePlus |
000349 |
MeSH |
D004652 |
Empty sella in MRI (T2w sagittal)
Empty sella syndrome (abbreviated ESS) is a disorder that involves the sella turcica "Turkish Saddle", a bony structure at the base of the brain that surrounds and protects the pituitary gland. ESS is a condition that is often discovered during tests for pituitary disorders, when radiological imaging of the pituitary gland reveals a sella turcica that appears to be empty ("partially empty sella")... The pituitary gland shrinks or becomes flattened. [1]
- 1 Classification
- 2 Associated conditions and diagnosis
- 3 Treatment
- 4 Prognosis
- 5 References
- 6 External links
Classification [edit]
There are two types of ESS: primary and secondary.
- Primary ESS happens when a small anatomical defect above the pituitary gland increases pressure in the sella turcica and causes the gland to flatten out along the interior walls of the sella turcica cavity. Primary ESS is associated with obesity and high blood pressure in women. The disorder can be a sign of idiopathic intracranial hypertension.
- Secondary ESS is the result of the pituitary gland regressing within the cavity after an injury, surgery, or radiation therapy. Individuals with secondary ESS due to destruction of the pituitary gland have symptoms that reflect the loss of pituitary functions, such as the ceasing of menstrual periods, infertility, fatigue, and intolerance to stress and infection.
Associated conditions and diagnosis [edit]
ESS may be associated with early onset of puberty, growth hormone deficiency, pituitary tumors, or pituitary gland dysfunction.
MRI scans are useful in evaluating ESS and differentiating it from other disorders that produce an enlarged sella.
Treatment [edit]
Unless the syndrome results in other medical problems, treatment for endocrine dysfunction associated with pituitary malfunction is symptomatic and supportive. In some cases, surgery may be needed.
Prognosis [edit]
ESS is not a life-threatening illness.
References [edit]
- ^ http://www.umm.edu/ency/article/000349.htm
External links [edit]
Endocrine pathology: endocrine diseases (E00–E35, 240–259)
metabolism |
Hypofunction |
- types:
- type 1
- type 2
- MODY 1 2 3 4 5 6
- complications
- coma
- angiopathy
- ketoacidosis
- nephropathy
- neuropathy
- retinopathy
- cardiomyopathy
- insulin receptor (Rabson–Mendenhall syndrome)
- Insulin resistance
Hyperfunction |
- Hypoglycemia
- beta cell (Hyperinsulinism)
- G cell (Zollinger–Ellison syndrome)
pituitary axes |
Hypothalamus |
- gonadotropin
- Kallmann syndrome
- Adiposogenital dystrophy
- CRH (Tertiary adrenal insufficiency)
- vasopressin (Neurogenic diabetes insipidus)
- general (Hypothalamic hamartoma)
Pituitary |
Hyperpituitarism |
- anterior
- Acromegaly
- Hyperprolactinaemia
- Pituitary ACTH hypersecretion
- posterior (SIADH)
- general (Nelson's syndrome)
Hypopituitarism |
- anterior
- Kallmann syndrome
- Growth hormone deficiency
- ACTH deficiency/Secondary adrenal insufficiency
- GnRH insensitivity
- FSH insensitivity
- LH/hCG insensitivity
- posterior (Neurogenic diabetes insipidus)
- general
- Empty sella syndrome
- Pituitary apoplexy
- Sheehan's syndrome
- Lymphocytic hypophysitis
Thyroid |
Hypothyroidism |
- Iodine deficiency
- Cretinism
- Congenital hypothyroidism
- Myxedema
- Euthyroid sick syndrome
Hyperthyroidism |
- Hyperthyroxinemia
- Thyroid hormone resistance
- Familial dysalbuminemic hyperthyroxinemia
- Hashitoxicosis
- Thyrotoxicosis factitia
- Graves' disease
Thyroiditis |
- Acute infectious
- Subacute
- De Quervain's
- Subacute lymphocytic
- Autoimmune/chronic
- Hashimoto's
- Postpartum
- Riedel's
Goitre |
- Endemic goitre
- Toxic nodular goitre
- Toxic multinodular goiter
Parathyroid |
Hypoparathyroidism |
- Hypoparathyroidism
- Pseudohypoparathyroidism
- Pseudopseudohypoparathyroidism
Hyperparathyroidism |
- Primary
- Secondary
- Tertiary
- Osteitis fibrosa cystica
Adrenal |
Hyperfunction |
- aldosterone: Hyperaldosteronism/Primary aldosteronism
- Conn syndrome
- Bartter syndrome
- Glucocorticoid remediable aldosteronism
- Liddle's syndrome
- 17α CAH
- cortisol: Cushing's syndrome (Pseudo-Cushing's syndrome)
- sex hormones: 21α CAH
- 11β CAH
Adrenal insufficiency
(Addison's, WF) |
- aldosterone: Hypoaldosteronism
Gonads |
- ovarian: Polycystic ovary syndrome
- Premature ovarian failure
- testicular: enzymatic
- 5α-reductase deficiency
- 17β-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase deficiency
- aromatase excess syndrome)
- Androgen receptor (Androgen insensitivity syndrome
- general: Hypogonadism (Delayed puberty)
- Hypergonadism
- Hypoandrogenism
- Hypoestrogenism
- Hyperandrogenism
- Hyperestrogenism
Height |
- Dwarfism/Short stature
- Laron syndrome
- Psychosocial
- Gigantism
Multiple |
- Autoimmune polyendocrine syndrome multiple
- Carcinoid syndrome
- Multiple endocrine neoplasia
- Progeria
- Werner syndrome
- Acrogeria
- Metageria
- Woodhouse-Sakati syndrome
noco (d)/cong/tumr, sysi/epon
proc, drug (A10/H1/H2/H3/H5)
UpToDate Contents
全文を閲覧するには購読必要です。 To read the full text you will need to subscribe.
English Journal
- [Magnetic resonance imaging and hormonal profile of the pituitary gland in patients with primary congenital hypothyroidism].
- ?acka K, Gradecka-Kubik I, Czyzyk A, Rajewska J, Paprzycki W.SourceUniwersytet Medyczny im. K. Marcinkowskiego w Poznaniu, Katedra i Klinika Endokrynologii, Przemiany Materii i Chorob Wewnetrznych. K_Lacka@wp.pl
- Polski merkuriusz lekarski : organ Polskiego Towarzystwa Lekarskiego.2011 Apr;30(178):259-64.
- The aim of our study was an estimation of the size and structure of the pituitary gland using MRI and the estimation of hormonal profile of the pituitary anterior lobe (except for ACTH) in 21 adult patients with congenital primary hypothyroidism.
- PMID 21595170
Japanese Journal
- A Case of Hypothalamic Panhypopituitarism with Empty Sella Syndrome : Case Report and Review of the Literature
- Endocrine journal 56(4), 585-589, 2009-07-20
- NAID 10026914199
Related Pictures

- ラ
- anorexia nervosa, AN
- 同
- 神経性食欲不振症、神経性無食欲症
- also see KPS. 798
- 器質的・特定の精神的疾患がないのに、拒食や過食などの食行動の異常、極端なやせ、無月経など種々の身体・精神症状をきたす病態。
- 身体像(ボディイメージ)の障害、やせ願望や肥満恐怖などによる。
- 制限型:少食でやせを維持
- むちゃ食い/排出型:過食しながら自己嘔吐や下剤・利尿薬の乱用でやせを維持
- 1. 遺伝的要因
- 2. 環境要因(人格的脆弱性、生活環境、社会文化的要因)など → ストレスを適切に処理できないために発症
- 性格:内向的、自己中心的、小心、完全癖、潔癖症など
- 生活環境:家庭内の葛藤、学業や人間関係の悩み
- 病態的には、心理的ストレスが大脳皮質を介して視床下部摂食中枢のコルチコトロピン放出ホルモン系を活性化することなどにより、食欲抑制や性機能障害をきたす。
- 1980年代より増加傾向。日本の有病率は0.4-1.0%(摂食異常調査表による調査)(IMD.922)
- 12-25歳に好発(YN.D-166)。10代後半-20代前半、15歳以下の発症例も増加傾向(IMD.922)。
- 99%が女性(YN.D-166)。男性例は5%以下(IMD.922)
- やせ、無月経
- 病識なし、活動性亢進、むちゃ食い/排出型の場合は自己嘔吐や下剤・利尿薬乱用の習慣化
- 飢餓症候群
- 生活すべてが食とやせの維持に振り回され、ついには飢餓に伴う精神症状が出現
- 集中力・判断力の低下、抑うつ、不安、過敏性、不眠、自傷行為など
身体所見(IMD.922, YN.D-166)
- 低栄養だが、性ホルモンは比較的維持。
- 低血圧、低体温、便秘、徐脈 ← 自律神経失調
- (背中)うぶ毛密生、貧血、浮腫、肝機能障害、
- カロチン症
- 循環障害による皮膚色の変化や凍瘡、末梢神経麻痺
- やせに比して乳房は比較的保たれ、腋毛・恥毛は脱落しないことが多い。
- 白血球数減少、貧血、血小板減少
- 肝機能障害、低血糖、低蛋白血症
- (むちゃ食い/排出型)低Na・低K血症、代謝性アルカローシスや高アミラーゼ血症 ← 低K血症(循環血漿量減少 → RAA系の亢進 → アルドステロンによるKの排出)
- 血清コレステロール値:(軽症)上昇、(重症)低下
- 骨密度の低下
- 甲状腺:T4:→/↑、T3:↓、reverse T3:↑(低T3症候群)。
- 成長ホルモン:↑、インスリン様成長因子-I(IGF-I):↓ ← 末梢でIGF-Iの産生が低下、負のフィードバックにより成長ホルモンが増加
- ACTH、コルチゾール:↑
- 卵胞刺激ホルモン(FSH):→/↑
- 黄体ホルモン(LH):↓
診断基準(厚生省特定疾患・神経性食欲不振症調査研究班, 1990年)
- (2) 標準体重の -20%以上のやせ
- (3) 食行動の異常(不食、大食、隠れ食いなど)
- (4) 体重や体型についての歪んだ認識(体重増加に対する極端な恐怖など)
- (1) 発症年齢:30歳以下
- (5) (女性ならば)無月経
- (6) やせの原因と考えられる器質性疾患がない
- やせや無月経をきたす器質性疾患:視床下部腫瘍、下垂体機能低下症、糖尿病、慢性膵炎、甲状腺機能亢進症、炎症性腸疾患、結核などの感染症、悪性腫瘍
食思不振症とか錐体機能低下症の比較 IMD.923改変
- 神経性食思不振症では成長ホルモンと糖質コルチコイドの上昇、末梢の甲状腺ホルモンの異常(reverse T3↑のこと?)、インスリン分泌の異常が認められることがある。(参考6) ← 甲状腺、副腎機能は正常と言い切っている書物もあるが、、、
- 医師と患者の信頼関係が重要。体重増加を受け入れてもらう
- 栄養療法:少量・低エネルギー食より開始。栄養不良が著しい場合には静脈栄養/経腸栄養
- 心理社会的療法(認知行動療法)
- 改善50%、不変25%、悪化25%、死亡率5-8%(YN.D-167) ← 過食性食思不振症に比して予後が悪い
- http://www.aiiku.or.jp/aiiku/jigyo/contents/kaisetsu/ks0712/ks0712_4.pdf
- 5. [charged] Patient information: Anorexia nervosa (TheBasics) - uptodate [1]
- 6. [charged] 成人における神経性食思不振症:診断、随伴する臨床的特徴、および評価 - uptodate [2]
- 7. [charged] 成人における神経性食思不振症:合併症の評価およびこれらの合併症管理のための入院基準 - uptodate [3]
- 8. [charged] 成人における神経性食思不振症:薬物療法 - uptodate [4]
- 9. [charged] 成人および思春期における神経性食思不振症:再栄養症候群 - uptodate [5]
- 10. [charged] 成人および思春期における神経性食思不振症:内科的合併症およびその管理 - uptodate [6]
- 11. [charged] 摂食障害:疫学、病因、および臨床的特徴の概要 - uptodate [7]
- 12. [charged] 摂食障害:治療および転帰 - uptodate [8]
- 関
- empty sella syndrome
- (容器・場所など)空/無人にする/なる、あける。(他の器に)移す(transfer
- On the right side, lymphatic fluid flows from the lymphatic capillaries to the thin lymphatic vessels, to the right thoracic duct, which empties into the junction of the right internal jugular and the right subclavian veins.