- 関
- confer、donate、donation、feed、give、inflict、offer、offering、preparation、prepare、provision、render、shed、supply
- take measures in preparation for; "provide for the proper care of the passengers on the cruise ship"
- supply means of subsistence; earn a living; "He provides for his large family by working three jobs"; "Women nowadays not only take care of the household but also bring home the bacon" (同)bring home the bacon
- give what is desired or needed, especially support, food or sustenance; "The hostess provided lunch for all the guests" (同)supply, ply, cater
- determine (what is to happen in certain contingencies), especially by including a proviso condition or stipulation; "The will provides that each child should receive half of the money"; "The Constitution provides for the right to free speech"
- transfer possession of something concrete or abstract to somebody; "I gave her my money"; "can you give me lessons?"; "She gave the children lots of love and tender loving care"
- consent to engage in sexual intercourse with a man; "She gave herself to many men"
- occur; "what gives?"
- proffer (a body part); "She gave her hand to her little sister"
- the elasticity of something that can be stretched and returns to its original length (同)spring, springiness
- give or convey physically; "She gave him First Aid"; "I gave him a punch in the nose" (同)apply
- give entirely to a specific person, activity, or cause; "She committed herself to the work of God"; "give ones talents to a good cause"; "consecrate your life to the church" (同)dedicate, consecrate, commit, devote
- give as a present; make a gift of; "What will you give her for her birthday?" (同)gift, present
- convey, as of a compliment, regards, attention, etc.; bestow; "Dont pay him any mind"; "give the orders"; "Give him my best regards"; "pay attention" (同)pay
- dedicate; "give thought to"; "give priority to"; "pay attention to" (同)pay, devote
- bestow; "give homage"; "render thanks" (同)render
- convey or communicate; of a smile, a look, a physical gesture; "Throw a glance"; "She gave me a dirty look" (同)throw
- be flexible under stress of physical force; "This material doesnt give" (同)yield
- cause to happen or be responsible for; "His two singles gave the team the victory" (同)yield
- accord by verdict; "give a decision for the plaintiff"
- allow to have or take; "I give you two minutes to respond"
- cause to have, in the abstract sense or physical sense; "She gave him a black eye"; "The draft gave me a cold"
- convey or reveal information; "Give ones name"
- deliver in exchange or recompense; "Ill give you three books for four CDs"
- emit or utter; "Give a gulp"; "give a yelp"
- estimate the duration or outcome of something; "He gave the patient three months to live"; "I gave him a very good chance at success"
- execute and deliver; "Give bond"
- give (as medicine); "I gave him the drug"
- guide or direct, as by behavior of persuasion; "You gave me to think that you agreed with me"
- inflict as a punishment; "She gave the boy a good spanking"; "The judge gave me 10 years"
- leave with; give temporarily; "Can I give you my keys while I go in the pool?"; "Can I give you the children for the weekend?"
- manifest or show; "This student gives promise of real creativity"; "The office gave evidence of tampering"
- offer in good faith; "He gave her his word"
- perform for an audience; "Pollini is giving another concert in New York"
- present to view; "He gave the sign to start"
- propose; "He gave the first of many toasts at the birthday party"
- submit for consideration, judgment, or use; "give ones opinion"; "give an excuse"
- threaten to do something; "I offered to leave the committee if they did not accept my proposal"
- something offered (as a proposal or bid); "noteworthy new offerings for investors included several index funds" (同)offering
- the verbal act of offering; "a generous offer of assistance" (同)offering
- propose a payment; "The Swiss dealer offered $2 million for the painting" (同)bid, tender
- offer verbally; "extend my greetings"; "He offered his sympathy" (同)extend
- present as an act of worship; "offer prayers to the gods" (同)offer up
- present for acceptance or rejection; "She offered us all a cold drink" (同)proffer
- make available for sale; "The stores are offering specials on sweaters this week"
- make available or accessible, provide or furnish; "The conference center offers a health spa"; "The hotel offers private meeting rooms"
- produce or introduce on the stage; "The Shakespeare Company is offering `King Lear this month"
- put forward for consideration; "He offered his opinion"
- support or promote; "His admiration fed her vanity"
- introduce continuously; "feed carrots into a food processor" (同)feed in
- food for domestic livestock (同)provender
- take in food; used of animals only; "This dog doesnt eat certain kinds of meat"; "What do whales eat?" (同)eat
- gratify; "feed ones eyes on a gorgeous view" (同)feast
- give food to; "Feed the starving children in India"; "dont give the child this tough meat" (同)give
- feed into; supply; "Her success feeds her vanity"
- provide as food; "Feed the guests the nuts"
- serve as food for; be the food for; "This dish feeds six"
- coat with plastic or cement; "render the brick walls in the den"
- a substance similar to stucco but exclusively applied to masonry walls
- cause to become; "The shot rendered her immobile"
- pass down; "render a verdict"; "deliver a judgment" (同)deliver, return
- give back; "render money" (同)return
- make over as a return; "They had to render the estate" (同)submit
- give or supply; "The cow brings in 5 liters of milk"; "This years crop yielded 1,000 bushels of corn"; "The estate renders some revenue for the family" (同)yield, return, give, generate
- give something useful or necessary to; "We provided the room with an electrical heater" (同)provide, render, furnish
- an amount of something available for use
- offering goods and services for sale
- get rid of; "he shed his image as a pushy boss"; "shed your clothes" (同)cast, cast_off, shake_off, throw, throw off, throw away, drop
- cast off hair, skin, horn, or feathers; "our dog sheds every Spring" (同)molt, exuviate, moult, slough
- an outbuilding with a single story; used for shelter or storage
- a manifestation of Gods foresightful care for his creatures
- the guardianship and control exercised by a deity; "divine providence"
- the prudence and care exercised by someone in the management of resources
- relating to or characteristic of providence; "assumption that nature operates only according to a providential plan"- M.R.Cohen
- resulting from divine providence; "providential care"; "a providential visitation" (同)divine
- in a providential manner; as determined by providence; "his providentially destined role"
- in a fortunately providential manner; "providentially the weather remained good"
- in a provident manner; "providently, he had saved up some money for emergencies"
- without income or means; "left his family unprovided for"
- …‘を'『供給する』,提供する,与える / 《『provide』+『that』『節』》(法律などで)…‘と'『規定する』 / (将来の安全・災害などに)『備える』,用意する / (家族などを)扶養する《+『for』+『名』》
- (無償で)〈物〉‘を'『与える』,あげる,贈る,提供する / 〈物〉‘を'『渡す』,手渡す(hand over) / 〈代金〉‘を'『支払う』 / 《抽象的なことを目的語にして》…‘を'『与える』,授ける,出す / 《『give』+『名』〈間〉+『名』〈直〉》…‘に'〈体の一部〉‘を'差し出す / …‘を'供給する;…‘を'生ずる,もたらす / 〈数量・兆候など〉‘を'示す / 《特に短い動作を表す名詞を目的語にしてgive a~の形で》…する / 〈会など〉‘を'催す,開く;〈劇など〉‘を'上演する / (…のために)…‘を'ささげる《+『名』+『for』(『to』)+『名』》 / (…に)〈努力・注意など〉‘を'向ける,注ぐ《+『名』+『to』+『名』》 / 《『give』+『名』+『to』do》…‘に'(…)させる / (…に)『物を与える』,寄付する《+『to』+『名』》 / 力に屈する,妥協する / (力を受けて)へこむ,たわむ;つぶれる / (材料などの)弾力性;(性格などの)順応性,協調性
- …‘を'『申し出る』,すすめる,提供する / …‘を'『企てる』 / (品物に)〈値段〉‘を'つける《+『名』〈値段〉+『for』+『名』〈品物〉》 / (ある金額で)…‘を'売りに出す《+『名』+『for』+『名』〈金額〉》 / (神に)…‘を'ささげる《+『up』+『名』+『to』+『名』》 / 〈機会などが〉現れる,起こる(occur) / (神に)ささげ物(祈り)をささげる / (女性に)求婚する / 『申し出』,提案 / 付け値
- 〈人・動物〉‘に'『食物を与える』,‘を'養う;《英》(…で)〈人・動物〉‘を'育てる,飼育する《+『名』+『on』+『名』》 / 《米》(人・動物に)〈食物〉‘を'与える《+『名』+『to』+『名』》 / 〈食物ず〉…‘の'食事となる,‘を'まかなう / (必要なものを)…‘に'供給する《+『名』+『with』+『名』》 / (…に)〈必要なもの〉‘を'供給する,送り込む《+『名』+『into』(『to』)+『名』》 / 〈動物が〉食へる,《話》〈人が〉食べる / 〈U〉『飼料』,えさ;〈C〉1回分の飼料 / 〈C〉《話》《単数形て》食事;ごちそう
- 《『render』+『名』〈目〉+『形』〈補〉》…‘を'(…の状態に)『する』)make) / …‘を'行う,果たす / (…に対して)…‘を'返す《+『名』+『for』+『名』》 / '‘を'公式に宣言する,言い渡す / (…に)〈計算書など〉‘を'提出する,送付する《+『名』+『to』+『名』》 / (文章や絵画で)…‘を'表現する / (…に)…‘を'翻訳する(translate)《+『名』+『into』+『名』》 / ‘を'演奏する,演ずる(perform) / 〈脂肪など〉‘を'溶かす,溶かして精製する《+『名』+『down,』+『down』+『名』》
- (…に)〈不足物・必要物〉を『供給する』,与える《+名+to(for)+名》 / (不足物・必要物を)〈人・物〉‘に'『供給する』《+名+with+名》;(…に)…‘を'供給する《+名+to+名》 / 〈損害・不足など〉‘を'補う,埋め合わせる,〈必要など〉‘を'満たす / 〈U〉(…の)『供給』,支給《+of+名》 / 〈C〉《単数形で》(…の)『供給量』,在庫量,蓄え《+of+名》 / 《複数形で》(軍隊・探検隊などの)糧食,補給品 / 〈U〉(需要に対する)供給 / 《複数形で》必要品
- しなやかに,柔軟に
- 〈血・液など〉‘を'『流す』,こぼす / 〈葉・毛・外皮など〉‘を'『自然に落とす』;〈衣服〉‘を'脱ぐ / 〈光・香りなど〉‘を'放つ / 〈布などが〉〈水〉‘を'はじく,通さない / 〈動物などが〉脱毛する,脱皮する / 〈葉が〉落ちる
- (物をしまうための)『納屋』,物置;(風雨よけの)…置き場,小屋
- 《しばしばP-》神意,摂理 / 《P-》(God) / 《米》《英古》将来に対する配慮
- 神慮の,神意による / 神の助けのような,幸運な(lucky)
- もし…ならば,…という条件で
- =provided
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English Journal
- Pain management mini-series part III. Procedural sedation for the non-anesthesia provider.
- Johnson QL, Borsheski R.SourceDepartment of Anesthesiology and Perioperative Medicine, University of Missouri, USA. johnsonql@health.missouri.edu
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- Benedé S, López-Expósito I, Giménez G, Grishina G, Bardina L, Sampson HA, Molina E, López-Fandiño R.SourceInstituto de Investigación en Ciencias de la Alimentación (CIAL), CSIC-UAM, Madrid, Spain.
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- Developing an effective means to reduce 5-hydroxymethyl-2-furfural from caramel colour.
- Guan Y, Chen M, Yu S, Tang Q, Yan H.SourceCollege of Light Industry and Food Sciences, South China University of Technology, Guangzhou 510640, China.
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- Team-based learning instruction for responsible conduct of research positively impacts ethical decision-making.
- McCormack WT, Garvan CW.Sourcea Department of Pathology, Immunology, and Laboratory Medicine , University of Florida College of Medicine , Gainesville , Florida , USA.
- Accountability in research.Account Res.2014;21(1):34-49. doi: 10.1080/08989621.2013.822267.
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Japanese Journal
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- (諾否は相手に任せて)差し出す、提供する、申し出る、持ちかける。(~しようと)申し出る(to do)。結婚を申し込む、求婚する(oneself)。提出する、提議/提案する。(手などを)差し出す/伸べる。
- (商)(ある値で商品を)売り出す。(アルキン額を)払うと申し出る(for)
- (神などに)(祈り・生け贄などを)ささげる、そなえる(up)
- (大学などが科目などを)設ける、開講する。(学生が科目などを)届け出る、申請する
- 提示する、表す(present)。上演する、展示する。(抵抗などの)の気勢を示す
- ~しようとする、企てる(attempt, threaten)(to do)
- 関
- advise、application、donate、donation、offering、provide、provision、recommend
- 関
- arrange、arrangement、authentic preparation、authentic sample、dosage、drug product、formulation、prep、preparatory、prepare、preparedness、procedure、provide、reserve、sample、specimen
- 供給、支給。支給量。(pl)糧食、食料(の蓄え)、貯蔵品
- 用意、準備、設備(for,against)
- (法)規定、条款。(法)条項。但し書き
- 関
- donate、donation、offer、offering、provide、supply
- 関
- arrange、arrangement、construct、construction、create、generate、prep、preparation、preparatory、preparedness、produce、provide、reserve
- 関
- bait、confer、eating、feeding、give、inflict、nourish、provide、render、shed
- 関
- donor、health care provider
- 関
- provider
- 関
- provided
- (~that…の形で)~との条件で、もし~とすれば