崩壊促進因子, decay-accelerating factor, decay accelerating factor
- the 4th letter of the Roman alphabet (同)d
- deuteriumの化学記号
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出典(authority):フリー百科事典『ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』「2015/05/18 22:17:19」(JST)
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- ドイチュ=アメリカニシェ・フロイントシャフト(独: DAF; Deutsch-Amerikanische Freundschaft) - ドイツの音楽ユニット
- 外国語としてのドイツ語(DaF;Deutsche als Fremdsprache)
- DAFトラック(DAF Trucks NV;Doorne's Aanhangwagen Fabriek) - オランダのトラック製造メーカー。現在は米・パッカーグループの一員
- オランダのVDLグループに属するバス車体メーカー・VDL バス インターナショナルの一ブランド
- ドイツ労働戦線 (Deutsche Arbeitsfront) - ナチス・ドイツの労働組合
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DAF may refer to:
Science, nature and technology
- Decay accelerating factor, a protein involved in the complement system
- Delayed auditory feedback, a device used to delay a person's voice to their own ear, which reduces stuttering and cluttering
- Directed attention fatigue, a neurological symptom characterized by the fatigue of the inhibitory attention system
- Dissolved air flotation (DAF), a water treatment process
- Dwarf African frog
- Dynamic amplification factor, a factor of increase of effect over a static load due a dynamic load in structural dynamics
- Daf, Iran, a village in Razavi Khorasan Province
Arts and entertainment
- Deutsch Amerikanische Freundschaft, an electropunk/NDW band from Düsseldorf
- D.A.F. (song), a song by Powderfinger
- Daf, a percussive instrument
- Diamonds Are Forever (film) the seventh official James Bond film starring Sean Connery
- Durak Army Finland, a fan club of the Finnish rock band Durak, similar to Turbojugend
Historical and military
- United States Department of the Air Force, The military department (i.e. sub-cabinet-level component organization of the Department of Defense) within which the United States Air Force is a military service.
- Desert Air Force, an RAF formation operating in North Africa during World War II
- Defectors from the French army to the ALN défecteurs de l'armée française, a faction within the Algerian army
- Deutsche Arbeitsfront or German Labour Front, the state-run amalgamated trade union organization of Nazi Germany
- Djibouti Air Force
- DAF Bus, a Netherlands-based bus builder now known as VDL Bus Chassis
- DAF Car BV, a former Dutch automobile manufacturing company, currently operating under the name VDL Nedcar
- DAF Trucks, a Dutch truck (and formerly automobile) manufacturing company
- Delivered At Frontier, a term used when goods are transported by rail and road, see Incoterms
- Deutsch als Fremdsprache (DaF), German as a foreign language see TestDaF
See also
- Daf Yomi, the daily regimen Talmud study in Judaism
UpToDate Contents
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- 1. 発作性夜間血色素尿症の病因 pathogenesis of paroxysmal nocturnal hemoglobinuria
- 2. 補体系の遺伝性疾患 inherited disorders of the complement system
- 3. 補体系の制御因子および受容体 regulators and receptors of the complement system
- 4. 母体 - 胎児接点の免疫 immunology of the maternal fetal interface
- 5. 発作性夜間血色素尿症の臨床症状および診断 clinical manifestations and diagnosis of paroxysmal nocturnal hemoglobinuria
English Journal
- Hydrothermal liquefaction of harvested high-ash low-lipid algal biomass from Dianchi Lake: Effects of operational parameters and relations of products.
- Tian C1, Liu Z2, Zhang Y3, Li B1, Cao W1, Lu H1, Duan N1, Zhang L1, Zhang T1.
- Bioresource technology.Bioresour Technol.2015 May;184:336-43. doi: 10.1016/j.biortech.2014.10.093. Epub 2014 Oct 25.
- Hydrothermal liquefaction (HTL) allows a direct conversion of algal biomass into biocrude oil, not only solving the environmental issues caused by the over-growing algae but also producing renewable energy. This study reports HTL of algae after separation from eutrophicated Dianchi Lake in China. Co
- PMID 25466998
- C. elegans as a model to study PTEN's regulation and function.
- Liu J1, Chin-Sang ID2.
- Methods (San Diego, Calif.).Methods.2015 May;77-78:180-90. doi: 10.1016/j.ymeth.2014.12.009. Epub 2014 Dec 13.
- PTEN (phosphatase and tensin homolog deleted on chromosome 10) has important roles in tumor suppression, metabolism, and development, yet its regulators, effectors, and functions are not fully understood. DAF-18 is the PTEN ortholog in Caenorhabditis elegans. DAF-18's role is highly conserved to hum
- PMID 25514044
- Changes in sugars and organic acids in wolfberry (Lycium barbarum L.) fruit during development and maturation.
- Zhao J1, Li H2, Xi W3, An W4, Niu L3, Cao Y4, Wang H5, Wang Y4, Yin Y4.
- Food chemistry.Food Chem.2015 Apr 15;173:718-24. doi: 10.1016/j.foodchem.2014.10.082. Epub 2014 Oct 23.
- Wolfberry (Lycium barbarum L.) fruits of three cultivars ('Damaye', 'Baihua' and 'Ningqi No.1') were harvested at five different ripening stages and evaluated for sugars and organic acids. Fructose, glucose and total sugar contents increased continually through development and reached their maxima a
- PMID 25466081
Japanese Journal
- Amperometric Biosensor Based on Carbon Nanotube Functionalized by Redox Plasma-Polymerized Film
- Hoshino Tatsuya,Muguruma Hitoshi
- Jpn J Appl Phys 50(8), 085202-085202-4, 2011-08-25
- … The redox PPF polymerized by a monomer of dimethlyaminomethlyferrocene (DAF) is directly deposited onto CNTs. …
- NAID 150000057749
- Kinderliteratur als Medium für den Ethikunterricht (I)
- Dobashi Takara,Marsal Eva,ドバシ タカラ,土橋 寶,マーサル エーファ
- 学校教育実践学研究 17, 59-70, 2011-03-20
- … Zum einen erschließen wir uns dadurch eine unerschöpflich Quelle von aktuellen Impulsen, die den ethischen Dialog fördern, zum anderen werden Kinder durch die gemeinsame Bearbeitung der Kinderliteratur dafür sensibilisiert, Texte auf die dahinter liegende latente Botschaft abzuklopfen. …
- NAID 120002949846
Related Links
- DAF Trucks NV is a leading commercial vehicle manufacturer in Europe, offering a complete range of trucks: the DAF XF105, CF and LF series. DAF is a wholly-owned subsidiary of PACCAR Inc.
- NHKドラマに出演する注目のイケメン俳優たちを、「5分間の映像美」で描くミニ番組。
Related Pictures

- 英
- paroxysmal nocturnal hemoglobinuria PNH
- 同
- 発作性夜間ヘモグロビン尿症 *難病 http://www.nanbyou.or.jp/sikkan/116_2_i.htm
- マルキアファーヴァ-ミケリ症候群 Marchiafava-Micheli syndrome
- 関
- 難病
- first aid step1 2006 p.187
- red urine in the morning
- 補体活性化異常、活性化経路制御分子の欠損 → 造血幹細胞レベルの異常
- 発作性夜間血色素尿症 PNH:paroxysmal nocternal hemglobulinemia
- CD55 DAF decay accelerating factor C3b,C5bの酵素阻害
- CD59 HRF homologous restriction factor MAC形成阻害
- =Protectin, Mac inhibitor
- PIG-A GPIアンカー型蛋白質の欠損
- 静脈血栓症:原因は不明。血小板膜上の補体が小胞化による補体複合体の除去を活性化する。循環中に流れ出たこのmicroparticleはホスファチジルセリンに富んでおり、血栓原性が高い。(参考1)
- 貧血、黄疸、夜間の溶血発作(血中CO2濃度の上昇が原因)
- → 正球性正色素性貧血、慢性経過で鉄が不足し小球性低色素性貧血
- 好中球アルカリフォスファターゼスコア:低値(NAPスコア:低下)
- LDH:上昇
- ハプトグロビン:減少
- 間接ビリルビン:上昇
- 慢性の血管内溶血により鉄が欠乏 → 血清鉄↓、血清フェリチン↓
- 血管内溶血によりヘム鉄は糸球体濾過されて、ヘモグロビンは尿細管で再吸収され、鉄はヘモジデリンとして尿中に排泄される。 (ポルフィリンどこいった?)
- 発作時に認められる
- ほとんどの患者で生涯にわたる支持療法(suppertive care)を受ける人が多い。(HIM.661)
- 若い患者で重症のPNHであれば同種骨髄移植を提案すべき(should be offered) (HIM.661)
- フィルターで白血球を除去した赤血球製剤を使用。伝統的に溶血を引き起こすwhite cell reaction(白血球に対する抗HLA抗体による抗原抗体反応、のこと?)を防止するために洗浄赤血球が用いられてきたが、これは無駄である。(HIM.661)(also see. 参考2)
- 葉酸
- 鉄剤
- 補体成分C5に対するヒト化モノクローナル抗体 エクリズマブ eclizumab
- ×
- 1. [charged] Clinical manifestations of paroxysmal nocturnal hemoglobinuria - uptodate [1]
- 2. [charged] Diagnosis and treatment of paroxysmal nocturnal hemoglobinuria - uptodate [2]
- 同
- CD35
- 同
- cell-surface complement receptor type 1(IMM.71)
- 関
- complement-regulatory protein
- DAFとMCPと同じ作用(IMM.71)
- C3 convertaseの形成を抑制(IMM.71)
- C3を不活性産物(iC3b)に変換(IMM.71)
- 英
- decay-accelerating factor, decay accelerating factor, DAF
- 同
- CD55抗原、CD55
- 関
- CD59、発作性夜間血色素尿症
崩壊促進因子, DAF, decay-accelerating factor
- 同
- decay-accelerating factor