- 遊離の、遊離型の、自由な、無料の、フリーの、取り除く、(接尾辞的に用いて;~を)含まない
- 関
- ad lib、ad libitum、deprive、disengage、free form、free of charge、freedom、freely、liberate、liberation、obviate、omit、release、remove、strip、withdraw
- unconstrained or not chemically bound in a molecule or not fixed and capable of relatively unrestricted motion; "free expansion"; "free oxygen"; "a free electron"
- people who are free; "the home of the free and the brave" (同)free people
- free from obligations or duties (同)discharge
- free or remove obstruction from; "free a path across the cluttered floor" (同)disengage
- grant freedom to; free from confinement (同)liberate, release, unloose, unloosen, loose
- not literal; "a loose interpretation of what she had been told"; "a free translation of the poem" (同)loose, liberal
- make (information) available for publication; "release the list with the names of the prisoners" (同)release
- able to act at will; not hampered; not under compulsion or restraint; "free enterprise"; "a free port"; "a free country"; "I have an hour free"; "free will"; "free of racism"; "feel free to stay as long as you wish"; "a free choice"
- not held in servitude; "after the Civil War he was a free man"
- not occupied or in use; "a free locker"; "a free lane"
- remove from a position or an office
- remove something concrete, as by lifting, pushing, or taking off, or remove something abstract; "remove a threat"; "remove a wrapper"; "Remove the dirty dishes from the table"; "take the gun from your pocket"; "This machine withdraws heat from the environment" (同)take, take_away, withdraw
- degree of figurative distance or separation; "just one remove from madness" or "it imitates at many removes a Shakespearean tragedy";
- get rid of something abstract; "The death of her mother removed the last obstacle to their marriage"; "God takes away your sins" (同)take_away
- shift the position or location of, as for business, legal, educational, or military purposes; "He removed his children to the countryside"; "Remove the troops to the forest surrounding the city"; "remove a case to another court" (同)transfer
- pull back or move away or backward; "The enemy withdrew"; "The limo pulled away from the curb" (同)retreat, pull away, draw back, recede, pull_back, retire, move back
- remove (a commodity) from (a supply source); "She drew $2,000 from the account"; "The doctors drew medical supplies from the hospitals emergency bank" (同)draw, take_out, draw_off
- keep from having, keeping, or obtaining
- take away (同)impoverish
- take away possessions from someone; "The Nazis stripped the Jews of all their assets" (同)strip, divest
- release from something that holds fast, connects, or entangles; "I want to disengage myself from his influence"; "disengage the gears" (同)withdraw
- become free; "in neutral, the gears disengage"
- the condition of being free; the power to act or speak or think without externally imposed restraints
- (束縛された状態になく)『自由な』,自由の身の / (国家・国民などが)『独立している』 / (思想・行為などが)強制されない,自発的な / (動作が)拘束されない,無理のない / 《補語にのみ用いて》(苦痛・制約などを)『免れている』,(誤り・偏見などの)ない《+『from』(『of』)+『名』》 / 《補語にのみ用いて》《『be free to』do》『自由に』…『できる』 / (仕事から)解放された,暇になった;(部屋などが)使用されていない,空いた / 『無料の』;無税の / 出し惜しみしない / 遠慮のない,慎みがない / (道路などが)障害のない,自由に通れる / 固定していない,離れた / 無料で / 自由に,妨げられずに(freely) / (…から)〈人・国など〉‘を'『自由にする』,解放する《+『名』+『from』+『名』》 / (困難などから)〈人〉‘を'救う《+『名』+『form』+『名』》 / (障害などを)〈人・物〉‘から'取り除く《+『名』+『of』(『from』)+『名』》 / (物を)…‘から'片付ける,外す《+『名』+『of』+『名』》
- (…から)…‘を'『取り去る』,持ち去る・(…へ)旨‘を'『移す』,移転させる《+『名』+『to』+『名』》 / (…から)〈人〉‘を'解任する,追い出す《+『名』+『from』+『名』》 / (…べ)移る,移転する《+『to』+『名』》 / (…との)距離,隔り《+『from』+『名』》
- (…から)…‘を'『引っ込める』《+名+from+名》 / (…から)…‘の'身を引かせる,‘を'退かせる《+名+from+名》 / (…から)…‘を'引き出す,回収する《+名+from+名》 / 〈申し出・約束など〉‘を'取り消す,撤回する / 『引き下がる』;(…から,…へ)退く《+from(into)+名》 / (…から)身を引く《+from+名(doing)》 / よける,身をかわす / 取り消す,撤回する
- (所有しているものを)〈人〉‘から'『奪う』《+『名』〈人〉+『of』+『名』》
- …‘を'解き放す;(束縛・義務から)…‘を'解放する《+『名』+『from』(『of』)+『名』》
- 〈U〉〈C〉『自由』 / 〈U〉〈C〉(束縛・義務・不安などからの)『解放』,免除《+『from』+『名』》 / 〈U〉自由自在,のびのびしていること〈C〉なれなれしさ,無遠慮 / 《the~》(市民権・会員権などの)権利享有権(権物などへの)出入りの自由,(…の)自由使用権《+『of』+『名』》
Wikipedia preview
出典(authority):フリー百科事典『ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』「2014/02/04 11:20:48」(JST)
[Wiki ja表示]
- フリーランス(freelance)またはフリーランサー(freelancer)の略のこと。会社や組織に所属したり専属契約を結んでいない人のこと。
- フリーアナウンサー、フリージャーナリストという呼び方でも使う。
- 騎手においてはどこの厩舎にも所属していない騎手のこと。騎手の項目を参照。
- 交際している恋人のいない状態を指すスラング。若者言葉の1つ。
- フリー (バンド) - ブルースを指向するミュージシャンによって結成されたイギリスのロックバンド。
- ノルディックスキー・クロスカントリースキーの走法の一つ。
- フリーウェア - 無償で利用できるソフトウェア。
- 著作権、特許権などの知的財産権が消滅し、または知的財産権の保有者から許諾が得られていることによって、不特定多数の第三者が著作物や発明などの権利の対象物を自由に利用できる状態。以下を参照。
- フリーコンテント
- フリーソフトウェア
- 著作権フリー
- FREE (玉木宏の曲) - 玉木宏のシングル。
- FREE (ERIKAの曲) - ERIKAのシングル。
- FREE (丹下桜の曲) - 丹下桜のシングル。
- FREE - 清木場俊介の楽曲。アルバム『Rockin' the Door』収録曲。
- フリー(ワーシップソング) - ノア・ミュージック・ミニストリーのシングル。
- free - mallocで確保したメモリを解放するための標準Cライブラリ関数。→mallocを参照のこと。
- Free! - GANによる日本の4コマ漫画作品。
- Free! ‐ 京都アニメーションによる日本のTVアニメ作品。
- フリー (ミュージシャン) - レッド・ホット・チリ・ペッパーズのベーシスト。
- フリーマーケット (蚤の市)
このページは曖昧さ回避のためのページです。一つの語句が複数の意味・職能を有する場合の水先案内のために、異なる用法を一覧にしてあります。お探しの用語に一番近い記事を選んで下さい。このページへリンクしているページを見つけたら、リンクを適切な項目に張り替えて下さい。 |
[Wiki en表示]
Free may refer to:
- Political freedom
- Economic freedom
- Something given or supplied without payment (gratis)
- Gratis versus Libre, the distinction between the two meanings above
Free may also refer to:
- 1 Media
- 2 Arts and philosophy
- 3 Computing
- 4 Mathematics
- 5 Music
- 5.1 Performers
- 5.2 Albums
- 5.3 Songs
- 6 Organizations
- 7 Public services
- 8 Other uses
- 9 See also
- Free: The Future of a Radical Price, 2009 book by Chris Anderson
- Free (film), a 2001 dramedy
- Free! (anime), a 2013 anime television series
- "Free" (Desperate Housewives), a television episode
Arts and philosophy[edit]
- Freedom (disambiguation)
- Free, to emancipate, to obtain political rights (usually for a disenfranchised group)
- Free, a pseudonym for the activist and writer Abbie Hoffman
- Free content, content without significant legal usability restrictions
- Free will, control exercised by rational agents over their actions and decisions
- Free (programming), a function that releases dynamically allocated memory for reuse
- Freefont, an open font project
- Free format, a file format which can be used without restrictions
- Free software, software usable and distributable with few restrictions and no payment
- Freeware, a broader class of software available at no cost
- Full Reactive Eyes Entertainment, a video game genre as implemented in the game Shenmue
- Free object
- Free abelian group
- Free algebra
- Free group
- Free module
- Free semigroup
- Free variable
- Free (band), an English rock band
- Free (rapper), an American rapper
- The Free, a German euro house band
- Free, a member of the American band FreeSol
- Free (Airto album)
- Free (Jann Arden album)
- Free (Rick Astley album)
- Free (Bonfire album)
- Free (Concrete Blonde album)
- Free (Dana International album)
- Free (Chico DeBarge album)
- Free (Gavin DeGraw album)
- Free (For Real album)
- Free (Free album), self-titled album
- Free (David Garrett album)
- Free (Benny Golson album)
- Free (Brad Johner album)
- Free (Libera album)
- Free (Mao Abe album)
- Free (Marcus Miller album), or its title song
- Free (Negativland album)
- Free (OSI album), or its title song
- Free (The Party album)
- Free (Twin Atlantic album)
- Free (Planetshakers album)
- Free (Rivermaya album)
- Free (Kate Ryan album)
- Free (Stone album), live recording
- Free (Kierra Sheard album)
- Free (Virtue album)
- Free..., an EP by Acid King, or its title song
- free*, an album by Jim's Big Ego
- "Free" (Chicago song)
- "Free" (Deniece Williams song)
- "Free" (Erika song)
- "Free" (Estelle song)
- "Free" (Haley Rinehart song)
- "Free" (Mao Abe song)
- "Free" (Mýa song)
- "Free" (Natalia Kills song)
- "Free" (Sarah Brightman song)
- "Free" (Stryper song)
- "Free" (Train song)
- "Free" (Ultra Naté song)
- "Free" (Zac Brown Band song)
- "Free", by Alesha Dixon from Fired Up
- "Free", by Blue October UK from One Day Silver, One Day Gold
- "Free", by The Cars from Move Like This
- "Free", by Cat Power from You Are Free
- "Free", by DJ Quicksilver
- "Free", by Dani Harmer
- "Free", by Depeche Mode, B-side to the single "Precious"
- "Free", by Graffiti6 from Colours
- "Free", by Jon Secada from his album Same Dream
- "Free", by Phish from Billy Breathes
- "Free", by Plumb from Beautiful Lumps of Coal
- "Free", by Powerman 5000 from Transform
- "Free", by Prince from 1999
- "Free", by Quiet Riot from Rehab
- "Free", by Stevie Wonder from Characters
- "Free", by VAST from Music for People
- "Free", by Yu Yamada, written as the ending theme for Basquash!
- Family Residences and Essential Enterprises, a New York agency providing services for individuals with developmental disabilities
- Fight Repression of Erotic Expression, a University of Minnesota student group, now the Queer Student Cultural Center
- Foundation for Rational Economics and Education, a Lake Jackson, Texas, libertarian think-tank founded by Ron Paul
- Foundation for Research on Economics and the Environment, a think-tank that promotes free-market environmentalism
- Free (ISP), a French internet service provider
- Free Airlines, a Kinshasa Congolese air operator
Public services[edit]
- Free education, education provided at no cost to all students
- Free public transport, zero-fare services, funded without collecting fares from passengers
Other uses[edit]
See also[edit]
- Freestyle (disambiguation)
- Freedom (disambiguation)
- Freed (disambiguation)
- Freeman (disambiguation)
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English Journal
- HIV takes double hit before entry.
- Sanders RW.SourceLaboratory of Experimental Virology, Department of Medical Microbiology, Center for Infection and Immunity Amsterdam (CINIMA), Academic Medical Center, University of Amsterdam, 1105 AZ Amsterdam, The Netherlands. r.w.sanders@amc.uva.nl.
- BMC biology.BMC Biol.2013 Dec 7;10(1):99. doi: 10.1186/1741-7007-10-99.
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- Williams AA, Selvaraj J, Srinivasan C, Sathish S, Rajesh P, Balaji V, Arunakaran J, Balasubramanian K.SourceDepartment of Endocrinology, Dr. ALM Post Graduate Institute of Basic Medical Sciences,University of Madras , Taramani, Chennai , India.
- Drug and chemical toxicology.Drug Chem Toxicol.2013 Jul;36(3):320-8. doi: 10.3109/01480545.2012.720991. Epub 2012 Oct 5.
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- Lai Z, Kerimo J, Mega Y, Dimarzio CA.SourceNortheastern University, Electrical and Computer Engineering Department, Boston, Massachusetts 02115cNortheastern University, Bernard M. Gordon Center for Subsurface Sensing and Imaging System, Boston, Massachusetts 02115.
- Journal of biomedical optics.J Biomed Opt.2013 Jun 1;18(6):61225. doi: 10.1117/1.JBO.18.6.061225.
- ABSTRACT. The stepwise multiphoton activated fluorescence (SMPAF) of melanin, activated by a continuous-wave mode near infrared (NIR) laser, reveals a broad spectrum extending from the visible spectra to the NIR and has potential application for a low-cost, reliable method of detecting melanin. SMPA
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- Deka G, Wu WW, Kao FJ.SourceNational Yang-Ming University, Institute of Biophotonics, Taipei, Taiwan.
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Japanese Journal
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- … Methodologically, we propose and examine a basic means to enhance local communitynetworks, based on a scale-free network as a foundation for local community formation. … From these considerations,we propose a new networking game for constructing the free-scale network in our daily life. …
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- 紀要 7, 27-34, 2013-03-31
- 自由遊びへの保育者の介入をめぐっては、指導と子どもの自発性のバランスのあり方をめぐる対立がある。そこで、本研究ではこうした対立を乗り越える視座として、子どもに必要な経験を保育者が読み取り、その発達に必要な支援をする過程として遊び指導を位置付けジユウアソビ場面の分析を行った。その結果、次のことが示唆された。保育者は遊びを指導する際に、保育者の指導上のねらいを意識下あるいは無意識下で参照しながら指導す …
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Related Links
- Amazon.co.jp: フリー~〈無料〉からお金を生みだす新戦略: クリス・アンダーソン, 小林 弘人, 高橋則明: 本.
- フリー (Free)は、ブルースを指向するミュージシャンによって結成されたイギリスのロック バンド。1967年に結成され、1度解散し72年に ... テツとラビットはフリーが一度解散した ときカークとコゾフとコゾフ・カーク・テツ・ラビットを結成しアルバムも発表している。
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- (p.)withdrew-(pp.)withdrawn
- 関
- abort、deprive、discontinuance、discontinuation、discontinue、drug withdrawal、free、obviate、omit、pause、recede、remove、stop、strip、suspend、withdrawal
- 関
- abstract、abstraction、delete、deletion、deprive、dislodge、dispensable、eliminate、elimination、evacuation、free、needless、needlessly、obliteration、omit、removal、remove、scavenge、strip、unnecessarily、unnecessary、unwanted、withdraw
- 英
- remove、deprive、strip、withdraw、free、obviate、omit
- 関
- 奪う、欠乏、省略、自由、条片、除去、中止、撤回、除く、不必要、無料、遊離、遊離型、退く、退かせる、取り下げる、含まない、休薬、フリー、剥奪
- 関
- abstract、abstraction、delete、deletion、deprive、dislodge、eliminate、elimination、evacuation、except、free、obliteration、obviate、omit、removal、scavenge、strip、withdraw
- 関
- dearth、deficiency、deficient、deficit、depletion、deprivation、free、lack、obviate、omit、paucity、remove、scarce、scarcity、starve、strip、withdraw
開放肝静脈圧 FHVP