- …‘を'申し出る,提出する / 申し出,提供
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Evidence |
Part of the common law series |
Types of evidence |
- Testimony
- Documentary
- Real (physical)
- Digital
- Exculpatory
- Inculpatory
- Demonstrative
- Eyewitness identification
- Genetic (DNA)
- Lies
Relevance |
- Burden of proof
- Laying a foundation
- Materiality
- Public policy exclusions
- Spoliation
- Character
- Habit
- Similar fact
Authentication |
- Chain of custody
- Judicial notice
- Best evidence rule
- Self-authenticating document
- Ancient document
- Hague Evidence Convention
Witnesses |
- Competence
- Privilege
- Direct examination
- Cross-examination
- Redirect
- Impeachment
- Recorded recollection
- Expert witness
- Dead Man's Statute
Hearsay and exceptions |
- in English law
- in United States law
- Confessions
- Business records
- Excited utterance
- Dying declaration
- Party admission
- Ancient document
- Declaration against interest
- Present sense impression
- Res gestae
- Learned treatise
- Implied assertion
Other common law areas |
- Contract
- Tort
- Property
- Wills, trusts and estates
- Criminal law
- For the agreement between prosecutor and defendant, see proffer letter.
A proffer is an offer made prior to any formal negotiations.
In a trial, to proffer (sometimes profer) is to offer evidence in support of an argument, or elements of an affirmative defense or offense. A party with the burden of proof must proffer sufficient evidence to carry that burden. For example, in support of a particular argument, a party may proffer documentary evidence or witnesses.
Where a party is denied the right to introduce evidence because that evidence would be inflammatory, hearsay, or would lack sufficient authentication, that party must make a proffer of what the evidence would have shown in order to preserve the issue for appeal.
As in business, a proffer can be a sign of "good faith" a first offer or proposal, to show a willingness to "barter".
- see good faith bargaining, barter.
The word proffer is derived from Anglo-French "por-", forth, and offrir, to offer.[1]
See also
- Due process
- Offer of proof
- Jury trial
- Preliminary hearing
- Trial by ordeal
- Unofficial hearing
- ^ "Definition of proffer from the Merriam-Webster dictionary". Retrieved 2009-08-25.
English Journal
- 'How to stop a nosebleed': an assessment of the quality of epistaxis treatment advice on YouTube.
- Haymes AT1, Harries V2.
- The Journal of laryngology and otology.J Laryngol Otol.2016 Aug;130(8):749-54. doi: 10.1017/S0022215116008410. Epub 2016 Jun 27.
- OBJECTIVE: Video hosting websites are increasingly being used to disseminate health education messages. This study aimed to assess the quality of advice contained within YouTube videos on the conservative management of epistaxis.METHOD: was searched using the phrase 'how to stop a nosebl
- PMID 27345303
- Celery root extract as an inducer of mania induction in a patient on venlafaxine and St John's Wort.
- Khalid Z1, Osuagwu FC1, Shah B2, Roy N1, Dillon JE1, Bradley R1.
- Postgraduate medicine.Postgrad Med.2016 Jul 27. [Epub ahead of print]
- Celery root belongs to a group of plants classified as the umbelliferous family, which contains phytoestrogens. Phytoestrogens are structurally similar to estrogen as they share a pair of hydroxyl groups and phenolic ring, which enables them to bind to estrogen receptors directly, making them a herb
- PMID 27467225
- Synthesis of zeolite A from coal fly ash using ultrasonic treatment--A replacement for fusion step.
- Ojumu TV1, Du Plessis PW2, Petrik LF3.
- Ultrasonics sonochemistry.Ultrason Sonochem.2016 Jul;31:342-9. doi: 10.1016/j.ultsonch.2016.01.016. Epub 2016 Jan 16.
- The synthesis of zeolites from fly ash has become an increasingly promising remedy to the crisis of coal fly ash production and disposal in South Africa. In recent studies, South African fly ash was proven to be a suitable feedstock for the synthesis of essential industrially used zeolite A. However
- PMID 26964958
Japanese Journal
- 三宅 典恵,岡本 百合,仙谷 倫子 [他]
- 総合保健科学 28, 9-13, 2012-03
- … Our study suggested that further efforts aim to proffer the information of eating disorders and to improve mental health services. …
- NAID 40019234438
- Magnetic Transitions of Multiferroic Frustrated Magnets Revealed by Resonant Soft X-ray Magnetic Scattering
- Huang Di-Jing,Okamoto Jun,Huang Shih-Wen,Mou Chung-Yu
- Journal of the Physical Society of Japan 79(1), 011009-011009-9, 2010-01-15
- … We proffer scattering evidence of multiferroicity and a pathway for understanding the intricate coupling between magnetism and ferroelectricity in magnets with spin spirals. …
- NAID 150000089127
- 肢体不自由者支援技術研究のレビューと将来への展望(支援技術研究のレビューと将来への展望)
- 伊藤 和幸
- 電子情報通信学会技術研究報告. WIT, 福祉情報工学 109(358), 73-78, 2010-01-01
- 肢体不自由者が直面する問題には,大まかには移動に関する問題とコミュニケーションに関する問題が存在し,本レビューでは後者を取り上げる.脳性まひ者や進行性筋ジストロフィー患者,ALS(筋萎縮性側索硬化症)患者等全身性の運動機能障害がある場合には,言葉の発声,文字の書字等の直接的なコミュニケーション手段をとることが困難であり,自らの意思を如何に伝達するか,ということが問題となる.その際,わずかな身体機能 …
- NAID 110007867141
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- Full Definition of PROFFER: to present for acceptance : tender, offer Examples of PROFFER He proffered advice on how best to proceed. <proffered his assistance in helping the two sides reach a compromise> Origin of PROFFER ...
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