- (荷を)おろす、陸揚げする(城郭を)おろす
- (水などを)放出する(intop)。外に出す、吐き出す、発する。排出する、排泄する。
- 荷揚げ、荷下ろし
- 発射、発砲。放電。吐き出し。放出、流出、吐出。排出物、分泌物。流出量
- 関
- desorb、diapedesis、efflux、egress、ejection、emission、excrement、excreta、extrusion、feces、firing、hospital discharge、leak、leakage、outflow、patient discharge、release、runoff、secrete、secretion、shot
- remove the charge from
- a substance that is emitted or released (同)emission
- any of several bodily processes by which substances go out of the body; "the discharge of pus" (同)emission, expelling
- electrical conduction through a gas in an applied electric field (同)spark, arc, electric arc, electric_discharge
- the act of discharging a gun (同)firing, firing off
- the act of venting (同)venting
- the pouring forth of a fluid (同)outpouring, run
- the sudden giving off of energy
- release from military service (同)muster out
- pour forth or release; "discharge liquids"
- a chance to do something; "he wanted a shot at the champion" (同)crack
- a solid missile discharged from a firearm; "the shot buzzed past his ear" (同)pellet
- informal words for any attempt or effort; "he gave it his best shot"; "he took a stab at forecasting" (同)stab
- a blow hard enough to cause injury; "he is still recovering from a shot to his leg"; "I caught him with a solid shot to the chin"
- an attempt to score in a game
- an explosive charge used in blasting
- sports equipment consisting of a heavy metal ball used in the shot put; "he trained at putting the shot"
- an aggressive remark directed at a person like a missile and intended to have a telling effect; "his parting shot was `drop dead"; "she threw shafts of sarcasm"; "she takes a dig at me every chance she gets" (同)shaft, slam, dig, barb, jibe, gibe
- a person who shoots (usually with respect to their ability to shoot); "he is a crack shot"; "a poor shooter" (同)shooter
- tell anonymously; "The news were leaked to the paper"
- a euphemism for urination; "he had to take a leak" (同)wetting, making water, passing water
- have an opening that allows light or substances to enter or go out; "The container leaked gasoline"; "the roof leaks badly"
- soft watery rot in fruits and vegetables caused by fungi
- unauthorized (especially deliberate) disclosure of confidential information (同)news leak
- an accidental hole that allows something (fluid or light etc.) to enter or escape; "one of the tires developed a leak"
- be leaked; "The news leaked out despite his secrecy" (同)leak out
- enter or escape as through a hole or crack or fissure; "Water leaked out of the can into the backpack"; "Gas leaked into the basement"
- place out of sight; keep secret; "The money was secreted from his children"
- generate and separate from cells or bodily fluids; "secrete digestive juices"; "release a hormone into the blood stream" (同)release
- the act of coming (or going) out; becoming apparent (同)egression, emergence
- (astronomy) the reappearance of a celestial body after an eclipse (同)emersion
- the organic process of synthesizing and releasing some substance (同)secernment
- a functionally specialized substance (especially one that is not a waste) released from a gland or cell
- having lost your job (同)dismissed, fired, laid-off, pink-slipped
- 〈船〉‘の'『荷を降ろす』;(積荷・客を)〈船〉‘から'降ろす《+『名』〈船〉+『of』+『名』〈荷〉》;(船から)〈積荷・客〉‘を'降ろす《+『名』〈荷〉+『from』+『名』〈船〉》 / (…に)…‘を'『発射する』《+『名』+『at』(『into』)+『名』》 / 〈煙・液体〉‘を'『出す』,排出する / (…から)〈人〉‘を'解放する,‘に'行くことを許す《+『名』〈人〉+『from』+『名』》 / (仕事から)〈人〉‘を'解雇する,くびにする《+『名』〈人〉+『from』+『名』》 / 〈職務・義務・約束など〉‘を'果たす,遂行する(fulfill) / 〈借金〉‘を'返済する,支払う(pay) / 〈電池など〉‘から'放電する / 〈船が〉『荷を降ろす』,荷揚げする / 〈水などが〉流れ出る,注ぐ,流出する / 〈鉄砲などが〉発射される / 放電する / 〈U〉『荷降ろし』,荷揚げ / 〈C〉発砲,発射 / 〈C〉『放出』,流出,排出;排出物 / 〈U〉解任,退出,解雇;解放,釈放 / 〈U〉(職務・義務などの)『遂行』,履行 / 〈U〉(負債の)『返済』,弁済 / 〈C〉〈U〉(電気の)放電
- shootの過去・過去分詞
- 〈C〉(…をねらった)『発砲』,発射;『銃声』《+『at』+『名』》・〈C〉殊手・〈C〉『弾丸,たま』;《集合的に》散弾・〈C〉(砲丸の投げの)砲丸・〈C〉(ロケットなどの)発射・〈U〉射程,着弾距離・〈C〉(テニス・ゴルフ・フットボール・ビリヤードなどで特に得点するための)一打ち,一けり,一突き・〈C〉写真,スナップ;(映画・テレビの)一場面 / 〈C〉《話》皮下注射(injection);種痘(しゅとう) ・〈C〉(…に対する)試み,企て《+『at』+『名』(do『ing』)》・〈C〉(…に対する)当て推量《+『at』+『名』》・〈C〉《話》(酒の)一口《+『of』+『名』》
- 玉虫色の,色が変わって見えるような織り方の;(…に)色が変化する《+『with』+『名』》 / 《補語にのみ用いて》(…が)満ち満ちた《+『through』 『with』+『名』》 / 《補語にのみ用いて》《米話》使い果たした,ぼろぼろになった / 《補語にのみ用いて》(仕事などを)切り上げる《+『of』+『名』》
- 〈U〉〈C〉(水・空気・ガス・光などが)漏れること / 〈C〉『漏れ口』,漏れ穴 / 〈C〉(秘密などの)漏えい《+『of』+『名』》 / 〈船・屋根・容器などが〉漏る / (…から,…の中へ)〈水・空気・ガス・光など〉漏れる《+『from』(『into』)+『名』》 / 〈秘密などが〉漏えいする《+『out』》 / 〈水・空気・ガス・光など〉‘を'漏らす / (…に)〈秘密など〉‘を'漏らす《+『名』+『to』+『名』》
- 〈ホルモン・樹液など〉‘を'分泌(ぶんぴつ)する
- …‘を'隠す,秘密の場所にしまう
- 〈U〉《文》(…から)外へ出ること;外へ出る権利《+『from』+『名』》 / 〈C〉《文》(…からの)出口《+『from』+『名』》
- 〈C〉分泌(ぶんぴつ)作用(過程) / 〈C〉分泌物 / 〈U〉(…を)隠すこと《+『of』+『名』》
Wikipedia preview
出典(authority):フリー百科事典『ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』「2015/08/28 16:33:54」(JST)
[Wiki ja表示]
- ディスチャージ (バンド) - イギリスのパンクバンド。
- 楽曲、アルバム
- ディスチャージ (ディスチャージのアルバム) (Discharge) - 上記バンドのアルバム。
- DISCHARGE (SIONのアルバム) - SIONのアルバム。
- ディスチャージ (山中さわおのアルバム) - 山中さわおのアルバム。
- DISCHARGE - the GazettEの曲。アルバム『NIL』に収録。
- ディスチャージヘッドランプ - 自動車や鉄道車両に用いられる前照灯の一種。
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Discharge in the context to expel or to "let go" may refer to:
- Military discharge, when a member of the armed forces is released from service
- Termination of employment, the end of an employee's duration with an employer
- Patient discharge, the formal ending of inpatient care
- Discharge (sentence), a criminal sentence where no punishment is imposed
- The act of firing a gun
- Port of discharge or delivery (POD)
Discharge in the context of a flow may refer to:
- Electric discharge:
- Discharger, an electrical device that releases stored energy
- Battery discharging
- Static discharger, a device used on airplanes to maintain use of electrical equipment
- Electrostatic discharge, sudden and momentary electric current flows between two objects
- Dielectric barrier discharge, the electrical discharge between two electrodes separated by an insulating dielectric barrier
- Corona discharge, a type of electric current
- Direct-current discharge, a plasma
- Gas-discharge lamp, a light bulb that includes a discharge gas
- Partial discharge, a temporary breakdown of electrical insulation
- Discharge (hydrology), the amount of water flowing through the channel
- Groundwater discharge, the volumetric flow rate of groundwater through an aquifer
- Effluent released into a river or sea
- Discharging method (discrete mathematics) is a proof technique in discrete mathematics
- Discharge in the sense of flow of fluids from certain parts of the body:
- Menstruation or other vaginal discharge
- Nipple discharge, the release of fluid from the nipples of the breasts
- Mucopurulent discharge, the emission or secretion of fluid containing mucus and pus
Other uses of discharge include:
- Discharge (band), British hardcore punk band
- Discharge (album), a self-titled album by released in 2002
- "Discharge", a song by Anthrax from Persistence of Time
- Bankruptcy discharge, the injunction that bars acts to enforce certain debts
- In co-counselling, the ways in which pent-up emotional hurt can be released, e.g. via crying, laughter, etc.
- Discharge petition, the process of bringing a bill out of committee to the floor for a vote without the cooperation of leadership
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English Journal
- A mathematical model of the defence mechanism of a bombardier beetle.
- James A, Morison K, Todd S.SourceBiomathematics Research Centre, University of Canterbury, , Christchurch, New Zealand.
- Journal of the Royal Society, Interface / the Royal Society.J R Soc Interface.2013 Feb 6;10(79):20120801. doi: 10.1098/rsif.2012.0801.
- Previous studies of bombardier beetles have shown that some species have a continuous discharge while others exhibit a pulsed discharge. Here, a mathematical model of the defence mechanism of the bombardier beetle is developed and the hypothesis that almost all bombardiers' defences have some sort o
- PMID 23173197
- Criteria for the Diagnosis of Noninfectious and Infectious Complications After Aneurysmal Subarachnoid Hemorrhage in DISCHARGE-1.
- Drenckhahn C, Brabetz C, Major S, Wiesenthal D, Woitzik J, Dreier JP; For the COSBID Study Group.SourceCenter for Stroke Research Berlin, Campus Charité Mitte, Charité University Medicine Berlin, Charitéplatz 1, Berlin, 10117, Germany, christoph.drenckhahn@charite.de.
- Acta neurochirurgica. Supplement.Acta Neurochir Suppl.2013;115:153-159.
- Patients with aneurysmal subarachnoid hemorrhage (aSAH) frequently develop secondary noninfectious and infectious complications that have an important impact on clinical course and outcome. We here report on criteria for the diagnosis of the most important complications after aSAH based on clinical
- PMID 22890662
- Transcranial Doppler as a Routine in the Treatment of Vasospasm Following Subarachanoid Hemorrhage (SAH).
- Simm RF, de Aguiar PH, de Oliveira Lima M, Paiva BL.SourceDivision of Neurosurgery, Department of Neurology, Santa Paula Hospital, Sao Paulo, Brazil, rfsimm@gmail.com.
- Acta neurochirurgica. Supplement.Acta Neurochir Suppl.2013;115:75-6.
- Background: Vasospasm is an important complication observed after subarachnoid hemorrhage (SAH) and is a frequent cause of mortality and morbidity. We present our routine management of vasospasm after SAH and emphasize the importance of transcranial Doppler (TCD) ultrasonography in this management.
- PMID 22890648
- Hospital management of patients with exacerbation of severe chronic obstructive pulmonary disease.
- Chmielowicz-Frontczak B, Panaszek B, Obojski A.SourceDepartment of Internal Medicine, Geriatrics and Allergology, Wroclaw Medical University, Wroclaw, Poland. bchmiel@magma-net.pl
- Advances in experimental medicine and biology.Adv Exp Med Biol.2013;755:11-7.
- The article assesses the originally developed criteria of clinical stability and treatment protocol in the hospital management and discharge procedures of patients with exacerbations of severe chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). The study included 34 patients (26 males, 8 females), aged 58
- PMID 22826044
Japanese Journal
- Mansour H. A.,Abdallah E. F.,Gaballah M. S. [他]
- International journal of GEOMATE : geotechnique, construction materials and environment 9(1・2), 1538-1544, 2015-09
- NAID 40020537630
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- 門脇 一則,森 侑司,尾崎 良太郎
- 電気学会論文誌. A, 基礎・材料・共通部門誌 = IEEJ transactions on fundamentals and materials 135(8), 473-480, 2015-08
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- 高野 光平,髙畑 純一郎,高木 浩一 [他]
- 電気学会論文誌. A, 基礎・材料・共通部門誌 = IEEJ transactions on fundamentals and materials 135(8), 467-472, 2015-08
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- 新しい雨水吐き室の遮集特性に関する実験的研究 (下水道協会誌論文集)
- 荒尾 慎司,小田 收平,小田 耕平
- 下水道協会誌 = Journal of Japan Sewage Works Association 52(634), 136-142, 2015-08
- NAID 40020555582
Related Links
- ディスチャージ(discharge)は、英語で放電、あるいは荷降ろし、解放、義務の遂行など を意味する。 ディスチャージ (バンド) - イギリスのパンクバンド。 楽曲、アルバム. ディスチャージ (ディスチャージのアルバム) (Discharge) - 上記バンドのアルバム。
- ディスチャージ(Discharge)は、イギリスのパンクバンド。1977年にストーク・オン・ トレントで、2人の兄弟、Terry "Tezz" Robert(ボーカル)とTony "Bones" Roberts( ギター)、Roy "Rainy" Wainright(ベース)、およびTony "Hacko" Axon(ドラム)によって 結成され ...
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- 英
- release、emission、discharge、ejection、extrusion、egress、release、desorb
- 関
- 駆出、退院、脱着、突出、排出、排泄物、拍出、発光、発射、分泌、娩出、放電、遊離、流出、漏出、追放、眼脂、リリース
- 関
- desorb、discharge、egress、ejection、emission、extrude、obtrusive、overhang、project、prominent、protrude、protrusion、release、salient
- 英
- efflux、outflow、runoff、efflux、discharge
- 関
- 出力、外向き電流、退院、排泄物、拍出、発射、分泌、放出、放電、漏出、流出量、眼脂
- 関
- discharge、firing、inject、injection、shoot
- 関
- diapedesis、discharge、escape、leakage