- having one or more incisions reaching nearly to the midrib (同)dissected
- a split or indentation in something (as the palate or chin)
- a musical notation written on a staff indicating the pitch of the notes following it
- of or relating to the throat; "pharyngeal fricatives"
- cleaveの過去・過去分詞 / (地面・岩などの)裂け目,割れ目,ひび
- (楽譜の五線上の最初に付ける)音部記号
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出典(authority):フリー百科事典『ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』「2014/11/25 00:54:06」(JST)
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Pharyngeal groove |
Pattern of the branchial arches. I-IV branchial arches, 1-4 pharyngeal pouches (inside) and/or pharyngeal grooves (outside)
a Tuberculum laterale
b Tuberculum impar
c Foramen cecum
d Ductus thyreoglossus
e Sinus cervicalis
Details |
Latin |
sulcus pharyngei |
Identifiers |
Gray's |
p.65 |
Code |
TE E5. |
Anatomical terminology |
A pharyngeal groove (or branchial groove, or pharyngeal cleft[1]) is made up of ectoderm unlike its counterpart the pharyngeal pouch on the endodermal side.
The first pharyngeal groove produces the external auditory meatus (ear canal).[2] The rest (2, 3, and 4) are overlapped by the growing 2nd pharyngeal arch, and form the floor of the depression termed the cervical sinus, which opens ventrally, and is finally obliterated.
See also
- ^ "musom.marshall.edu". Retrieved 2009-05-28.
- ^ http://isc.temple.edu/marino/embryology/parch98/ARCHI97/Img016.gif
External links
- Pharyngeal+groove at eMedicine Dictionary
- http://isc.temple.edu/marino/embryology/parch98/parch_text.htm
Human development of head and neck (GA 1.65, TE E5.3, 5.4)
Face |
- Nasal placode
- Nasal pit
- nasal prominences
- Intermaxillary segment
- Frontonasal prominence
- Maxillary prominence
- Mandibular prominence
Oral cavity |
Palate |
- Primary palate
- Secondary palate
Tongue |
- Lateral lingual swelling
- Tuberculum impar
- Copula linguae
- Hypopharyngeal eminence
- Gustatory placode
branchial apparatus |
- Pharyngeal groove
- Pharyngeal arch
- Pharyngeal pouch
noco/cofa (c)/cogi/tumr, sysi
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English Journal
- Radiation exposure from videofluoroscopic swallow studies in children with a type 1 laryngeal cleft and pharyngeal dysphagia: A retrospective review.
- Hersh C1, Wentland C2, Sally S3, de Stadler M4, Hardy S5, Fracchia MS6, Liu B7, Hartnick C8.
- International journal of pediatric otorhinolaryngology.Int J Pediatr Otorhinolaryngol.2016 Oct;89:92-6. doi: 10.1016/j.ijporl.2016.07.032. Epub 2016 Jul 26.
- INTRODUCTION: Radiation exposure is recognized as having long term consequences, resulting in increased risks over the lifetime. Children, in particular, have a projected lifetime risk of cancer, which should be reduced if within our capacity. The objective of this study is to quantify the amount of
- PMID 27619036
- Developmental origin of the clavicle, and its implications for the evolution of the neck and the paired appendages in vertebrates.
- Nagashima H1, Sugahara F2, Watanabe K1, Shibata M3, Chiba A1, Sato N1.
- Journal of anatomy.J Anat.2016 Oct;229(4):536-48. doi: 10.1111/joa.12502. Epub 2016 Jun 9.
- In fish, the pectoral appendage is adjacent to the head, but during vertebrate evolution a long neck region emerged via caudal relocation of the pectoral appendage. The pectoral appendage is comprised of endochondral portions, such as the humerus and the scapula, and a dermal portion, such as the cl
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- Selected Case From the Arkadi M. Rywlin International Pathology Slide Seminar: Benign Warthin Tumor of the Thyroid.
- Peckova K1, Daum O, Michal M, Curcikova R, Michal M.
- Advances in anatomic pathology.Adv Anat Pathol.2016 Sep;23(5):339-42. doi: 10.1097/PAP.0000000000000123.
- We report on an exceedingly rare lesion of the thyroid probably of a branchial cleft origin, which was not published in the world literature before. A 58-year-old woman underwent a total thyroidectomy for bilateral goiter. Grossly, there was one yellowish nodule sized 15 mm in the largest dimension
- PMID 27438374
Japanese Journal
- 二段階口蓋形成手術を施行した唇顎口蓋裂症例の言語成績:―4歳時および5歳時の評価―
- 曾我部 いづみ,三古谷 忠,澁川 統代子,今井 智子,石川 愛,松沢 祐介,伊藤 裕美,松岡 真琴,山本 栄治,金子 知生,道田 智宏,鄭 漢忠
- 日本口蓋裂学会雑誌 39(1), 7-16, 2014
- 【目的】北海道大学病院高次口腔医療センターではHotz床併用二段階口蓋形成手術を行ってきたが,2003年11月より初回手術に修正を加えFurlow法による軟口蓋閉鎖とともに硬口蓋後方1/2までを閉鎖する術式とした。その言語成績を検討した。【対象と方法】二段階口蓋形成手術法の初回手術を施行した片側ならびに両側唇顎口蓋裂の連続症例39例である。術後,硬口蓋未閉鎖部に閉鎖床を装用したものは39例中18例 …
- NAID 130004567683
- 國吉 京子,山本 一郎,楠本 健司
- 日本口蓋裂学会雑誌 38(1), 62-70, 2013
- … 今回は口蓋裂言語(Cleft Palate Speech)にたいするSTとしてのこだわりを以下のように報告した。 …
- NAID 130004885960
- 習慣性いびきを有する片側性唇顎口蓋裂児の顎顔面形態と気道形態との関連
- 吉川 紀之,小林 聡,川島 成人,真野 樹子,桃井 知子,新井 美月,駒沢 大悟,鐘ヶ江 晴秀
- Orthodontic waves : 日本矯正歯科学会雑誌 70(3), 165-172, 2011-10-25
- 本学矯正歯科を受診した患者のうち片側性唇顎口蓋裂の患児でいびきを有するもの,片側性唇顎口蓋裂患児でいびきがないもの,健常児患者,閉塞性睡眠時無呼吸を有する子供の側面頭部X線規格写真を用い,はじめに顎顔面形態および気道形態に関する各項目における4群の検定を行い計測項目の抽出を行った.次に,抽出された顎顔面形態と気道形態の相関を各群内にて検討した.抽出された顎顔面形態と気道形態の相関およびその有意性の …
- NAID 110008913785
Related Links
- A pharyngeal groove (or branchial groove, or pharyngeal cleft) is the counterpart of the branchial pouch on the ... The rest (2, 3, and 4) are overlapped by the growing 2nd pharyngeal arch, and form the floor of the depression termed the ...
- In the development of vertebrate animals, the pharyngeal arches (which develop into the branchial arches or gill arches in fish) are anlage for a multitude of structures. In humans, they develop during the fourth week in utero as a series of ...
Related Pictures

- 英
- branchial arch
- 同
- 咽頭弓 pharyngeal arch
- 関
- 鰓嚢、咽頭嚢
- first aid step1 2006 p.122
- 英
- branchial cleft
- 同
- 咽頭溝 pharyngeal cleft
- 関
- [[]]
- 関
- crevice、crevicular、gap、interstice
- 関
- pharynx、throat